SEAL’s Command by Makenna Jameison

Chapter 13



Ashleigh walked into Slate’s living room, lost in thought. Everything had been a whirlwind since she’d woken up in the middle of the night at the cabin a few days ago. They’d made several stops along the long drive to San Diego, including checking into a motel room to shower and get some rest. Ashleigh couldn’t drive the Jeep since her right ankle was the one that was injured. She’d finally gone to an Urgent Care clinic at Slate’s urging and was now hobbling around in a walking boot with some pain killers to give her some relief.

One of Slate’s men, Tyler “Trigger” Howard, was in the kitchen on a phone call. Slate had apologized that he had to be on base, and it had filled her with warmth the way he wanted her to be protected. They’d only met mere days ago though. Was it just the situation that had him acting this way? Or was there a chance he actually cared for her?

It was silly to even consider that days after meeting the man. She wasn’t the type of woman to jump headfirst into a relationship. She was sleeping in his arms every night—and goodness. His kisses and attentiveness to her entire body made her head spin. They hadn’t made love though. Was she just a warm body in his bed?

Tyler poked his head in from the kitchen, his light blues eyes meeting hers. “Are you doing all right?”

“I’m fine. I promise. You don’t need to stay here and babysit me today,” she assured him.

He chuckled, the corners of his eyes creasing. “Commander’s orders, ma’am.”

“Oh, and please don’t call me ma’am. I’m barely older than you,” she said, slowly moving toward him.

He winked, pulling out a chair for her at the table as she walked into the kitchen. “I’ll grab you some water,” he said. “And I can’t have word getting back to the CO that I wasn’t polite.”

Her lips quirked, but she nodded in agreement. “All right. Thanks.”

“He just called a short time ago while you were resting. The commander said he’s wrapping stuff up there and should be home in another hour or so. I’ll wait to head back into base until he’s here.”

She took the bottle of water Tyler handed her and took a sip. “You must hate being stuck around his house all day watching me,” she said with a laugh.

“What makes you say that?” he asked with a grin.

“Well, if you’re anything like Slate, you’re a man of action. You don’t do sitting still and would rather rush into things head first.” She glanced to the window. “It’s a gorgeous day outside—much better than the snow we had outside of Seattle a few days ago. You probably want to be on the water with your teammates training or something. Shoot, I mean Slate gets up early just to run for the fun of it. I’d never in a million years do that.”

His eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement. “Well, you got me there. I do love the outdoors. But we’re basically stuck in back-to-back briefings today. Nothing exciting. And don’t worry—I don’t mind staying here with you as a favor to the CO. He wants you to be safe.”

“I figured he’d send that Ace guy here. He’s always on the phone with him.”

Tyler’s lips quirked. “Well, he’s a computer whiz aside from being a SEAL, so they probably needed his assistance with some things. If the commander has to be on base, we might end up rotating for the next few days so someone can be here with you. Raptor’s team is back as well.”

She nodded, trying to wrap her head around the way the military worked. She’d met a couple of the men under Slate’s command, and they all had seemed polite yet formal with her. She appreciated that Tyler was a little more laid back. She wasn’t sure she wanted to meet anyone named Raptor though.

“I just hope this all blows over soon,” she admitted.

“Are you missing work? The commander said you’re doing some work from his house, but I wasn’t sure if you’re usually in an office or something. Can you work remotely from here for a while?”

“I’m a writer, so yes, I can work wherever I want.”

“A writer, huh? Like for newspapers? Or I know—blogging. My younger sister is really into that.”

Ashleigh laughed. “I’m actually a novelist. I write romance novels.”

Tyler burst into laughter. “I’m sorry—that’s awesome. It’s just funny that the commander would end up with someone who writes romance. He’s as gruff and no-nonsense as you can get.”

She smiled. “Yeah. We’re definitely opposites in that way. My best friend is married to his brother though.”

Tyler nearly choked on the water he was drinking. “Hell, are you serious? He didn’t mention that.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of a crazy story how they met. And Jett owns his own private security business, as you may be aware. Anna’s more like me—although she’s pregnant with a couple of kids.”

“Huh. I can’t see the commander with kids. No offense, ma’am.”

Ashleigh laughed again. “None taken. I don’t want kids either,” she admitted, adjusting her ankle. “And Slate and I just met. We’re not dating or anything like that.”

Tyler raised his eyebrows.


He shrugged. “I mean, I guess you can call it whatever you want. He’s never introduced any of us to a woman before. You’re staying at his house. We all just assumed you were a couple.”

“Oh, no, nothing like that.”


“You don’t believe me?” She looked at him in amusement. Tyler was only a couple of years younger than her. He was probably fifteen years or so younger than Slate. He was good-looking, although Ashleigh wasn’t attracted to him in that way. If she was honest with herself, no man had ever made her heart pound the way Slate did. There was something about his gruffness and raw masculinity that appealed to her. She never thought she’d be interested in dating an assertive, alpha male like him. Were they dating though?

Not exactly.

She was curled up in his arms every night though.

“Well, it’s nice that you’re able to work from here for now.”

“Yeah. My things are mostly back home in New York, of course, but I’ve got my laptop here and can write and keep caught up on my emails and everything.”

“I can’t even imagine the freedom to do that,” he said with a chuckle. “I go wherever the Navy sends me. We deploy at a moment’s notice, PCS if we’re given orders. They basically own me right now until I get out of the military.”

“What’s PCS?” she asked, looking at him in confusion.

“Permanent change of station. As a SEAL, there aren’t as many places I could be sent. We deploy everywhere, of course, but the SEAL teams are based in three locations.”

She nodded, feeling slightly bewildered. Ashleigh didn’t know anyone in the military and didn’t know that much about how it worked. She loved the freedom her job afforded and couldn’t imagine someone telling her where to go or what to do.

“So would Slate get moved elsewhere? PCS or whatever you call it?”

Tyler crossed his arms, smiling. “Would he get PCS’d? It’s unlikely given his position. I expect he’d retire before too long. Some guys go on to have a second career—government contracting or whatever. And as you mentioned, his brother started his own security company.”

“So, I guess there aren’t any updates you can share on the men tracking Slate?”

“Unfortunately, no. The men who were part of the terror cell seem to have gone underground. I know the commander is pissed that the FBI jacked up the investigation. When they raided the warehouse sooner than planned, several of the men escaped. I know you’ve seen it on the news. Normally we couldn’t disclose what we’re working on, but this isn’t entirely classified.”

“That’s unusual for the military to be involved in something like this, right? I mean usually you’d be operating on foreign soil. Don’t the police and FBI track down wanted criminals?”

“Yes. The military has investigators though. NCIS is one you’ve probably heard of. The Army has CID. The commander and one of the Navy SEALs have been directly targeted by this terror group. We do have other things that are on the horizon, but Commander Hutchinson isn’t going to sit around being threatened. A man was shot on this street.”

Ashleigh shuddered.

“I apologize for bringing it up,” Tyler said, looking chagrined.

“It’s fine. I mean it’s not fine that a man was shot, but it’s not exactly a secret. The police were all over the street when Slate and I got here. He got me settled inside and then spoke with several neighbors when we arrived.”

Tyler smiled.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Just hearing you call him Slate. He’s our commanding officer, and we know next-to-nothing about his personal life. He cares about you.”

“He doesn’t. We just met.”

“Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but I wouldn’t be here today if he didn’t care.”

She bit her lip, nodding. Tyler was right, she supposed. Of course, Slate cared if she got hurt. He watched out for others and took control of the situation. That was his personality. He’d dedicated his life to serving his country. Wanting to keep her safe from the bad guy, so to speak, wasn’t the same as caring for her as if they were in a relationship.

She couldn’t deny her attraction to Slate or the feelings that she was developing. It was too soon though—way too soon. It was probably just the situation they’d found themselves in that made her feel close to him. Could she trust a man with her heart again? And would a guy like Slate even want her to?




Two hours later, she knew Slate was home because she heard low voices in the hallway. She’d gone to the bedroom—his bedroom—to rest after taking more painkillers, then blushed furiously as she realized why all the men on his teams thought they were a couple. They knew she was literally sleeping in his bed. They’d met her. A few had been to Slate’s house. And although they hadn’t actually made love yet, Slate was more than acquainted with her body.

She heard the front door open and close and then footsteps in the hallway.

“Hey there,” Slate said softly as he opened the bedroom door.

She blinked and looked up at him sleepily, admiring the handsome man in her doorway. She had to admit he was appealing as hell in his uniform. Slate filled it out perfectly, but there was something about his commanding authority that attracted her as well. He was nothing but hard lines and pure muscle. The gentleness in his gaze made her knees weak though. “Hi. Is Tyler gone?”

“Trigger? Yeah. He just headed into base for the afternoon. I was able to get out a few hours early and wanted to come check on you. How are you feeling?”

“Tired because I took another painkiller. My ankle isn’t bad right now though. Tomorrow I’m planning to switch back to ibuprofen. That stronger stuff wipes me out. I’ve got work to do and can’t just lie around in your bed all day.”

“Well, you could,” he hinted huskily, crossing the room toward her.

A blush crept over her cheeks. Slate ducked down and nuzzled against her neck, inhaling the scent of her skin. Although he’d shaved that morning, there was a trace of stubble along his jaw. It was sexy and sweet, and she pulled him into her embrace as he chuckled. “Let me change, and I’ll make us something for dinner. Does steak on the grill sound good?”

“It sounds awesome, but I should be cooking for you. I barely got any work done today and have spent the past few hours in bed.”

“I don’t mind,” he promised her. “Besides, you were taking those strong painkillers. I may not be an amazing chef, but I can man a grill.”

“How’d everything go today?” she asked, looking at him as he pulled back and gazed down at her.

“We’re working a few leads on the wanted men. I’ll probably have another long day tomorrow, but this weekend I want to take you out.”


“Yeah. Out. On a date,” he clarified, his eyes sparking with amusement as he looked down at her.

“You think we’re ready for that?” she joked.

Slate chuckled as he stood and crossed the bedroom. He stripped off his shirt, not bashful in the least. He pulled a clean tee shirt out from his dresser, neatly tossing his uniform shirt into the hamper. Glancing back over his shoulder, he nailed her with a gaze. Slate was a wall of solid muscle and man, and she’d never get tired of looking at him.

“Am I ready to take you out for an amazing night? That’s a yes, Ash.”

She smiled, trying to keep her eyes on his face as his lips quirked. “Dinner this weekend sounds good. I can’t just keep crashing here forever though, Slate—not that I mind sleeping in your bed,” she said, her cheeks heating. “It’s just—I’m sure you’ve got stuff to do without me around.”

He pulled down his pants, tugging on a pair of jeans, and turned toward her. Pulling his shirt on, she admired the way his biceps bunched. Slate was gorgeous. Masculine and gruff but always careful with her. “I’ll admit meeting you last weekend was the last thing I expected, but I like having you here. I don’t want you to leave.”

She tilted her head, looking at him uncertainly.

He moved toward her, plopping down on the bed beside her as he pulled her into his arms. One big hand ran over her head as she snuggled against him, inhaling his masculine, pine scent. “This is fast,” she said softly.

“It is. That doesn’t make it wrong though. I’m old enough to know what I want, Ash. I like that you’re independent and able to take care of yourself if needed. Don’t get me wrong—I love taking care of you, too. I love having you in my arms and in my bed. But if I have to go into base and get tied up with Navy business, I’m not worried that you won’t know what to do with yourself. You’ve got your own successful writing career—your own life. I hope to be a part of it,” he added. “You’re sexy and beautiful. Smart. And I feel connected to you in a way I haven’t ever before. I want to protect you, but it’s more than that. You’ve got me wrapped around your finger and don’t even know it.”

She looked up at him, meeting his intense green gaze. “I don’t know what it is either,” she admitted. “I’m drawn to you in a way I can’t even explain, and I’m a writer,” she said with a small laugh. “I wouldn’t have thought a man like you would be my type.”

He growled, lightly pulling her closer and nipping at her neck.

She squealed with laughter, loving the feel of his hard body against her own. He was so much bigger than her, but Ashleigh loved how he made her feel protected and safe. Cherished. Slate rolled until she was straddling him, and she felt his thick cock beneath her core. “We haven’t made love yet,” she said softly.

“We haven’t,” he agreed. “I’d never rush you. But I have to admit, I’ve loved getting to know your body,” he said as her cheeks pinkened. “I love making you come apart in my arms. You can have all of me whenever you want. I want you to be ready though, Ashleigh. I want you to be sure.”

She looked down at him, seeing nothing but sincerity in his eyes. Most men couldn’t wait to get into a woman’s pants. Technically, he had, she supposed. His fingers, mouth, and tongue had explored her everywhere. That had been about her pleasure though. He’d never insisted they go further, and although he’d certainly appreciated her reciprocating, she’d never felt like she had to. She wanted to make him feel good, too. She loved having her hands and mouth on him.

“I’ll be ready soon,” she whispered.

He grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly. “You say the word, sweetheart, and I’ll be yours. All of me.”

“That’s what I’m scared of,” she admitted.

“Then you’re not ready yet,” he said simply. “I’m in no rush though. Having you in my arms is all I need.”

“And when this is over?” she asked.

He stilled, knowing exactly what she meant. She wouldn’t need to hide out in his house forever. She wouldn’t always need Slate’s protection. “We’ll take it one day at a time. I want to get those motherfuckers and keep you safe from harm, but I don’t want to let you go.”

“I…I don’t think I want to let you go either.”

Slate growled and pulled her down to him, kissing her deeply as he rolled them to their sides. Her leg hitched over his waist, and she felt him right there. Thick. Hard. Slate was powerful and strong, but she loved his patience, too. He’d shown nothing but concern for her since the moment they met. She wanted him inside her—soon. He overwhelmed her, but she didn’t think she could go slowly much longer. Not when it came to this man.

“Then we’ll make it work,” he assured her.

They forgot about dinner as Slate slowly began to strip her bare, his lips moving over her body as he kissed her absolutely everywhere. Before long, she was whimpering and crying out his name, Slate’s head between her thighs as he devoured her.

He kissed his way back up her body before kissing her lips, hard. Slate was claiming her. Exciting her in ways no man ever had before and letting her know without a doubt he wanted her here in his bed and his life. She knew she was falling for him and wasn’t sure if she’d ever be the same.