Ruthless Prince by Piper Stone

Chapter 5


Stefano’s words were haunting, but the cold chill in his voice terrified me. I’d known better than to try to argue with him about leaving. I’d tossed my things into my suitcase, trying to convince myself that I would find a way out. How? The moment he flew me to another country, I would never have an opportunity to get away from him.

I took another look at the house before being forced into the passenger seat of an Italian sports car. The asshole certainly liked to ride in style. Stefano’s two men followed closely behind in a huge blacked-out SUV as Stefano drove out of the neighborhood. I’d seen their weapons strapped to their bodies as they shielded the two of us leaving the house. That had chilled me to the bone, the reality of what I was facing hitting home.

I was nothing but a prisoner of some horrible war.

As I slunk against the seat, I tried to pay attention to where he was going. We both remained quiet. What the hell could he want me to say? I shouldn’t have been surprised that the location he was taking me was only blocks away. He’d tracked and played me like a fiddle, and I’d bought it. I shook my head, laughing softly to myself. At least given we were still in the United States, I might find an opportunity to get away.

Only if I could get rid of the two massive hunks of meat protecting him. As he pulled to a gated entrance, rolling down the window, I glanced from side to side. The place was a fortress, high block walls covering the perimeter. As the gates swung open and Stefano drove along the circular driveway, I sucked in my breath. The place was a damn mansion, at least four stories in a Mediterranean design. Where the grounds surrounding my friend’s house had been lush, the tropical trees and flowers surrounding a massive fountain were just the beginning of the gorgeous space.

The place was meant for a king.

Or a ruthless prince.

The goons were out of the SUV even before Stefano cut the engine, the asshole who’d raced after me on the beach the one opening my door. He looked like something out of a bad mafia movie with his dark shades and well-tailored suit. He had one hand on his gun, prepared for an attack. Was this the way Stefano was forced to live his entire life?

“Cassis, get Alexandra safely secured inside. Donato and I will check the grounds.”

“Yes, sir,” Cassis answered, taking me by the arm and leading me to the front door. The security pad was heat and fingerprint sensitive, obviously programmed for the three men. My guess was that the doors would be locked at all times, preventing me from leaving.

He half dragged me inside, moving his arm of front of me as an indication to stay where I was. The look he gave me was menacing.

I gave him one in return, but remained where I was, able to see clearly all the way to the back of the house. The view was even more incredible than where I’d been staying. I was surprised at the warmth of the foyer alone, the gorgeous art on two of the walls stunning. Still, a cold shiver trickled down my spine, my heart racing. A part of me was frozen inside, unable to believe I had no choice.

But Stefano had been right about my father. He would save his ass before giving a shit about his own daughter. I closed my eyes, memories of my mother’s face coming to the forefront of my mind. I’d done everything not to think about her over the years. The memories were too painful. She’d been my world. Then she’d been taken from me.

Maybe this was the way life was required to be.

I heard the sound of footsteps and cringed.

“Come,” Cassis instructed, his awful look from before remaining.

I trailed behind him, the rooms I passed by just as gorgeous as the foyer. He took me into the kitchen, immediately moving to the end of the island already standing guard. I’d never felt so awkward in my life. I folded my arms, leaning against the edge of the sink, studying the man who would likely remain by my side at all times.

He was at least six foot four and obviously of Italian descent. However, where Stefano carried his genes in a sophisticated manner, the aura surrounding the soldier erupted with power; this man was built for battle.

And murder.

The silence in the house was quickly becoming too stifling. I scanned the room, the number of windows allowing a pristine view of the blue waters. It seemed surreal being here. I’d woken up in a dark fairytale, unable to claw my way out. While the kitchen was impressive, there was no sign that Stefano had spent any time in the room even though there was a bowl of fruit located in the center of the island.

I already figured out that Stefano required the best in everything. Wine. Food. Housing. Clothing. Money was simply another powerful tool that he used on a regular basis. My mother’s family had been made of money, my grandparents basking in their retirement in one of four houses they owned. As a child, I’d been pampered, provided with every toy I mentioned. Sadly, every member of the family had lived in a similar fashion.

The houses were never cluttered, housekeepers ensuring the places were spotless. There weren’t any pets and toys weren’t allowed out of my playroom. Visiting my grandparents had been more like going to a mausoleum or another pretentious location, the furniture never comfortable. I didn’t want that kind of life. My apartment had been furnished with my tastes and they were eclectic.

After a few seconds, I couldn’t stand the quiet any longer. “Do you like your job, Cassis?”

He seemed surprised that I’d bothered to talk to him. “I don’t understand the question.”

“I think it’s fairly straightforward and easy to understand. Do you like working with a monster like Stefano?”

Chuckling, he finally dared to look me in the eyes. “It’s what I was born and bred to do.”

“You mean there’s some school where you go to in order to become the perfect hired gun?” I smirked after making the comment.

“The Benedetti family has been very good to me. Stefano and I are like friends. Yes, I enjoy what I do.”

“Even if you might die during a shift?”

“We are all going to die, Ms. Starling. If that’s what needs to happen, then I will take a bullet as necessary.”

I shook my head. “You make it sound so cavalier, Cassis, as if you no longer value your life.”

I could tell I’d ruffled his feathers, his accent heavier every time he answered a question. “I take my job seriously and I’m good at what I do. At some point in your life, you may come to appreciate that fact.”

The sound of applause created a wave of butterflies in my tummy. Very slowly Stefano walked in, a glint in his eyes as he stared at me. “Don’t let the lovely but mischievous Alexandra get to you, Cassis. She has a caustic mouth, which is something I will need to deal with.”

“I can handle her, boss,” Cassis replied.

There was a moment of real surprise at the heated glance Stefano gave him. It was full of aggression, a reminder that I was off limits to a pedestrian man like himself. So much for the friendship.

“Just ensure she remains alive.” Stefano walked closer, rubbing a single finger down the side of my face. Every time he touched me my entire body quivered. That wasn’t acceptable.

I tilted my head, standing as tall as possible. “What now, Stefano? What can I expect next on your degradation of my life?”

My challenge wasn’t well received, Stefano’s dark eyes now piercing mine. He gripped my jaw, holding me with enough force I knew he had the strength to break it. “You will find ways to amuse yourself for a few hours. Then we will enjoy a night at South Beach together, only I will select the venue.”

“Aren’t you afraid that your enemies will find you?”

He snickered as he lowered his head, pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was gentle, even loving. As he captured my mouth, easily able to slide his tongue inside, the heat between us rose exponentially.

I pressed my palms against his chest. I wanted to shove him away, to make certain he knew how much I hated him, but I knew he wouldn’t loosen his hold. While I did my best not to react, as the level of passion increased, my mind became fuzzy.

After breaking the kiss, he tilted my head, rubbing his lips across my forehead. “If they do, then you will begin to fully understand the kind of life you will live. Perhaps that’s the best method of providing the information you continue to seek.” Backing away, a smile crossed his face. “I suggest you get some rest, Cassis. Have Donato stay with Alexandra. You can tell him to allow her to enjoy the rest of the house as well as the immediate grounds. Also have him show her to our room.”

Our room.

The thought sickened me. I gripped the edge of the counter, doing my best to keep my expression bland.

“Of course, boss. Do you need anything else?”

“No, I’ve patrolled the grounds and taken a look at the cameras. There hasn’t been a breach in security.” Stefano said the words so casually, just another day at the office. “I need to make some overseas calls this afternoon, but I do plan on enjoying a night in the city.”

“Are you sure that’s wise, boss?” Cassis asked more under his breath than anything.

“I appreciate your concern, but there’s no indication that our location has been breached,” Stefano growled.

Aww. The big man didn’t like to be questioned.

“Yes, sir.” Cassis moved out of the kitchen more quickly than I would have expected given his size.

Stefano waited until the man’s departure, exhaling as he backed further away. “My soldiers are here to protect you, Alexandra, not entertain you or to be grilled with useless questions.”

“Useless. I thought they were decent questions. I’m sure your soldiers would appreciate being treated like human beings instead of animals.”

“Whether or not you want to believe that doesn’t matter. There are a number of people that wouldn’t hesitate putting a bullet in your head for no other reason than to attempt to get at me. I have many enemies on both sides of the big pond, all vicious bastards utilizing brutal methods. I think you should have respect for the fact I intend on taking care of you no matter the cost.”

His chilling words did have an influence on me, more than I wanted to admit even to myself. “I’ll keep that in the back of my mind along with the fact my life has been placed in danger because of your need for revenge. If I’m killed, my blood will be on your hands.”

I took a deep breath and held it, anticipating some form of punishment for opening my mouth.

When he grabbed an apple, tossing it into the air and catching it, a grin popped on his face. He rubbed it against his shirt before walking toward the doorway. “I will join you as soon as possible. Please make yourself comfortable. We will leave for dinner promptly at seven tonight.”

Did the man really think I gave a damn? I didn’t bother responding, instead turning toward the kitchen window. Comfortable. What I should do was search the house for a phone or another way of contacting the police. Maybe I could set off the security system. I heard more footsteps and was able to see the other soldier in the reflection of the glass.

“I’m required to show you to your room,” he said after a few seconds.

“Of course you are. What’s your name again? Donato?” I opened the refrigerator, laughing at the fact there was almost no food. After grabbing a bottle of water, I finally looked at my new bodyguard. His face was pensive. He was also much younger than Cassis.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary to call me ma’am.”

“You hold a place of honor in the Benedetti household. I will always show you that respect.”

“Apparently, you don’t understand the situation.” I could tell he had no clue about what I was saying. “Anyway, show me to the room. I’ll likely spend the rest of the afternoon there.”

He shifted from one foot to the other. “There is a beautiful pool outside.”

I could tell he was trying to be accommodating. I wasn’t in the mood. “As I was reminded, I am required to entertain myself. But thank you, Donato.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m here to protect you.”

As he led me up three flights of a spiral staircase, I realized I was shaking. I would never feel safe or protected. It didn’t matter how many soldiers were assigned to stand guard. After all, the real monster would be sleeping in the bed beside me.

* * *

Sapphires and Cherries.

The members-only club was one of the most popular locations in South Beach. Members were a who’s who of the rich and famous, paying a minimum of one hundred thousand dollars for an initiation fee. I had clients who were members, men seeking the perfect protected gem for nights spent out of town. The club was also well known for its provocative nature, the atmosphere conducive to acts of seduction.

Stefano had inspected my attire when I’d walked down the stairs, nodding his approval after only a few seconds. I’d been told nothing about where we were going, which had given me no real time to prepare for the night ahead. At least I’d followed my instinct that he would play the power game, only selecting high dollar locations for the night.

He was dressed entirely differently than the night before, the silky black shirt and matching trousers adding to his dangerous appearance. I noticed he wore a diamond encrusted watch and a black onyx and diamond ring, the only jewelry I’d noticed up to this point.

What I did know is that he was the sexiest man I’d ever laid eyes on. Even the cologne he’d chosen for the night was breathtaking, leaving my mouth watering and my senses on overdrive. So exotic.

So animalistic.

He’d allowed his soldiers to drive us and as we’d sat in the back of the SUV, Stefano’s close proximity keeping me breathless. While he never tried to touch me, I was easily able to read his thoughts.

He would shower me with attention then he would taste me.

Take me.

Fuck me.

Chain me.

I shivered to my core at the thought.

I’d known from the second we walked into the club that his family owned at least a portion by the way he was greeted. We were led to one of the nicest, most secluded tables, waiters converging to find out what we wanted within seconds. The bastard had even ordered for me, as if I couldn’t make my own decisions. He’d also made it very clear that if I opened my mouth in a desperate attempt to seek help, I would be punished. However, he’d remained on edge, studying the crowd every few minutes, his two soldiers standing only a few feet away. Our conversation had been stilted at best since I’d refused to comply with any small talk.

But there’d been no doubt I was his possession by the way he kept his hand on the small of my back as we walked. Even coming into the club he’d been protective, forcing his soldiers to do a sweep before we left the entrance area. If he’d wanted me to be impressed by the fact his name created reactions instantly, he was wrong. This was just another play on intimidation tactics.

Fuck him.

Just thinking the two words allowed me to keep my head high. I searched the crowd for anyone I recognized. If there were, I could attempt to make contact with them. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d place their life in danger if I was caught.

Hissing, I refused to look at him as I sat down. He quickly ordered and I didn’t pay any attention. What did I care what was placed in front of me? I’d had no appetite for dinner, the food as repulsive as the company. Maybe alcohol would agree with me.

He sat back in his chair, surveying the area. The club was rocking, hundreds of people inside. While there was a disco vibe from years ago with flashing neon lights under two separate dance floors and grinding music blaring from unseen speakers, there was also an entirely sexual vibe. I could feel it in the air, several guests coming very close to fucking on the floor.

I sensed he was watching my reaction. Perhaps he thought I was more of a prude, unable to handle dark proclivities. Maybe in comparison to the hulking man I was. As the scantily clad waitress brought our order, I barely paid any attention to the glass of champagne placed in front of me. I certainly had no reason to celebrate.

A full minute passed by, then another. I knew his heated gaze never left me. Realizing I couldn’t ignore him for long, I shifted my chair, fingering the glass. He was quietly sipping on whatever libation he’d ordered, the massive crystal brandy snifter filling his hand. While Stefano had seemed debonair from the day I’d met him, his dark sophistication was fucking with my mind.

The attraction between us was undeniable, our chemistry as if specifically prepared in a laboratory. And I hated it even more.

“You look beautiful tonight, Alexandra.”

Every time he said my name, I was instantly unnerved. The tone of his voice was so commanding, always sending shivers down the length of my spine, but tonight his voice sent me into another dimension. I felt like I was a bad little girl, finally obtaining his respect for being obedient. Somehow, I knew that wouldn’t last for long.

His breathing was heavier than normal, his nostrils flaring. I had a feeling that with almost no hesitation, he would fuck me in the middle of the club. Then again, I doubted anyone would care or even notice.

“Thank you.”

Laughing softly, he seemed amused at my cautious answer. “I frighten you.”

“Isn’t that what you’re trying to do?”

“I’m simply trying to help you understand that you are no longer in control, but in being placed in a position of submission, you will enjoy aspects of your life that you never dreamed of.”

He made it sound so enticing, as if becoming a prisoner would be the greatest joy of my life. Swallowing, I tried to hide behind my glass, shaking like a damn leaf. God, I hated my reaction to him. I continued to study the way he scanned the entire room. I also had no doubt he was making mental note of anyone who pissed him off.

After taking a sip I leaned over, curious as to why he’d risked coming here. “Who are you expecting?”


“You are constantly glancing at the crowd. I’m surprised you’d take such a significant chance bringing me out tonight.”

He smiled as he swirled the tip of his finger around the rim of his glass. I loathed the way his dark eyes penetrated mine, the splash of neon light shimmering across his face highlighting every chiseled feature. “I don’t intend on ever living my life as a recluse. As I told you before, there will always be someone attempting to shatter our family’s resolve. That just isn’t going to happen.”

“You mean again.”

He leaned over the table, his face coming dangerously close to mine. “Even my father’s murder wasn’t able to sway my pursuit of obtaining everything I’ve ever wanted. Never forget that fact.”

Everything about him was dominating. Just seeing the way both women and men reacted when he’d walked into the club had been impressive. But the experience had also left me with a cold and bleak feeling pooling in the pit of my stomach.

“I forget nothing, Stefano. Nothing.”

His laugh sent shivers down my spine.

“Your family owns this place. Doesn’t it?” I asked, my tone still rebellious.

“Yes, as well as several others. Does that bother you?” he asked, although I knew he couldn’t care less.

“Very little bothers me.”

As he cocked his head, the look of lust in his eyes was overwhelming, the crackling of electricity between us explosive. Even if I managed to escape at this moment, I would never be free of my insane desire for the man. He lifted his glass as well as a single eyebrow, his expression reminding me of a dare.

He wanted to see what I was made of.

I took my time before acknowledging the gesture, the clink of our two glasses echoing in my ears. As I took a sip, the eruption of bubbles was delightful, but a nagging feeling remained that something horrible was going to happen. I’d been unable to shake the feeling all day. Stefano was playing with fire, daring his enemies to make an attempt on his life. Everything that had occurred wasn’t centered around whatever my father had or hadn’t done. This was about the Irish mob as well as a battle for additional power.

He was right. I was nothing but collateral damage.

I’d fought my own battles over the years, learning that from tragedy I could rise into triumph. I would do so again. While it might take me time, no one was going to alter my plan for life. Not even a man I found irresistible.

When he drummed his fingers on the table, I noticed he motioned to Cassis. The soldier moved toward the table almost instantly, his tense actions indicating he was ready for an unseen assailant, prepared to do exactly what he’d confessed to me he was ready for.

To die if necessary.

As they conversed in Italian, I became even more frustrated that I couldn’t understand a single word. They were purposely keeping business from me. I lifted my glass to a private toast, consuming most of the champagne. I might as well enjoy myself while I was here. Who knew what kind of arrangements would be made later.

Cassis glanced at me before walking away, his face devoid of any emotion. He’d been taught well never to show anything that would offer weakness to the enemy.

Stefano pushed back his chair, immediately rising to his feet. He didn’t bother issuing any command. He simply took my hand into his, pulling me to my feet. As he led me through the crowd toward one of the dance floors, I was well aware Cassis and Donato were in close proximity. They were nothing but watchdogs.

While the dance floor was crowded, Stefano didn’t seem bothered by the number of people. Then again, many of them seemed to shift further away. I sensed fear, which wasn’t surprising other than they seemed to know who he was and what the man was capable of. Was it possible his reputation followed him everywhere?

When he took me into his arms, he was as possessive as always, the fingers of one hand wrapped around my waist digging into me, his other hand placed firmly around the back of my neck. I wasn’t going anywhere.

He exuded the kind of sensuality that wrapped around us like a protective blanket, the slower tempo allowing for a complete connection. His cock was rock hard, pushing against my stomach. Almost immediately I was lightheaded, trying to push against him but unable to gain even an inch of space.

As the song continued, I shifted my arm around his shoulder, tangling my fingers in his long hair. The hold felt natural, yet I remained tense. Within seconds, every inch of my body was fully aroused, my senses on overdrive. The way my nipples scraped against the thin material of the dress was exhilarating.

A slight smile curled on his upper lip and when he lowered his head, lightly pressing his lips against mine, I felt like I was floating. Within seconds, the kiss became more passionate, his tongue sweeping inside my mouth, exploring the dark recesses. He was even more possessive tonight, the victor claiming his prize in a slow and easy fashion.

However, I had no doubt he was going to ravage my body later, stripping me of my last defenses before stealing me away from my life. Still, I became unable to resist my carnal urges, undulating my hips until the friction created left me wet and hot all over.

The primal beat of the music increased as the song changed, the lights flashing all around us in several vibrant colors. I found myself sagging against him, hungering more than I had before.

Growling, he slid his arm down, easing his fingers under the hem of my dress and cupping my naked bottom. The fact I’d worn a thong seemed reprehensible at this point. The man enjoyed toying with me, brushing the tip of a single finger up and down the crack of my ass. He was reminding me of his promise after we were married.

I shuddered at the thought.

As the music continued to shift into a passionately wild beat, he refused to let me go. He fisted my hair, tugging on my head until he was able to expose my neck. The series of husky growls he issued floated above the roaring beats of the drums, filtering into my entire system like rocket fuel. He lowered his head, nipping my earlobe and licking the shell of my ear before dragging his tongue all the way down the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes, unable to stop a strangled moan from escaping my lips. For a few seconds, I allowed myself to enjoy the moment, taking ragged breaths as he bit down on my throat. Everything about him was so possessive, but I could swear he’d also become obsessed with breaking me just like he stated he would do.

As I blinked several times, the room was spinning, the lights pulsing in such a way I was blinded. My legs were shaking to the point I would have fallen if he hadn’t been holding me. Panting, the moment I realized he’d used his teeth, lowering the strap on my dress, I jerked up, gasping for air.

He lifted his gaze seconds before exposing my naked breast. I was mortified, doing everything I could to shove him away.

“You belong to me, Alexandra. There is no getting out of my hold.” The guttural sound he made was more like an animal would make and the second he engulfed my nipple, pulling the tender tissue between his teeth, I let out a string of moans. People had to be watching.

I’d never been placed on display in this nature, but as he continued dancing to the beat, turning us in circle after circle, I became lost to the pleasure he was giving me even thought a wash of pain slithered into my veins.

“You can’t…” I managed, although I was unable to finish the sentence.

Stefano lifted his head, his eyelids half closed. “I will take you whenever and wherever I want. Look around you, Alexandra. Why do you think I brought you here?”

I did was he requested, noticing the state of undress had only increased. Maybe I shouldn’t care.

“I will enjoy devouring you again tonight. Just remember, it’s only the beginning.” He ripped at the second strap, exposing my other breast. As he placed one hand on the small of my back, he tangled his other in my long strands of hair, forcing my body to arch.

Everything about the moment was surreal, although there’d been so many of them that a part of me wanted to believe this was nothing but some crazy fantasy, a sleep I was unable to wake from. The music filtered into my system, the tribal beats igniting every blood cell. I was on fire, unable to catch my breath.

He swung me around and around, finally gripping the back of my neck and jerking me into an upright position. The way his fingers dug into my skin was nothing but a reminder of his full control. But as I wrapped my fingers around his soft shirt, I no longer cared that we were in a public place. He had that kind of effect on me.

When he released his hold, he took an actual step away. I knew without a doubt he was challenging me, allowing me just enough rope to highlight what I could do or if I was too frightened of him.

My resolve had yet to be broken to any degree.

Challenge accepted.

I kept my eyes locked on his as I danced in front of him. As I moved to the beat, I shifted my dress straps into place then eased my hands down from my neck. I adored dancing, had craved going to nightclubs since the day I’d hit twenty-one. If he thought the provocative music would stymy me in any way, the man was wrong.

Turning away from him, I undulated my hips and backed against his massive frame. The feel of his cock was exactly as I’d experienced before, driving the kind of hunger into my veins that was likely a mortal sin. I wanted to run away, yet I remained drawn to him, incapable of even attempting to flee. As I shifted my hands against his hips, forcing him to sway with me in time to the music, he twisted my hair in his hand, blowing a swath of hot air across the back of my neck.

Goosebumps popped on nearly every inch of my skin, my breath skipping as I ground against him. There was suddenly no one else in the room, no fear that we’d be interrupted. I enjoyed the moment before inching away and lifting my arms over my head as I danced. When I finally turned around, he stood like a carved statue, watching me intently. There was no mistaking the look on his face or the yearning he felt. His powerful persona was like a bolt of lightning, shattering my senses and energizing the darkness of the woman inside.

I had no idea how much time passed or whether the song turned into another one. As I crept closer, gyrating my body, I was struck by the way he fisted then flexed his hands. He was no longer a man, just a savage predator prepared to take what he believed belonged to him.

Only seconds later, I felt his hand wrapping around mine in such a powerful manner I was shocked. As he jerked me away from the dance floor, pulling me behind him, everything continued to be foggy around me. Only when we returned to the table did I realize the smoke filling the air was purposeful, as if dry ice had been released in the atmosphere.

I noticed our drinks had been replaced with fresh ones and while I expected he would push me into my seat, I should have known better than to anticipate any of his moves.

He thumped down on his chair, forcing me to straddle his legs as he pulled me on top. His chest heaved as he rubbed his hands up and down my back, shaking his head several times as if contemplating what he was going to do.

I wasn’t finished taunting him, pushing every one of his buttons. I brushed my fingertips across his cheeks, keeping a coy smile on my face. When I shifted back and forth, he took a deep breath before reaching for my glass of champagne. He didn’t bother handing it to me, he simply took a long sip, replacing the flute on the table then yanking my head down.

The moment he crushed his mouth over mine, he forced open my lips, allowing trickles of bubbly to fill my mouth. I was breathless, my heart skipping several beats as he swirled his tongue back and forth across mine.

It was difficult to swallow the cold liquid as the kiss continued. I knew the man was trying his best to disarm me, but I refused, sliding my fingers into the top of his shirt. As I traced zigzags and circles around his heated skin, his cock throbbed against my lace-covered pussy. The tease was almost too much to bear.

When Stefano broke the kiss, he took his time rubbing his knuckles across my cheek, his breathing just as scattered as mine.

“I want you. I need to taste you.”

The words should have warned me.

Without hesitation, he pushed me across the table, allowing my legs to dangle from the edge as he slowly rolled my dress up to my tummy. I was too embarrassed to react at first, the swirling lights pulsing in my eyes managing to push away my initial reaction.

He opened my legs, pushing them gently against the table before lowering his head. Then his savage nature took over. He sucked on my wet panties, pulling a portion into his mouth.

I struggled to see, jerking up several times until the humiliation finally took over and I placed my arm over my eyes. I couldn’t bear to see if anyone was paying attention. This was horrible. This was unacceptable.

This was amazing.

As he moved his head back and forth, I could swear I was able to hear the sucking noises he made over the roar of the music. That was impossible, but my mind worked against me, driving me into a state of madness. I was no longer the same girl I’d been just forty-eight hours before.

When I felt his tongue swirling around my aching clit, I realized he’d ripped a hole in my panties. My God, this was insane. Panting, I almost laughed. I couldn’t believe anyone would do this in a public place. If anyone noticed, they certainly didn’t try to stop us.

Stefano yanked the thin material of my panties. I had a feeling that soon they’d be torn to shreds. As he licked up and down the length of my pussy, I fell all the way into the world of utter bliss, no longer able to feel my legs. I knew more than once I’d bucked up from the table, but the moment he placed his hand on my stomach, I stopped all movement.

He’d managed to get full control over my body in a short period of time. That wasn’t possible. I had to be dreaming. But as he shoved several fingers into my aching channel, still licking me like a wild man, I was forced to admit that I didn’t want this to be a dream. I knew that nothing would stop him from bringing me to an orgasm, something I didn’t want to give him.

That would mean he’d won this round of the little game we were playing. Unfortunately, I knew within seconds that I would turn up the loser, the sensations like bottled lightning. When he stopped licking almost a full minute later, I almost begged him not to stop.

I lifted my head, struggling to focus, half smiling as he caressed my inner thigh before reaching for the glass of champagne. When he took another sip, I was in suspended animation, struggling to control my breathing.

He didn’t make me suffer for too long, returning the glass then lowering his head. The second I felt the cold liquid flowing inside my pussy, I let out a strangled scream. No one came to my rescue. No one bothered to walk by our table. I clenched my eyes shut, unable to stop trembling. Only second later I knew there was no way to stop a climax from raging through my system.

As the wave swept through me violently, the thumping noises of the glasses shifting on the table filled my ears. “Oh. Oh. Oh!” I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep another scream from erupting, the vibrations of the music only adding to the searing touch of his tongue and fingers. The ecstasy was powerful, one giant wave turning into another.

And as the brutal man had done before, he refused to stop licking, now driving four fingers deep inside of me. The state of euphoria was all encompassing, and I was so electrified, I was barely able to catch a breath.

I wanted this to go on forever, but a deep voice echoed all around me, yanking me out of the moment.

“Boss, sorry for the interruption but we need to go. There’s some unexpected activity outside.”