Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 26


Late at night, Bella was sleeping half on top of me.

After our bathroom sex, she took another shower, and I made sure our food was not cold like Bella said. I suggested we will watch a movie like we usually did, but Bella jumped into my lap and started kissing me. I didn't push her away. I took her upstairs, and this time ate her out real good. I wanted to make love to her slowly, but she ruined all my plans when she moaned, “Harder.”

I asked if she was sore afterward.

She said, “Yes, but you know in a sweet way.”

I guessed it meant she was not in pain but was going to remember me every time she tried to sit tomorrow. Which was more than okay with me.

Afterward, she fell asleep snuggled up to me. This time she didn't bother with the clothing, which was also more than okay.

I, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep. I caressed her silky hair and drew small circles on her back which turned out to be a soothing effect on her. Listening to her steady breathing gave me the same kind of feeling. Yet, I didn’t sleep. I was caught up with what Antonio told me a few days ago. Seeing bruises on Bella made me crazy but also made me worried.

At dinner, she told me the whole story. Ricci being here and looking for someone to confirm their suspicions was dangerous. I knew we were careful, but still, have them digging our trash was not good. Giovanni was even ready to beat up my wife to get information.

My hand flexed on Bella’s back. Her body was covered in bruises, and even though I was extra careful not to touch any of them while we made love, I knew they must still hurt. The sight was like fucking knife to my heart, and I swore myself that I would never let anyone hurt her like that.

I already told her that she won't go to the mansion alone again. I knew she wanted to visit Verona and Valerio, but there was no way I could trust Giovanni with her. So, I told her I would make time when she wanted to see them.

I also thought about paying Giovanni a visit tomorrow. He was Capo, but there were strict lines even for him. Touching a man’s wife was one of them. Yet, I didn’t think looking for justice was going to do me any good.

Finally, I decided there was no way I could fall asleep before I figured out everything. I reached for my phone on the nightstand, careful to not woke Bella up. I texted my brother.

Alessio: Are you up?

He answered in an instant.

Antonio: Yes. At the penthouse.

Antonio: Everything okay?

Alessio: I am coming up.

Antonio: Okay.

I pressed a kiss to Bella’s hairline and slowly untangled myself from her. It was no easy job; she was hugging me very close. I really didn’t want to wake her, but in the end, I was not successful. She sighed and squirmed in her sleep. “Don’t go.”

I smiled at the darkness and pressed another kiss to her forehead. “I need to see Antonio?”

This woke her up completely. She raised herself on one elbow. “Are you going upstairs?”

I nodded and went to the closet to get some sweats because, like Bella, I was completely naked. “I’ll be back shortly, I promise.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Don’t worry about it.” I would probably tell her what was going on after we made a decision but now was not the time. That would only worry her.

She got silent as I got dressed, and I thought maybe she was asleep. Only she was not. When I came back, she was sitting on the bed, and the expression on her face didn’t make me happy one bit. Her brows were drawn together, and she was chewing on her bottom lip.

I got closer to bed and pulled her bottom lip free with my thumb. “Hey, what’s wrong.”

She looked hesitant at first but still answered, “You are keeping things away from me already.”

Oh no, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I promised her honesty so that she would have an easier time not doubting me, and I was one hundred percent determined to keep that promise. So, I cupped her cheeks in an assuring way. “I am not secretive. It is late, and I need to discuss it with Antonio. I promise I’ll tell you tomorrow or even when I come back.”

She nodded. “Okay. What is it about?”

“Your father,” I answered without hesitation. “And what you have spoken today. We need to figure out a way to deal with it.”

Again, she nodded. “Okay. Don’t be long.”

“I promise I won't.” Then I kissed her lips. “Try to sleep. My gun is on the nightstand just in case.” The apartment was more than secure, but still, like I said, just in case.

Then I left. I hopped onto the elevator and went to one floor up. I had Antonio’s code, so it was not so hard.

When I got into the penthouse, he was waiting for me in the living room. He was wearing a suit, but his jacket and vest were thrown on a chair. Since he became Consigliere, he was working extra hard. I imagined it must be even more challenging when he was Consigliere to someone who practically hated him.

“I was not expecting you this late, Alessio,” he said as I sat on the sofa across from him.

“Something urgent came up.”

That drew his attention. One of his eyebrows arched slightly. “What happened?”

“Bella went to the mansion today to see her siblings. Giovanni called her to his office. Apparently, Duran Ricci was there. They accused her of killing Panaro and try to gather information. Things got…” I felt my anger bubbling up as I remembered the bruises on my wife’s perfect body. “Things got violent.”

His eyes widen, but of course, that was the only reaction I could get from him. “That is against tradition. Isabella is yours.”

“I know, but I also know putting him on the spot when he is trying to gather evidence against us is not the best move.”

“I am having a hard time believing you will let something like this go away. I thought Isabella stirred your emotions more intensely than anything else.” I guess that was one way of saying I was crazy when it came to her.

“Oh, believe me, I won't let it go. I just thought we should handle it all together. What is Salvatore thinking?”

He scratched his stubbled chin. “He said we have to take real measures if things got out of hand.” He thought for a moment. “I suppose Duran Ricci is considered getting out of hand.”

It was, but I had only one question in mind. “Does he want you to do it?”

“I suppose.”

“I want to be the one to do it.”

He shook his head. “You cannot torture him, Alessio. This is a delicate job.”

“Don’t worry, I know. I just want to watch life leaving his eyes.”

He sighed heavily, but this time didn’t say no. “I’ll speak with Salvatore.”