Alien Warrior’s Second Chance by Sue Mercury

Chapter 16

Karla stilledand fell silent when she noticed Zorras’ visitors staring at her. Shame and indignation coursed through her, and she wished she could just disappear in the storm. Coming here was a mistake. Visiting Vaxxlian Matchmakers was a mistake.

Despite all Zorras’ talk that he was keeping her, she couldn’t imagine why he would want to, particularly when a beautiful young woman capable of having children with him was standing on the porch. She felt humiliated, but she couldn’t fault Zorras if he mated with someone younger, someone like Hannah. His people needed to regrow their population as quickly as possible. They couldn’t manage that if some of their warriors chose to marry women such as herself who were too old to conceive.

She resisted the urge to hide her face in Zorras’ chest when he carried her onto the porch, where his visitors were still waiting. She didn’t want to look like a coward, even if deep down inside she was in freak out mode. She disliked confrontations and awkward situations as much as the next guy.

“Director Yorrsan,” Zorras’ began, “I appreciate that you wished to reward me for my service to our people, however, I have already found my soulmate. Karla. I will mate with no other.” He looked at Hannah. “I hope I have not caused you offense, but the director was unaware that I already knew the identity of my human soulmate and planned to take her as my wife. I suggest you allow the director to escort you to Vaxxlian Matchmakers, where you can be matched with your one true mate.”

Director Yorrsan’s eyes widened in shock as he regarded Karla. “My apologies to you both,” he said, looking as though he wanted to be anywhere else at this moment. “Had I known the real reason you declined my offer of a mate, Zorras, I would not have brought Hannah here. We will leave you and your mate—Karla—alone now. I wish you good fortune and happiness in your mating union.”

As Karla processed Zorras’ words from moments ago—his declaration that he planned to mate with her and not Hannah—a warm glow started to fill her. Could it be true? Was he choosing her over the pretty, young woman who could’ve helped him expand his family?

She met his eyes. He was still standing on the porch, holding her in his arms as if she weighed nothing, while the noise of the storm swelled around them, a mighty roar of nature.

Zorras’ eyes gleamed brighter, nearly glowing, and he growled deep in his throat. The sound sent a delicious shiver up her spine and caused warm pulses to affect her nether region. Her breath became faint, and she couldn’t tear her gaze from his, she was so spellbound by the intensity in his stare.

“You are the only female for me, sweet beauty,” he said, his voice resounding over the storm. “I know you are my soulmate. I know it. We are meant to be together. Agree to visit Vaxxlian Matchmakers with me. Let me prove it to you.”

“I already did,” she blurted. “I actually just came from Vaxxlian Matchmakers.”

Surprise flickered in his gaze. “Then why did I not receive a call from VM? Why did they not summon me to come get you, as is the custom?” He gave a frustrated growl, and Karla suspected he was worried about what VM had told her, and she hurried to put his mind at ease.

“Carmen offered to call you, but I told her I would just go directly to your house. I-I wanted to tell you in private that she did in fact give me your name.”

The tension in his shoulders relaxed and a look of relief softened his expression. “Thank the Star God she gave you my name.” He exhaled slowly, then a huge, cocky grin took over his face. “See? I told you we were soulmates, didn’t I? You ought to listen to me more often, sweet beauty, for I am very wise.”

She chuckled briefly and rolled her eyes. A feeling of warmth and peace rushed through her, but a second later, a sudden bout of nerves caused her to tremble in Zorras’ arms. She hadn’t been with a man in… oh, just over twenty years.

What would it be like to mate with Zorras?

She drew in a series of unsteady breaths and her shaking increased. Her life was about to change big time. She’d thought she would live in Axall’s home forever and be the unofficial cook/housekeeper there, as well as a doting auntie to all her friends’ children. But now she was about to become the wife of a huge Vaxxlian warrior who possessed a heart of gold. Hello, plot twist.

“I’m taking you inside now, Karla. You’re shivering and injured. I need to get you out of these clothes and tend to your knee.” He carried her into the house and the door zipped shut behind them.

“I’m not shivering,” she corrected. “I’m just nervous, that’s why I’m shaking. See? No goosebumps. Just having a minor spell of anxiety over the fact that I’m pretty sure you’re about to jump my bones and I haven’t so much as kissed a man in the last twenty years. I feel like I’m about to lose my virginity all over again.”

“Jump your bones?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow. “What does this human phrase mean?”

Karla’s face heated. “It, um, means to have sex with someone. We humans have a lot of euphemisms for sexual intercourse.”

He appeared intrigued. “Is that so?”

“Oh, yes. Um, let’s see here,” she said in a thoughtful tone. “There’s grinding the corn. Hitting a home run. Knocking boots. Peeling the banana. Making whoopee. And my personal favorite, the matrimonial polka.”

He brought her into a huge bathroom and set her on a chair. Amusement glimmered in his sexy green depths and one corner of his mouth twitched. “You will have to teach me all these euphemisms to help me further my studies of your language.” He set about gathering supplies from the cabinets. He poured a blue liquid onto a towel, then drew her dress up so he could tend to her injured knee. He swiped the cloth over the bloody scrape, and the stinging instantly faded.

“That feels much better,” she said. “Thank you.” She attempted to smooth back her wet hair and make herself appear more respectable, but she quickly gave up on the notion. She was a soaking wet, muddy mess, and there was just no help for it.

“You are most welcome.” His gaze traveled over her body. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“No, just the knee. If you slap a bandage on it, I should be fine. I don’t want to bleed everywhere.”

He rose to his feet. “I have something better than a bandage. I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He disappeared out the door before she could ask for clarification.

He strode into the bathroom a minute later, holding a syringe, and realization dawned. All unmated warriors were given a dose of healing nanobots to administer to their mates. The nanobots healed all but the most grievous injuries and prevented illness and infection as well. From what she’d heard, the nanobots also slowed the aging process. She normally didn’t care for shots, but if that injection would help her aching back and knees, she was all for it.

“Do you know what this is?” he asked, holding up the syringe.

“Yes, Rachel and the other women in my household told me about the nanobot shots.” She offered her arm to him and turned away, not wanting to watch. “I’m ready. Anytime now. Zorras?”

“I’m all done,” he said, brushing a hand over her upper arm as he pocketed the used syringe.

“Really? That’s it? I didn’t so much as feel a prick.” She glanced down and marveled at the sight of her knee healing in mere seconds, her scraped skin mending together without leaving so much as a faint mark.

Zorras was crouched before her, though with his great height he still towered over her, and he leaned closer and placed his lips at the shell of her ear. She shivered at the feel of his hot breath wafting against her flesh.

“I can be very gentle when I want to be, sweet beauty.” He pulled back and met her gaze, his eyes blazing with heat. “I would like to take you upstairs, Karla, and grind corn with you.” His serious tone almost made her burst into laughter, but she didn’t want to cause him any offense, so she bit the inside of her cheek and nodded.

“Okay, let’s go. It’s time for the pants-off dance-off.”