Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 27


Five days after my encounter with Dad, we decided to have a family dinner. It was Salvatore’s idea. A nice farewell to Dad. Like it was necessary.

“Ricci will understand there is something wrong,” I said when we met up in our apartment to talk about the plan just one day before.

Salvatore sighed and took a sip from his whiskey. “I really hate you are a part of this.”

“I deserve to be a part of this, Sal, and you know it.”

“Still, I am not happy about it.”

Alessio wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave Sal an assuring look. “I won't put her in danger. No one will ever lay a hand on her again.”

I smiled at him. My bruises were still very well visible. When Sal first saw them, I also saw him turn into the persona he tried to hide from me. Even though he had doubts about killing Dad before, now he was certain.

Giovanni was going to regret even touching me.

“Ricci is powerful,” Antonio said from his spot on the couch. He was the only one that didn’t react to my bruises in a murderous way, but again Antonio was not known for losing his cool. “But he is not as powerful as Salvatore. He can be dealt with when the time comes.”

“Also, he is no longer Underboss,” Sal said. “We can find a way to create a truce with his son. Oh, Antonio, maybe you will marry Duran’s daughter.”

Antonio’s lips twitched. “Sorry, but I don’t have a plan to bound myself to the Ricci family.”

I didn’t even know what his views on marriage were. He was the Heartless, but I knew he loved his family. Maybe he was waiting for a girl he could love like that, or maybe he wasn’t even considering marriage. But knowing Antonio, he probably would only want to marry for alliance and heirs. He was too logical for love.

“I was thinking maybe we should drug Valerio and Verona,” I said, and all the eyes turned to me.

Sal was looking at me like I was crazy. “Why the fuck would we do that.”

“Should we risk them knowing something’s up? They might wake up and see what happened.”

“They won’t talk.”

I rolled my eyes at my brother. “But it might wound them.”

He considered that for a second. “Valerio is going to get inducted in a few years anyway, but I wouldn’t want Verona to see it.”

“So, should we put some sleeping pills on their drinks?”

Sal brushed a hand over his face. He seemed like he was in between. It was a little extra work, but to me, it was essential. Valerio and Verona were so young, and I didn’t want to risk them knowing.

“Okay,” he said at last. “You are going to do it, but don’t let anyone see you. Everything should go smoothly.”

“It will,” I assured him. “Asshole is not even known what’s going to hit him.” Then I felt Alessio’s thumb caressing my collarbone like a silent promise.

I wore a long-sleeved dress and a scarf for our family dinner. Alessio kissed the bruise on my throat before I put on the scarf and whispered to my skin, “He is going to pay for this.”

For the first time in my whole life, I believed in a promise without a doubt. He was going to pay for it. And even better, I was the reason for his death. Alessio was going to do it for me.

Before we sat down for dinner, I apologized to my siblings for not staying longer the other day. They were sad, but they were never the type to hold a grudge. Verona kissed me and told me she was happy that I was here now. Valerio only hugged me when he was certain no one was looking. Puberty was filling him with all kinds of toxic masculinity.

I was going to have time to sit and talk with them. All three of us were not allowed to join the post-dinner conversation on the cigar lounge. Fine by me. Less time with Dad, the better.

“How is married life, Bella?” my father asked at the dinner table, so casually like I was not bearing the marks of his assault.

I tried to be even more enthusiastic than I was to piss him off. “Great. I am happier than the sun.”

Valerio wrinkled his face. “Is the sun happy?”

“Well, not as much as me.”

Dad grabbed his spoon a little more forcefully. “I thought you would live in the mansion with your family. Making my daughter live in an apartment is disrespectful.”

Alessio opened his mouth, but I was too angry with Dad to even let him talk. “Oh, believe me, Father, it is better than any place I have ever lived. Actually, I would even live on the street as long as I am with Alessio.”

He gave me his deadly eyes but didn’t push it. Instead, he turned his annoyance towards Sal. “When are you getting married, Salvatore. Mia already turned eighteen. You are wasting time.”

I could see the slight change in Sal’s expression with the mention of Mia. “She is still in school Father.”

“She doesn’t have to finish it. It is useless anyway.”

Salvatore gritted his teeth. “Well, she is my fiancée, and I want her to finish school. Then we will talk about wedding plans. I am in no rush.”

“Maybe you should be,” Father murmured. As always, he was not happy about anything we did.

For a moment, I looked at Alessio and saw him tense. The topic of Sal and Mia was hard for him too. I put my hand on his knee under the table since that was the only way I could show affection at that moment.

He didn’t smile. I knew he couldn’t look at me the way he looked at me behind closed doors, but his fingers closed around mine and squeezed once. It was enough for me.

“I heard Duran Ricci is still in Chicago,” Sal said. We all knew our dad was not going to give us any information about Ricci, but there was no need not to try.

Father cleared his throat before answering. “He is enjoying his retirement.”

You should have done the same when you still had time.