His Baby Girl by Rosa Mink

Chapter 7


Mel’s head rests back against my shoulder, the hot water lapping against us.  My dick is sucked dry after her mouth got hold of me when we got home.  I didn’t expect her to slip to her knees inside the garage, taking me out, before swallowing me whole.

Fuck her mouth is even better than I imagined.  It didn’t take long before I was coming down her throat again, holding her on my dick like a bastard.  Feeling her throat swallowing around me, drinking it down made me fall deeper for her and I picked her up, bringing her up here to relax.

She argued saying she didn’t need another bath.  So instead of going down and making us something for dinner, I climbed into the tub with her.  Fuck me if I don’t understand now why John agreed with Gina on the size of this thing.  Her naked wet skin against mine is incredible, even without fucking her.

I drag the cloth across her chest, kissing her temple as she sighs, sinking further into my hold.  “Want to tell me what it was that Jenna said that upset you so much you passed out now, baby girl?”

“You said you’d explain why you took Jenna to rehab,” she counters, and I hold back a string of curses knowing she’s trying to change the subject, at least partially.

“Jenna’s mother was a casual girlfriend of mine when I was twenty-one.  She liked to occasionally use drugs, but I never did.  When she wound up pregnant, she said she wouldn’t use them again.  We had our own places; Jenna was with me half the week and with her the other half.  We’d occasionally have sex still but each time it seemed to get worse and worse.  It got to the point that I couldn’t even come with her.  Then I couldn’t even get hard.  I didn’t know why but between Jenna and work, I was too busy to care much.  When Jenna was about two, I went over one day to pick her up, only to find Krystal passed out on the floor and a line of coke on the table.  Jenna was playing on the floor right next to it.”  I drag in a deep breath, holding Mel closer remembering those days.

“I took Jenna home, warned Krystal that if I ever found drugs in her place again, I’d take her away from her permanently.  A week later, some asshole tried to jump me to get payment for Krystal’s habit.  A couple weeks after that, someone broke into the house, taking everything worth a value.  A month after that, someone pulled a gun on me when I had Jenna in my arms, threatening to kidnap her if I didn’t pay up.”

“Oh my god, Clint.  Jenna doesn’t know any of this, does she?” Mel asks and I shake my head no.

“I thought I was protecting her by claiming her mother just ran off.  After the gun incident, I went to the cops, then a lawyer, and got full custody of Jenna.  Krystal went to rehab, came out promising she was clean, would stay sober, and missed Jenna.  I agreed to let her see her as long as she could prove she was clean but only with someone else there for supervision.  The first couple of months were fine but then she started using again, and it created this cycle of rehab, being a good mom, then spiraling.  Every time she spiraled it was worse, until I finally had enough.  The courts stripped her of all parental rights which allowed me to deny her access to Jenna and focused on making our lives better.

“A couple months after that, Krystal came out of rehab again, stopped by, begging for one more chance.  When I said no, not unless she proved she could stay sober for a year, she lost it.  She pulled out a gun and fired it at me.  I was at a remodeling job downtown and the police arrived within a minute as she was still firing at us.  They tackled her when the gun was empty, and she started foaming at the mouth.  Her heart gave out from all the strain after they got her to the hospital.  When they took her down for autopsy, they found two bags of heroin on her.  She’d gotten out of rehab and went straight to her dealer and shot up.  That was how important Jenna was to her,” I state, holding tight to Mel when she turns, resting over my lap, her hand lifting to my face.

“I’m so sorry, Clint.  It’s awful when someone you care about proves you mean nothing to them, let alone when it’s someone that should love you, or someone you love,” she says, making my brows furl together.

“Your parents?” I guess, brushing a kiss onto her wrist.  “They put you in the system?”

“The only person that ever loved me was my dad.  He died in a car accident when I was seven.”  Mel’s voice is soft, the hurt evident in it.  “My mom always liked to be out and doing things.  Dad liked being at home, so we were closer than I was with my mom.  When he died, Mom couldn’t deal so she started dating every loser she met.  Each one was worse than the last and we were always moving from one place to the next with the latest loser.”

I slide my hand up behind her head, pressing a kiss to her forehead when her voice breaks.  “You finally ended up here?”

“Yeah with Phil.  I hated him.  He was mean and nasty, but he had drugs,” she says, and I have a sinking suspicion now as to why the name Daryl and the party last night upset her so much.  “He had my mom hooked on them, to the point that she’d sleep with whoever he told her to in order to get more.  He’d threaten me that he’d kill me or let his suppliers have their turn with me if I breathed a word to anyone about what was going on at home.  They had parties all the time, there were drugs everywhere and I’d hide in a closet, trying to block it all out.”

Like she did last night.  God, the thought of her as a little girl, scared and hiding pisses me off even more than it did seeing her so upset last night.

“How old were you?” I ask, cradling her tighter against me as her head slips down to my shoulder, her arm wrapped around my neck.

“Twelve when we moved in, fourteen when I moved out and into foster care.”

“Two years?  He terrorized you for two years?” Shit, I want to find and rip the man’s tongue out for what he threatened my girl with even more.  “Did you tell Jenna about this?” I add and the way Mel’s hold on me tightens says the answer to both is yes.  “Fuck, baby girl, I’m so sorry.  I wish I’d known.  You’d have been here with me the second you were eighteen.”

“By the time I got to foster care, I was having daily panic attacks.  Even at school, which is why social services was finally called.  One of the bigger kids in our grade got upset one day at lunch, slammed his tray onto the table, started yelling and I freaked out.  My mom tried to claim it was because my dad used to hurt me, then drug me home.  She was pissed she had to come get me, which meant missing an appointment Phil set up for her, which meant not getting the drugs she wanted.  He was home when we got there, started hitting her and when she said it was my fault, he turned on me.  Daryl…”  Her voice breaks, a sob coming out on the name, and that bastard is dead.  I don’t care what it takes, he’s dead for even scaring my girl.

“He was there, said he’d take me off their hands, knew how to use girls properly…Phil shoved me at him, saying he’d give me to him, but it would cost him double the usual shipment.  I started to run, but Daryl caught me, grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall telling me to shut up, or he’d be the first to use me.  Everything was going dark, his face all I could see.  The next thing I knew, I was at the hospital and a social worker was outside talking to the police.  My mom and Phil were put away on drug charges, child endangerment, while Daryl barely got a smack on the wrist for child abuse.  I went into the system.”

“Are they still in jail?” I ask feeling her tears slip down my shoulder.

“I don’t know.  They were supposed to tell me before they were released but some of the foster homes didn’t pass along mail.  My last one…all it was was a place to sleep.  It was better than a couple of the others though, no one tried to hurt me there.”

“My poor baby girl,” I soothe, running my hand down her back.  “I’m sorry I didn’t make you mine the way I wanted on your birthday, Mel.  I wanted you here with me, so I could hold you, love you, and fuck you…but mostly so I could take care of you, that vulnerability that I saw in you.  I wanted to protect it and you, and I fucked up not doing that the day I should have.”

“It’s okay, daddy.  You kept me safe when I needed it most,” she whispers and I stand up, letting the water drain out of the tub as I move us into the shower.

“You never have to worry about any of that again, baby girl.  Daddy’s here now.  I’ll take care of everything,” I promise, washing her then myself, pressing kisses to her eyes that are a little puffy from her tears.

I don’t bother dressing her beyond sliding the robe that’s been here waiting for her onto her shoulders, smiling when she sighs, cuddling up into the pink fluffiness of it.  I grab a pair of sweatpants, pulling them on, then take my girl downstairs to feed her.

“Did you mean it about the job?” she asks, shaking her head with a moan when I offer her another bite of mashed potatoes.  “I’m seriously stuffed.  I can’t manage another bite.”

“Yes, I meant it, Mel.  Until you’re comfortable letting me take care of you entirely, being mine entirely, then you’ll work with me.  I could use another set of hands at the office with the mail and filing, invoicing, and crap.  You’ll have medical coverage, so you won’t have to worry about not being able to afford your medications.  Every penny of what you make will be yours.  You can put it in your own account, and I won’t ever touch it.  You’ll use the household account for anything you buy,” I add, making her eyes widen.  “I’m never letting you go, baby girl.  But until this shit with Jenna is resolved, I know you’re not going to accept it.  So, if that means you having your own account that no one can take from you, then that’s what I’ll give you.”

“Thank you…I…I want to be here with you, like this.  I have for so long but I just…”

“Haven’t had something solid under you for over ten years, haven’t been loved and protected in it either.  I know, I get it, and I’ll prove to you that you’re mine, however necessary.  I can’t promise Jenna will ever understand why I need you in my life this way, but I will never let her push you out of it.”  Her body relaxes against me, and I drop a kiss onto her forehead, letting her snuggle deeper into my hold.

“I’ll tell you this every single day until you can say it back to me as well,” I state, bringing her gaze up to mine.  “I love you, Mel.  I fell little by little for you until it completely consumed me.  I don’t love you as my daughter’s friend.  I love you as the girl that stole my heart and the woman that’s made me whole.”

“Clint…”  She sighs, pressing her face into my neck and I smile, just holding her tighter still.

“I know, baby girl.  I’ll wait for the rest of my life to hear you say it if I have to.  The only thing I won’t do is let you go, which I will tell Jenna when I go see her next week.  She’s pissed off at me for making her stay there but she won’t be eighteen until the end of June.  Until then, she can’t sign herself out thankfully.”

“Maybe if you tell her about her mother, it’ll make it easier for her to understand why you’re doing it,” Mel suggests and I nod, hoping she’s right.

“I’ll tell her and then I’ll ground her for pulling what she did with you, baby girl.  Knowing you hated drugs and wild parties only to send you to Maker’s Farm…she’s lucky all I did was take her to rehab.”

If she ever comes after Mel again, lifts her hands towards my girl…the only thing she’ll hit is me.  No one is putting their hands on Mel ever again.  The only hands allowed on her amazing body are mine and only in ways that will make her happy, give her pleasure.

Fuck, she’s been through too much in her short life.  I don’t care if she’s almost twenty-two years younger than I am.  She’s my baby girl, and I’ll protect her for the rest of it.  Any pain has to come through me first.