Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



When Piper told me not to “screw the pooch,” she got my attention. I hadn’t realized I’d ignored Emilee. How I had hurt her at the airport.

Fuck, I was so pissed at myself. I wasn’t used to touching her in front of anyone. Of course I wanted to smother her with kisses and hold her tight. It was all I’d thought about since she left.

Piper’s short but blunt ass-chewing got my head straight. Her “man up or die” earned my respect. I liked her no-frills attitude. It was easy to see she was a Knight, even resembling Storm a bit.

I held Emilee’s hand, stroking the top of it, the entire way back to the compound. Her sniffling gutted me. I couldn’t look at her while she cried. It would tear me up, so I watched my little boy sleep, burning his baby face into my memory.

Storm parked the cage in a new area near the family unit. We’d already discussed what would happen when we brought Emilee home. I’d take my family to our private suite where I could care for them as I should’ve been all this time.

“Stay right there,” I told her, jumping out.

Storm was waiting at Emilee’s door. “I’ll take the baby in for you. Don’t make Emilee hobble like at the airport.”

I grimaced, recalling how she had limped carrying the baby to the cage. I felt like a piece of shit, which was what my mom and her boyfriend used to call me, but it wasn’t true. I was a good guy. I just wasn’t perfect.

“Right.” I opened the door. “Put your arm around my neck.”

Emilee’s brow wrinkled. “What are you doing?”

“I’m carrying you. Put your arm around my neck.”

“But I can walk.”

“Woman, I said, put your arm around my neck.” I slid my hand under her legs, not giving her a chance to reject me.

Storm snickered behind me.

Emilee’s eyes went as big as saucers. “Okay…” She looped her arm as I demanded. “What about the baby?”

“Storm’s got him.” If it were anyone else, I might’ve found a different solution. But I’d seen Storm with his daughter plenty. I could trust him with my son.

I lifted Emilee into my arms and nearly melted on the spot. Christ, the feel of her warm body against mine made every one of my nerve endings stir to life.

She exhaled, resting her head on my shoulder. Her body relaxed. I wondered if she felt as I did: whole again.

The family unit behind the clubhouse was a bit of a walk. Storm and Maddy had designed a winding path from the parking lot to its entrance. Shrubs and trees created a barrier from the yard where club parties were held. It added privacy for both sides.

Emilee perked up. “Oh my gosh. The family unit is finished?”

“Yep. This is where we live now.”


“We, baby.” I kissed her cheek as I went down the concrete sidewalk. Midway, there was a circular sort of roundabout with flowers and a fountain in the middle.

“This is beautiful. It’s like a park. I can’t wait to see it during the day.”

I smiled at her glee. “Maddy said the circle would be fun for the kids to ride tricycles and play around.”

“She was right. I can see Little D loving this on his bike.”

“Little D?”

“Mhm, it’s what I call him.”

I stopped at the door and it opened, startling both of us.

My Aunt Tina smiled. “I saw you guys coming up the walk. Hi, honey.” She ran her hand down Emilee’s arm and kissed her cheek.

“If Danny would put me down, I’d hug you.” Emilee’s voice was full of emotion.

“Nope, not putting you down. But you can follow us to our suite, Tina.” Ours was at the opposite end of Storm and Maddy’s. Tina and Raul didn’t live on the compound. They had a house in town. During lockdowns, they brought the kids to the club. For the next one, they’d stay in one of the single units.

“I like your take-charge attitude,” Emilee whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

I punched in the passcode, the green light flashed, and Tina opened the door for us. The lights came on, thanks to Tina. I stopped in the middle of the room so Emilee could see how great everything was.

These suites weren’t fancy, only providing the basics for a family. They were bright and cozy, not at all dark and rustic like the inside of the clubhouse. Our suite had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living area. We had a sofa, a chair, and a small dining table near the kitchenette.

It was the nicest place I’d ever lived in. We could even add our own personal touch to make it more our own. Emilee would be all about that.

“Wow. This is amazing. Put me down so I can look around.”

I set her on the couch. “No walking.”

Emilee rolled her eyes all cute and sassy. She seemed less sad now, probably because I wasn’t an oblivious jerk anymore.

“What are you feeding this lug?” Storm’s voice filled the room as he entered. “High octane breast milk? He must weigh twice as much as Birdie.”

Dante did look bigger than Birdie. I wanted to hold him but was hesitant to reach for him around other people. I didn’t need an audience when I met my son for the first time.

“Well, he’s a month older than her and he eats frequently. At his last well-baby checkup, he was in the ninety-eighth percentile for length and weight,” Emilee said with pride in her voice. My chest swelled.

“Can I hold him?” Tina asked.

I looked to Emilee when she didn’t reply. “Em? Can Tina hold the baby?”

She blinked several times. “Of course, sorry. I’m not used to anyone but me holding him.”

That was strange. I’d have to ask her about it later.

“I need to go anyway.” Storm kissed Dante’s head and passed him to Tina. Seeing Prez this way with my son meant a lot. “Let me know if you need anything.” He patted my back as I saw him to the door. “They’re your focus right now,” he muttered.

“I know. Thanks.” I closed the door.

“He’s so handsome.” Tina snuggled Dante. Her eyes shimmered as she smiled. “And out like a light.”

Emilee watched like a hawk. I could feel her unease, and it concerned me. Perhaps she was at her limit after the hell she’d been through. I needed to take charge.

“I appreciate you waiting for us, Tina. I need to get my family settled in. Maybe you can drop by tomorrow.” I flicked my gaze to Emilee, who looked anxious.

Understanding crossed Tina’s face. “I absolutely can.” She kissed the baby. “Do you—”

“Give him to Emilee, please.”

Tina nodded. “He’s perfect, honey.” She placed my son in his mother’s arms.

Emilee’s relief was instant. “Thank you. I’m sorry about being weird. I just… Well, we aren’t—”

Tina touched her arm. “Honey, it’s okay. You’ve been through a lot. Give yourself time to adjust. There’s no pressure.” She kissed the top of Emilee’s head. “Dodge, you let me know when to visit. I don’t want to impose.”

“I will. Thank you.” I locked the door after Tina left and turned around. Finally, I was alone with my woman and son.

For a long beat, I just watched Emilee. How she touched Dante… gazed at him. Unconditional love poured out of her in buckets—the way she used to look at me. It was different though. A mother’s love should be as powerful as Emilee displayed. Every child should experience the fierce devotion Dante’s momma exhibited today.

My little man was damn lucky to have her, and so was I.

I joined them on the couch.

Her eyes lifted toward mine, unshed tears in them. My heartbeat halted. I put my arm around her and pulled her into me, pressing my lips to her temple.

“Tell me what you need, baby. Anything.”

Her body trembled, alarming me more.

“Just a couple of things,” she whispered.

“Tell me.” I stroked my hand along her arm.

“I need to pee really bad. I haven’t wanted to leave him for a second. And I’m starving and dirty, but I don’t have any clothes.” She shook like she was trying to hold back crying.

My chest nearly caved in on my heart. It was almost ten at night. How long had she been holding it in? When was the last time she’d eaten?

“Baby, when did you last eat?”

“My eating schedule is a bit weird because I avoided my dad. I last ate at around three, then I usually eat around eight or nine in my bedroom.”

“I’ll fix you something. Let me put Dante in the crib.” I reached for the baby.

“No.” She tensed. “I mean… I’ll do that when I’m ready. Just hold him. I’ll be fast.”

“Take your time.”

Emilee bit her lip. “Don’t go anywhere, please. Just stay right here.”

I pressed my hand to her cheek. “I’ll stay right here. I promise.” I slipped my fingers through her hair and pulled her head toward me. When our lips connected, I was home.

She hummed, kissing me back. Her tension faded like all she needed was me. I understood her need. I felt the same about her.

We stayed like that, our lips locked, slowly reconnecting until she eased back.

“Wow, I needed that.” Her cheeks were pink, lips a little red and swollen.

“Me too.” I dragged my thumb across her jaw.

“Now I really need to pee.”

I opened my arms to receive my son. “I’ve been practicing with Birdie.”

Emilee smiled. “You have?” She laid Dante in my arms.

“Daddy boot camp, Maddy called it.”

She giggled softly. “Maddy is the best. You look like a pro.”

“Go to the bathroom. We’ll be right here waiting for you.”

She nodded, lifting herself carefully. “I trust you, Danny. I know, I’m being weird.”

“No, you’re not. The bathroom is the first door on the right.”


I watched her limp away, my heart aching for all she’d been through this past year and today. It should’ve been me with her. I should’ve been the one protecting her and our son.

I smiled at my sleeping boy. “From this moment on, I promise to always be with you and your momma.”