Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Fourteen

There weren’t many laws governing the realm of Egyptian gods, but one of them was that no one was allowed in Duat unless they’d been granted passage by Osiris or Ra. Seth had been explicitly banished from the land of the dead, first by Osiris who was supported by Ra. Osiris had apparently never got over Seth’s treatment of his body – even though he deserved every bit of it – and after his “death” had accepted the role of judging the souls that sought to move on.

But all that was ancient fucking history – history that left Seth with two options. Three actually, if he considered sitting around on his ass like a lame duck hoping Osiris would get bored soon enough and let Luka go. Seth was not the patient type. So, his only two options were to either get in touch with Ra, rant about Osiris’s interference in a mating and pray that for the first fucking time, Ra would side with him and actually do something about it…

Or… Sliding off Taja’s back, Seth took a moment to rub the horse’s neck. “Mimi will be fine, my friend. She’ll rejoin your herd soon, I’m sure of it. She may even be there already. My worthless brother has no use for horses. Go find them. We’ll get to race across the sands another day.” After I kill my brother for the second time. Taja disappeared in a flurry of sand and dust, but Seth wasn’t there to see it. He needed his phone.

Translocating to his bedroom, Seth took in the sheets still rumpled from their love making, the faint scent of wolf musk in the air, and Luka’s clothes still folded on the trunk by the window. His heart ached with a familiar pain – the scene so reminiscent of a time long ago. But Seth squashed his despair – there was no room in his soul for depression. His current situation was a lot different.

For one, Luka hadn’t left, he’d been taken. Two, Seth knew about Osiris’s interference this time as the event happened, not months later. Three… Fuck the three; I need back up. Picking up his phone off the dresser, Seth clicked on his contact list. There were only a few names on it, but Seth wasn’t worried about that. Tapping Wes’s name, Seth listened to the call trying to connect. After what felt like an endless ringing sound, Wes answered.

“We’re kinda busy right now.” Wes sounded out of breath and his boots were heavy enough on a pavement for Seth to hear.

“Too busy to help me get my mate back?”

“Your omega is missing?” Wes puffed. “Fuck. Cas,” he yelled. “Change of plan. Seth, where are…”

“Grab your mate.” Using his senses, Seth found the wolf and the demon’s life forces, and pulled on them. Seconds later, Wes and Cas were sprawled on his floor.

“Fuck.” Wes crawled off his mate and got to his feet. “Maybe a little less of the yank on our life forces, next time please.” He held out his hand and pulled his demon to his feet. “What’s the story with Luka. Who took him? How long has he been gone? Is he here, or…?”

“Osiris took him. He’s in the realm of the dead.” Seth focused on Cas. “It’s my understanding Hades’ demons can go on any realm. Can you get my mate back?”

“Fuck, this is a bit of a gray area.” Cas looked around and then hopped up, so he was sitting on the wide window ledge, pulling Wes to lean against his legs. “Osiris – he’s your head dude of the dead, right? Judges souls, a bit like my own lord, although he judges the good ones. Fart.” He blew out a long breath. “I don’t think anyone of my lot has ever tried to access his realm before. Do the Egyptians even believe in demons? Is there a precedent or something that allows for demons in your own realm of the dead?”

“Duat,” Seth said shortly. “Osiris rules over Duat - he's the chief judge of the underworld. Because I killed him, his followers believed him to be a dead king who'd been miraculously brought back to life - apparently giving every Egyptian mortal the hope they too could have eternal life. It's not a straight path for any soul, and I'm guessing Osiris pulled Luka into one of the receiving chambers - it's unlikely he'd have welcomed my mate into the Field of Rushes or anywhere pleasant."

“You guys couldn’t do anything the easy way, could you?” Cas shook his head. “Give me Lord Hades’ domain any day of the week – it’s simple down there. Bad souls come, get locked behind a gate and suffer a torment for eternity. Streamlined, simple and making it easier to find someone.”

“Why can’t you go, Lord Seth?” Wes asked. “I mean, if you know who took him and you have a rough idea where he is, why can’t you just zap him out of wherever he is, or go and get him yourself?”

“I’m banished from there, all right, and my powers won’t reach there.” Seth started to pace, every cell in his body aware of the passing minutes since Luka had gone. “Osiris took offence at my treatment of his body after I killed him, and when he took over our realm of the dead, he told Ra I was never allowed there.”

“Oh yeah.” Wes nudged Cas. “He was the dude you had cut into a mass of pieces and flung them all over the world. Did he ever get his cock back?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t fucking care. Cas, come on. You guys were worried about him because he’s a special wolf. He can’t die now I’ve claimed him, but the realm of the dead isn’t a picnic either. Surely, you can take five minutes to grab him?”

“It’s risky.” Cas huffed again. “I’m going to have to petition my Lord Hades to approach Lord Ra and seek permission. It’d be quicker if you just called Lord Ra, wouldn’t it?”

Fuck and hell and rotten carcasses. Why does everything have to be so complicated. “Ra will be busy with his mates and new baby.” Seth didn’t want to even think about what Ra would say if he knew Luka was missing. Ra would be just as likely to blame Seth, again, and not do anything to help – something he was very good at. “You have to do something. Don’t you understand how important this is? Luka’s a shifter. Hell, he’s a prized omega. Zeus wouldn’t want him left in the clutches of an unstable god.”

“I could try calling Consort Ali,” Wes offered pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket. “I’m not sure how much good it will do…”

“Wait. Wait…” Seth held a finger up as he felt a tug against his soul. It was harsh, impatient even, as though someone… Luka! “I can get him. It’s all right. Go back to what you were doing.” A fling of his hand and Cas and Wes disappeared. Within a blink, Seth’s molecules had caught the wind and he was streaming towards his mate.

Luka was sat in the middle of a lot of sand, apparently studying the minute granules very intently. Seth pulled up, allowing his cells to reform just ten feet from where his mate was sitting. “Luka.” He took a few steps closer, suddenly unsure of his welcome. There was no telling how much Osiris might have poisoned his mate’s mind against him. “Luka. Mate. Are you all right?”

“I’m not overly impressed with the family members of yours I’ve met so far.” Luka looked up and held out his hand. Seth couldn’t make out his expression. “Can you give me a hand up?”

Seth did one better – sweeping Luka up from the sand and cradling him in his arms bridal style. “Where do you want to go? I’m sure you want to talk, and probably have a ton of questions for me, but it won’t be there. We can go anywhere.”

“Anywhere where there’s water, please.” Luka sighed. “No disrespect to your realm, but that sun is rather relentless, and my eyes might feel better if I had some shade. I think my shoulders are sunburned.”

“I know just the place.” Seth thought and they were there. Luka’s gasp of delight was music to his ears.

“My gods, what is this amazing place? Are we even on your realm anymore?”

Looking around, Seth tried to see it through Luka’s eyes. It was an oasis, the one created by Ra so the living creatures on his realm would always have a place of calm and shelter, abundant water, and lush trees to rest under if they required. The lake was a brilliant blue, with nary a ripple on the surface, and the grass under his feet was thick and cool. Tall trees, Seth had no idea what type they were, loomed overhead, their wide fronds and smooth bark providing the shade Luka asked for.

“My father created it.” Seth shrugged. “The animals here might be his creation, but they still require sustenance and water.”

“It’s beautiful, it really is.” Luka’s arm was warm around Seth’s neck. “Shall we sit down? Perhaps you can wave us up some lunch or something. A burger maybe? It must’ve been that riding earlier. I’m famished.”

Seth didn’t understand his mate’s fascination with junk food but eating would forestall the talk he knew was coming. If you’ve poisoned my mate against me brother, I’ll fucking shred you like confetti next time and no one will be able to find all the pieces of your body.


Luka instinctively knew Seth was stressed the moment the god appeared on the dunes. Given he was still angry at Seth’s brother himself, Luka could understand the feeling. He was momentarily hurt, when Seth didn’t seem to want to immediately grab him and hug the stuffing out of him when he arrived – which is why Luka had held out his hand and asked for help. But now he was in Seth’s arms, his beefy mate didn’t seem inclined to let him go, which suited Luka just fine.

Burgers were eaten, and deliciously tall glasses of iced tea were almost empty when Luka did say something. Seth was sitting on the grass, leaning against the trunk of a tree, and Luka was happy perched on his mate’s thighs resting against Seth’s chest.

“Your brother didn’t say anything to me that changed my opinion of you,” he started softly.

The arm around Luka’s waist tightened for a moment before loosening again. “Osiris has held a grudge against me for a long time,” Seth rumbled. “His only reason for taking you would’ve been to drive a wedge between you and me.”

“Well, he was shit out of luck then.” Luka smiled up at his mate. Seth wore his worry like a heavy burden and Luka would far rather he was faced with the carefree god on his mighty steed than someone who looked as though his world was crumbling around him. “Do you trust me?”

Seth’s frown lines deepened. “Of course, you’re my mate. I know you’d never leave me, but there’s nothing in the Fates’ will that says you have to be happy about being with me.”

“Can you trust that I’m happy with you, then?” Luka wriggled around so he could see his mate more clearly. “This morning, watching you riding Taja, galloping across the sands like you were born to do – you’re just incredible, do you know that?”

“I like seeing you happy.” Seth was still being cautious. “You were this morning, until that damn brother…”

“Talking about him doesn’t do either one of us any good.” Luka cut in quickly. “If you want, I can tell you every single thing he said to me – if knowing will give you some peace of mind. But what you should know is he was talking about ancient history that has absolutely nothing to do with me. If you want to tell me your side of things, I’ll listen, but I’m telling you the same as I told him. What happened in the past has nothing to do with the future you and I will have together.”

“You faced off against my brother, too?” Seth’s other arm joined his first and Luka found himself squeezed against his mate’s chest.

“Seth, you’re my mate.” Luka patted Seth’s pecs and then slid his arms up so they rested around his mate’s neck. “You’re everything to me, and no one, not your smug father, or your vampire-looking brother is going to come between us. I won’t let that happen. I just won’t.”

“Even if I was as truly evil as some people claim I am?”

“Now, you’re being silly.” Luka laughed. “The Fates don’t give mates to people with evil in their souls. That wouldn’t be fair on the other mated person, so they simply don’t do it.”

Of course, his stubborn mate couldn’t accept what Luka was saying. “What if the Fates mate truly evil people with equally evil partners?”

“That wouldn’t happen.” Having never met the Fates, Luka couldn’t be a hundred percent certain, but there were some teachings that wolf shifters were taught from a young age and trusted instinctively. “Matings are based on acceptance and unconditional love. People with evil in their souls can’t feel that love or offer it to someone in return. It just doesn’t happen. Besides,” Luka couldn’t resist a tease, “you don’t think I’m evil, do you?”

“I’m reserving my decision.” But Seth’s lips were twitching upwards. “It could be considered evil the way you keep wiggling on my lap, teasing me with that delectable ass of yours.”

“Ah, that’s not evil, my suspicious mate.” Luka licked his lips. “That’s me, hinting that I want to reconnect with my mate in the most carnal of ways after being apart from you, no matter how short that time might have been. It’s a shifter thing.”

“Every second you were gone felt like forever,” Seth mumbled as his lips got closer. “I’ve never felt so helpless.”

“You’re not helpless now.” Luka softened his tone, dropping his voice to a whisper. “I want you to lie me down on this soft grass, strip off my pants and bare my skin to the elements. Then I want you to check, with hands and tongue, every inch of my body in case I suffered damage I hadn’t realized. And…” he added as Seth’s growl turned into a snarl, “when you’ve thoroughly checked my injury free body, I want you to turn me over, make me face that gorgeous lake and ream my ass until I don’t remember my own name. Can you do that for me?”

“Did you say ream or rim?”

“I said ream, but I meant both.” Luka nodded eagerly. “Ream and rim. Definitely up for both. Go for it.”

Turns out, Seth was really good at following directions. In fact, he was an avid student who went over everything twice to make sure he got things right.

And later, as Luka lay panting in Seth’s arms, he sent a mental “fuck you” to Seth’s pale brother who lived underground. No matter what you do, you won’t separate us.