Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



An hour had passed since the babies were taken. I was going out of my mind, trying not to fear the worst. I wouldn’t let myself go there. Dante and Birdie had to be okay. I wouldn’t accept any other outcome.

Tara and Sugar stayed by Maddy’s side. I hurt for her and her sweet Birdie, who was collateral damage in this horrific mess—the mess my dad had created. I couldn’t believe Misty was Tami’s sister. I’d never made the connection, but I’d mostly avoided Misty after the incident in the bar. It made sense though. They were both witches.

“I’m so sorry, Em.” Dad held my hand. He must’ve apologized a dozen times already. I could tell he was exhausted, but he hadn’t complained. His attentiveness was how he’d always been with me after Momma died.

Well, until Tami had entered the picture.

“I know, Dad.” It was all I could say. I was in shock and numb, not in any position to deal with him.

I had a pounding headache from getting knocked out by what Patch suspected had been a gun. He’d put in a couple of stitches in the back of my head.

“What if she gets away with them?” Maddy muttered. “My baby…” She cried into her hands.

“Storm will bring her back,” Tara told her. “He’ll bring her back. Every available man is out looking for them.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks, having thought the same. It repeated in my head over and over, no matter how hard I fought it.

What if they don’t get Misty? What if the babies are hurt?

What if? What if? What if?

“Dodge asked me for my blessing.”

I turned to look at my dad. “He did? When?”

He seemed surprised. “You didn’t know?”


“Oh. He had a beer with Storm and me. He wanted to clear the air and ask me for my blessing. He said he didn’t need it, but it’d make you happy if I gave it to him. Is he always so defiant?”

I nodded. “Only when something is important to him.”

“Like you.” He kissed my cheek. “I can tell he’d go to the ends of the earth to make you happy.”

“I believe he would. I had no idea he was planning to talk to you. He had me wait in the kitchen so he could deal with an issue.”

“I guess getting my blessing was an issue.” He wiped his eyes. “He has my blessing. I only wanted you to be safe and happy. I see I went about it all wrong.”

“Yes, you did.” I wasn’t about to pretend his actions didn’t destroy me and cause havoc for so many people.

“I don’t want to lose you, Em. You or Dante.”

“You won’t, Dad. I want you in our lives too.” I put my hand on his knee. “But I don’t know if we’ll ever be the same, y’know?” He needed to hear the truth. The damage to our relationship had been done. I still loved him. Always would. I just didn’t know what our relationship would look like once things settled, and it wasn’t the time to figure it out.

“I understand.” He sniffled. “Lots of healing is needed.”

I nodded, noticing Sugar listening in on our conversation.

“This may not be the time, but I want you to know Simon and the other little boy were found.”

I clutched my chest. “Oh my gosh, are they okay?”

“As far as I know. Cobra said he’s back with his mom.”

Tears of relief spilled down my face. “Thank you for telling me. I needed to hear something good.”

“Emmy, Dodge will bring Dante back. He’d go to the ends of the earth for both of you. He’s the most strong-willed and defiant man I know.”

“Defiant Dodge,” I muttered. Danny was different now. Losing me had changed him. He wasn’t shy or silent anymore. He spoke his mind fearlessly. Made his needs and wants freely known. His inner alpha had been released. I loved him all the more for it.

Dad chuckled. “Now there’s a suitable road name.”

Tina ran into the kitchen. “They’re back. They have the babies.”

Maddy and I launched out of our chairs and ran to the entrance, holding each other’s hands. When we saw our babies in their daddies’ arms, we broke into sobs.

“The medic checked him out at the scene. Not a scratch.” Danny gave Dante to me, then wrapped his hulking arms around us. “I love you both so much.”

I cried, smothering Dante in kisses. I thanked the Lord for keeping him safe and bringing him back to me.

“My precious baby.” I peppered his cheek with kisses. “Momma loves you, Little D. Momma loves you so much.” I lifted my gaze to Danny’s. “I love you too.”

“Perfect, Em.” He kissed me sweetly.

“If anyone needs me, I’m unavailable for the night. Talk to Raul,” Storm announced. “I’m taking my woman home.” He lifted Maddy into his arms and carried her and Birdie away.

“Shall I carry you and Little D out like Tarzan over there?” Danny jerked his chin.

I smiled, only just noticing the crowd of bikers lingering around us. So many gruff and loyal men. They’d dropped everything to go after the babies but were back watching over us, like an army of gladiators. There was no doubt in my mind every one of the Knights would give their life for Dante and Birdie. It was the kind of men they were. They’d wage war on anyone who dared to harm their family.

I turned toward my dad. “Will you be okay if we leave?” I hoped he’d understand that I needed to be with Danny and our son right now.

He kissed my head, then Dante’s. “Absolutely, honey. Go be with your family. I’ll be just fine, hanging out with these guys. They’re my family too.”

After kissing Dante a million times and feeding him, Danny helped me give him a bath. Afterward, we got into bed with our son between us.

We were all emotionally drained from today’s events.

“I could stare at him forever.” I ran my finger along Dante’s soft cheek, humming his song softly.

“Me too.” Danny took my hand and pressed a kiss to my bare ring finger. “I’m sorry for leaving you vulnerable today. I should’ve been with you.”

“Don’t do that to yourself. We should be secure at the club.”

“I’d only wanted to talk to your dad. Clear the air with him and ask for his blessing.” He kissed my finger again. “I knew it would mean a lot to you after… everything.”

“He apologized to me. He finally sees what a good man you are.”

He smirked. “Even though I’m a biker?”

“You say biker like it’s a dirty word. Some of the best men I know are bikers. The man I adore and love with my whole heart is a biker.”

He stared at me, love pouring out of his brown depths. “You and Little D are my whole world. I can’t wait to marry you.”

“I can’t wait to be Mrs. Daniel Montez.”

We leaned in, sealing our lips above our baby boy.

This. Them. I couldn’t ask for anything more.