Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Eleven

Luka wasn’t sure what he expected, being claimed by Seth. The man came across as a bit of a cold fish – stern, unyielding, big. And yet Luka had already seen vulnerabilities in the man which appealed to something deep inside of him. They were both loners and while Luka had gotten along with people, where apparently Seth hadn’t, he’d always felt something was missing.

The missing sensation disappeared the moment Seth’s lips touched his. The hair tickling Luka’s chin was soft, but the lips were firm. His lips parted and as Seth’s tongue darted inside, Luka could taste sausage, bacon, and underneath the essence of Seth which Luka decided then and there he could live on. Tightening his arms around Seth’s neck, Luka gave into the passion he’d held back since learning Seth didn’t believe in mates.

There was something glorious about hot skin pressing against a hard body that Luka could never get enough of. In his infrequent hook-ups, Luka was often the dominant partner, even though he was a happy switch. But with Seth there was no hesitation, no wondering, none of that awkward conversation about who would top. From the moment they hit the bedroom, Seth had made it clear he was in charge, and Luka’s knees went weak as his mate’s power filled the room.

All too soon Luka was desperate to breathe – he got one inhale, and then Seth’s lips were back. It was glorious, messy, a clash of lips, teeth and tongues. Luka thought he might have heard himself whimpering, although he preferred the term moaning, but as his lips were engaged, his body was rubbing on Seth’s like the god was a massage chair.

Hands were moving – Seth’s. His mate didn’t have to hold him still, because Luka wasn’t going anywhere. His own hands couldn’t go far – Seth’s shoulders were so wide, but Luka’s robe had gone missing during the zapping process, so he was moving his naked torso and hips like a lap dancer, his legs clamped around Seth’s hips.

When Seth’s hands landed on Luka’s ass, he groaned long and loud then. He wasn’t sure he could wait for the lengthy but very necessary process it was going to take to get his ass open enough to take the length rocking against his. Widening his legs, he tried imploring without words, for Seth to hurry up. Blunt fingers delved into his butt crack, stroking across his hole. A shiver ran right up Luka’s spine, and he felt a pulse of precome spurt from his cock.

“Tell me you have lube.” Luka panted against Seth’s lips.

“Even better. Magic.” There was a feral grin gracing Seth’s face – his lips bright red and puffy. Luka cried out as he felt a zap, like a tingle of electricity run from his hole and up inside of him, and then his pleasure was swallowed as Seth’s lips landed on his again.

It was messy, there was a lot of fumbling, but Luka and Seth were on the same page. The kissing had to stop as their attention moved below the waist. Seth’s cock needed to be in Luka’s hole and Luka needed Seth inside of him. They ended up with Seth sitting on the edge of the bed, Luka still splayed against him. The blunt head of Seth’s cock was tapping for entrance along Luka’s crack, but Luka was in a hurry. He hauled himself up slightly, using Seth’s shoulders for leverage, and got that cock head right where it needed to be.

The sink down was slow. The slide of cockhead against his outer muscles let Luka know his mate’s magical lube was doing its job, but his body hadn’t been stretched in any way for years. Luka kept his eyes closed, internally monitoring his body as he sank onto Seth’s length. He couldn’t look at his mate. Every ounce of his concentration was based on relaxing his body. Wolf lore stated that every fated couple was suited to each other in every single way, so Seth is going to fit, damn it.

But double damn, it was a tight fit. Luka found himself puffing and if it wasn’t for Seth’s power surrounding him like a cloud, and the enticing scent of his mate filling his nostrils, Luka’s cock would’ve given up and gone to sleep. When Luka’s butt finally brushed against the top of Seth’s thighs, he breathed a sigh of relief. I’m full.

“You doing all right there, little wolf?” Seth’s voice, deep and proud, had Luka’s eyes flying open.

Gods, my god is a sexy hunk. Luka nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He waved his hands near his mouth to indicate his breathing and patted his heart – I need a minute.

“No one has ever done what you’re doing, little wolf.” Seth’s hands ran slowly up and down Luka’s spine. “You’ve taken me completely, balls deep, is the term used, I believe. You’ve taken me in, squeezing me so tight and I swear if you move an inch, I’m gonna blow.”

Ooh challenge. Winking, Luka rested his hands on Seth’s shoulders and slowly leveraged himself up.


Seth had never felt anything like it – the need to kiss, hold, touch, explore… There was so much he’d wanted to do but from the moment he felt Luka’s lips for the first time, he couldn’t focus. Luka’s lips were built for kissing, with their slightly thinner top complete with a rosebud dip, and the fuller one on the bottom just begging to be bitten.

But kissing led to other things, and while Seth would love to know if Luka’s skin tasted as good as it looked, and if those pebble of nipples he had on a pale chest were susceptible to nibbles, and while he could imagine spending a whole day caressing the pert roundness of Luka’s ass, his cock took over and penetration became imperative.

And damn, now he was in, and Luka was being a brat. As the sexy wolf began to move, after Seth had strongly hinted he should wait, Seth could feel the weight of his impending orgasm working its way to his balls. Sure, it’d been a while, and yes, his time with Luka had been like one giant foreplay for his senses, but Seth wanted to perform well. From memory, wolf shifters had strong sexual stamina, and Seth didn’t want to leave his little mate disappointed.

Luka was running the show, though. With his sexy gasps, as he slid up, his moans as he slid down Seth’s cock taking him all in. The little wiggle he gave of his hips as he was seated before he rose up again. Seth did what any man would do when faced with an impending orgasm, he slid a hand around Luka’s cock, giving his mate friction against his own organ.

“Gods, yes.” His head thrown back, Luka’s face was a mask of pleasure. The fingertips digging into Seth’s shoulder turned to claws, as Luka moved faster. From his position, Seth couldn’t do much and he didn’t want to move. He tightened his grip on Luka’s cock as his balls filled.

There might have been a moan or two. Seth wasn’t going to admit to it, but damn, his body had never felt so good. There was an ache spreading over his lower body, his ass muscles tightened as his cock strained the skin covering it. He wanted… damn, he could feel it… it was right there…

Luka’s head came down and Seth felt the pinch of a bite, before pleasure washed over him like a wave. “FUCK!” he bellowed as his balls unloaded. His free palm tingled and instinctively, Seth slapped it over the side of Luka’s neck. “By the Fates, I claim you!” The connection between them snapped into place, and as Seth hung on, riding out his orgasm, sure his balls were going to turn inside out, he could feel the pleasure and pride of his little wolf deep in his soul.

I’ve done it. Seth started to chuckle as Luka raised his head, licking across a wound Seth knew would scar. I’ve fucking done it. This is one wolf who will never leave. Tears pricked his eyes, and Seth tried to blink them back. He was laughing and crying all at the same time, like a huge weight of negativity was being purged from his insides. Luka’s arms were a solid weight around his neck, pulling him closer and Seth wrapped his arms around Luka’s back, clinging to his mate with all he was.

“My mate,” Luka crooned. “My precious mate. You’ll never be alone again.”

Seth tried to nod. It was all so much. His shoulders shaking, Seth hung on.