Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



I hadn’t planned to ever return to the Knight’s Legion MC’s compound, yet here I was in an SUV with Storm taking me to the club. Hero led the way on his bike. Track took up the rear. I didn’t deserve to be protected this way.

My heart had been hardened to the MC brotherhood, the only family I’d had for half my life. A person could do some crazy-ass shit to protect someone they love—to shelter a daughter from the evils of the world. Hell, I’d even forced her to not be with a man like her father: a biker who did illegal shit, killed when necessary, and screwed multiple women in one night.

I wasn’t proud of my actions, past or present.

I’d been focused on all the negatives, fed off them to fuel my anger and numb my heartbreak.

What did it get me?

Hell like I’d never experienced before.

And an enormous amount of regret.

After a couple of weeks in the hospital, I’d had a lot of time to think. My mind was finally free of the drugs Tami had been supplying me to cope with my angry daughter and bear the hatred in her eyes when she looked at me. I saw how I’d been worse than any of the bikers I’d called brother. The realization of it slashed me wide open.

How does a father come back from what I’d done to my little girl?

Would she ever forgive me? Let me be in her life—in my grandson’s life after I was the reason he was in danger?

Fuck. I didn’t deserve Emilee’s mercy or kindness.

I lowered my gaze to my missing hand to blink away the moisture in my eyes. I’d understand if Emilee told me to go to hell. But I knew she wouldn’t. She had more of her mother in her than me. My Laura had forgiven me an obscene amount of times.

In my twenties, I’d been a shitty person. I wasn’t in love with Laura when I’d gotten her pregnant. Married her out of obligation, then screwed around on her out of resentment. After a few years, around Emilee’s fourth birthday, I’d gotten over myself and fell deeply in love with Laura. I’d begged her forgiveness and repented for all my sins.

The following six or so years were the happiest of our lives, then my sweet Laura was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. When Emilee was twelve, Laura left us to sing with the angels. Losing her was the worst kind of punishment. I only survived because of Emilee. If I lost my daughter too, I’d have nothing to live for.

There was no excuse for my actions. I’d lost my mind. Tormented over failing Laura. I’d promised her before she died that our little girl wouldn’t end up a biker.

I’d been a crazy father who forgot my daughter was a grown woman instead of my baby girl.

The cage stopped at the gate.

“What happened to the fencing and guard shack?” I asked Storm as he drove onto the property. A lot had changed since I was last here.

“Was time for an upgrade.”

I studied his profile, not believing a word he said. The fencing had only been up ten years. Since I wasn’t a member, he didn’t owe me shit. I wasn’t privy to information about the club. It stung a little, feeling like he didn’t trust me, but I didn’t deserve it after I’d bailed on the club and pushed my brothers away, not to mention getting involved with a gang.

“You got houses going up on the south side?” There were three in various stages of construction. It looked like a small neighborhood.

Storm turned his head toward the homes. “Yep.”

“Did you get the family unit behind the clubhouse finished? You’d paused the project because of the Dirty Hunters.” I hated to think about those fuckers.

Storm parked the cage. The prospect in the back seat hopped out as Hero and Track got off their bikes. I’d forgotten he was in the back. He’d been silent the whole drive. Storm’s cousin Cobra had had some of his crew lead us out of Fargo before we’d split off in different directions.

Both clubs had come to my aid when I didn’t fucking deserve it. I couldn’t ever repay them, but I knew they didn’t expect anything in return. It wasn’t their way, the Knight’s Legion MC way.

“Angel and I moved into it after our daughter was born in May.”

“I can’t wait to meet…”


“That’s adorable, brother.”

“She’s adorable.” He winked.

Inside the clubhouse, Storm settled me at a table in the bar and went to grab us beers. It was quieter than I was used to. Usually, music blasted through the speakers. Kittens would mill about or be on a brother’s lap. I liked it like this better.

I hissed, fighting through the throbbing pain in my stump. It’d started bothering me once we were on dirt roads. Of course, I wouldn’t show my discomfort. I’d push through it.

“Here you are.” Storm put a bottle in front of me and sat with two more.

“Thanks. No all-day parties anymore?” I waved the bottle around before putting it to my lips.

He took a swig of his. “Things pick up in the evenings. The number of single brothers is dwindling. We still like to have a good time, but you know how it is. Things change. Change is good, brother.”

I drank my beer while watching Storm. He certainly seemed different. He was still larger than life, but there was a calmness about him that wasn’t there even after he’d met his Angel. I wondered if it had to do with becoming a father. Having Emilee certainly had changed me.

“Will Emilee be around later?” I couldn’t hold out any longer from asking about her.

Emilee was the person I wanted to see most. I’d been dead to the world when she’d visited me in the hospital. She never came back because it wasn’t safe. I was glad Storm and the others took the decision away from us.

Cobra’s club had waged war on the Rat Brotherhood. I hadn’t been told much about it. Before I left the hospital earlier today, he’d stopped by to say good-bye and let me know his club had found the missing boys. Simon had been returned to his mother. Emilee would be so happy and relieved.

“Yes, after you talk to Dodge.” The prez raised an unyielding brow.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

Dodge entered, stalking straight for our table.

I groaned. “Fuck. You set me up.”

Storm shrugged. “My club, my rules. Don’t forget you’re a guest here.”

“Don’t leave me alone with him.” I caught a glimpse of a woman as she passed by the bar. For a second, I thought I knew her, but I doubted it.

“Justin.” Dodge sat across from me. He’d certainly beefed up since I’d last seen him. Most of the prospects did if they worked out at the gym with Boxer. My gaze dropped to the patch on his cut.

I’ll be dammed. He’s a full-fledged member now.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Dodge had been a prospect for three years when Em and I left, which was longer than most because he’d started at nineteen.

Storm slid the third bottle toward him. “Let’s keep this talk productive and short.”

“What, are you moderating?” I snorted and guzzled my beer.

“Fuck, it’s ridiculous, but yeah. So don’t piss me off,” Storm said, a touch of amusement in his voice.

Dodge chuckled. “I have no intention of dragging this out. I’m here to ask for your blessing.”

“Fucking hell.” I raised my eyes toward the ceiling. “I’m not here five fucking minutes, and he’s asking for my blessing. You have some balls.”

Dodge leaned forward, elbows on the table, his eyes narrowed. “I’m not asking because I need your blessing. I’ve claimed Emilee. She’s mine.”

I gritted my teeth. “Then why the fuck are you asking?” I needed to maintain control. Storm had already told me Dodge had claimed Emilee in front of the club. There wasn’t shit I could do about it now. Not that I planned to.

Dodge relaxed in his seat. “I’m asking because it would make my woman happy. I suggest you do the same.”

I slammed my bottle on the table. “Your woman?” It pissed me off how smug he was about it. His possessiveness stabbed me in the heart. I was no longer the number one man in Emilee’s life.

Dodge stared me in the eyes. “My fiancée.”

I growled. They were engaged?

Storm cleared his throat. “The way I see it, Justin, you can either accept Dodge as Emilee’s choice, or you can lose her forever. It’s pretty fuckin’ cut and dry.”

I knew I’d lose this battle, but I couldn’t let it go. “So you’re telling me you’ll side with Dodge? After everything we’ve been through.”

“Yes.” Storm scratched his chin. “Not because you left the club and turned in your cut. Not to punish you in any way. I’m standing by my brother because Emilee is a grown woman. She gets to pick who she loves, just like you and me. What would you’ve done if Laura’s dad took her away from you?”

Dammit, he had to bring up my sweet Laura. I flicked my eyes toward the ceiling again. After what had happened with Rat trying to take Dante, Laura would wring my neck if she could.

Time to let it the fuck go. Maybe I’d be welcomed in my daughter’s and grandson’s life. “Fine, I see what you’re saying. I don’t like it, but I get it.” I looked past Dodge toward the entrance. I saw the same woman as before, but she was carrying a big tote bag. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me. Tami’s sister wouldn’t be in this club.

“So, will you give us your blessing?” Dodge asked with a stupid grin.

“Aww, shit. I’m gonna need another beer or something stronger before I give you my blessing.”

Storm snorted, raising his hand. “Copper! Bring a bottle of Jack over here.”

“Yeah, boss,” Copper replied.

I couldn’t help but smile. I’d missed this with my brothers. Wished I’d never left.

But it was too late. Once a Knight turned in his cut, he couldn’t come back. I regarded my stump in my lap. I wasn’t fit to be a biker anymore. That ship had sailed.

Copper passed out shot glasses and set the whiskey on the table. “Good to see ya again, Justin.” He glanced at my arm. “Fuck, man. I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. It could’ve been a whole lot worse.” I could be dead.

“Storm!” a woman screamed. It was Angel, hysterical. “The babies are gone!”