Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



My whole body was stiff. Fear paralyzed me while Birdie slept in my arms. My biceps were flexed, my shoulder muscles hard as iron. When Maddy had told me at the party a few days ago to spend some time with her to learn how to care for a baby, I didn’t know she meant to hold Birdie while she slept.

Don’t get me wrong. Her squishy little body felt good in my arms. She smelled sweet and made the cutest faces. For the last fifteen minutes, I imagined my son making the same expressions and sounds. It made me cry inside. My son should’ve been my first experience with a baby.

I flicked my eyes at Maddy as she moved about the kitchen. She loved to bake. When the mood struck, she spoiled the club with all kinds of treats. Before her, we only had cake or cupcakes for someone’s birthday, and there were usually store-bought cookies in the pantry for my cousins and Sugar’s twins. She and Tina didn’t like to bake.

I didn’t get sweet treats as a kid, so I never knew what I was missing. I was lucky to get a home-cooked meal once a week. With Maddy here, baking up a storm when the wind changed, my brothers and I ate it up. We devoured everything she made. Even Prez enjoyed his wife’s goodies.

“Which is your favorite, Dodge? White chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate?” She raised three bags as if I understood what she was asking. Weren’t they all good?

I looked down at Birdie like I’d find the answer on her forehead. Whenever someone asked me what I liked, I didn’t know what to say. Questions had often been used to trick me by my mom and her latest boyfriend. If I answered wrong, I was punished. I’d learned quickly to never complain, accept what I got, and my feelings didn’t matter. Most of all, I learned everything could be used against me.

“Um, don’t know.”

“How do you not know?” She rounded the island and came to where I sat at one of the tables. She dropped a kiss on Birdie’s head. “What’s your favorite cookie?”

“I like them all.” Not true. I wasn’t a fan of walnuts, but I would never admit it.

She twisted her lips like she didn’t believe me. “Okay, of the cookies I’ve baked, which is your favorite?”

“I like all of them.” Just some more than others. The loaded oatmeal cookies had walnuts, but I managed to power through when offered one and thanked her for it.

Maddy crossed her arms over her chest and pushed her hip out. “You’re not making this easy for me.”

“Sorry.” I grimaced, my heart rate picking up. Upsetting Prez’s woman was the last thing I wanted to do. Maybe hanging out with Maddy and the baby was a bad idea. Usually, I kept to myself to avoid feeling vulnerable. It was stupid. I was a grown man, able to protect myself. But after years of abuse, I’d come to realize my mind had a way of fucking with me, making me think otherwise.

Birdie stirred, twisting her head and stretching her arm. My muscles locked up and I held my breath.

Would she wail for her momma or settle back down? Would Maddy come to my aid if she screamed? My heart raced faster.

“She’s so precious.” Maddy placed her hand gently on the top of Birdie’s head. And just like that, the baby calmed.

Relief flooded my chest, yet I couldn’t breathe normally. I held it in.

“Wow,” I whispered, my chest tight. “One touch and she went back to sleep.”

“It’s taken weeks to figure out her habits and what she likes.”

“Habits?” I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Yep. Babies have habits just like grown-ups. Birdie likes for Storm to rock her to sleep after I’ve fed her.” She smiled brightly. “He talks to her about club life, his brothers, and me. His voice seems to soothe her.”

“I can’t imagine Storm doing that.”

Maddy sniggered. “I know he doesn’t show it much, but he’s a softy, especially with his daughter. There’s nothing sexier than a man holding a baby.” She winked, nodding at her baby cuddled in my arms. “Speaking of which, if you’re not going to tell me which cookies to bake, I’ll go ask my man.”

“What about the baby?” Panic swelled in my chest.

She dropped a kiss on Birdie’s head. “Just don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back in a flash.”

Maddy rushed out of the kitchen. Being alone with a baby was the most uncomfortable situation I’d ever been in.

I prayed Birdie wouldn’t cry. I could handle it if her momma was around, just not when I was by myself.

Would I feel this uneasy with my own child? I hoped not. I wanted him to know he was safe and in capable hands, that he meant the world to me. His needs would always be met. It would kill me if my child ever felt like he wasn’t wanted, as I had.

My saving grace was Emilee. If I screwed up or fumbled with what to do with my kid, she’d be right there to make it right.

Emilee was the sweetest, most patient and loving person I knew. A beautiful woman inside and out. When I was with her, I felt loved. The way her blue eyes sparkled when she looked at me was like I’d hung the moon for her. I damn well would’ve too. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

Emotion bubbled in my throat. I missed my girl.

Footsteps came from the stairwell leading from the dorms.

“Well, what do we have here?” Misty leaned over my shoulder to peer at Birdie. “Aww, the little biker princess is sleeping. So precious.” She turned to face me and kissed my cheek.

I instantly tensed. “What are you doing?” Misty knew where I stood regarding her, yet she still had to fucking kiss me.

Birdie jerked in my arms as if sensing my irritation.

“Just admiring you holding a baby.” Her hands brushed across my shoulders. “You have tension in your arms. I can help you with that.” She massaged my neck.

“It’s because I don’t want you touching me.” Fucking Misty. I couldn’t stand how she wouldn’t let up on trying to get me into bed.

“You keep saying that, Dodge, but we know the truth. The kittens, I mean.”

“I don’t care what you think you know. Stop touching me.” My heart hammered in my chest. I didn’t want to lose my cool, not when I had a baby in my arms. “I have a woman.”

Misty licked my ear lobe. “But she’s not here.” Her hand went under Birdie.

I nearly vaulted out of the chair when she gripped me through my jeans. I felt helpless, too afraid to move and upset Birdie.

Through gritted teeth, I said, “Get your hands off me. I don’t want you.”

“But I want y—” Misty’s head was jerked back, making her yelp. “Ow!” She struggled to free herself.

Maddy tugged Misty by the ponytail away from the table. “You bitch. If you don’t respect a patched member’s wishes, I will kick you out of this club!”

“Let go of my hair,” Misty cried.

Birdie started to fuss. I bounced her like Madeline had taught me, captivated by the show. Not many people had stuck up for me before. Maddy wasn’t a big girl, but she was fierce, like a ferocious lion protecting her cub.

“Did you hear me? Dodge told you not to touch him, and you did anyway. Unacceptable, Misty.” Maddy shook her head like a ragdoll.

Lynx entered the kitchen, a wry grin playing on his lips. “Holy hell, what do we have here? A reenactment of the Angel-Carla catfight?”

“Lynx! You are so not funny.” Maddy released Misty’s hair and shoved her out of the kitchen. “You’re on thin ice, kitten.”

“What the fuck’s going on?” Storm growled.

Lynx snickered. “Your woman was just training a kitten on how to behave.” He leaned toward Maddy. “My money will always be on you, babe.” He gave her a wink, then sat across from me with a broad grin.

Storm put his arm around Maddy. “Angel, what happened?”

She looked at me and then up at Prez. “Misty needs to go. That’s all I’m gonna say. I won’t have her in my house doing as she damn well pleases. Besides, she’s part of the reason Snow doesn’t want to live on the compound. I think you need to bring in fresh pussy.”

Storm’s eyebrows shot upward, his eyes turning dark. “Fuck, Angel.” He crushed his lips to hers.

Lynx laughed into his hand, trying to stay quiet for Birdie. He wasn’t succeeding. “I’m sorry, I just can’t… Bring in fresh pussy… That’s too much. I love you, Angel.”

“Shut it, Lynx,” Storm hissed.

That did it. Birdie wailed.

And did her mother come to her rescue?


Storm was at my side in three long strides, scooping her out of my arms. He held her against his chest and rubbed her back. “Daddy’s got you, Birdie.” He pressed his lips to her forehead as he strutted out of the kitchen.

“That is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Maddy fanned her face.

“The boss man made you wet, didn’t he?” Lynx waggled his eyebrows.

The dirty fucker. He shouldn’t say that to Prez’s woman. If Storm heard him, his fist would be in Lynx’s mouth.

Maddy giggled, waving off Lynx’s crude remark. “Fuck yeah, he did. Forget baking. I gotta go find my man.” She ran out.

“To have a woman like her chasing after me… Hubba, hubba.” Lynx stared after her. “Do you think they have sex in front of Birdie? Poor kid, they might scare her… and scar her for life. I’ve heard them down the hall from my room. Storm fucks loud.”

“Don’t be a dick.” I stretched out my sore limbs. Who knew such a little thing could make my arms hurt? Not me.

Lynx feigned shock. “Moi? A dick?”

I shook my head as I stood. “You know you are. But I bet Misty can help you with your boner.” Disgust exploded in my belly. I hated that she’d groped me.

She wasn’t the first kitten to try to get me into bed after I was patched in. They all wanted a piece of me. I should be flattered, but I wasn’t. Everyone knew I loved Emilee. Just because she wasn’t around didn’t mean shit. I was happily taken.

Lynx sighed, getting to his feet. “Not feeling Misty anymore. She tried to get me to go without a condom the last time I was with her.”

I shook my head. “She’s desperate. Wants to be an old lady and would do anything to trap one of us, even get pregnant. Didn’t she pull that with Boxer?”

“Yeah, before Snow turned up. And not just Box but lots of us.” Lynx put his hand over his heart. “Snow. I miss that sassy blonde.”

“Jeez, man. You need to find your own woman and stop drooling over your brothers’ ladies.”

Lynx was harmless. He wouldn’t actually cross the line. He just had a dirty mouth and labeled it as teasing.

“Nope, commitment isn’t for me. I need to find Ire. Get him on my side to bring in fresh pussy, as Maddy said.” Lynx rubbed his hands together. Drool might have dripped down his chin at the thought of new club girls.

“He left.”

“Where to?”

I shrugged. “Not sure. Said he had something to take care of.”

“Well then, okay. I’ll go find Track.”

“Not sure if he’ll agree, but he seems to like Misty.” Just thinking of her with my cousin made me want to hurl.

“I think he only lets her suck him off.” Lynx threw up a hand as he left.

How the fuck did he know that? The dude was seriously up in everyone’s business.

Good for Track. Cuz was more intelligent than I thought. I wouldn’t trust a girl like Misty anywhere near my cock.

I sighed as I went downstairs to my room. Emilee flashed behind my eyes, making my dick twitch.

It wasn’t easy being without her. I had needs, but I never loved anyone more than I loved her. I’d be a fucking fool if I let my dick call the shots. He’d just have to deal with my hand.

Soon my girl would be back, and when she was, I wasn’t ever letting her go again.