Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Twelve

“Do you ride?”

Luka across at his mate. They were having lunch on the third day after their epic claiming. For two days they’d barely left the bed, but on the third day, Luka pleaded for some clothed time, citing his need to deal with the perishables in his refrigerator, which Seth did with magic from the Egyptian realm, and the need to send an email to his boss tendering his resignation, which Seth helped him do on his phone, once he’d gotten connected to the “Zeus Network.” Now they were having lunch, outside, and Luka was enjoying the feeling of the sun on his bare torso. A casual mention about how much Luka liked Seth’s flowing pants, and he found a drawer full of them, all in his size.

“Ride, as in, on a horse instead of you for a change?” Luka took a sip of the strawberry concoction Seth had made for him. “I didn’t think that was a thing wolf shifters could do, because of a horse’s nerves around predatory animals.”

“It’s a great way to see more of this realm.” The tiny lines at the corner of Seth’s eyes deepened as he smiled. “We can’t hold a conversation if you’re running with me in your wolf form.”

“I can definitely give it a try.” Luka would do anything to keep the relaxed look on his mate’s face. After his initial breakdown, which Seth assured Luka was purely due to relief surrounding their claiming, the god had been happy, and fun to be around. Luka had purposefully not mentioned topics like Ra, the new baby, or Seth’s past, keeping things light and easy between them. Which meant, if Seth wanted him to try horse riding, he’d give it a go. “I didn’t even know you had stables.”

“I don’t.” Lifting his fingers to his lips, Seth let out a long, high whistle. Immediately, a rumbling sound shook the earth beneath Luka’s feet, and in the distance, he heard a horse neigh.

“My gods, they just run free?” Luka’s eyes widened as a cloud of dust came towards them. I guess saddles aren’t going to be a thing either. “How on earth do they find food with all that sand.”

Seth had got out of his chair, his smile wide as the thundering dust cloud got closer. “Haven’t you heard of an oasis?” He teased. “These animals were created on this realm; they have been around for centuries. They’re larger than ones typically used in ancient Egypt. Ra used them to pull his chariot back in the day when he wanted to travel across his realm, or go visiting when others lived here, but he hasn’t done that for a very long time.”

“I’m constantly surprised by what I do find here.” Luka got up to join his mate, watching as the cloud started to disperse and animals appeared. Big, was his first thought with wild being his second, but just as Luka was sure that him, their table, and his mate were going to be run down by stampeding animals, the huge black one that was leading the charge, wheeled around and came to a stop, his herd following his moves.

“Taja, my handsome devil.” Seth strode towards the black stallion who was still, but watchful. “We ride today. I want to show our realm to my mate.”

That’s my cue. Luka hurried over, keeping a check on his wolf who seemed more curious than anything else.

“This is Taja,” Seth said, reaching up and patting the horse’s neck. “He graciously allowed me to ride him a dozen centuries ago and while he’s headstrong, we have a good bond, him and I.”

“He’s beautiful.” Luka held out his hand tensing as Taja sniffed him and didn’t seem too worried about Luka’s wolf side.

“He’s the boss of this lot. You don’t take any crap, do you, big guy. A bit like me.”

Taja seemed to be listening closely, which Luka found fascinating. He’d never been as close to a horse before. The other horses, there were about twenty of them, were all standing in a group about ten yards away.

“Now, my husky friend,” Seth said briskly, “I need one of your companions to carry my mate. Someone quiet – he’s not ridden before – and someone who’s not inclined to show off.” He held the horses head between both hands as if communing with him. “I do not want my mate hurt.”

Taja snickered, jolting his head up and Seth let him go. But what amazed Luka was when Taja trotted back to his herd, moving through the other animals, until he nudged one on their shoulder. The horse, a soft gray animal who wasn’t as big as Taja followed him back to where they were standing.

“Ah, perfect. Good choice, my friend.” Seth patted Taja’s neck again and then turned to the other horse. “Mimi, you’ll be good for my mate, Luka, won’t you?” A bridle appeared in his hand and Luka breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

At least I’ll have something to hold onto. It only took seconds, and before Luka had time to quell his overactive stomach, Seth had the bridle on the animal and was holding out his hand. It was time for Luka to get on his first horse. Don’t let me make a fool of myself.


Seth came alive with the feel of the wind in his hair and a powerful beast between his thighs. The desert part of Ra’s domain had been his since for as long as he cared to remember. Very few of his family enjoyed the harshness of the sands, but Seth saw life, power, and resilience in the golden grit. Sharing a ride with his wolf shifter, who was fast becoming his reason for living, Seth couldn’t be happier.

Their ride had initially been slow. Luka seemed nervous, although he did his best not to show it, so Seth took it easy at first. He didn’t want to be the reason Luka went face-first into the sand. But as they left the shadows of his home and followed the hard flats that ran parallel to the forest area, Luke seemed to bond with his mount and appeared more comfortable in his seat.

Taja never needed any encouragement to go faster and before long they were cantering along, Luka whooping in excitement, his face flushed and wearing a huge smile as he clung onto Mimi’s bridle along with a handful of mane. Seth hadn’t realized how much of a difference it made, riding with a companion, and he couldn’t resist showing off, encouraging Taja to prance around before the horse and rider took off at speed. Whirling around, some hundred meters from where Luka was urging his horse on, Seth laughed as sheer joy filled his soul. Shirtless, his own hair tangled by the wind, Luka looked as though he’d been riding his whole life.

Moving restlessly, Taja made to go on, but Seth held him back. Mimi was smaller and couldn’t go as fast as the herd leader. He reached up a hand, the ready joke he had dying on his lips as a hole suddenly appeared in the sand, the displaced grit forming a wall between him and Luka. He just had time to see Mimi stumble and fall, Luka crying out in fear, as he went with her. Seth had already urged Taja back in their direction when the wall collapsed and the maw closed over as if it’d never been there.

“Fucking Osiris!” Seth cursed the ground, but it was as if Luka had never been there. “This one’s mine, you skanky loser of a brother. Give me back my wolf!”