His Baby Girl by Rosa Mink

Chapter 8


Islipped into Clint’s office, smiling as I put my panties into the top drawer.  Working with Clint the last three weeks has been incredible.  Not only does he pay me way more than I’d ever get paid at the truck stop, but he’s also paid for everything else, even the new clothes he bought me to wear to work.

I only had a couple pairs of jeans and a few tees that would even begin to work at the office.  Thankfully, he’s usually in jeans or slacks so I don’t have to go overboard with the way I dress, but my cutoffs definitely weren’t going to work here.  I wouldn’t want to wear them here either considering how many guys are in and out of this place daily.

A few have hit on me in an easy-going way, a few other just flirted, but some of them are like the asses that frequented the truck stop and have been crude if Clint wasn’t nearby to hear.  There are two of them that are regulars in here. Apparently, they do a lot of business with Clint and John for rental homes around town.  They’re the worst.  If I see them coming, I head into the bathroom until I know they’re in with someone else.

They don’t behave like that towards Joanne, but the woman is almost sixty and doesn’t take shit from anyone else.  She handles most of the office and didn’t say a word about me coming in with Clint that first day.  She’s been welcoming, which is good, because the nasty comments from those two assholes, has been enough to send me running.

Right now, Clint and John are in a meeting with a new client, and I felt a little naughty.  Okay, a lot naughty.

Clint has a private washroom attached to his office, as does John, and I slipped into it when I should have been filing.  I propped the new phone Clint bought me up on the toilet seat, then slipped onto the stool, sliding my hand down into my pants.  I stroked myself while biting my lips to keep quiet, then sent the little video to Clint with a grin.

His text back to me was almost instantaneous.  Lighting my body up entirely and I did as he demanded and took off my pants, recording everything he wanted to see as I worked myself to orgasm, my panties pushed to the side.

I cleaned myself up with them, then took them off, slipping back into the pants before sending the video to Clint.  Now, I’m leaving the dirty panties for him to find on top of the video waiting for him.

Fifteen minutes later, the client heads out while I’m matching up invoices to projects in a spare office.  Not even ten after that, Clint is in the doorway, his eyes dark, his jaw tight, and a hint of red peeking out from his hand.  A tingle runs through me at that look, and it grows when he shuts the door behind him, flipping the lock on it before stalking towards me.

“Did the meeting go well?” I ask, giving him a grin, pretending like I don’t know what he’s worked up about.  “You weren’t too distracted for it, were you?”

“That innocent little look isn’t going to get you out of it, baby girl,” Clint warns, grabbing me around the waist, pulling me hard up against him.  His cock is solid behind his pants, and I want it out and inside me so bad.  There hasn’t been a day he hasn’t given it to me since he took me home, but I need it more and more every time.

“Get me out of what, daddy?”

“Your punishment for not having daddy’s pussy covered,” he growls, before kissing me hard as his hands shove my pants down my hips.  His fingers slip up, grasping it in a rough hold that just makes me wetter.  “Any other man could have walked in here and gotten what belongs to daddy.  Or is that what you want, baby girl?  You want to spread these legs, these lips for every man to have you?  You want daddy to bring in other cocks to fuck you?”

“No, just daddy.”  The idea of anyone else near me makes me sick.  “I’m all yours, daddy.”

“Then act like it,” he grunts, sliding balls deep into me with a single thrust.  “You keep this pussy covered when daddy’s not in it, unless you’re at home alone with daddy.  Understand?”

“Yes, oh yes, daddy,” I whine, as his thrusts leave me teetering on the edge.  “I thought daddy would like to have them as a present while he watched the video.”

“Only when I know you’re at home and safe,” he counters, giving me another hard thrust before he pulls away from me.  A whimper falls from my throat, and I take a step towards him, needing him back with me.

His hands grab my hips, turning me, before pushing my top down onto the table.  “You hold onto that edge and don’t move, baby girl.”

A thrill flows up my body as he pushes my pants down, widening my stance as his hand lays into my ass hard.  A squeak falls from my mouth, and he leans over me, his hand covering it.

“Open,” he instructs as the softness of the panties presses against my lips.  He pushes them in when I do, his cock teasing my pussy lips.  “Not a sound, Mel.  If anyone out there hears you and tries to come get a taste of you, I’ll fucking kill them.”

Warmth floods me at the darkness of the warning.  I should be scared I’m sure, but not with Clint.  Never with Clint.  I can’t begin to feel that with him, no matter the vulnerable positions he puts me in.

His cock teases me again, then slides up, making my breath stall for a moment as he presses into my ass.  A huge, blinding sense of pressure, stretching pain hits and I whimper behind his hand.

“I told you last time if you ever left the house with daddy’s pussy uncovered the punishment would be worse, baby girl.  So, you open that tight little ass of yours and give it to daddy,” Clint says against my ear, pushing deeper into me.  My ass spasms, then pops, sending his cock deep into me.  “That’s it, baby girl.  That’s a good girl.”

I can’t speak through the panties and his hand, but his name falls as a million new sensations flood me.  His thrusts hit something new deep in my body and I curl my fingers around the table harder, lifting onto my toes as an orgasm races through me.

“Oh no you don’t, baby girl,” he growls, pushing my hips back down onto the table.  “You know you don’t come until daddy says you can when taking your punishment.”

His thrusts become harder but shallower, his hands both pressing into my hips, keeping me where he wants.  Each thrust simply rebuilds the need to find that orgasm that teased me earlier, and I let out a cry around the panties feeling it nearing once more.

“Yes, that’s my good girl, squeeze daddy’s cock,” he states as my muscles tighten trying to stop it from hitting.  “Just like that, baby girl.  Squeeze me hard.”

His words grow deeper, huskier and I do as he says once more, crying out louder when his hits, and his mouth comes down on my neck, letting out his own cry and bite against my skin.  “Come for daddy, baby girl, now.”

Without his hand over my mouth muffling my cries, I know everyone outside the office would have heard them.  The orgasm raced through me, igniting me from head to toe.  My arms shook as I held onto the table, my legs buckling putting all my weight against the table, as wave after wave of it hit.

Clint’s arms were around me when I came down, one holding onto my hands, the other under my face and I smiled seeing his eyes on me.

“I love you, daddy,” I state, my mouth free of the panties now.

“Fuck baby girl, I love you too, so much, but you shouldn’t have said that when I’m still in you,” he growls, his hips flexing pulling a pained whimper from me.  “See?”

It deepens when he actually pulls out, but he presses soft kisses to my ass before turning me to sit on the table.  He tugs my shirt off, his hard cock pressing against my belly.  His hands cup my face, his lips claiming mine in a long kiss that has my hand slipping up to his cock, stroking him.

“Fuck me, daddy,” I whisper when he pulls back, our breathing harder, the need in his eyes matching the need in my veins.

“Squeeze your tits around my cock,” he returns, making me want to argue, but the warning look in his eyes stops me.  I press my boobs tight against him, letting him get off, covering my chest before he tugs my hips, putting my ass on the edge of the table.

His mouth covers me before I can prepare, sucking and teasing my clit while his fingers work deep inside me.  His thumb teases my ass, toppling me, and I bite back a scream as I coat his mouth and beard with my orgasm.

We’re both a complete mess but it feels right, perfect, as he stares down at me, his hands cupping my face, his thumbs brushing against my cheeks.  “I do love you, Clint, so much it scares me a bit.”

“You’re never going to lose me,” he replies, pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead.  “You’re mine.  You’re my baby girl.  I know that you’re worried, especially if Jenna decides to sign herself out after her birthday, but I am not going anywhere.  I’m not letting you go anywhere without me.  I love Jenna.  She’s my daughter and part of me is always going to love her, but that’s nothing compared to the way I love you, Mel.  I won’t let anyone hurt you, not again.”

“Promise?” I ask, holding onto his now ruined shirt.  It’s covered in his cum, my sweat, and my juices, but I’ve never been happier.

“I promise,” he states, giving me a soft kiss before grabbing my clothes up from the floor.  He pulls them on me, then straightens his own, leading us out of this office and into his, where he grabs a nearly identical outfit to the one that he was wearing.  The shirt is the same colors of blue plaid, just slightly smaller in box sizes.

He shuts down his computer after changing shirts, then walks us out of the office, towards the front door.  I tense slightly seeing one of the assholes talking with Joanne there, and Clint tucks me into his side, telling Joanne goodnight.

The asshole eyes me up and down, making my stomach revolt, and tears prick my eyes as Clint presses a new kiss to my forehead.  “I’ve got you, baby girl,” he whispers to me.

“I knew I liked you guys for a reason,” the asshole states giving me a smirk.  “Hiring some young ass to bang, definitely a reason to keep coming back here, especially if she’s a perk of doing business with you.”

“Look at my girl like that again, and the only place you’ll be is in the hospital,” Clint warns, keeping me tighter against him.  “If you say anything about her again, you’ll be there as well, and you can take your business elsewhere.  I don’t do business with men like you so leave and don’t come back.”

“I’d listen to my partner, Michael,” John states, coming into the space behind us.  “I’ve wanted to throw your ass out of here for a long time and I can guarantee that Clint will if you don’t leave in the next five seconds.”

The ass looks between John and Clint for a moment before leaving the space, letting me relax a bit.  I press further against Clint, letting his strength and warmth comfort me.

“I’ve got you, baby girl,” Clint says, kissing my forehead once more and I nod, giving him a soft smile as he lifts my eyes to his.  “Anyone gives you problems you let me know.”

“Or me if Clint’s not here,” John adds.  “For now, go home.  Gina and I will be over tomorrow for lunch.”

I nod again calming the rest of my worries before Clint takes us out to his truck to head home.

“Are you okay?” Clint asks half-way through the drive, and I realize I’ve been silent almost the entire way, which isn’t like me.  Usually, I talk his ear off about the things I did in the office that he wasn’t aware of, but everything from today has been rolling through my mind, keeping me quiet.

“I’m okay, I swear,” I tell him when he looks doubtful.  “What happened with us…was amazing Clint.  I love you and I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“And the shit with Michael?  Has he been bugging you?” Clint asks and I let out a sigh, nodding.  “Why didn’t you tell me, Mel?  Not only am I here to protect you as your man, but I’m also your boss, baby girl.  No one treats my employees like that and gets away with it.”

“I didn’t want to make a big deal about it.  I’ve seen how much work you all did for him and didn’t…”

“Nothing is more important to me than you, Mel.  Not even contracts for work.  We have plenty of business without that ass.  Don’t ever think any contract is more important to me than you are.  If someone upsets you, you tell me.”

“Okay, I will.”  A little smile hits seeing the intensity of his expression and I give in, telling him about the other major asshole that’s been annoying me at work.  His assurance that it won’t happen again sends us home and into a long night of pleasure.