A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 2


I staggered into the kitchen, annoyed that my automatic coffee maker failed to do the automatic part. Mornings were never my favorite, but once I was out of bed, I didn’t have a problem getting started. After meeting Angelo St. Christian, my nights were filled with restless, meaningless dreams. It had only been a few days since the funeral, but Mr. St. Christian had appeared in my mind as I slept. I couldn’t remember why he was in the dream, only that his soulless eyes were the last impression before my alarm went off.


Outside my window, the birds chirped in the early spring morning. The warm weather indicated the turning of the seasons. A mama bird fed her babies with such purpose. A fresh season, warmer weather, and new life surrounded me. I longed for some sort of change, a sign that I was on the right path with my life.

I logged into my work email to find forty new messages. All top priorities, so much for a change. I’d interned at the firm through college, and they hired me when I passed the bar exam. That was over three years ago. I enjoyed my job, but real estate and contract law could be tedious. Nothing exciting ever happened. Now that Uncle Duke was no longer around, did I have a reason to stay?

The vibrating of my cell phone on the kitchen counter broke my dull thoughts. It wasn’t even seven, and someone was calling?


“Harper,” Calvin Richards, a senior partner at the firm, said in a flustered voice. “You’re awake.”

“I’m getting ready for work.” I took a mug from the cabinet, still waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. “Is everything okay?”

“Sorry for the early call, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

“Oh?” Why did that sound like it would not be good?

“Don’t worry,” Calvin continued. “I have a special assignment for you.”

“Really?” I poured the scorching coffee into my cup. “What is it?”

“One of our biggest clients needs a new attorney because of the unfortunate passing of your uncle, who was his exclusive one. He’s an eccentric billionaire who has a gift for making a ton of money on every deal he closes. You can imagine how much revenue he brings the firm.”

Eccentric billionaire? Exclusive attorney? Oh, no!

“We give him whatever he wants.”

“What does he want?” I set my mug on the kitchen table when my hands trembled.


“Excuse me?”

“Duke was his business attorney for years. I’m sure your uncle spoke of him. Did he ever mention Angelo St. Christian?”

At his name, an image of him flashed in front of my eyes. I collapsed in a chair to steady myself as a cool sweat covered my brow. What was wrong with me?

“Do you know him?”

“I met him at the funeral. He introduced himself.” Well, he didn’t actually tell me his name.

“You must have made quite the impression because I tried to offer him a more experienced attorney, one who would better suit his needs. No offense but he’s a shark, and I’m not sure this is the best fit.”

“I can do my job.” Why was I advocating for this? I had no idea what the job entailed. “I’m sure I can accommodate Mr. St. Christian.” I think.

“I’m apprehensive.”

“Did you tell the client that?”

“Of course not.” Calvin sighed. “You start today.”

Yes! This is my sign! A change.“What time is he coming in?”

“He doesn’t come in. I’m having his files delivered to you this morning. He prefers to work from his home. I sent you all the information.”

“I know Duke worked remotely, but shouldn’t Mr. St. Christian come into the office so we can go over everything? Perhaps you could sit in?”

“We don’t tell Mr. St. Christian what to do. He tells us.”


“Harper? Please tell me you can do this. I do not want to have to call this client back. It’s never a simple task.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means your uncle had an excellent relationship with him. Duke gave him whatever he wanted. St. Christian’s business is vital to this firm. Are we clear?”


“You can call me directly if there are any problems. Just do what he asks and keep him happy.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Try to channel your uncle because you’re going to need all the help you can get with St. Christian.”

After Calvin ended the call, I rested my head in my hands. I tried to process what had just happened. The man I’d met only days before, who made appearances in my dreams but I couldn’t remember why, now requested me to be his personal attorney.

A chilling awareness ghosted my flesh as the hair on the back of my neck prickled a precarious warning. I gripped the edge of the table when my beating heart strummed loudly between my ears.


“Oh!” I jumped out of the chair, lost my balance, and then hit the wall. “Kiki? What are you…I mean, hello.” For a moment, I had forgotten she was in the house.

“Are you okay?” She grabbed a mug from the cabinet. “You look a little freaked out.”

“Yeah, just work stuff.”

“Is that who you were on the phone with?”

“Yes,” I said as she poured a cup of coffee.

“Do they always call this early?”

“No, they have a special assignment for me.”

“That sounds intriguing.” She opened the fridge door and took out the leftover Mexican food from last night.

“You’re going to eat that now?” The aroma coming from the takeout container made my stomach churn. Maybe it was my nerves.

“I’m hungry.” She shrugged as she transferred the food onto a plate. “Besides, I’m going back to school this afternoon. It will go to waste if I don’t eat it now.”

“To be twenty-one and not gain an ounce.”

“Please.” She popped the plate of enchiladas in the microwave. “You look fantastic but take a kickboxing class with me, and you’ll burn a ton of calories.”

“I’ll pass.”

She had stayed the last few nights because our parents had been in town for the funeral. We’d gone to dinner several times with them, and she had decided not to go back to her campus apartment until they left. I was glad she’d stayed. Between our parents being in town and Duke passing, I was more than frazzled. Besides, I liked her company.

“Now that Mom and Dad are on a plane back to, uh, where are they going again?”


“Oh, right. They said I could come visit this summer if I wanted to.”

“Will you?”

“Only if it’s a real vacation, and they aren’t working.”

“Good luck with that.” I rolled my eyes because our parents didn’t know how to not work. Both were doctors who specialized in cancer research, and they traveled all over the world, researching and going into communities to help those less fortunate. They were wonderful people and great at what they did, but they often forget they had children. “I’m surprised they could get home for the funeral.”

“Tell me about the special assignment.”

I didn’t talk about our parents, and Kiki respected that.

“A client has requested me.”

“That’s cool.” She took the plate out of the microwave and sat at the table. “See, you’re making your mark.”

“Wait until I tell you who the client is?”

“Is it a celebrity? Athlete? A Kardashian?”

“Why would a Kardashian need a lawyer in New Haven?”

“Stranger things have happened.”

“It’s that man we met at the funeral.” I sipped my lukewarm coffee.

“We met a lot of…” She snapped her head up from her plate. “The sexy one in the expensive suit? The one people couldn’t stop staring at? New Haven’s most eligible bachelor?”

“That’s the one.”

“That’s why you look so anxious.”

“I’m not anxious.”

“Yes, you are. Your eye has been twitching for five minutes.”

“No, it isn’t.” I pressed my palm over my left eye. “It’s not.”

“Whatever, so when do you see the hottie?”

“Today.” I took a calming breath. “I’m meeting him at his home. He doesn’t come to the office. I’ll be working from there.”


“It’s a weird situation, but that’s what Uncle Duke did too.”

“You’re going to be alone with him all day, every day?”

“As his attorney.”

“That could change.” She hopped out of the chair. “Let’s go figure out what you’re going to wear.”

“This isn’t a date?”

“Not yet.” She yanked me by my hand. “Oh! That periwinkle dress you bought last month would be perfect for today. It’s chic, yet professional.”

“I was thinking the black one with the embroidered flower on the hip.”

“Um, save that for the second date.”

“It’s not a date!”

“This could lead to a date.”

* * *

St.Christian’s estate sat high on a hill above the river. The ominous clouds floating above overshadowed the view of the city. It had been sunny when I left, but darkness cloaked the large stone house.

I parked in front of the garage doors and sat in my car for a few minutes, trying to keep my bouncing legs still and my heart from racing. Breathe in, breathe out. The quick yoga session I had done before getting ready had done nothing for me.

When the garage doors raised, my stomach flipped with the high-strung energy that had been filling me since the phone rang this morning. I gathered my files and my computer as I looked out the window. A tall, well-built man with a head of gorgeous black hair and olive-colored skin approached me. He looked to be around my age. Stepping out of my car, a small smile of relief tugged at my lips when I realized it wasn’t my client. I needed to get over that and quick because in a few minutes, I would be face-to-face with the man who requested my services.

“Ms. Whitmore.” The stunning man with the turquoise eyes greeted me. “Welcome.”


“I’m David Ellington.” He extended his hand as I awkwardly juggled my bag and laptop. “I’ll take that for you.”

“Thank you.” He slipped my messenger bag off my shoulder and took my computer from me.

“I’m Angelo’s right-hand man. I manage the house and him.”

“A personal assistant?”

“Among other things.” He motioned for me to enter through the pristine garage. “I have to wear a lot of hats to keep up with him.”

Three vehicles were parked inside, including a Porsche, a luxury SUV, and a candy apple red vintage Mustang. Wait until I told Kiki her dream car is parked in the hottie’s garage.

“If there is anything you need while you’re here, Ms. Whitmore, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’m at your service.”

“Please, call me ‘Harper.’”

“I really liked your uncle. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you.”

“Angelo is running late, so I’ll get you situated, and we can join him soon.” He opened the door to the house, and we entered a hallway off the kitchen.

“It smells so inviting in here.”

“Greta is making homemade walnut cranberry bread for lunch. It pairs so well with her chicken salad.”


“The cook.” He waved into the kitchen at a petite woman with chestnut-colored hair pulled into a sloppy bun on her head. I glanced into the large room with the state-of-the-art appliances and granite countertops and smiled, but she was ensconced in her environment. “I would introduce you but we don’t bother her when she’s cooking.”

The aroma of the bread cascaded down the hall, creating a comforting vibe. Between David’s soothing voice and Greta’s home cooking, my anxiety faded into the back of my mind. A few slow inhales and exhales as we continued through the house did the trick. My trembling hands calmed, and my racing pulse slowed to normal. I can do this.

The house was a bit overwhelming. High ceilings, long hallways, clean lines, and beautiful artwork on the walls. When I first met Angelo, and after reading that article, I pictured him to live in a modern high-rise overlooking the city. I had an image of a trendy bachelor in my head. I had it all wrong.

As we came around a grand staircase and into the foyer, two exceptionally beautiful women stared at me from the upper landing. They looked ready to hop on a jet to Milan or Paris with their flawless hair, makeup, and remarkable clothes. Their wardrobe made my new designer dress seem like I’d pulled it off a rack. As they continued to stare and whisper, their strange presence unnerved me but with one, stern look from David, they hurried up the rest of the stairs.

“Who are they?”

“House guests.”

He continued down the hall and to a room next to a portrait of a gorgeous woman in a white dress surrounded by fluffy clouds. Her long, fair hair cascaded over the two large wings protruding from her shoulder blades. The sunlight enhanced her glowing skin as she cradled a baby in her arms.

“This is so pretty.”

“Angelo had it commissioned years ago.” He stopped and stared at the picture. “I guess you could say he has a fixation with angels.”

He had appeared angelic in the vestibule of the funeral home. How ironic he would be interested in that world.

“This is where you’ll be working.” He pointed across the hall. “I hope it is to your liking.”

“It’s a…wow.” Large windows surrounded the spacious room, offering a lovely view of the front of the estate. The walls were painted in warm browns and beiges with forest green accents in the curtains and paintings, making the office inviting. Each floorboard gleamed with pride as the scent of lemon blended with leather, creating a fresh atmosphere.

“This was your uncle’s office. We can change anything you’d like. If you want us to repaint or get new curtains, we can do that. We want you to be comfortable.”

“It’s perfect.” Much better than the windowless space behind the copy machine she currently occupied at the firm. “I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s comforting to know Duke worked here.”

“We all miss his presence very much.”

He set my laptop and files on the desk. “I’m sure Angelo is almost finished his meeting.” He held the door open for me. “His study is this way.”

As we exited my new office, two more women dressed in sports bras and tight workout pants came down the hall, giggling and whispering to one another.

“More house guests?”

“It’s a big house.” David pointed down the hall. “This way.”

I followed him through an intricate archway adorned with wooden angels carved in the corners. Judging from the model-like house guests, angels weren’t Mr. St. Christian’s only fixation.

“That’s not your concern.” An authoritative voice coming from the closed door a few feet from me caused me to breathe in rapid succession. Think yoga. Inhale, exhale.

“I didn’t think you’d replace Duke so quickly,” a woman said.

“It’s also not your job to worry about my business.”

“I’m not sure what my job is these days.”

When they lowered their voices, I could no longer make out their conversation.

The heavy oak door propelled forward and out stormed yet another spectacular looking woman. She didn’t bother to acknowledge my presence as she hustled down the hallway.

“I guess he wasn’t finished his meeting.” I fumbled with my hands.

“He is now.” David entered the study. “Angelo, Ms. Whitmore is here.”

When I peered over David’s shoulder, Mr. St. Christian stood from his chair. He was an impressive man in stature, towering at least six feet, possibly taller. The stubble that covered his jaw was thicker than a few days ago but still as neatly maintained. His chiseled cheekbones looked as if someone had sculpted them into his face. He’d left the first few buttons of his dress shirt undone, revealing a tactful amount of his broad upper chest and the top of a tattoo.

“Please, come in.” He came around his desk to join us as David stepped out of my way.

As if on cue, the clouds that had blocked the sun when I arrived parted, allowing beams of light to stream through the stained-glass windows behind St. Christian. The brightness contrasted with his dark eyes, hair, and clothes, making him appear less intimidating.

“Ms. Whitmore,” he said. “I’m so glad you could come on such short notice. You don’t know how happy that makes me.”

“It surprised me you requested me. There are so many more qualified attorneys at the firm.” Could I sound any less confident? “Not that I can’t do the job, but your request caught me off guard.”

“I want you.”

I closed my eyes when a sense of familiarity dominated my thoughts. The room spun as I lost my footing.

I gazed into his sinful eyes in the reflection of the oval brass mirror that hung on the center of the wall. He stood behind me, his hands on my hips as he kissed the side of my neck.

“Why are you here?” I whispered in a low, needy tone.

“Shh.” He trailed his hands along my sides and to my breasts, cupping them in his firm grip. “All you need to know is I’m not going anywhere.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you.”

When my eyes snapped open, I looked around the study. I tried to shake the memory or the dream or whatever had just happened to me from my mind, but it was too late. My body trembled, and my legs weakened, causing me to lurch forward. Before I could stop myself, I collapsed into his strong, waiting arms.