His Baby Girl by Rosa Mink

Chapter 9


Mel’s laugh floats towards me, pulling my attention away from John and the grill.  Her face is glowing as she and Gina talk about something.  They’re too far away from us to overhear and it takes everything inside me not to growl and grumble, storm over to them and drag her back to my side.

Ever since I got her in my arms the way I want, this beast inside me has been unleased, and he doesn’t like Mel being far from our side.  Shit, I’d keep her on my lap day in and day out if I could.  She’s it for me and nothing is going to get between us.  I won’t let it.

Jenna’s birthday is coming up fast and she’s still resisting accepting that Mel is in my life.  I went to see her Wednesday and she’s adamant that as soon as she’s eighteen, she’s signing herself out, refused to listen when I tried to tell her about her mother.  It’s the one thing that has me worried.

Well, that and the fact that Jenna keeps making snide comments about that ass Daryl.  All she wants to do is bitch about Mel, trying to paint her in a bad light when I’m there.  If she signs herself out and brings that asshole anywhere near Mel…I honestly don’t know what I’d do, how far I might take it.  Protecting Mel is my instant reaction, it’s number one to me that she’s safe.  After that, it’s between ripping off the asshole’s head and dealing with Jenna.

“Want to talk about it?” John asks, pulling my attention away from Mel and over to him.  He hasn’t said a word about Mel or her age since I brought her into the office the first day, telling him that she was going to be working for us, or that she was mine.

“Talk about what?” I state, taking a deep breath to calm myself.  Taking out my irritation and anger on my best friend is not the answer.  I know that.

“Whatever it is that’s making you almost bend steel,” John replies drawing my attention down to the steel bbq fork in my grasp.  My knuckles are white from my hold on it, and I force myself to calm down.  “Look, I might have thought it a bit fucked up that first day knowing that Mel just graduated with Jenna, but I’ve seen you two together since then, brother.  I know she’s it for you the same way Gina’s it for me.  If this is about Michael…”

“It’s not.  It’s Jenna and something she let slip the day I took her to rehab.”  John’s brow lifts at my words and I let out a sigh, sneaking a peek back towards Mel and her gorgeous, smiling face.  “She came home still high.  Mel and I were finishing breakfast and Jenna wasn’t happy she was here.  She mocked Mel about some asshole named Daryl saying hi and Mel literally passed out hearing his name.”

“And?” John prompts knowing me well enough to know there’s more.

“Mel told me the truth about how she ended up in foster care once I’d gotten home from dropping Jenna off.  Her mom was dating this loser dealer Phil.  He was abusive, had Mel having daily panic attacks, and one day she had one at school.  Her mom and Phil weren’t happy about it.  This Daryl person was there, was one of his suppliers, and offered to take Mel from them. Daryl got off with a slap on the wrist for child abuse from when the cops showed up after an alert from the school and neighbors calling about screaming.  The asshole is walking around freely after putting his hands on her when she was fourteen.  Shit, he’s probably supplying crap to the guys at Maker’s for their parties.”

“And you want to hurt him for hurting Mel,” John states holding my gaze long enough to read the truth of what I want to do to that guy.  “You want him dead.”

“The things he was going to do to her…she was fourteen John.  She was just a kid, dealing with panic attacks and asthma, and terrified to be at home because they were throwing parties there all the time.  Then that asshole wanted to take her from them and…he wasn’t going to stop with just physical abuse.  If he was willing to do it to Mel, then he’s likely done it before, will do it again.  You know that.”

“So, what do you want to do about it?” John asks, not arguing with me that I’m out of my mind, or shouldn’t be contemplating what I truly am.

“I want him gone where he can never try to hurt Mel or anyone else like her again.”

“All I’m going to say is this man,” John stated staring me down.  “Whatever you do, don’t do it yourself.  It’s too risky and too many chances to get caught.  Set him up and have someone else be the one that pulls the trigger.”

John’s words make sense and I nod, turning back to the grill with an ear towards Mel still.  She’s incredible and everything I’ve wanted, sweet yet sassy, soft yet strong, and shit, the sex…nothing can possibly compare to that.

When the brats and burgers are done, we head over to the girls, settling into the outdoor table under the pergola to keep out of the direct sunlight and I can’t help but smile again watching Mel eat.  She was shy this morning when Gina got here and now, she’s her lively self.  The traces of panic nowhere to be found, and I love it.  I love seeing her blossom.

“So, what are your plans for after the summer?” Gina asks, glancing my way quickly before turning back to Mel.  “I don’t think I recall John saying what school you were going to.”

“I’m not,” Mel replies as I hold my breath for a moment, realizing we haven’t talked about anything beyond right now.  Her answer lets me relax back into my chair, hoping it means that Mel will be right next to me for the long haul.  “I wasn’t really a school person.  I got okay grades but nothing that would get me into anywhere beyond the local community college and they don’t give out scholarships.  I’ve never really given a thought to a career, most of me figured I’d spend my life at the truck stop.”

“Not a chance, baby,” I state, brushing the hair from her cheek, back behind her ear.  “If you want to take some classes here, I’ll pay for it, but we like having you at the office.”

“It certainly keeps Clint motivated to get stuff done rather than let it wait,” John agrees making Mel smile, a hint of a blush in her cheeks.

“I don’t really think college classes are it for me right now.  There’s plenty of time to decide on that next year,” Mel tells me, her eyes flickering with desire as she meets my gaze, and damn, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear.  I want Mel with me more than anything—even my own daughter’s respect.

John’s words stick with me the rest of the weekend and Monday afternoon, I press a kiss to Mel’s lips, telling her I’ll be out of the office for a bit.  “If I’m not back by quitting time, John will drive you home.  We need to look into getting you a license, baby girl.  I don’t want you to have to be dependent on me for everything or taking public transportation everywhere.”

“It’s okay, I’m used to it,” she returns, giving me a deeper kiss before settling back into her chair.

“It’s not okay, just because your foster parents were shit and wouldn’t allow you to test, doesn’t mean you should be forced to rely on others all the time.  I have the SUV that just sits in the garage because I tend to only ride my bike or use the truck.  It needs to be ran and when we get busy at sites at the end of projects, I don’t want you sitting around waiting on me all the time.  We’ll go and get your permit this week.  You shouldn’t have any issues with the test.”

“Okay,” she says with a little sigh, a smile on her lips.  “I guess I should probably look through the info for it before then.”

“Use the afternoon for that, we’re pretty caught up on everything else right now.”

I drop a kiss onto her forehead then force myself to leave.  John doesn’t know where I’m headed this afternoon.  After our discussion this past weekend, keeping him in the dark is better than spilling my plan to get that bastard Daryl out of the picture permanently.  It gives them both plausible deniability in case anything goes wrong here.

My bike roars as I speed down the highway heading out of town.  Almost thirty minutes outside of it, I slow, turning onto an unmarked blacktop drive, stopping in front of the gates.  Two minutes later, I’m pulling up in front of the large buildings that no longer look like fucked up pieces of tin nailed together.

Alright, it wasn’t that bad when we came out to put in a new addition to the the place and redo the siding on it.  We also cleaned up some messy old work and added in a bar.  The guys were appreciative, and the president of the group told me to let him know if I ever needed a favor.  Didn’t expect to need it but thanks to one of their crew that works for us, I was able to get a meeting with the man today.

The Knight Sons MC was far from being choir boys, but they weren’t as bad as the rich shits that owned Maker’s Farm.  That place wasn’t a motorcycle club, it was just a fucking boys club, a place where they thought rules didn’t apply to them.  As long as the women that went to the parties were willing participants I didn’t say too much when we accepted the bid to remodel the place, but I’ll be damned if anyone there ever lays a hand on Mel.

“Clint, we haven’t seen you in a long time,” Mario, the club’s VP, says greeting me at the front door.  He gives me a five and pulls me in for a pat on the back.  It settles me enough to be ready for this conversation.  “Come on, Troy’s in his office.”

The space looks good, clean and my brow lifts curiously considering the state of this place the first time I saw it.  Mario notices my glance around the space and chuckles.  “Troy’s old lady was working for the cleaning service we hired to come out and clean once a week after you all finished.  She’s a ball buster and now, the prospects are in charge of the cleaning rather than paying someone else to do it.”

Troy’s office isn’t quite as clean, but I doubt he lets the prospects in it to keep it up.  The smile on his face is something new.  He was a grumpy old bastard during the renovations, I don’t think I saw him smile once the entire time.  Not even when telling us he loved the new bar.

“Clint,” he says giving me a similar greeting as Mario before we sit down.  “What can we do for you?”

I run them through what Mel told me about the bastard and Troy’s eyes narrow.  “Look, I know you all try to keep on the right side of the law…”

“Fuck that,” Troy fumes.  “I can guarantee that wasn’t the first time he put his hands on an underage girl, and she may not have been the last, but he won’t get another chance to do it now.”

“Does anyone know where you are right now?” Mario adds and I shake my head no.

“Good, write us up an estimate for what it might cost to extend the bar,” Troy states making my brow tick upwards.  “It will give you a reason for being here if anyone tries to connect the dots later.  After that, stay as far from the man as possible, don’t talk about it to anyone.  We’ll call you to tell you that we decided against the expansion when it’s done.”

“Thank you, Mel…”

“I got my own girl now and a daughter on the way, I’d kill the bastard with my bare hands if I could get away with it,” Troy says and I take out my phone, making up a bullshit estimate and email it to them, the same method we used four years ago when we originally renovated this place.

It gives me a legit alibi as to why I was anywhere near the club if someone tried to pin it on them, or if the police looked into Mel finding her with me, then put the club and I together.  Plausible deniability for all of us.  The Knight Sons don’t have a reason to go after the bastard on the surface, and I have a reason why I was here.

I get home just in time to pick up Mel and we head back to the house enjoying ourselves as I have her sweet pussy under my mouth.  The more pleasure I give her, the less likely she is to ask about where I was today.  It’s definitely no hardship to please my girl.  Her taste covering my mouth, her juices dripping down my beard as my cock claims her…oh yeah, that’s a high, a natural one.

The next week passes by, bringing us that much closer to Jenna’s birthday.  Mel killed the test for her permit and teaching her to drive turns out to be far sexier than I imagined.  Most nights it turned into her riding my cock with her hands tied to the handle above the door.  It turns her pussy into a gushing mess, and I love it.

Stress hits as Wednesday ends, Jenna’s birthday is Saturday and I’m stuck in meetings Friday with new potential clients.  We have some bigwigs looking to create a new development on the north side of town after getting a tax-free opportunity from the town looking to draw businesses to expand that way.  I only have tomorrow to try to talk to Jenna once more and get her to see reason.

I drop Mel off at the office before heading over to the rehab facility, settling in with Jenna and her snarky attitude, flippant comments about Mel push me to my breaking point.

“Fine, you don’t want to see Mel in my life then you won’t have to,” I say making her smile, but I’m not finished.  “Your things will be packed and ready for you when you sign yourself out.  But I won’t have you going out and getting high while living with me.  I won’t have you coming back to my house and upsetting Mel.  I hope you have money in your savings still because your debit card is cut off, same with your cell phone.  Your car is under my name, and you won’t be getting the keys back as well.  Go screw up your life all you want but you won’t be dragging me and Mel down with you.  And next time you’re in here, I won’t be coming to see you, and I can guarantee, you won’t be able to sign yourself out.”

I ignore her protests as I leave, getting back to the office and pull Mel into my lap, breathing her in to calm myself.  My girl is safe and happy.  That’s what matters most to me.

The ringing phone pulls my lips from hers and I answer, relief flooding me when I hear Troy on the other end.  “We’ve discussed and decided not to go ahead with the expansion, thanks for your time though.”

“If you change your mind, you know how to reach us,” I reply, setting the receiver down before giving Mel a little kiss, smiling.  “What do you say to dinner out?  Somewhere nicer than the diner but not where you need to go home and change?”

“A date?” she teases, and I nod.  “Sign me up.  Now, there was something I wanted to talk to you about,” she adds making my brow tick up a bit.  “Since my desk is clear and you and John are going to be busy all day tomorrow, I was wondering…”

“If you can have a day off?” I guess and she nods.  “Of course, baby girl, in fact, why don’t we stop by that store you like on our way home, and you can pick up some new girly stuff for the bath?  Pamper yourself tomorrow.”

“I love you, daddy,” she whispers against my lips, and I curse the client coming in shortly that will keep me from getting into her pussy.  Tonight, she’s all mine.  She’ll need tomorrow to pamper herself when I’m done with her pussy tonight.