Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 6


I nervously adjusted the skirt of my long white dress. I loved this dress when I ordered it, but now it just reminded me of the horror I felt earlier today. This day should have been a happy day for me. It was my chance to see Sal after months. Also, I would be able to dance with Alessio.

Remembering, Alessio was not good in my current state. After the lake house, we saw each other briefly and shared secretive looks but never kissed again. How stupid I was telling him to not let me go. How foolish he was to kiss me again as an answer. Of course, he needed to let me go.

I was not regretting my decision to kiss him. I was actually glad I did it before all this horror began. I just wanted that memory. I just wanted to believe in a fantasy for a while. It was too lovely to be real anyway.

I didn’t know why I was so sad. I always knew this was inevitable in our circle. It came later than expected. I thanked my mom for that.

The hardest part was acting like everything was okay. After all, today was Mia and Sal’s engagement party. They wanted to have it right after Mia turned sixteen which probably made my dad remember I was almost seventeen and was not promised to anyone. He needed me married the day I turned eighteen. I wished he wouldn’t find a suitable person until I am a little older. Unfortunately, I was an excellent bride choice because of my father.

I took out a cigarette from my small purse and lit it. The distance music and light of the party were upon me, but still, I was in a pretty secretive corner of the garden. Maybe I should have smoked closer to the house. That could suspend some of my suitors. They might find it disgusting for a woman to smoke. Even though it was true, I know that would not stop anyone from desiring a daughter of the Capo.

When I heard slow footsteps, I didn’t look back to see who it was. There were only three people who could find me out there, and two of them were busy accepting congratulatory. He must have known that I know too, because he didn’t make himself known. Only put his jacket around my naked shoulders to keep me warm against the Chicago wind.

I didn’t mind the cold. It felt like it could freeze all my problems. Only it cant.

Luckily, I didn’t mind being wrapped with Alessio’s scent too. Only I should have.

He stood next to me, his eyes on me, my eyes on the darkness. Just like the first time he told me he will have me no matter what.

How stupid.

How childish.

“I didn’t know you smoke.”

I shrugged while he put his own cigarette between his lips. I knew how those lips tasted. Another thing I shouldn’t have. “Only when I am nervous.”

He reached for my hand, holding the lighter tightly. I let him took it, lit his cigarette, and put it back on my palm without looking at him.

He was looking at me, though. He was looking at me in a way that melted me away from existence.  I knew he was waiting for me to look at him, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

“Why are you nervous, Isabella?” Not Bella, not Sweetheart. Good, he was aware the situation was serious. He was always good at reading me, after all.

I swallowed thickly. Here we go. “Father is starting to look for suitors for me. I am almost seventeen.”

“Why would that make you nervous?”

This time I turned to him. My eyes wide, and most definitely, my pupils dilated. I threw away my cigarette with anger. “Are you joking?”

He seemed too relaxed. Too fucking relaxed. How could he be? How could he not care about losing me?

His hand slowly cupped my cheek. I wanted to push him, but I didn’t have the necessary strength for that. “You really don’t want to believe me. I will ask for your hand, Isabella. If you are getting married, you are getting married to me. Does that make you nervous?”

Oh. He still believed that.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, but I didn’t let them escape. I inhaled deeply and prayed for my voice to not shake. “That is not going to happen, Alessio. He will turn you down.”

He flickered his cigarette into the dark, and both of his hands cupped my cheeks and whispered so closely that I could feel his breath on my lips. “Then I will ask again. I will ask until he agrees.”

“What if he never agrees?”

One tear flowed to my cheek. His thumb brushed it away and kissed the wet spot so very gently. “Doesn’t matter, Sweetheart. I will find a way. Even if the whole world tries to take you away from me. I will have you. Just have a little faith in me.”

“I want to,” I admitted. “But it is not realistic. Dreams don’t come true for us.”

A little smile pulled his lips. “This one will.” There was a hint of craziness in his eyes. A hint of Alessio the Cruel Mazzoni. I didn’t mind it. As long as he could save me from a horrible marriage, I didn’t mind it. He could be the Cruel and still hold me like he is afraid of breaking me. That was enough. He was always enough.

I put my hands on his shoulder and got even closer before whispering, “Promise?”

His smile got even wider. “Promise.” Then he kissed me. After almost one year, he kissed me again. This time there was no hunger. It was slow and lovely. This was his promise to me. He was going to have me. He was going to consume me.

Those were not very romantic topics but rather primal. Still, this kiss felt romantic. It felt like drowning in love.

This time I didn’t have any intention to pull away. He again seemed like he could kiss me forever too. Yet, we had to pull away because heavy footsteps interrupted us.

My eyes were wide, and now my heart was fast, not just because of Alessio. This could ruin me. I knew this could ruin me, and still, I did it. I was so stupid. This could get Alessio killed, and I still did it.

Stupid. So stupid.

The figure in the darkness got closer. Alessio’s hand was wrapped around my wrist. I didn’t know why. I didn’t know if he thought he needed to protect me while he was the one whose life was at risk. Still, I didn’t pull away from my hand and just looked at the tall, broad figure.

“You should come back inside.” That cold, calculated voice. I think I have never been so happy to see Antonio in my whole life.

For a moment, I looked between two brothers. Both were looking at each other intensely. When I pulled my hand from Alessio’s hold, his eyes found mine though. It was too dark to understand his expression, but I knew he was repeating his promise to me with that look. I could only nod slowly and almost run inside. Leaving the two in the dark.

I knew Antonio would not say anything. He would not put his brother in danger, but he was going to lecture Alessio hard. I just hoped they wouldn’t fight hard, and also, I hoped Alessio really could keep his promise. I wanted to have faith in him, but a little query still lingered around my heart.