Ruthless Prince by Piper Stone

Chapter 4


Brutality was an art, the best men managing to provide what was necessary without pushing the wrong boundary. I was considered one of those, capable of delivering the right amount of pain while still being able to extract whatever information was required. I also had no issues ordering a man to be killed.

However, my feelings regarding women were entirely different. I’d enjoyed many fabulous nights engaged in carnal activities, requiring the woman to surrender to whatever suited my fancy. While some had been apprehensive of my dark proclivities at first, every one of them had succumbed to the same kind of darkness living inside of them.

Alexandra was different than any other woman I’d been with. She was tough on the outside, yet as soft on the inside as her porcelain skin. I could read every thought, her trepidations and fear that she tried without success to hide from me. While I knew there were many layers to the beautiful woman, ones I was determined to find and conquer, she was also as hungry as I.

I’d never planned on wanting her to this degree, but the second I’d laid eyes on her at the restaurant, I’d known there was no denying my desires. She was mine. Period.

Her ragged breathing and the way her lovely mouth twisted aroused the kind of hunger I hadn’t expected. The taste of her had confirmed my decision. She was perfect. Breaking her would be the most delicious aspect of the continued game of revenge.

I’d adored disciplining her, the color of red staining her bottom after the spanking adding to the excitement of fucking her.

As her hand fluttered across her lips, I drank in her scent for the fifth time. The intoxication I’d already experienced was only expanded. I couldn’t wait to thrust my cock deep inside.

“I’m going to fuck you, Alexandra.” My statement didn’t surprise her. In fact, her eyes glistened if only for a few seconds. She wanted this as much as I did. Her body refused to be denied.

She pressed her hands against my chest, cocking her head. “You may take my body, but I swear to you, one day you will suffer my wrath.”

“You have no idea how much that excites me, Alexandra.”

“You don’t have permission to use my name.”

I laughed softly as I crawled between her legs. “That’s where you’re wrong.” I rubbed the tip of my cock up and down her pussy, remaining aloft. I wanted to see her expression, the passion ripping away from the chains she’d placed around herself.

Alexandra bit her lip to keep from making any sounds, blinking her lovely eyes as she tried to retain a certain amount of her control. That was impossible.

After sliding the tip just inside her pussy, I eased one of her legs into my hand, pressing kisses along the inside of her thigh. I was finally rewarded with a single moan and the way she twisted her lips forced my cock to twitch.

She kept her leg around my hip as I hovered over her once again. When I plunged the entire length of my cock inside, she slapped her hands against my chest.

“Oh. Oh, God.” The look of venom remained in her eyes, but she arched her back, wrapping her other leg around me.

I wanted nothing more than to control my needs, savoring the moment, but I knew given the intense ache in my loins that it would be impossible. My heart thudded as I pulled out, thrusting into her again. The way her muscles wrapped around my shaft, pulling it in deeper made breathing difficult. She was so hot and wet, the sight of her full breasts and rock-hard nipples enough to shower gasoline on the burning fire. I wanted to fuck her for hours, taking her in every hole, but I would have some sense of decency, only claiming her virgin ass after we were married.

That would give me something to look forward to.

The brutal beast dwelling inside of me reared its ugly head, wanting more and more of her. I lowered my head, keeping it hovering a few inches above hers.

She licked her lips as she dug her nails into my skin. I could imagine exactly what she wanted to do to me. She was one formidable woman, well worth the risk of remaining in Miami for at least another full day.

Which is what I believed it would take for Doug to fully come to terms with the fact I’d taken his daughter. I pumped savagely, the force driving the headboard into the wall. My brutality would no doubt leave marks. The thought gave me another smile.

Even though she tried to hide her reaction, I could easily tell she was already in a place of rapture, her breath skipping as her chest rose and fell. She tossed her head back and forth, her moans more like purrs.

I fucked her long and hard, but I wasn’t finished yet. After rolling her over with ease and requiring her to straddle me, I cupped her luscious breasts, flicking my fingers across her nipples. “Ride me, Alexandra.”

She rolled off instantly, refusing to take my orders. While she almost managed to slide off the bed, I caught her just in time, wrapping my hand around her long strands of hair.

“That will cost you more pleasure. Is that what you wanted?” I whispered in her ear.

Huffing, she said nothing as I twisted her hair, tugging on her scalp.

“Such a bastard.”

“Yes, I am. I’m a very bad man.” I tossed her onto all fours, realizing that my bliss of enjoying the moment was going to need to be taken. The woman was spectacular in every way, driving me to the point I couldn’t refuse my hunger. Yet her refusal to submit could become a problem. I wasted no time returning my cock to her wetness, driving in with such force she was pitched forward on the bed. I kept my hand wrapped around her hair, holding her in position as I continued fucking her.

I wasn’t a romantic man, couldn’t care less for quiet dinners by candlelight or walks in the freaking park. However, I’d hoped to enjoy the softness with her a bit longer. She simply wasn’t ready for my sadistic desires. But she continued to be aroused, her skin shimmering from her excitement.

Moaning, she dropped her head, meeting every hard thrust. We were nothing but animals satisfying our needs, but I was truly a savage man. I closed my eyes as I powered into her, trying to keep from coming too quickly. It had been a long time since I’d had my cock inside of anyone, the choice more about business than anything else.

Unfortunately, my desires were too strong, my control slipping. I was shocked at the level of electricity we shared, the heat building to a combustible point. She’d awakened my hunger and it would never be denied again.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.” She undulated her hips, throwing back her head as she arched her back. When she squeezed her pussy muscles, my limit had been reached.

I erupted deep inside of her with several guttural growls as the pleasure consumed me. My body shaking and my cock swelling, I was dragged straight into the most pleasurable moment I’d experienced in a hell of a long time.

Perhaps my entire adult life.

She had that kind of effect on me.

After my balls emptied, I brushed my fingers down her back, the tips seared from the touch of her skin alone. She was shaking, taking shallow breaths. When she crawled away from me, I didn’t stop her.

Exhaling, I looked the other way, easing back and rubbing my eyes. “I suggest you get some sleep.”

“You’re going to leave me alone here? Aren’t you afraid I’ll run away?”

I laughed at her question, giving her a stern look. “I think you fully understand that you now belong to me. To try and run would be foolish. However, my soldiers will be watching. Tomorrow you will be in a new location.” I shot her a look over my shoulder, adoring the way she glistened from the intense round of sex.

“Where?” she demanded as she yanked at the comforter, trying to cover herself.

“Somewhere close. For now. However, we will leave for Tuscany soon enough. You may bring the clothes and items you brought with you, but you will not be allowed to return to your apartment.”

“And what the hell are you going to do with it? My rent. My furniture. My things. I have a life.”

I rose from the bed, keeping a smile on my face. “They will be dealt with in time. I assure you that you won’t want for anything. You will have everything you require.”

“You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you? Do you honestly think I’ll simply disappear and no one in New York is going to care?”

“They will care very much, and they will celebrate your marriage. I intend on making certain everyone in the state of New York is aware of our nuptials.”

She shook her head, an incredulous look crossing her face. “Who are you trying to impress, Stefano?”

I grabbed my trousers, stepping into them before answering. “I never waste my time attempting to impress anyone, Alexandra. The press release sends a clear warning.”

“You’re playing a nasty game. What if the people you’re threatening don’t want to play?”

I slowly turned my head in her direction. “Then they will die. Rest. You’re going to need your strength.” I grabbed my shoes, taking one last look at my intended bride. She would certainly look lovely in a white dress.

As I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me, I couldn’t help but smile. I was beginning to like Matteo’s plan more and more. There was a full bar in the living room, the house beautiful in design. Maybe a drink was in order.

I’d been lucky to get a house for a few days of my own, calling in a favor of a business associate. We’d spent our remaining time there in case the friend she’d rented her house from attempted to get ahold of Alexandra. I didn’t need any further complications. I finished dressing, retrieving the gun from where I’d positioned it on a bookshelf. I’d had just enough time to survey the property, finding no weapons. However, that didn’t mean the lovely woman wouldn’t try to grab mine.

She was certainly resourceful, more of a spitfire than I’d imagined.

I poured a glass of cognac before texting Cassis. Then I stood by the window, gazing out at the incredible view. I’d always been partial to the ocean, spending a good deal of time in Saint Tropez, a favorite destination. Perhaps we’d take our honeymoon there. I took a sip, surprised the cognac was so robust, the flavor perfect for my needs.

The light knock on the door was followed almost immediately by footsteps. I didn’t bother turning around.

“What can I do for you, boss?” Cassis asked.

“You can make certain one of you remains on the property tonight. While I don’t expect Alexandra to try and run, I also am not inclined to chain her at the bed at this moment, which allows her an opportunity.”

“A feisty one, eh?” His laugh pissed me off more than it should.

“Just remember, Cassis, that she will soon be my bride, which will give her certain rights. I would consider that in the future if I were you.”

“I meant no disrespect.”

“No, of course you didn’t.” I licked the rim of the glass before taking another gulp, holding the rich liquid in my mouth before swallowing. For several reasons, I remained on edge, forced to realize that O’Sullivan could attempt a strike at any time. While my reminder to David to keep his mouth shut should keep him from doing so, there was always a chance that O’Sullivan would do something worse in order to get what he wanted. All was fair in this war of power.

“I’ll remain tonight and allow Donato to get some sleep. If you don’t mind me asking, boss, when are we returning to Italy?”

I took a deep breath. “As soon as the good senator cooperates. If I need to rattle him an additional time, he will truly understand that crossing the Benedetti family was the worst mistake of his life. However, I have business in Tuscany that will require my presence soon enough. We will make plans for day after tomorrow.”

“I’ll call the pilot.”

“I would appreciate that.” I turned to face him. “Thank you for your help in returning Alexandra. She was taught a lesson in disobedience.”

“Yes, sir. My pleasure. I’ll leave you alone.”

Nodding, I waited until he walked out before sitting down on the couch. I might as well be relaxed before making the call. The senator’s cell phone was listed nowhere, but it had been easy enough to obtain. The Benedetti family had dozens of resources in New York. As I made the call, I sat back, swirling the liquid in the glass. Perhaps tomorrow we’d enjoy spending some time together. Dinner and dancing in South Beach would be delightful.

As long as she behaved.

“Hello?” Doug answered, his tone signifying his annoyance.

“Senator. I was hoping you would answer my call.” The instant silence meant he recognized my voice. I almost laughed. Of course he did, my accent giving me away.

“How the fuck did you get this number?”

“I have my sources, Senator. I wanted to call and give you the good news.” I took another sip, curious if he’d respond. His heavy breathing was the only sign he remained on the line. “I found your lovely daughter and I must say, she is even more beautiful in person. We’ve certainly enjoyed getting to know each other.”

“You son of a bitch,” he growled. “If you lay a hand on her, I will hunt you down.”

“As I mentioned to you before, since she is becoming my wife, I have other plans for her that don’t include harm. Now, I need you to follow through with the rest of my requirement.”

“Which is?”

Sighing, I knew the asshole was playing a game. I would enjoy spending some additional time with him at some point. “I think you heard me, Senator. You need to announce our upcoming wedding in every major newspaper in the city. And make certain the New York Times prints a picture of the two of us no further on than the second page. You will find an appropriate photograph of me on the internet. I suggest that you contact the papers when we get off the phone. I also expect you to complete your task within thirty-six hours. Anything different will not be acceptable.”

“What if I’m unable to do that?”

“I think you will find a way. You are a powerful man, Doug. Besides, I don’t think you want anything to happen to your lovely daughter.”

“You gave me your word that you wouldn’t harm her.”

I polished off the glass, determined to have at least one more. “Tsk. Tsk. I didn’t promise you anything. I will do what’s necessary.”

“As I said, I will hunt you down.”

“When and if you do, I will enjoy the finish of our game, only you should know that I’ve been a big game hunter for years. I daresay you’ll be an easy catch. Once you’ve fulfilled your obligations, I’ll be happy to leave you and your Barbie doll wife to enjoy your life. For now.”

The senator hissed. “You will die a horrible death, Stefano Benedetti. That is my prediction.”

“That may be so, Senator, but that won’t happen by your hands. I’ll expect confirmation. Enjoy the rest of your night.” As I ended the call, I took a deep breath. I would allow myself to enjoy the day with her.

Then it would be time to get back to business. The next few weeks should be entertaining.

* * *

“Are you packed?” I didn’t need to see Alexandra to know she was behind me. I stood on the deck, a coffee mug in my hand. The ocean waters were calm, the sun creating a shimmer of light along the shoreline. I hadn’t been to a beach in almost two years, but I’d continued to have memories of stolen times in Saint Tropez. I’d been able to spend several weeks not as one of the three princes of the Benedetti Empire, but as a man seeking solace. They’d been some of the best weeks of my life.

This experience was entirely different.

This was the continuation of war.

“We’re leaving that soon?” she asked as she walked out onto the deck, keeping her distance as she leaned against the railing.

“Yes. I have several business calls to make from behind my desk.” I slowly turned my head, admiring her long neck and the way the floral dress hugged every curve. She remained in her bare feet as if this was nothing but the morning after, our passion continuing. Yet I could tell she was tense, unprepared for what she was about to face.

She laughed in a defiant tone as she eased a strand of hair behind her ear. “Always the businessman.”

“Not always.”

“I’m just another aspect of whatever business plan you’ve devised. There’s no sense in trying to make it anything else.”

Sighing, I returned my attention to the quiet beach. “If that’s the way you’d prefer to think about it, then yes, you’re right. You are a weapon to be used.”

“Used. That’s exactly what you did last night. Isn’t it?” She huffed as she passed by, giving me a nasty look before heading inside.

“I’ve taken your phone, Alexandra. While I’d like to be able to trust you at some point, you and I both know that’s not possible at this time.”

“As I would have expected. Tell me, oh great Master, will I be in shackles today? Will you parade me around on a leash like the pet you’re going to turn me into?”

I placed the mug on the table, sliding my hands into my pockets before walking closer. She seemed to have trouble looking me in the eyes. “While I appreciate your rebellious mannerisms, even enjoying the sarcastic banter, I will not tolerate disrespect of any kind. Is that understood?”

Instead of answering, she gave me a salute, a smirk crossing her face. “I’ll gather my things so we can begin a great adventure together.” She headed inside, stopping short after a few seconds. “You do realize that my father will be looking for me. Don’t you?”

“Your father has agreed to this arrangement. He’s chosen his life over his daughter. That will remain painful for some time, but you’re a strong woman. You will get over the betrayal.”

“Blood is thicker than greed, Mr. Benedetti.”

“You know that’s not true,” I said softly. “You’ve known for years about your father’s indiscretions. You’ve watched the man parade bimbo after bimbo into your home, some staying only a night, others almost taking up residence. Then came Natalie. I understand the two of you aren’t any closer than you and your father. What a shame. While you’re correct that in some families that blood is the most important thing, that is not the case in yours. I’m curious as to what actually happened to your mother.”

Her eyes reflected the venom I’d already seen. As her chest heaved, she closed the distance. “While you may believe yourself to be powerful and without reproach, you will never mean anything to me. I will tolerate your bullshit until I find a way to destroy you, but you will never… never mention my mother again. If you do, so help me God, I will slit your throat. Now, are we clear?”

I inhaled her exotic perfume, allowing the scent to filter into every cell until I answered. “I will respect your privacy on that issue alone. Everything else belongs to me. Let that be clearly stated.”

“Fine.” She stormed away without saying another word.

And I realized that my cock was already hard, longing to take her again. As my phone began to ring, I kept my eyes locked on her until she disappeared. Seeing my brother’s number on the screen, I exhaled before answering. “I have the intended package.”

Matteo chuckled. “You make it sound like she’s nothing but a possession.”

“I’m in no mood for games, Matteo. There’s far too much business I need to handle.”

“Where did you find her?”


“While I’m glad that you are handling the situation, a trusted informant gave me a phone call very early this morning.”

Hissing, I scanned the perimeter. It was rare any informant dared to break the chain of command. That meant a storm was brewing. “What the hell did he have to say?”

“The contact you secured enabling you to find your prize was beaten to death by two of O’Sullivan’s soldiers. Some security guard?”

My hackles were immediately raised. While I’d anticipated something like this could happen, that meant O’Sullivan was on the hunt. “Warning noted. Any other disturbances?”

“There are always rumblings, brother. Just finish what you went there to do and return,” Matteo suggested. While he was well aware that I could handle myself, every step we made had to be calculated carefully.

“Leaving tomorrow unless complications arise.”

“Don’t do anything rash. We’re still in the middle of our plan.”

“You mean your plan,” I retorted.

“One we all agreed to.”

Chuckling, I moved inside, closing the door behind me. It was time to leave, the house I’d rented much more secure. I couldn’t be too careful at this point. Michael O’Sullivan had enough of a reach that there could be men searching the city. That is if David opened his mouth, spilling his guts. Anything was possible, O’Sullivan’s soldiers nothing more than animals. “As you keep reminding me. Let me know if you hear anything else.”

“Will do. And I am looking forward to meeting your future bride.”

His dark laugh almost pissed me off. He’d been the first to initiate the arranged marriages, requiring the police commissioner’s daughter to marry him. In the process, he’d actually found love, their passionate relationship something freaking fairytales were made of. That wasn’t allowed in my mind. Alexandra would be a commodity and nothing more. At least the commissioner had backed off on certain investigations he’d initiated, the marriage already a thorn in his side. There was a good chance he would be asked to resign.

What Matteo’s relationship with Catherine had caused was a rift between the three parties responsible for our father’s murder. There’d been an increase in crime in New York, which indicated O’Sullivan was on the edge. The asshole would undoubtedly continue to take risks, fearing no consequences.

After shoving the phone in my pocket, I took the stairs two at a time. When I opened her door, I initially noticed the two suitcases that had been placed on the bed. However, Alexandra was nowhere in sight. Bristling, I stormed all the way in, immediately going to the bathroom. The door was cracked, the light on inside. As I swung it open, I was struck by the way she had her hands placed on the counter, staring at her own reflection.

Her eyes darted in my direction but there was no other response to my presence.

“We need to leave now,” I instructed, prepared to walk away.

“Does it make you feel good to destroy someone’s life?” she asked quietly.

There was a calmness to her question, almost zero emotion. She deserved an honest answer at least. “The majority of time it does, but only for those who deserve it.”

“And I deserve to have my life taken from me?”

I inched closer, shifting my gaze to the mirror. She had aristocratic features: high forehead and cheekbones, a perfectly straight nose, and eyes that could light up a room of darkness exquisite. But there was also a girl next door quality, the long red hair framing her face illuminating her flawless skin. At this moment, her eyes were filled with sadness. “I’m sorry that you are in the crossfire, but there is nothing that I can do. As I promised, I will attempt to make your life comfortable, even pleasurable.”

“As long as I pretend that I give a shit.” A hollow laugh slipped past her lips. “You do realize that you will go straight to hell. Don’t you?”

“Then so be it, Alexandra. I can’t change who I am or what I’ve become.”

“I disagree with you. You can be whatever and whomever you want to be, Stefano. You’re obviously rich and powerful. You could find another kingdom to rule, one that doesn’t include murder and destruction.”

I chuckled softly. “You will soon learn that you are wrong.” As I eased my hand around the back of her neck, she tensed, her expression turning angry. “We are going to establish some rules, Alexandra, and I want you to listen to me carefully. I don’t like to repeat myself.” I tightened my hold for emphasis, waiting until she acknowledged me with a single nod.

“Fine,” she managed.

“While I understand that you are distraught, that in no way will change my mind or my mood. I couldn’t care less about your feelings or your past life. You are now my possession and nothing more. You will have my name and access to an allowance, but that will come only when I believe you can be trusted. I will also do what is necessary to keep you protected at all times. If you attempt to escape, you will be punished, the privileges that you earned removed. If you seek help from anyone, I assure you that you will regret doing so.”

“Is that all?”

“I’m not a good man under the surface, no matter what you think. I’ve done terrible things in my life including killing those responsible for threatening my family. You will not change me. What you will do is yield to me at all times, no matter what I ask of you. And I promise you that you will come to enjoy the pleasure that can only be derived from pain.”

“If you’re trying to convince me that you’re nothing but a monster, don’t bother. I knew that from the second I laid eyes on you. I may be forced to yield to you, but I will never surrender.”

I released my hold, brushing the tips of my fingers down her neck to her arm, taking my time dragging them all the way to her fingers. “Then it will be my pleasure breaking you.” I locked eyes with hers in the mirror once again before turning to leave. “Five minutes, Alexandra. One of my men will sweep this room to ensure that you didn’t leave a warning for your friend. If one is found, unfortunately, she will face the consequences of your misbehavior. Do not test my patience.”

“You will soon learn, Stefano, that no one can break me. No man and no tragedy will change me. Be careful what you ask for. I will become your worst nightmare.”

As I walked away, my aching cock shifted against my trousers. Yes, I would very much enjoy performing all the vile deeds that had been swimming in my mind.

Then I would shatter her resolve, breaking her down before molding her into the perfect wife.

I did so love my job.