Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



My whole life was in this bed: my fiancée and my son. As soon as I could go into town, I’d buy Emilee a ring, like I’d promised her last night after we made love two more times before Dante woke for his midnight feeding.

It wasn’t easy being quiet in the bedroom. We’d tried, but the damn bed squeaked too much, so I carried Emilee into the living room. I sat on the sofa and let her go to town on me. Surprisingly, her knee didn’t bother her at all while she rode me. My sweet Em had taunted me with her delicious tits bouncing in my face. It was fucking beautiful and erotic.

She’d said Dante would be up around six in the morning, and she was right. At the first sound he made, I jumped out of bed. I didn’t want him to wake Emilee up. She was exhausted after her ordeal and our reunion celebration.

Guilt burrowed in my chest. Thoughts of Justin threatened to steal my joy. I hated him for causing Emilee and me so much misery. Even so, I didn’t want him hurt or worse. I was sure Storm would’ve called us if there were any news on his whereabouts. If Cobra’s crew had found Justin, we would’ve been told.

I look at my gorgeous woman. We needed the time we had together. I was sure her dad was on her mind too. We weren’t heartless people, but we needed last night together.

Little D, as Emilee called him, didn’t take his eyes off me. I was lying next to Em on my back, my legs bent and my little man propped against them. His finger was wrapped around mine, drool on his lips. I must’ve dabbed it away a dozen times already. I couldn’t believe the difference one month made. Dante seemed a lot more alert and curious compared to Birdie.

I scrunched my nose. He needed a fresh diaper, but I didn’t know how to change one. Maddy hadn’t gotten to that lesson in daddy boot camp.

In some ways, Little D looked like me. He had my exact hair color and shape of eyes. Then he’d make a face and remind me of Emilee. He was perfection, like his momma.

Boy, he was serious too. That was definitely more me than Em.

Did he know I was his dad? Could he feel how much I loved him?

I hoped so.

I caressed his soft cheek with my thumb. His eyes brightened, the corner of his lip twitched like he wanted to smile.

“Hi,” I whispered. “I’m your daddy. I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you, son.” I swallowed the emotion building in my throat. “I want you to know I’ve loved you since the day your momma peed on the pregnancy stick.”

Little D finally cracked a smile. My heart soared.

It was official. I had the cutest kid on the planet.

Emilee stirred beside me and scooted closer. Her eyes stayed closed, but there was a faint smile on her pretty face. Her blonde hair was a wild mess.

Perfection, sheer perfection.

My heart grew ten times larger.

I kissed her forehead to gently wake her up. Our boy was in desperate need of a new diaper.

She hummed, her hand gliding along my bare chest until it collided with Dante’s leg. Emilee cracked an eye open. A grin stretched across her face.

Dante hadn’t noticed her. His dark-blue eyes were glued to me.

“What is this?” She cooed in a sweet, high-pitched voice. Dante searched for her. “My most favorite men are together, greeting me this morning. Well, good morning, my handsome men.”

When he saw her, his whole face brightened. He flashed a slobbery grin, his feet kicking wildly on my chest. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen.

“Look at you sitting with Daddy like a big boy. Are you a big boy? So happy and alert. Yes, you are my precious boy.”

The more she talked to him, the more excited he got. Dante worked his mouth and then… and then he made a sound.

Emilee put her head on my shoulder while I sat back and enjoyed the show.

“Are you going to talk, big boy? Let’s hear it. Give Daddy the lowdown on the last three months. He wants to know everything his Little D has been doing. Come on, tell Daddy.”

Shit, my heart was so full it might burst.

“Em, how do you do that? Make him so excited.”

Dante turned his attention to me and smiled.

“Like that,” she said in a singsong. “Just talk to him. He’ll respond.”

“Well, I won’t talk all cutesy like you.” Then I remembered the way Storm talked to Birdie. It was his deep voice, just softer.

“I’m going to grab a diaper and wipes. Our boy needs a changing.”

She was out of bed before I could stop her. My gaze followed her naked body, tracking her every move. Her body had changed after her pregnancy in ways that made me desire her more than before. She had more curves and was a little soft in the middle. And those larger tits? I wanted to ravage them… ravage her.

Little D watched me with curious eyes. Just talk to him.

“Your momma’s right, Little D. I want to know everything you’ve been doing since the day you were born. Hell… I mean, heck. Heck, I want to know about even before you were born.”

Emilee giggled. “He doesn’t know hell is a bad word.”

“Doesn’t matter. We shouldn’t cus in front of him. I don’t want to corrode his innocence. We should protect every piece of him because one day, he’ll be on his own in the evil world.” The very thought of my son growing up made my chest ache. Couldn’t he stay little forever?

Emilee stared at me in awe. “You’re an amazing father.”

Dante worked hard at making sounds, clearly wanting to join in the conversation.

He was miraculous.

“I love you, Little D. Don’t ever forget it.”

His smile grew bigger, if it were even possible.

“Is he always this happy?” I eyed Emilee when she returned.

She reached for him. “Yup. He only fusses when he has a poopy diaper, is hungry, or sleepy.”

I paid attention to everything she did while changing him—in the nude. My cock strained for her under the blankets. It was wrong to have an erection with my son in the room. If I could help it, I would. Emilee was that alluring.

Being naked in front of Dante didn’t seem to faze her. She went about changing him with a serene expression—so beautiful.

“So, how does he measure up?” I pointed at Dante’s baby-size penis.

Emilee raised her eyebrow. “I have no idea. I’ve not Googled ‘how does my son’s penis measure up.’” She snorted, putting the soiled diaper aside. She lifted Dante into her arms, crawled back in bed, and put him to her breast.

My boy latched on with his hand holding onto her.

She smiled at me. “I haven’t felt this wonderful since the last time we were out at Wennberg Pond. Do you remember?”

I turned on my side to face her and rubbed her arm. “I do. It was the day we had your pregnancy confirmed.”

“Mhm, and here is our precious boy.” She kissed him, then puckered up for me.

I happily accepted her invitation. “You did good, Momma.”

Patch had stopped by after lunch to check on Emilee and her knee. The injury wasn’t serious. A little rest and anti-inflammatories were all she needed. He also examined Dante, my strapping boy, then promptly left. He never lingered, always busy making house calls and whatever else.

We spent most of the afternoon in our suite, lounging around. Em and I played with Dante, and when he napped, we fooled around. I loved having her back and not hiding the way I felt.

Like now, as we strolled to the clubhouse for supper. Tina had offered to bring our meal to us, but Emilee wanted to get out for a bit, show off Dante and meet Birdie. She was sure those two would be best buds.

As we entered through the back door, the noise coming from the kitchen was a sure sign it was suppertime.

“Wow, I forgot how loud it got in here.”

“If at any time you want to leave, just tell me.” I pulled her closer. She had Dante in a baby sling.

“Okay, I will.”

The commotion stopped when we appeared. The first one to make a beeline for us was Maddy.

“Oh, Emilee.” She wrapped her in a hug. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Maddy had been the most vocal of the woman, up in arms over Justin taking Emilee away. The whole situation had caused some friction between Prez and his wife. To what degree, I wasn’t sure. We’d probably never know.

“I missed you too.” Emilee pulled back, opening the sling to reveal our sleeping son.

Maddy covered her mouth, her eyes tearing up. “He is beautiful, Em. Oh my gosh, our kids can grow up together. Be besties.”

“That’s what I told Dan—” She caught herself. “What I told Dodge this morning.”

Earlier, I’d reminded her to only call me by my road name in public. When we were alone, I wanted her to call me Danny. It was personal and intimate and not for anyone else but her.

“I’m dying to see Birdie.” Emilee scanned the room. “Where is she?”

“Oh, she’ll be back any minute. Storm has her. He and Raul had some stuff to talk about.”

“Some Justin stuff?” I asked.

Maddy shrugged. “Sorry, I have no idea.”

A line formed, of people wanting to see Dante and Emilee. I stayed beside her the whole time. After she sat at a table where Prez and Maddy were, along with Raul and Tina, I got us some food.

I was glad the clubhouse wasn’t busy, and none of the kittens were around—not that Emilee wasn’t used to them, but she didn’t need to be overwhelmed by more people.

“So much has changed since I left.” Emilee looked at me wide-eyed. “Hero and Boxer, off the market. I really didn’t see that coming.”

“None of us did, sweetie.” Sugar was holding Dante so we could eat. She seemed mesmerized.

“And Jill.” Em put her hand to her chest. “How’s Wolf doing?”

“Wolf will be okay,” Storm replied as he rubbed Birdie’s back. She was sleeping against his chest. “He’s grieving but keeps busy.”

“I’ve missed a lot around here,” Emilee said in a low voice. “Jill’s funeral. Boxer’s wedding.”

I rubbed her thigh, hoping to comfort her. She’d told me she felt alone and cut off from the world. It pissed me off. How could Justin be so heartless? Emilee wasn’t a possession. He had no right to treat her like one.

“How are you doing, honey?” Tina stood to clear the plates. “Is there anything you need? We’re all here to help you.”

Emilee looked at me, but I didn’t have an answer. I’d sent a prospect out with a shopping list earlier. Dante needed diapers and wipes, and Em needed some personal hygiene stuff. Sugar had picked up some clothes for her and the baby.

“We’ll let you know, Tina. Thanks,” I replied when Emilee didn’t.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

I wasn’t used to Emilee needing me to take the lead. I didn’t want to let her down, so I stepped up. Even though I wasn’t a social person, I’d do anything for her and my family.

“We should have a drink in my office,” Storm said out of the blue. His gray eyes cut to mine, then to Raul’s. “The three of us.”

Emilee squeezed my thigh under the table.

I entwined our fingers and whispered, “I’ll stay if you want.”

Panic attacks were a new thing for Emilee. After what had happened yesterday, it was understandable. Earlier today, while I was showering, she’d rushed into the bathroom nearly in tears with Dante in the sling. She’d had her shoes on like she was ready to bolt.

As it turned out, she’d heard gunshots. Some of my brothers were out at the range. The pop-pop-pop had sent her into a panic, fearing the Rat Brotherhood had come for Dante. Once she knew what was going on, she calmed. I hated how she’d been traumatized. I was sure some of it also stemmed from last summer, when she’d been taken by the Dirty Hunters. She’d admitted to having nightmares about it sometimes.

When I thought about all she’d been through and not being able to comfort her, I wanted to beat the tar out of Justin for keeping us apart.

“I think I’ll be okay.”

“I’ll be down the hall.”

She nodded. “I know. Try not to be too long.”