A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 21


David and I left Harper and Kiki in the study and walked through the family room to the patio doors. I stopped before opening them and turned to David.

“Koradon sent a messenger.” I didn’t have to ask.

“He showed up the same time Kiki did, and I didn’t want him in the house with her and Harper.” He glanced out the window. “Conrad is out there with him.”

“You made the right call.” I put my jacket on and straightened my tie, taking my time to assess the situation. “We’re finally going to see what they want from me.”

“As far as I can tell, he came alone, but that doesn’t mean more of them can’t drop from the sky or wherever they descend from.”

“He’s alone.” I opened the patio doors and stepped out into the sunlight. “He wants to appear non-threatening.”

The messenger stood when I made my appearance. He looked more human than a demon in his expensive suit, shoes, and gold watch. Koradon wanted his courier to fit into my world. It was a gesture of good faith that I wasn’t buying for a second.

“Mr. St. Christian.” The runner extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

When I shook his hand, it was as heated as mine, and the brief contact gave me enough insight into who and what he was. A full demon but not a powerful one. He tried to mask his emotions, but there was an uncertainty that surrounded him. I could work with that.

“My name is Jenner Hastings.”

“What brings you to me on this lovely afternoon?” I gazed up at the crystal blue sky, annoyed by the intrusion. Anyone who took me from Harper was a disturbance I didn’t want. “Mr. Hastings?”

“A mutual friend.”

“I would hardly call my father a friend.” I tilted my head. “Would you?”

“I suppose he’s more of an associate.” He cleared his throat. “He has a proposal for you.”

“Is ‘proposal’ the correct word for this situation?” I inched closer to him, making him uncomfortable.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” He stepped back, stumbling into the chair. He glanced behind himself before moving away from the table.

“Because the term ‘proposal’ usually implies that there is a suggestion, but we both know that whatever you’re proposing has nothing to do with a suggestion because a suggestion would imply that I had a choice in the matter. And my father doesn’t give options.” I continued to stalk in his direction, making him more uncomfortable than a few minutes ago. “So, do I have a choice in the matter, Mr. Hastings?”

“We all have a choice.” As he continued to retreat backward, he slammed into David’s chest. “Sorry.” He shook his head. “I didn’t see you there.”

David and Conrad’s presence made Jenner anxious. Why Koradon would send such a weak entity to approach me with such an important matter was beyond me. But anything my father did was usually a mystery.

“Could we meet in your study where we would have more privacy?” Jenner asked. “I could give you all the details of the proposal, um, I mean the um…”

“Let’s call this what it is,” I said. “It’s a deal where your side’s gains will far outweigh what I receive in return.”

“You haven’t even heard what it entails.”

“Then, by all means, do your job and begin your presentation.”


“Right here.” I glanced at my watch. “Make it quick.”

“I’m sure you’re aware of your unique heritage. Your bloodline makes you a rather impressive figure. Being born between two worlds is rare but to be born from a full-fledged demon and an angel who had not fallen from grace makes you rather special.”

“So special that both worlds banished me when I learned the truth about my mother’s death? If they treat me that way, then I’d love to see how they treat someone less exceptional.”

“They didn’t banish you for learning the truth, did they?”

“Continue with your spiel.” I grew tired of this by the minute. Why couldn’t he get to the point? “What do they want?”

“As I was saying, the fact that you are both angel and demon provides you with opportunities that others don’t have.” He went to his briefcase and took out a folder. “Do you know what the Inferno Sword is?”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“What have you heard?”

“It’s a powerful weapon that Lucifer used in the quest to claim his throne. It holds ancient power that could level a universe.”

He opened the folder and showed me a picture of the antiquated sword. “The angels took it from our world centuries ago, but now we need it back.”


“I’m not cleared for that type of information.”

“Where do I fit into this equation?”

“The sword is being stored in Rome. It isn’t easily accessible, especially if you are a demon.”

“Which I am.”

“You’re also an angel, and that goes a long way for those hypocrites at the Vatican. If you’re persuasive enough, you’ll get in and retrieve the sword.”

“A sword that’s under heavy guard? The same sword no one has seen in a century? The one that was taken from Lucifer to prevent him from doing any further evil?”

“Yes.” He scratched his head. “That sword. We need you to get it for us.”

“In exchange for what?”

“You’ll be granted your full demon status, and you’ll take your rightful place by your father’s side.” He smiled as if he were telling me the greatest news ever. “Your banishment will be over. If you succeed, you’ll be hailed a hero in the underworld. A legend.”

“You speak as if I want any of this?”

“You don’t want to come home?”

“This is my home.” I pointed to the ground. “It will remain that way for eternity.”

“Among the mortals? You would choose humans over demons?” He thought for a moment before flipping through the file. “This human?” He held up a picture of Harper in a bikini on the beach in California. “I can see most of the appeal, but she’s still a lowly human.”

“Where did you get that?” I lunged at him, grabbing him by the throat. “Who took that photo?”

David and Conrad took their positions on either side of me.

“Does it matter?” Jenner asked. “We know you’ve been filling her with your demon seed for days. Growing closer and making choices a demon of your status doesn’t make. That can’t be good for your soulless body.”

When I tightened my hold on his throat, his fear intensified.

“You tell my father that the answer is no. I will never stand by his side, and I would never use my mother’s virtue to steal for him. I don’t care what kind of bargain they think they’re offering me. I’ll walk this earth alone for the rest of my existence before I help him.”

“You’re going to be sorry.” He croaked out as his airway closed. “You will not have a choice.”

“Mr. Jenner, didn’t you just tell me we all have a choice?” My temperature rose as my veins constricted under my skin. “You take this message back from me.”

He squirmed under my powerful hold, trying to escape, but it was no use.

“Listen to me loud and clear.” Closing my fiery eyes, I raised my hand and lifted him off the ground. His eyes widened, and then the panic took over. “That sword is going to stay where it is for a long time. I have no use for it, and therefore, I have no use for you.”

With a swift flick of my hand, I threw him across the patio, causing him to crash down on the table. His body went through the glass, and it shattered into thousands of pieces. He hit the ground with a sickening thud. He tried to scramble away from me as I hovered over him, holding him still by placing my foot on his chest.

“Didn’t they tell you when they sent you here that I could paralyze you with the wave of my hand?”

A staggering fear hit him when he realized how meaningless he was to the demon world. If he held any value, they never would have sent him alone.

“If you knew my true heritage, you would know that a man born with both demon and angel blood coursing through his veins is an extremely powerful demon.” He shook beneath my hold, his teeth chattered, and his complexion turned pale. “You tell them they need me a hell of a lot more than I need them. I don’t accept the terms of their deal.”

Harper and Kiki’s hearts raced as they ran down the hallway from the study. I felt their panic with each step they took.

“Get rid of him.” I ordered David. “Clean this up.” I kicked Mr. Jenner in his side, causing him to yelp. “Don’t come back here. Tell them not to send anyone else. I’ll kill them on site.”

I made it through the patio doors just in time to intercede the curious sisters. That was close. I pulled the curtains shut before they entered the family room.

“Angelo.” Harper looked me over, reservation clouding her thoughts. “Is everything okay?”

“We heard a loud noise.” Kiki stood on her toes, trying to look over my shoulder. “What happened?”

“Craziest thing.” I stood between both of them and hooked Harper’s arm in mine. I did the same with Kiki on the opposite side, ushering them away from the door. “We were outside finishing up a meeting when suddenly a deer came out of nowhere and leapt onto the patio. Sadly, he landed on the glass table.”

“Oh, no!” Harper looked at me. “Is he?”

“I’m afraid so, my love.” I kissed her cheek because my story upset her, but it also guaranteed that she wouldn’t want to go onto the patio. “David and Conrad are taking care of it. It’s nothing you need to witness or concern yourself with.”

“How dreadful,” Kiki said, but I felt no remorse in her emotions. “Maybe we should have a glass of wine to settle your nerves.”

“Kiki, an animal just died right in front of Angelo.” Harper was full of sadness and regret.

“Which is why he needs a glass of wine.” Kiki tugged on my arm. “Tell her I’m right.”

“I agree with Kiki.” I led them down the hall and to the dining room, far away from the commotion happening on the patio. “We’ll have a glass of wine before dinner. I have the perfect bottle in the cellar to pair with Greta’s glazed salmon. David will join us in a few minutes.”

“Harper,” Kiki taunted her. “I might steal this one right out from under you.”

Highly doubtful.

* * *


Angelo dug his fingers into my hips, pulling me forward and pushing me backward, lifting me up, and bringing me back down onto his rock-hard erection. Each motion became more aggressive than the last. I thought being on top, riding his long, powerful body would put me in a position of control.

I should have known better.

Darkness fell over the room once the violent storm hit above us. Thunderous booms rattled the house as the pelting rain poured over the skylight. The occasional flash of lightning illuminated the space between us, giving me faint glimpses of his face. The quick charge of electricity cast strange shadows on the walls and ceiling, changing his facial features and making him appear like a perfect being. Majestic and imposing. I squeezed my eyes shut, blinking a few times, but each time the room lit up, he looked even more statuesque.

“Harper,” he moaned, taking me from my strange observation. “You’re going to make me come.”

Those words filled me with such pride. Unraveling a man like Angelo was something to be pleased with. He’d already made me climax three times in ten minutes.

As if we timed it with the tumultuous clap of thunder, he yelled out his pleasure and released his searing ejaculation. He yanked on my hips, bringing me down on his chest, and held me firm against him as he frantically moved inside me.

He let go of my hips, leaving sizzling indentations from his fingertips, and gripped the back of my hair.

The rain continued to pound against the house as the wind whipped by the windows.

“The storm is harsh.” I dropped my head to his chest. “I’m glad I’m with you.”

“You’re frightened by the storm. I can tell.”

“You’re an excellent distraction.” I draped my arms on either side of him. “I don’t mind them in the day, but these brutal night storms unsettle me.”

“It’s nature.” He trailed his hand down my back. “The storm can’t control what it is. It just is.”

“Weather can be scary.”

“A lot of things can be scary until you understand them.” When he shifted his hips, he slipped out of me, but left his arm around my waist. “The thunder is getting further away from us. It won’t last much longer, but I’m glad you’re here too.”

“Kiki was her very own search party today.” I kissed his collarbone. “She needed to see that I was okay.”

“Did she tell you it was time to go home?”

“Not at all.” I sunk deeper into him, adsorbing both his warmth and cedar aroma. It was always more prominent after we had sex. It drew me to him, keeping me close since after I never wanted to let him go. “She thinks you’re good for me.”

“She’s a smart girl.”

“She takes after her older sister.”

“No doubt.” He ran his hand down my spine in long, careful strokes. “She’s cautious around me, but that’s because she’s looking out for you. Kiki wants to trust me, but she can’t give in yet because if she gives her approval and makes a mistake, she will regret not looking out for your best interests.”

“You got all that from one dinner?”

“I’m good at reading people.”

“I hadn’t noticed.” I propped myself up on his chest, resting my chin on the back of my hands. “She really likes you.”

“That’s important to me.”

“I ran your offer by my sister.” The thought of telling him about my decision made my heart rate increase. “She agreed it was a big step for me.”

“I told you that you didn’t have to decide anything right away.” He caressed my hair. “While I’m not a particularly patient man, I can give you all the time you need. I can do that for you.”

“I appreciate that, but I don’t need time.” I trailed my lips along his jaw. “I know what I want.”

“What’s that?”


“You’ve had that from the moment you stumbled into my arms.” His chest moved beneath me.

“Are you laughing at me?” I smacked his arm.

“Was that supposed to hurt?” He rolled me on my back and got on top of me. “Yes, I am laughing at you because you’re so adorable.”

“This from the man who didn’t even tell me his name when we first met. Kiki had to look you up, and we found that intriguing article about you being a rich, eligible bachelor.”

“I despise that article.” He kissed me, pushing his tongue inside my mouth and taking his time to awaken my body. “As for not introducing myself, my only excuse is that my social skills are lacking.”

“You know what isn’t lacking?”


“Your distraction skills.” I nudged him off me. “I’m trying to tell you I want to move in with you, and somehow we got off topic.”

“You want to move in with me?” He smirked. “I had no idea.”

“I think you had some idea.” I bit my lip. “The fact that I haven’t left your side in days may have clued you in.”

“I haven’t left yours either.” He kissed me again. A slow, smoldering, toe-curling French kiss that almost made me forget my name. “You’re staying with me?”

“I’m staying with you.”

“I’ve never been this happy.” He caressed my cheek. “Thank you.”

“It’s time for both of us to be happy.”