Perceive by K E Osborn





My heart pounds ferociously as I force Kenzi to sit down in the back of the ambulance to get checked out. She coughs, obviously from smoke inhalation as my eyes wander over all her scratches and bruises, but I think for the most part, she’s okay.

But she’s suddenly incredibly quiet, like everything is hitting her all at once as her face turns pale white.

“You okay, pretty girl?”

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “There is so much destruction, so much pain, all because of me.” I shake my head, but she continues anyway, “I caused this. I helped him create that horrible concoction. I stood by his side.”

“You eventually saw the truth,” I try to soothe her, brushing her hair back from her face. “You figured out we were the good guys, you righted things.”

“And yet, people still died.”

My heart twists painfully as I remember one of my teammates and best friend isn’t coming out of this alive. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to say goodbye to someone so close. But it’s a part of this lifestyle, and we always knew this was a possibility for any one of us.

“Eli will get the goodbye he deserves, and his memory will be far from lost. I’ll make sure of that myself, because I owe him that much.”

“And Noah?” She looks up at me with glossy eyes, the flashing of the ambulance lights sparkling in them.

“Noah,” I question with a frown, before it clicks. “One second…”

She thinks he’s dead too.

And when we showed up at the house, we all thought he was too. The amount of blood and how his breathing slowed to an almost imperceivable rate that was barely detectable. I wasn’t sure he was going to make it either.

I grin, reaching for my ear, tapping the earpiece that’s molded perfectly to fit there. “You guys there?”

“Right here,” Everly answers.

“Here, too,” Noah responds a second later, though this voice sounds a little strained and tired.

“Just the guy I need.” I laugh. “I’m gonna pass you to Kenzi. Can you please tell her you’re not dead?”

Kenzi’s brows pull into a frown as I press my earpiece to her ear. It will never fit inside because it’s made specifically to fit only mine, but I know the second she hears Noah’s voice come across the radio because her eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning, before instantly flooding with tears.

“Hey, Noah,” she whispers before pressing her hand to her mouth, smothering a sob that racks her body. I can’t hear what he’s saying, but I know it’s something important, something she needs to hear. I don’t even have the balls to tell her he can’t see her bobbing her head in agreement, though it makes me grin.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers softly between tears. “I know, but… yeah. Yeah… okay.”

She shakes her head with a smile as she hands my earpiece back, and I slip it back into place. “You made my girl cry, man.” I laugh, tugging her from her seat in the ambulance and folding her into my arms.

“Sorry…” He chuckles softly on the other end. “She’s a good catch, that one. You need to hold onto her.”

“I hear that.”

I tap my ear again, muting myself so my friends and team don’t have to hear the mushy shit I’m about to spout.


“Need some medics over here,” someone roars, pulling both of our attention to the edge of the woods where they have almost managed to put the fire out. I sway toward them, my natural instinct to do whatever I can to help, but remembering technically, I’m not even meant to exist.

“Axel, here, now!” I look up to see Jack standing a few feet away, his usual pissed-off expression on his face. My team is with him, hopefully about to be debriefed, so I can take Kenzi home and be done with this shit.

I turn back to her. “Stay here. I need to get shit finalized with Jack and then we can go.”

She nods, but I notice her eyes are lost, looking across the way at the woods, her mind on something else. I don’t take much notice, instead, pulling my neck gaiter back up over my mouth and nose. I hate having the fucking thing on. The stretchy piece of material making it hard to fucking breathe and a struggle to talk, but unfortunately, it’s needed. Not only to protect us from the elements—wind, rain, freezing temps or heat—but it also protects our faces from being recognized.

We’re a secret government agency.

Having my local grocery clerk recognize me while I’m trying to shoot a criminal mastermind isn’t exactly fucking ideal.

The group of us crowd Jack, though it’s weird, two people missing makes things seem a lot smaller. “You guys can head out now,” Jack announces, throwing his thumb over his shoulder as a barrage of army vehicles begin to roll in. “The cleanup and HAZMAT crew have arrived. The fire is out, though a couple of helicopters with buckets are going to hang around just to make sure nothing flares back up again.”

“Make sure the cleanup crew gets Hendrix’s body,” I mumble through the thick material. “It’s a mile or two into the forest.”

Jack nods. “Everly already passed on the coordinates. Now you lot go, get some res—”

“Hey! Get her!”

I spin around, my eyes searching the chaotic area for the yelling. “Fuck!” I curse, starting off at a sprint when I catch sight of Kenzi kicking the shit out of some guy on the ground. Heavy footsteps thump behind me, my team backing me up. “Kenzi!”

“You disgusting piece of trash,” Kenzi screams, driving her foot over and over into his ribs and other areas as he fights to protect them.

A fireman tries to grab her and pull her away as I approach.

“Don’t you fucking touch her,” I warn, the guy’s attention snapping to me and his eyes widening as the team and I storm forward. He backs away with his hands in the air as I collect Kenzi, my arm hooking her around the waist and pulling her back against me while she continues to kick and spit at the dude on the ground. “Stop, Kenzi.”

She relaxes a little, but her heightened breathing has her chest heaving and her pulse elevated. “He’s one… of Hendrix’s men,” she rasps between breaths. “He told me… he was gonna rape me… when Hendrix was done.”

I look at Kace, feeling the fire burn right through me.

“Axel,” Kace warns sternly, his eyes scanning around us to see how many civilians are around and still watching. “Be careful.”

“He tried to grab me and hand me off to one of the buyers that were here—”

That’s it.

“Axel!” Kace’s tone is sharp, but he heard exactly what was said and while he’s warning me not to do what I’m about to, I notice not a single person actually steps forward to physically stop me.

They know as I grab the bastard’s shirt, flicking on the light on the front of my helmet as I drag him kicking and screaming across the grass and into the forest, that they would do the exact fucking same. Not only had he been working for Hendrix, helping that fucking criminal in a bid to control the world, but he’s now threatened to touch the one thing I care about more than anything in this fucking world.

And tried to take her from me.


I look over my shoulder, the light from the buildings and emergency vehicles highlighting Tanner and Luca as they hold Kenzi back, keeping her from this dark moment, protecting her like I trust them to do.

I drag him ten or so feet more to where a large tree stands proud, its bark a little singed by the flames that have subsided, the ground around us a mixture of burned leaves and dirt that have become like mud due to the amount of water they’ve dumped out here.

I slam the bastard at the foot of the large tree, his body and mine hidden from prying eyes. My dull helmet light the only thing allowing us to see. I shine it directly on him and take a good look at the asshole, and everything instantly clicks into place.

We’ve met before.

When I was looking for Kenzi.

“An employee of the hotel, huh?” I snort, shaking my head at how fucking stupid I was to believe that shit.

He holds his hands up, his body dirty and shaking. “I’ve already told your boss I’ll help out. I’ll tell you what you need to know.”

“That’s funny,” I scoff out, pulling my handgun from its holster. “You threatened my woman. You tried to take her from me. So I already know everything I need to know.”

The movement is swift.

My aim is perfect.


One bullet.

Wouldn’t want to waste any more on a piece of fucking shit.

I step over his limp legs, stomping back toward the edge of the forest where everyone waits silently, not only that, but the group has been joined by my dad and a handful of club members, watching on like they’re ready to jump in at any second and take over the job at hand.

“Axel,” Jack yells as he storms into the center of the group, his eyes narrowed on me. “He’d already made a deal.”

“He threatened to rape my fucking girlfriend,” I throw back, jerking forward.

Luca catches my arm, holding me back.

“That doesn’t make it your decision on whether he lives or dies,” Jack rants, stepping in closer, the tension in the air swirling and twisting like a fucking tornado. “You realize what I have to do now? I have to try to defend your fucking ass. You’re looking at a suspension. You’re looking at losing your place on the tea—”

“I don’t give one single fuck!” I snap, yanking down the suffocating material from my face so when I say these words, I know everyone understands them perfectly. “I’m done, Jack. I quit.”

Kenzi gasps, and my dad’s eyes widen dramatically.

The only reaction that isn’t one of shock comes from Kace—my leader, my fucking friend—who’s completely unsurprised by my outburst and declaration.

He knows.

This was my end game.

Kenzi was always my end game.

And now I finally have her, the fight is over.

Jack stares at me, fierce anger on his face, but even I can see the understanding in his eyes as Kenzi steps in beside me and leans into my body.

“I gave up years, risked my life, went through hell. All because I knew my life would never be the same without Kenzi. And now she’s back, I need to focus on my life with her.”

It’s time.

I feel it.

Time I go back to my roots.

Our roots.

The club is where we both came from. It’s something we both hold so fucking deep within ourselves, and even though Kenzi can’t remember everything about that time, I know she’s excited to learn and feel that bond grow again.

And I’m excited to show her.

To teach her.

The club is home.

Our home.

“You’ll need to come in,” Jack announces, his tone now level. “Let me read you out before I write up this report. Can’t punish you if you don’t exist in the system anymore.”

I let out a huff of laughter, allowing my shoulders to slump.

Kenzi’s arms circle my waist, and I hook mine around her shoulders before looking over at my dad and the club members, my brothers, who stand proudly with them, before looking back down at the woman I love.

“It’s time we go home.”