Reconciliation by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Sixteen

Seth had never been a fan of modern earth. In ancient times the air was cleaner, there were far less people around and the people he used to come across were properly respectful of his position.

Now they wouldn’t believe who I am if I told them. His blowjob glow long gone, Seth was holding onto his agitation in deference to Luka’s happy face. Luka was prepared to forgo the haircut he’d threatened, but he had insisted on visiting his house, checking the locks and bemoaning the dust, which Seth took care of. Then, his overly happy mate wanted to go to the restaurant in his car… and he expected Seth to get in with him. In the passenger seat, of a tin can, in a death trap in other words. In all his times on earth, Seth had managed to avoid getting in a car, until Luka.

What was worse, sitting in the passenger seat, Seth’s legs were scrunched up no matter how far back Luka claimed the seat would go and his head was scraping the roof of the car. His shoulder bumped against Luka’s as his mate put the vehicle into gear and yet he couldn’t move over – his other shoulder was already hard against the window.

“They do make bigger models of these vehicles,” Seth observed, doing his best to look out the side window instead of watching out the front windshield. It was chaos out there. Luka had the radio on and was singing along to the lyrics. He didn’t have a bad voice, but Seth was too busy hanging onto his control to say anything about that.

“This car does me well enough,” Luka said cheerfully. “I know there are bigger and better ones out there, but honestly, I’m not a car buff. So long as my drive is economic and reliable, I’m sweet with it.”

Buff? Sweet? “Is economics a concern for you?” Watch out for that other vehicle! “Don’t doctors make a decent wage? You do know, now we’re mated…”

“We haven’t been mated long.” Luka looked over at him flashing a wink. All Seth wanted him to do was put his eyes back on the road. “I’m aware, what’s yours is mine and all that stuff – it’s common among mates, and I’m equally sure you’ll make certain I’ll never lack for anything. But to answer your question, no, I don’t worry about the state of my finances, I have money in the bank. I just don’t see the point in wasting money for the sake of it.”

Seth seized on that. “You don’t have to waste money taking us out for dinner. It doesn’t cost anything for me to wave something up.”

“It’s not a waste.” Luka threw him another grin. “I’m taking my ruggedly handsome, strong, and powerful mate out on a date – some would say our first date. That’s something that couples on earth do. Money is no object when I’m out to woo my fated one.”

Oh, my wind and sands, this is a date! Even Seth knew how much mortals set a store on such events. He glanced at his clothes. Basic black, pants and shirt finished off with black boots. He didn’t need anything else, and he’d never seen the point in attempting color coordination. He was clean, covered, and comfortable and that was good enough for him. The fact that Luka and any other mortal around them couldn’t see the sword strapped to his back was irrelevant. Seth felt better carrying it going into an unusual situation, that was what counted.

“You do look very handsome,” Luka said, as he pulled the car to the side of the road outside of a brightly lit row of shops. “Handsome, sexy, and all mine. Let’s go and enjoy our date, shall we?”

I must not lose my temper with mortals, Seth thought as he clambered his way out of the car. I won’t upset this *date*.


This is the life, Luka thought happily as he let Seth hold out his seat for him. Good food, a handsome date, scintillating conversation… although getting Seth to talk might be difficult. His mate hadn’t stopped glaring since he got in the car. Taking the menu, Luka waited until Seth was seated, and the host had gone before looking around. Yep, I’m with the best-looking guy in the room.

In a human setting, one that wasn’t filled with assholes like when he and Seth met, Seth stood out and not just for his looks and size. There was something about his aura that made people look at him twice and act wary around him. Luka frowned, thinking about that. It wasn’t going to do his plan to socialize his mate any good, if others didn’t feel comfortable around him.

“What’s this for? I’ve not dined like this before.” Seth was studying the menu as if for an exam. “Don’t they just bring us food and we eat it?”

“You’ve not been to a sit-down restaurant before?” Luka covered his mouth and glanced around quickly, but the other two couples in the room were too engrossed in each other and the family party near the kitchen were all too busy having fun among themselves. “I’m sorry. But it’s just…” Luka shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. We can talk about that another time. All you need to do for now, is pick something you’d like as a starter and something else as an entrée. I’ll handle our drink order.”

Seth was looking at the menu suspiciously. “How do I know if the food’s any good, or even edible? I don’t know the chef, I don’t know the people handling my food, or bringing it to me. What happens if the food arrives, and I think it tastes like camel dung?”

“It won’t.” Luka caught the eye of the waiter headed to their table and he held up his hand, indicating five minutes. The waiter nodded and turned away. “Look, mate, can you trust me on this? I’ve eaten here before. My nose would let me know in an instant if there was anything wrong with your food. The Beef Wellington, for example, is always beautifully cooked; the pastry’s so crisp it just melts in your mouth.”

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with people I don’t know cooking my food,” Seth muttered, “but for you I will do it. I will have this Beef Wellington.” He set the menu aside. “What else do you do on this date we’re having?”

Don’t tell me, you haven’t dated before either. Luka resisted a sigh. He knew Seth wasn’t being deliberately grumpy – it was just his natural state and he was very good at it. “Hang on, let’s get our orders in, and then you can tell me how people courted someone they liked in your experiences.”

The ordering was quick and efficient. Seth mimicked Luka in the food side of things, and Luka ordered two handles of the beer on tap as drinks. Ten minutes later, the waiter had disappeared into the kitchen, and Seth had already drained half his beer.

“The food will take a little while, so tell me how did one date in your time?” Luka smiled at his mate.

“We didn’t.” Seth shrugged. “Between men and women, it was customary for conversation, but once the woman moved into the male’s house, the couple were considered married. Tales told about me had me married to my sister, much like Osiris was to another sister. But as my sister betrayed me with Osiris, the marriage was over the moment that happened. Historically, ancient Egyptians didn’t have a problem with divorce, or being sexually promiscuous, but they have never agreed with adultery.”

“You were married?” I should’ve paid more attention at school.

“Not in the way you’re imagining. Marriage wasn’t a concept when we were paired up. And our short time together was never what you’d call harmonious. That was well before your time.” Seth arched a brow at him. “In ancient times, provided familial and societal harmony wasn’t disturbed, men and women were free to indulge in intimacy with whoever they chose, although it was usually within their own class. Those same freedoms weren’t encouraged when a couple married, even if gods from other pantheons were screwing around like rabbits. Some of us had standards. But you talk about courting as though there was some rituals involved, when really, there weren’t any.”

“So, this is your first ever date too?”

“Exactly, and as it appears to be an important ritual to you, I want to know how this event will proceed so I don’t upset you.”

“Oh, mate, that is so sweet.” Luka wanted to reach over and grab Seth’s hand, but he wasn’t sure enough of himself in public to do that. Some parts of the States still frowned on that sort of thing, and Luka’s idea of a good date didn’t involve fighting with locals or ignoring insults. “There are no rituals as such, at least with modern dating. We’re simply here to enjoy each other’s company and share a meal, creating happy memories.”

“And this is different from the memories we create at home, how?”

Luka was prevented from answering as the waiter returned with their food. It smelled amazing, and even Seth seemed to approve. Picking up their cutlery, both men started eating, and Luka relaxed into the atmosphere created by a clean establishment, good food, and someone who was as keen on his food, as Seth was.

But Seth’s question raised an interesting point. Luka wanted to take his mate out on a date for several reasons. There was a part of him that missed being on earth, working under the pressures of a busy ER department, and interacting with colleagues and strangers on a daily basis.

Then there was his wolf’s idea of parading their mate in public, because Seth was such a good catch – especially for a lower ranked wolf like himself.

But the final reason was one Luka was struggling to admit even to himself. Yes, wolf shifters wanted to stay glued to their mates from the moment they met. But wolves usually lived in a pack, so even with that closeness, the couple got to interact with other people. Seth’s home was an amazing place, but Luka hadn’t seen another person except Osiris, and that hadn’t been any fun.

Finishing his meal, Luka pushed his plate aside. Seth had already finished and was drinking a refreshed beer that hadn’t come from the waiter. Luka eyed the glass but didn’t say anything. “You’ve mentioned a few times that you often accompanied your father when he came here,” he waved his hand to indicate the earth rather than the restaurant. “Surely you did things with him, like going to clubs, or eating out?”

“Not often.” Seth rubbed a finger up the side of his left temple. “This is socializing, isn’t it?” Seth said socializing like it was a dirty word.

“Are you reading my mind now?” Luka smiled to show he was teasing. “Hon, I love being with you every minute of the day, and your home is an amazing place. But yes, frankly, I’m used to spending time around a lot of people, and while I enjoy the quiet times, and I certainly don’t miss my job in ER, there are other times when it’s interesting to be around other people, like now.”

“You mentioned clubs.”

“Eating out works just as well.” Oh, gods, he’s got out his phone. Seth had explained about the Paulie app, and now Seth was whispering into it.

After a short debate, and, yes, Luka did think it was strange that an app talked back to Seth as though they were having an actual conversation, his mate put away his phone and said, “We will go to an earth club in another town with dancing and drinking and men who flirt with other men. You will not require your car.”

Oh dear. This isn’t going to go well. Not with my mate looking like he’s sucking lemons. But Luka nodded and indicated to the waiter for the bill. At least with Seth by his side, no one would hit on him and as the last time he’d tried to go clubbing had gone so badly, maybe he and Seth could have some fun this time. Hopefully.