Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Fifteen

Seth had that feeling – the one where he knew he should be happy, but… There was always a ‘but’. Another two weeks had passed. Seth was settling more into having someone with him intimately all the time. Ra had never wanted to kiss Seth good morning or sit on his lap while they enjoyed a meal, not that Seth wanted him too. Seth admitted, to himself at least, that he’d find it very difficult to stop touching his wolf shifter if for some reason he had to.

Between them, he and Luka had settled into an easy routine. They’d wake when they did, no fixed time. Sometimes they’d get up straight away, other times, Luka would convince Seth their time was better spent in bed. Once dressed, which sometimes didn’t happen until late afternoon, they’d enjoy a meal, possibly a horse ride, another meal and then in the evening they’d inevitably find themselves at the oasis, enjoying the sunset and the cool night air.

Luka had shifted a half a dozen times, and Seth found his mate’s wolf side was just as affectionate as his human half. When the wolf did scoot off one evening and came back proudly bearing a dead hare, laying it Seth’s feet and wagging his tail, Seth cooked it over an open fire and ate it, thanking his mate for providing for him.

To any outside view, they were having fun. Luka had a wicked sense of humor, he was extremely intelligent on a range of topics, and more importantly to Seth, he never failed to be surprising. Like the night he asked, so sweetly, if Seth could arrange music in the oasis – Luka wanted to dance with him. Seth couldn’t remember ever dancing, but he did for his mate.

So, things were going great. And that freaked Seth out, although he tried to keep it hidden. He knew with that deep abiding distrust he’d always had, that Osiris was lurking beneath the sands, just waiting for another chance at his mate. Then there was the little matter of a sealed letter from his father, that was sitting propped up against the dresser mirror. It had arrived, via hawk, which fascinated Luka, and while his sweet mate was clearly curious about it, he accepted Seth’s “we’ll read it later,” and didn’t mention it again. But the unread message niggled at Seth’s inner peace. The problem was, Seth had made such a point of not opening it, doing it any time soon would make him look foolish. It’s probably just news about the child he’s carried under his heart.

There was only one teeny point of contention between Seth and Luka, and that came up again, while they were enjoying an afternoon snack. “You know, I could seriously do with a haircut.” Luka ran his hand through his unruly hair, his fingers snagging on a few tangles in it. “We could pop down to Great Falls, I could visit the barber, get a bit of a trim and then you could let me take you out to dinner at a lovely place I know.”

“You don’t need a barber, you’re not working as a doctor anymore and besides, I like your hair the way it is.” Seth was tempted to fill his mouth so he could leave it at that, but he wouldn’t do that to his mate. “And anything you want for dinner I can provide here as you know.”

“Aha.” Picking up a banana, Luka slowly peeled it, licking his lips before he put the end in his mouth. The little shit was watching Seth all the time. He knew how arousing Seth found his lips, especially when they were wrapped around something long with a blunt end. Luka removed the banana from his mouth without taking a bite. “Don’t you think it would be nice to spend some time in my hometown instead of your home realm?”

Damn it. He just had to ask me directly. “There are a lot of people down there,” Seth said gruffly. “Dangers like cars, and smog, and people.”

Luka licked up the side of his banana and Seth swallowed a groan as his dick sprung to attention – damn, I’m worse than Pavlov’s dogs.

“You’re a big strong god. I’m sure you can protect me.” Luka sucked that damn fruit down again.

“Those bikers, the ones that kidnapped you when we met.” Seth was clutching at straws and his control. “What if they see us and… I can’t use my powers in front of mortals.”

Pulling off the banana, which was now slick with Luka’s saliva, Luka ran his tongue over his lips again. “You won’t need your powers. It’s just a haircut and dinner. People are oblivious, they won’t even notice we’re there. We can be like two regular men, out for a romantic dinner…”

Bite that fucking banana. Seth was furious he was getting jealous of a piece of freaking fruit. “Aren’t you happy here?” He said desperately, well aware his cockhead was poking out the top of his waistband. “It’s only us. No interfering people and noise and…”

Luka had finally taken a bite of his fruit. But then, because he was such a goddamn tease, he threw his head back as he chewed, exposing the long line of his slender neck and the dark tattoo which was Seth’s claiming mark. You know what that does to me, you flirty shit.

“It’s just dinner,” Luka said as he righted his head again, peeling more of that fucking banana. “It’s midweek. Not many people will be out. You’ve done so much for me already, and I’d really like to treat you to a meal to show my appreciation. Please.”

Triple whammy – those full lips stretching around the banana, that sweet “please”, and those puppy eyes that seemed to work for Luka even in human form. Seth was sunk. And horny. “I’m never magicking up bananas again,” he snarled as he snatched the offending fruit out of Luka’s fingers and threw it away from the table. Running his hand around Luka’s neck, he pulled his mate into his lap. “You know I’d do anything for you,” he growled as he licked a wide swathe up Luka’s neck.

“Even take me to earth?” Luka’s hand was brushing across Seth’s cockhead and he shivered.

“Earth, Mars, fucking Timbuktu, I don’t care, just…”

“Just Great Falls,” Luka purred as he slid onto the ground, reaching for Seth’s waistband, tugging it down. “One evening, in regular clothes, maybe driving my car, going out with the man of my dreams. A chance for me to remember what my mortal life was like.”

Seth knew he should be putting his foot down. He should be pointing out to his sexy mate that he wasn’t mortal anymore and he’d do a lot better getting used to his immortal life. But Luka’s lips were right there…

Gripping the arms of his chair, Seth groaned as he thrust upwards. “One evening.” Seth was losing his brain power fast, but he had to nail down the details before he nailed his mate. “One evening? Ah... Oh... Damn you’re good at that. Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.” Seth cupped the back of Luka’s head as he thrust up again.


Luka had no compunction in seducing his mate to get what he wanted – it was fun, and as he adored his mate, they both got something out of it. In this instance, Luka wanted to spend time feeling human again. Seth was powerful, strong, and far too prone to keeping to himself. Luka felt he seriously needed to get out more. It wasn’t as though Luka was asking for a three-week vacation in a theme park, but as a doctor he’d been around humans most of his life, and he missed that. He didn’t think a quiet meal out would do either of them any harm.

Sure, as far as seduction went, the banana was cliché, but it was just what came to hand. He’d already considered the same scene licking cherries, crunching into a crisp ripe apple with his come-hither eyes, or biting into an overripe peach, causing the juices to run down his chin and splash onto his bare chest.

And it worked, Luka thought as he sunk down onto Seth’s length. Seth’s cock was wide, long, and without his shifter genetics there’d be no way Luka could take all of him in his mouth. But he was a wolf, an omega wolf at that, designed for pleasure and submission, although Luka didn’t get that last part of his heritage.

Taking charge, his own blood heating as Seth’s hands rested in his hair, Luka set out to drive his mate out of his mind. There was something so empowering about taking a man in his mouth – and no matter his power level, Seth was still a man underneath. What man wouldn’t enjoy the heat, pressure and warmth from a generous mouth around their cock? Luka redoubled his efforts as the grip in his hair increased, his own blood surging. Seth’s unique scent was arousing at any time and giving his mate a blowjob was just as much for himself as it was for Seth.

Those soft linen pants with an elastic waistband made access to his own cock easy. One handed, Luka pushed his pants down his thighs palming at his own length, fondling the head to catch the drips of his precome. His hand slid down his shaft, and Luka moaned around his mouthful. His moan had to have done something to Seth, too, because his mate’s grip in his hair tightened just shy of pain, and the short sharp thrusts his man was doing from his chair increased, his cock filling Luka’s mouth, pushing at his throat.

It was coming – Luka could feel his need to come increase as the air around them electrified. Peeking up, Luka could see Seth’s head was hanging over the back of his chair, his eyes scrunched shut, the veins in his neck prominent. His hips were bouncing, his thigh muscles corded thick and tight. Luka matched him, move for move, head bobbing, his throat relaxed, his lips stretched to splitting, his hand working his cock as if he was in a race.

Gods, he’s amazing. Seth cried out, roaring his pleasure as Luka’s throat filled. Closing his eyes, Luka swallowed quickly, determined not to miss a drop. His own orgasm hit him mid-swallow and he almost choked, but he inhaled quickly through his nose and recovered, his spunk coating his hand as it dripped to the sand below.

Seth’s hands lost their grip and cradled his head tenderly. “You…” Seth panted, and Luka peered up, meeting his dark gaze, “you are everything to me.”

Lifting his head, Luka let Seth’s softening cock fall gently from his lips. “I know the feeling,” he murmured, resting his head on Seth’s thigh. “I totally know that feeling.” In Luka’s head, his feeling was love. Seth would realize that for himself soon enough.