Ruthless Prince by Piper Stone

Chapter 6


“Goddamn it,” Stefano hissed, immediately rising to his feet. “What the hell is going on?”

I was left to fend on my own, struggling to get off the table. The pulsing lights allowed me to see the pensive look on his face. Both Cassis and Donato surrounded the table, their jackets open as if they didn’t care who noticed their weapons.

“Someone is asking about you. We leave through the back door. The SUV is already waiting,” Cassis stated before giving me a nod.

As if I wanted the man to notice my state of undress.

I smoothed down my dress, still shaking from the wonderful yet sinful experience.

“Then we go.” Stefano dropped several bills on the table before reaching for my hand.

There was no doubt this was the only time I could consider escaping. Perhaps whoever the asshole was outside the door was someone looking for me instead of attempting to hunt Stefano down like the animal he was. While I knew there was almost no chance in hell of getting away, my urge to survive kicked in and I did the only thing I could think of doing.

I bolted.

As I raced through the crowd, pushing and shoving my way through the massive groups of people, my only thought was making it to the door, finding anyone who might be able to help me. My pulse was high, the adrenaline flow increasing, and I took shallow breaths in order to keep my resolve.

The music in the club seemed louder, the tribal beats echoing in my ears. I refused to look back, doubting that a man like Stefano would dare make a scene. I could see the hallway leading to the front door only a few yards away.

I was going to make it.


Pushing harder, I was blocked by a drunk group of individuals, one of the men suddenly enamored by my presence.

“Hey, baby!” he yelled over the roaring drums. “Let’s party.” As he grabbed my arm, I reacted as I always did when accosted, punching him hard in the face. The crowd surrounding him didn’t react at first, but the second he bellowed like some wounded animal, one of the other men in the group responded, wrapping his arm around me.

“I don’t think you’re going anywhere, sweetheart.”

The man’s guttural-sounding words pulsed into my ears. I shoved my hands against him, unable to break his hold. “Let me go, you fuck.”

“Not so fast.”

“The lady belongs to me.”

Stefano’s voice boomed all around us, swallowing me whole as he jerked me away from the asshole. I pleaded with the stranger with my eyes, but the coward simply lifted his arms, backing away.

“That wasn’t very nice of you, my little princess. You’re going to pay for that,” Stefano hissed.

Shuddering, I almost screamed for help but knew better. No one would come to my aid. The fact his family owned the club meant my cries would be ignored. The man was far too powerful.

Within seconds we were sandwiched between the two burly soldiers as we headed through the crowd. I tried to pay attention to my surroundings, realizing that almost every single person in the place was watching as we headed toward the back of the club.

For the first time, I felt the kind of fear that would soon become paralyzing. I lowered my head, the long strides Stefano was taking difficult to keep up with in my heels. I half expected I’d hear gunshots at any time, a massacre occurring before my eyes. I bit back a combination of a laugh and a horrible cry. Maybe I’d seen too many movies.

Or maybe my psyche had finally realized just how much danger I was in. Whatever the case, this was real. This was happening.

And this was my life.

Cassis slammed his hand on a massive steel door, the exit sign overhead drawing my attention. The alley was dimly lit and both soldiers immediately produced their guns.

So did Stefano, muttering something in Italian as we walked the few paces to the awaiting SUV.

I was tossed into the backseat, Stefano pushing me onto the floor. Within seconds, the engine was started, the squeal of tires as Donato pulled away penetrating the vehicle.

“Are we going back to the house, boss?” Cassis asked.

“Not yet. Just drive. We need to make certain we weren’t followed. I’m not prepared to leave the city yet,” Stefano responded, his tone riddled with rage.

“You got it, boss.”


Even the term seemed unreal. I didn’t fight being kept on the floor given I was shaking so badly. I’d given into my fear, biting back a whimper. And I hated myself even more for it.

“It’s okay. We’re fine, Alexandra.” Stefano’s tone was soft and comforting as he helped me into the seat.

As I looked in his direction, the sight of his weapon placed on the seat beside him made me sick inside. “They found you.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. We will be fine.”

I brushed my hand through my hair, still able to smell the scent of sex. I grimaced from the realization, slowly turning my head to look out the passenger window. “Is there anywhere you can go that’s safe?”

Stefano huffed as if nothing had happened. “You will learn to understand my world one way or another, Alexandra.”

The cold chill that had wafted into every muscle kept me shivering visibly. Blurring light passed by, the vibrant colors filling my mind with ugly thoughts and visions. I couldn’t stomach his world, not for a second.


Other than the roar of the engine, there was nothing but the kind of quiet that was horribly telling. I huddled against the door, unable to stop shaking. When I finally heard Stefano’s voice, the fear increased.

“You disobeyed me.” While he spoke softly, the electricity of his anger surpassed the once burning desire.

“What did you think I would do? I don’t want to be with you.”

“That no longer matters. You will be punished.”

Punished. He issued the words as if I should just accept them.

“What happened?” Stefano asked Cassis after what seemed like minutes went by.

“I know one of the men who works the front door. Ranger knew better than to keep that kind of information from me,” Cassis answered.

Stefano seemed pleased, although his dark chuckle seemed out of place. “Remind me to give you a raise, my friend. Who the hell was it?”

“Not a regular. Never seen the dude before. Ranger just said he was well dressed with cash in his pocket for information. Needless to say, the man wasn’t given any.”

“Good.” Stefano turned his head in my direction, his hunger remaining.

I was almost appalled at the way he was taking the news. What if the same person was following us?

“Are we expediting plans?” Donato asked.

“Not yet. But be prepared for that to happen if necessary.” As the overhead lights of the interstate filtered into the SUV, Stefano finally showed some level of apprehension. He rubbed his forehead, a snarl curling on his upper lip. “I hate that our evening was interrupted.”

“I guess that happens when someone is ready to put a bullet in your brain.”

I noticed Donato’s wide-open stare in the rearview mirror. It was obvious both soldiers were shocked I’d dare talk to the prince this way.

“There are information seekers, Alexandra. They provide a location for those who pay them well. A public massacre isn’t in anyone’s best interest. However, I’m not taking this lightly. As I told you before, I’m also not going to allow the asshole who I suspect is behind this to keep me from enjoying my limited time spent in Miami. I get here so infrequently. Donato, keep driving for another thirty minutes. After that, we’ll return to the house.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Where are we going and why?” I asked, my tone far more demanding that I knew he could tolerate.

“I’m not finished with you tonight, my lovely bride to be.”

“You are incredible,” I spouted off in anger. “You have no fear at all. Do you?”

“That’s no way to live your life. Now, come here. We will continue what we started.”

I darted a glance toward the front of the SUV, but I had a feeling both men had been instructed to pay no attention to whatever was going on behind them. When I hesitated, I felt his hand on my arm, his damn fingers digging into me. Oh, yeah. I wasn’t allowed to deny him.


Inhaling, I inched closer, still shaking from the entire experience.

“On your knees,” he said quietly.

I obeyed, hating myself for doing so. When he reached under my dress, one snap of his hand allowing him to jerk what was left of my panties away, I slammed my fist against his chest.

He tossed my thong aside then grabbed me by both arms, dragging me over his knees. “Sweet Alexandra. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“Why? Are you going to punish me more severely?” Humiliation settled in as he ripped my dress up to my waist. I was sick at the thought of being punished in front of the two soldiers.

Stefano shook his head, another round of amusement covering his face. God, I hated this man. “Don’t tempt me.” He slid his hands down my back, tenderly using his fingers as he caressed me like a lover would.

I was stiff, the moment of ecstasy he’d given me only moments before in the far reaches of my mind. His two sides were difficult to manipulate, even in my own mind. The hard hammering of my heart continued to make me feel nauseous.

“When you learn that there is no escape, your life will become easier.”

The fucker had to be kidding me. “I hate you.”

“Already established, Alexandra. You could have lost your life because of your impetuous behavior. That will stop. If you continue to behave in such a ridiculous manner, there will be no privileges for a very long time.”

I didn’t have time to object before he brought his hand down, issuing four hard smacks against my bottom in rapid succession. It wasn’t the pain that bothered me as much as the fact he had no care whatsoever doing this in front of his soldiers. This was normal to him, maybe even expected. He was sending a message to the two men sitting inches away that all rules must be followed without question.

While I squirmed, there was no way to get away from him. He smacked me again and again, the sound of his palm slapping against my naked skin as brutal as the act itself. I buried my face in the seat, fisting my hands and strengthening my resolve to find a way to kill him. That would be the only way I could get the hell away from him.

He spanked me long and savagely, the pain stealing my breath, but I managed not to make a single squeal. The bastard didn’t deserve to know how uncomfortable I was. Yet as the heat continued to build, the worst part was how wet I’d become, the scent wafting into the dense air, filling the space. There was no way Donato and Cassis hadn’t caught a whiff. I remained mortified as the round of punishment continued, my bottom on fire.

Growling, Stefano took a few seconds to caress my bruised skin, rolling the tip of his finger down the crack of my ass and in between my legs. When he swirled his fingertip along my swollen folds, I was unable to keep from moaning.

“So wet, my sweet rebellious woman. I can tell you thrive on discipline,” Stefano half whispered.

Who the hell was he kidding? The fact my body reacted so repulsively was sickening, but I couldn’t deny the churning butterflies in my tummy or the hardness of my nipples.

After chuckling, he resumed the punishment, bringing his hand down quickly, the volley of brutal smacks more painful than the ones before. My entire world was suddenly fading away, a new reality forming. I was his prisoner, his pet. And there was little that I could do to stop him.

Stefano took several deep breaths before cracking his hand down six more times. I counted them as if they would matter. “Do not try and run away from me again, Alexandra. I can provide you with pleasures beyond your wildest imagination; however, you won’t like the opposite.”

His words rang loud and clear in my mind. As he eased me off his lap, I hated the fact I couldn’t stop shaking. When he forced me to straddle his legs, my earlier anger crept up from my painted toes. I glared at him with all the hatred building inside of me.

“You can relax. I assure you that nothing will happen to you.” He allowed his face to fall to my breasts, his look just as carnal as before.

“How do you know that?” My tone was just as nasty as before.

“Because that’s the way of things. However, the thought of losing you is unacceptable.”

I was surprised at the honesty crossing his face, but only for a few seconds, the hardness returning.

“Why aren’t you going to the house right away?” I asked, shuddering when he slipped his hands under my dress. I might as well try to find out as much information as possible.

“Because I need to ensure that the person at the door of the club asking questions isn’t following us. While we will be leaving the country soon enough, I still have one piece of business to finish. It’s time to stop asking questions.” He cupped both sides of my face, flexing his fingers open as he pulled my face down. “I’m very hungry.”

There was no denying the man, his needs as explosive as his anger. I pushed my hands against the backseat, but the scent of his testosterone as well as his cologne added another jolt of current. I could no longer deny I wanted him. His hold. His kiss.

The way he pushed me beyond my limits. I didn’t want him. I couldn’t stand him.

But my body had other thoughts in mind.

I fell into the kiss, moaning into it almost immediately. He was entirely different than in the club, taking his time as he used his lips to control mine. The heat rocketing through us was exactly as before, but the sensations rushing through me were even more elevated. Maybe I was falling under his spell after all.

I’d never been that much into kissing a man. They usually acted as if the beginning of the intimate experience was boring or just something they had to do. That had led me to wanting nothing more than the meat and potatoes of sex, a few quick feels, maybe a few minutes of oral sex then nothing but hard fucking. I’d never considered myself the kind of woman who could fall for a man on any level.

What scared me more than the fact there was an enemy lurking in the shadows or that I’d been taken by a brutal and ruthless man was the way my mind continued to feel an intense haze around him. With every touch, my heart rattled. With every kiss, my entire body quivered. And the way he fucked me was deeper than any man who’d pretended to make love to me.

Stefano’s kiss was undeniably hot, the kind of moment I wanted to extend for long periods of time, rolling around on a bearskin rug in front of a roaring fire. None of it made any sense to me, but when he finally thrust his tongue inside, I couldn’t deny what we shared.

A need so hot that it burned us both, scorching our skin as well as our souls. He was the darkness I’d feared every day of my life. And I was the broken girl who’d never been able to flee from the horrifying moments of my childhood. Why fate had pushed us together wasn’t something I was capable of answering. I only knew that at some point, I would take my last breath, leaving behind a world of injustice and pain.

But not before I was the one who ended him in the same brutal fashion as he’d done to so many others.

Then we’d be together in an eternity called hell.

* * *

The kiss had ended abruptly as Donato neared the gate to the house. While I wasn’t shoved aside as if I meant nothing, Stefano had immediately tensed, pushing me off then reaching for his weapon.

I’d been forced to realize my place in his life. Business came first. I rubbed my eyes, trying to shove aside the thoughts as Donato opened the door and ushered me out. I had to remind myself one last time that we hadn’t been on a normal date nor were we some couple interested in getting to know each other better.

I was nothing.

A prop.

A thing.

The soldier didn’t need to push me toward the door. I raced toward it, waiting until Donato pressed his fingers on the pad. I was the one who threw open the door, only to have my arm jerked by Mr. Asshole himself.

“Wait,” Stefano hissed.

Cassis stood behind us in the entrance foyer, holding his weapon in his hand.

“Let go of me. This place is more secure than Fort Knox.”

“Not necessarily. You will follow my protocol.”

I shifted my head in Stefano’s direction, realizing just how worried he was. For all the pomp and bullshit he tried to show, he was in a foreign country with only two men to protect him. Nothing he was doing made any damn sense. The again, what the hell did I know? I wasn’t some mafia princess with knowledge of the ins and outs of a typical crime syndicate.

Nor did I want to be.

Thank God Donato returned only a minute or two later, giving a single nod. I managed to jerk away from Stefano, moving toward the stairs. All I wanted was a good night’s sleep at this point. By now, my father had to be searching for me. Yes, I’d done everything to hide the details of where I was going, but the moment David had shown up at the freaking airport, I’d been forced to use an alternative method of keeping my whereabouts a secret from everybody else.

I’d promised him a delicious tryst when I returned. At least the gleam in his eye and the bulge between his legs had indicated that he was interested in taking me up on my offer.

As if I planned on following through with it.

At least my failure at being able to get away from David might work to my benefit. Surely by now he told my father where I’d gone. The police were decent in Miami. They’d hunt for me.


“I’m not finished with you yet, Alexandra,” Stefano stated, obviously expecting me to comply without hesitation.

I already had reached the third step. “Why?”

“Because I get what I want.”

A laugh bubbled to the surface. The yin and yang of my emotions and thoughts about him were as ridiculous as his change in behavior throughout the evening. One minute he was the badass killer, the next a passionate Italian with an explosive hunger and a love for the finer things in life. I was exhausted from both our behaviors.

“The place has been swept, boss,” Cassis said as he walked into the foyer.

“Good. The plans stay the same. We will leave as early in the morning as possible.”

“We’ll be ready. We’re both staying tonight,” Cassis added.

Stefano exhaled. “You have the run of the downstairs. If anything occurs, you will let me know.”

“Without hesitation, sir.”

I didn’t turn around as Cassis walked away. Maybe I was finally exhausted from everything that had happened. “Do you like having other men call you boss and sir?”

“It’s all I’ve known. The soldiers use it as a sign of respect.”

“I don’t understand that at all, Stefano. Respect is earned. While you might pay them well for treating you like a prince, that doesn’t mean you deserve the right to have anyone call you sir.”

As expected, I felt his heated presence behind me. He stood in silence for a least a full minute, unnerving the hell out of me. I couldn’t even hear him breathe, although I had no doubt he was seething from my continued defiance. I was even tired of it myself. “Come with me.”

While he’d softened his tone, the command still filled me with a hint of fear. I never knew what to expect from the man. I allowed him to take my hand into his. As he pulled me through the house, I resisted the urge to try to get away from him. If he was taking me to an airport, that would give me an opportunity to scream for help.

Someone had to give a damn about me.

When he walked down a hallway to a part of the house I’d never been in, my heart started racing. As he opened a door leading to the outside, I was even more surprised. The man had to enjoy risks. I’d heard all about how safe and secure the house and grounds were, but I also had the distinct feeling that an assassin was already lying in wait, prepared to take a shot. I knew enough about long-range assault rifles to know an expert marksman could hit a target from a couple of blocks away.

He didn’t hesitate to any degree, walking outside and heading straight for the pool. When he released his hold, he immediately removed his jacket, tossing it onto one of the chairs. He yanked the collar of his shirt from behind his neck, dragging it over his head and repeated the earlier move. As he kicked off his shoes, I took a step away. What the hell did this man expect from me?

“Take a swim with me,” he stated as he took both my hands into his.

“We’re out in the open.”

“The security system reaches far beyond where any sniper can manage a shot, if that’s what you’re worried about. Remove your dress.”

The look from before had returned to his eyes.

I backed further away, hissing under my breath. The light breeze allowed the sound of wind chimes to be heard. I was surprised at the tinkle, which seemed so normal, which this wasn’t. As he unfastened his belt, I was drawn to the act, thoughts regarding the way he’d spanked me with it shifting into the front of my mind.

There was no doubt by the smirk on his face that he knew exactly what I was thinking about. I closed my eyes, ignoring him as I slowly slid one strap then the other down my arms. With a slight tug, the dress fell to the pool deck. The air was humid, sticky sweet I used to call it, but my nipples were rock hard from the prickling sensations of the wind.

I covered my breasts with my arms, still unable to open my eyes.

“Look at me, Alexandra. I never want you to hide your body away from me at any time.”

Another rule.

Another one I would break.

Another reason for harsh punishment.

I forced myself to open my eyes, swallowing multiple times as I gazed upon his body. I’d already seen him, but as he stood under the glow of the moonlight, his carved body was a reflection of brutal work, not a man who’d lived a posh life of money and power. He knew what kind of effect he was having on me, the smile on his face widening.

When he beckoned with a single finger, I wanted to punch him all over again. The liberties he’d already taken were abominable. And he would take them again.

My inner voice was laughing at me as I obeyed, closing the distance. The instantaneous spark of electricity was hot enough to light the entire South Beach area. Damn, why did I continue to react this way to him?

He reached out as he always did, trailing a single finger down through the center of my breasts. “Una festa per un uomo.” Snickering, he took a deep breath. “A feast for a man,” he repeated. With that, his unexpected behavior continued. He dived into the pool with such finesse I had to smile.

When he swam the length of the pool and back to where he’d dived in before surfacing, I bit my lower lip to keep from exclaiming. He tossed his head back and forth, then brushed his fingers through the long strands. As he treaded water, swirling his hands in circles on either side of him, all he did was smile.

He was the most confusing man I’d ever met. So intimidating. So angry. Yet so unpredictable. After taking a deep breath, I dove into the pool in the exact same manner, arching my back before slicing into the water. I swam almost three laps before surfacing. As I scanned the length of the pool, I almost panicked. He wasn’t where he’d been before.

As I spun around, I felt his arms grasping me from behind, pulling me against his chest and crossing his arms over my breasts.

“Did you think I left you, beautiful one?” he asked gruffly.

“I only thought you’d been shot.”

“Mmm… Wishful thinking, I see.” He laughed into my ear as he pulled me into the shallow end until my feet were able to touch the bottom of the pool. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

“Unless I shoot you myself.”

“You are a challenge and I have no doubt you’re an excellent shot, but sadly, you would be taken out before you could pull the trigger.” He nipped my ear then nuzzled against my neck.

I exhaled instead of moaning as I crossed my arms over his. “You really don’t know a thing about me.”

“But I will learn just as soon as you become my princess.”

The word created a bad taste in my mouth, but the feel of his cock swept my thoughts away. “I’ll never be anyone’s princess.”

“We shall see.”

He slowly turned me around and I wrapped my legs around his hips. We were both aroused, the water barely able to cool our temperatures. I slipped my arms around his shoulders, twisting my head from side to side as I looked into his eyes.

“What do you see, princess?”

“A man in turmoil.”

“Interesting. What else?”

“A man refusing to walk away from something he no longer wants.”

He cocked his head. “We always want what we shouldn’t have. Isn’t that the case?”

“Sometimes, unless the situation is forced.”

“Did I force you to hunger for me?”


“And you’re lying to yourself, Alexandra. While you might not approve of my actions, I knew the moment I met you that you were to be mine. You felt the same.”

I wanted to rebut his claim but there was no denying the way I’d felt.

“You know I’m right. Now, ask me to fuck you,” he demanded.

His arrogance was the only consistent thing about him. But the man was right. Even the water couldn’t hide my body’s reactions or the scent wafting between us. “What if I don’t?”

His growl was a powerful aphrodisiac. “Ask me.”

I closed my eyes, trying to forget where I was. As another rush of current sent firecrackers into my muscles, I could no longer deny what my body wanted. “Fuck me, Stefano. Just fuck me.” I knew in giving into his demands, I was also setting him free of any restraint and he would take me any way he wanted.

His eyes became nothing but pools of darkness that even the shimmer of the underwater lighting couldn’t change. Everything about him changed in a blink of eye, the man becoming the carnal savage that he’d shown me last night, but there was a difference. As if my request had awakened something else inside of him.

He didn’t bother kissing me passionately like before nor did he waste any time. Within seconds he thrust his cock deep inside, stretching my muscles to accept his wide girth.

I threw my head back and moaned, blinking as I stared at the bright stars over my head. “Yes. Yes…”

“So tight, my perfect one. So wet.” Stefano pulled out, slamming into me again, the force splashing water all around us.

I clawed his shoulders as I held on, biting my cheek to try to keep from crying out again. The man seemed to enjoy my reactions; his eyelids were half closed but there was no doubt he was paying attention to everything I did.

My pussy clenched and released several times, pulling his shaft in even deeper. I was tossed into another moment of ecstasy almost instantly, enjoying the moment more than I should. I dug my knees against him and when he growled, I shivered to my core.

There was no need for further words. We were both nothing but animals at this point. He fisted my hair, twisting the strands around his fingers and holding me in place as he turned in the water over and over again.

I felt like I was on cloud nine as he pumped hard and fast. He was so forceful in everything he did, the look on his face carnivorous. Lights flashed in front of my eyes as he spun me around, my heart hammering to the point I could nothing but the sound of my heartbeat.

“Come for me. I need to feel you erupt over my cock.”

His words were almost inaudible, but his heated breath was like a bolt of lightning.

“Oh. Oh. Oh… I…”

“Don’t hold back, Alexandra. I need you to obey me.”

Always in charge. Always making certain I understood that. There was no way I could challenge him, no desire to even bother. As the climax rushed up from the tips of my toes, I was driven into a pop of ecstasy.

“God. Oh. Yes. Yes!” The orgasm was even more powerful than the ones in the club, my reaction involuntary as I pushed hard against him. He held me fast, refusing to let me go. As my muscles squeezed around the thick invasion, I could tell he was swelling, barely able to hold back. Panting, I licked my lips then squeezed my muscles again.

He cocked his head, issuing a guttural sound. “Are you trying to make me come inside of you, princess? Is that what you want, to have me fill you with my seed?”

The way he asked the questions was so dirty, the sin we were performing against all rules of decency. But it would seem neither one of us could stop, our draw to one another a break from reality. He was already pulling me into his darkness, one I feared would destroy my very soul.

But I couldn’t get enough of him. As another orgasm rushed into my system, he yanked me into a deep arc, biting down on my neck. Another mark. Another sign of ownership.

I lost it, the climax so powerful a scream erupted from deep inside. As the sound floated away to the sky, he thrust even harder, the friction in the water pushing a giant wave over both of us. He no longer cared. The second he released his hold, he pinched my nipple, twisting until pain replaced the pleasure.

Then there was no telling them apart.

There was no way for him to hold back. His entire body shook as he continued to pound into me, driving like the savage I knew him to be. But as he locked eyes with mine, I was able to catch a glimpse of the man buried deeply inside.

One that was scarred.

One that was haunted.

And one that longed to be set free.

Unable to accept that there was any level of decency inside of him, I closed my eyes, squeezing my muscles. I heard his intense roar as he erupted deep inside of me and almost instantly images of hell popped into my mind.

My mama had always wanted me to be a good Catholic girl, waiting for the right man, something I knew she hadn’t done. Now there was no way that was going to happen. I was tarnished. I was owned.

And I would be forsaken.