Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 3


I hid into my corner more when the voices from my father’s office got louder. Normally I wasn’t going to eavesdrop, but their voices were so loud that I couldn’t hold myself. I wanted to know what Sal and Dad were arguing about.

“She is a child!” Sal shouted.

Oh, are they talking about me?

I am fourteen now, almost fifteen. I am not a child, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Salvatore called me a child.

Dad answered with a lower voice, “She won’t be a child forever.”

“You should have asked me first!”

That made Dad angry. “I am your Capo and your father, Salvatore! You will obey my orders!”

Then the door to the office swung open, and I jumped back, startled. My brother got out of the room like a storm. He didn’t say anything, but Father growled behind him. “Disobey me, and you will find yourself in Minneapolis helping your uncle clean his mess.”

It was one of his classic threats. Sal sometimes went away to help our Underbosses, but Minneapolis was an ongoing threat for him. Sal hated our uncle Ricardo, and Father said he has to stay there for a year if he makes a mistake. He never made big mistakes, though. He was like fire and sometimes stepped out of line, but he was a good Made Men. I would know. I was good at eavesdropping.

This time I didn’t understand Dad’s anger, so I made small steps to Sal’s room. I knew he was angry, but I was hoping my presence will soften it.

I knocked on his door gently. He’d know it was me. Only I would knock on his door like this after an argument with Dad. Luckily, he’d never deny me access. This time was no different. After just a few seconds, a low “Come in” sounded from inside.

So, I got in.

He was sitting on the edge of the window, a cigarette hanging from his lips. I slowly got closer to him and sat next to him. I didn’t ask anything, only reached for the cigarette package. I put one between my lips, but he was still holding the lighter. I nudged his shoulder with mine and pointed the lighter with my eyes when he looked at me.

“You are too young to smoke,” he murmured but still lit up my cigarette. I didn’t smoke all the time like him. I tried my first one with Mia this year, and I only had one when I feel stressed from then. Mia, on the other hand, hated it and never had one again.

I inhaled before talking. “What’s wrong?”

Sal’s green eyes turned back to the horizon. All of his lines were harsh, but I could feel he was calmer than a few minutes ago. “Father arranged a marriage for me. I am betrothed.” He said the last word like a joke.

My eyes widen a bit. It was usual for girls to be promised without their knowledge; actually, it was expected, but it was different for men. In our circle, men did look for their brides themselves. Of course, Sal couldn’t marry anyone Dad would disapprove, but it was weird that he arranged a marriage for him without even telling him. He was only eighteen, after all. Girls usually were given at that age, but there was still time for Sal.

I couldn’t help but wonder. “With who?”

That earned me a small laugh, not a joyful sound, more like a painful mockery. “Mia Mazzoni.”

“Oh shit!” That’s who they were talking about. It was not me who was a child; they were talking about Mia. Though I couldn’t find it in me to be horrified by that union. “I mean, she has a crush on you since forever.”

He finally turned to me. His eyes were wide open. “You must be crazy. How old is she even? Thirteen?”

“She is,” I admitted. “But it is not too much; there are only five years between you two.”

“She is a child,” he repeated. I could see how much this bothered him. I understood why, but in our circle, engagement at young ages was common. I knew Mia would be so happy. Not many people get to marry people they actually liked. Some marriages turned into love but finding it before marriage was rare. I knew Mia would be a happy bride.

I put my head on Sal’s shoulder. “It could be worse, you know. She is gorgeous.”

He shivered. “I am not going to talk about how beautiful a thirteen-year-old is.” I giggled, but he didn’t laugh. His voice was serious when he said, “I think maybe I should go to Minneapolis.”

“What?” I jerked back. No, he couldn’t leave me.

He shrugged. “It would be good for me to form more bonds before becoming Capo.”

“That is not the reason.”

“No, it’s not,” he admitted at once. “If I stay, I am going to see her almost every week. She is too young, Bella. I’d feel like a pervert. Going away for a while might be good for me.”

I understood him, but I knew if he does that, Mia would be heartbroken. She would feel unwanted. It was a mess. So, I just put my head back to his shoulder. “If you go, I will miss you, Sal.”

He wrapped his arm around me. “I would miss you too, Bells.”