Remember Ramsey by Cynthia Eden

Chapter Five

Observation notes: They’re afraid of him. Even the people with the worst reputations and worst records tend to steer clear of Ramsey. When he’s at the bar, no one approaches him. They’re too wary.

He’s alone, unless he’s with me.


“You have a death wish.” Ramsey stared down at the drink in his glass and didn’t look at the man who’d just taken a seat next to him. “Obviously. Because we have been over the fact that you are supposed to stay out of my bar. Over it again and again.”

“It is wonderful to see you, too. I’m doing well. Thanks for asking. My lovely Ali is doing well, too. And, again, when the wedding comes, we plan on you being there.”

Ramsey finally turned his head toward Jinx. The brother he kept trying to protect. He’d told Jinx it was too dangerous to be in his world. Ramsey had told the guy that he wasn’t the person Jinx remembered.

Once upon a time, it had been the two of them against the world. They’d been thrown in the foster care system. They’d had no one else.

And then…

Then he’d overheard their case worker talking. Saying some shit about how he had trouble connecting with people. That he was exhibiting oppositional defiant disorder and that he was scaring away potential foster families.

Hell, yes, he’d been defiant. He’d been a pissed-off teenager who had no control over his life. He’d been watching as strangers were paraded in front of him. People who looked at him and had fear flashing in their eyes.


Those people hadn’t looked at Jinx the same way. Jinx with his quick grin and twinkling blue eyes. Jinx with his ready jokes and easy attitude. Those people had liked Jinx. They’d wanted to offer him a home.

But they hadn’t wanted to bring Jinx’s screwed-up, younger brother along for the ride.

Ramsey had known that Jinx would never choose to leave him. Instead, Jinx would have given up opportunity after opportunity for Ramsey.

So…Ramsey had made the decision for him. He’d left Jinx.

And this is the life I made.

“Earth to Ram.” Jinx waved his hand in front of Ramsey’s eyes. “Can you zone back in? Because I have some pretty big news that I want to share with you.”

“You already told me you were getting married. What’s bigger than that?” he growled.

“Well…” Jinx pursed his lips.

Ramsey rolled his eyes. “Just spit it out already.”

“I think it would be better if we discussed this privately. I had actually hoped fewer people would be here since it’s fairly early in the evening, but I guess folks just can’t stay away from your place.”

“What can I say. It’s popular.”

Jinx hadn’t taken a seat, and his body seemed oddly tense. “It would really be better if we took this conversation into your office.” His eyebrows rose. “I am assuming you have one of those around here, yes? Some nice, soundproof room where we can have a quick chat that might just change your whole life.”

A muscle jerked along Ramsey’s jaw. Jinx damn well knew he had such a place. “I’m not in the mood to be jerked around.”

“Excellent.” Jinx’s hand snaked out, and he snagged Ramsey’s drink. In a flash, he’d downed it. “Because I am not here for that particular activity.”

The SOB had taken his drink.

“Rather important,” Jinx said. “Time’s ticking.”

Fine. What-the-hell-ever. Ramsey glanced across the bar. “Jag, keep an eye on the place, got me?”

His first in command nodded. Jag didn’t say a word. He didn’t, usually. He kept quiet and did what he was told, and he eliminated any problems that appeared at the bar. He and Ramsey had been together seemingly forever. When Ramsey had first taken to the streets, he’d found Jag getting his ass kicked.

He’d intervened. Kicked the asses of the three guys who’d been jumping Jag, and he’d had the man at his side—in one form or another—ever since. Gang member, friend, bar manager, trouble eliminator. Jag had worn many different hats over the years.

Ramsey turned on his heel and made his way to the back. Yes, there was a sound-proof room back there, and after a recent visit from the FBI, he’d even had some extra tech and hardware brought in to make the place even more secure. The bar patrons got out of his way as Ramsey led Jinx through the crowd. And in moments, they were alone.

The band’s music had vanished. The murmur of voices had disappeared.

Ramsey crossed his arms over his chest and propped his shoulder against the wall. “Talk.”

“This is kind of awkward.”

Ramsey lifted a brow.

“I am trying to decide if I should be tactful and build up to the news or if I should just drop it like the bomb that it is.” His fingers spread out in the air. “Boom.”

“You’ve never been tactful.”

Jinx’s shoulders straightened. His bright blue eyes glittered. Jinx had their mom’s eyes. Ramsey had their dad’s. And I hope that’s the only thing I got from the bastard. Hoped, but he knew he was wrong.

“First, I am always tactful. I’m tactful and charming and super likable. Ask anyone.”

Jinx.” A note of anger hummed in his voice. “You don’t have to do your fun routine. This is me. Just say whatever the hell it is and be done.” Because he was starting to get mildly worried. He could have sworn that Jinx actually seemed nervous, and that was odd. Jinx was rarely nervous about anything.

“Right.” Jinx blew out a breath. “It’s just…this is big.”

“Spit it out already—”

“Whitney is pregnant.”

Ramsey blinked. Shook his head. There was no way he’d heard correctly. “Say that again.”

“Whitney. Is. Pregnant.” Spoken very slowly and clearly.

Ramsey surged away from the wall. Caught himself right before he grabbed Jinx. His hands fisted. “Who is the lucky sonofabitch?” Who touched my Whitney? What lucky fucking bastard gets to have the life that I always dreamed of having? Who—

“So…that’s the interesting part. She doesn’t know.”

Ramsey’s eyes narrowed. His heart was racing so fast his whole body seemed to shake.

“Remember how she can’t remember the six months before her attack? Well, since she can’t remember, then Whitney doesn’t know who the proud papa is.”

Now he did grab his brother. Ramsey clenched his hands in Jinx’s shirt and hauled him forward. “Don’t lie to me.

“I never have. That is just insulting—”

“I’ve seen Whitney. I’ve—” Kissed her, touched her, pushed her out of my life when I just wanted her close. He cleared his throat. “She’s not showing. The pregnancy has to be new—”

“Yes, look, don’t strain yourself doing math. We both know it was never one of your strong suits.”

Ramsey growled.

Jinx winced. “If you will let go of my shirt—because it is one of my favorite t-shirts—”

“It’s a cheap piece of shit.”

“Then I can explain the birds and the bees to you, and you will understand what’s happening with your precious Whitney.”

“You are such a pain in my ass.” But he let go. Only to realize that his fingers were trembling. Not wanting Jinx to see that telling tremor, Ramsey shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “Tell me everything that you know.”

Whitney. Pregnant. Had he been careful enough when he touched her? Had he been gentle? Had he—

“Whitney came to Trouble for Hire because she wanted to pay a PI to help her figure out who the father of her baby is. See, according to her doctor, she was pregnant before her attack.”

Ramsey fell on his ass. Just fell.

Jinx’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, are you all right?”

No, he was not all right. His world was shattering around him. I told her we were done. I told her that she hadn’t mattered. I told her…He grabbed the edge of the nearby couch and hoisted himself back to his feet. “The floor was slippery.”

“No, it’s not. It’s dry as a bone.”

“We spilled whiskey in here yesterday. It’s slippery.

Jinx snorted. “Whatever you need to tell yourself.”

His knees were still feeling weird. “Finish talking.” Jinx was about to drive him mad.

“So, back to my story…”

Another growl broke from Ramsey.

“The doctor said Whitney couldn’t have been far in the pregnancy when she was attacked and had her life-or-death struggle in the Gulf. Said she was probably only a few days along at that point. And then he told Whitney that the body does a fabulous job of protecting the baby, even though Whitney went through so much hell. I mean, personally, I think it’s a miracle…”

Ramsey turned away. His eyes were all gritty. He squeezed them shut.

“Uh, Ram? You okay?”

“Finish the damn story.” His hands were clenching and releasing. He kept seeing Whitney’s face in his mind. The way pain had flashed across her beautiful features when he’d said…

I won’t be back.

He turned and drove his fist into the wall.

“That is not normal,” Jinx noted. “What did the wall do to you?”

Ramsey hit it again. He wanted to pound and pound until his knuckles were bloody.

“Dammit, Ramsey, stop.” Jinx grabbed him and whirled him around. “I knew it would be bad, but get your shit together. She’s going to need you.”

“I am the last man she needs.” Whitney needed someone good. Upstanding. Someone without wire taps and Feds stalking him. Someone who could give her the world.

Because that’s what she deserves.

“Oh? So you’re just gonna let her go and allow some dumbass out there to eventually marry her and become a father to your child? Because it is yours, isn’t it, Ram? I mean, unless Whitney was cheating on you before she vanished—”

“Whitney wouldn’t cheat.”

“How can you be so sure? What, were you following her? Getting a tail on her twenty-four, seven? There are tests that can be done on the baby. Tests that will let you know—”

“The baby is mine.” The words echoed through him. “And no, I wasn’t tailing her. I know her. Whitney is loyal and honest, and when she said she loved me, I fucking knew it was true. She wouldn’t be sleeping with me and someone else at the same time. That’s not her.”

Jinx’s mouth dropped open. He gaped for a good two minutes.

Ramsey shoved him away.

“She loved you? She said she loved you?”

A jerky nod.

“Then why the hell didn’t you run to the woman when she came back here? I haven’t understood that this whole time! She came back, and fine, her memory is gone, but you could make her love you again.”

A bitter laugh tore from Ramsey. “I highly doubt that. I got lucky the first time.”

Sympathy flashed on Jinx’s face. “Is that what you think happened? That you got lucky or somehow tricked her the first time? And you thought she couldn’t feel the same way about you again?”

Jinx just did not understand. When they’d been kids, he’d gone off to be all he could be. He’d been special ops and he’d saved thousands of lives. Then he’d started doing work for the government. Side jobs.

“You think I don’t know?” Ramsey charged, voice gruff. “Know what you did? You traded your life for me, brother. You worked the most dangerous cases out there in exchange for making my crimes vanish.”

Jinx’s gaze cut away from his.

But Ramsey wasn’t done. “Your hands aren’t covered with blood. Mine are. I’m the one who took to the streets while you were out saving lives. I’m the one who was in the gangs. I’m the one who broke the law.” Over and over. “And despite your efforts, it’s not like all of that can be erased.”

“Says who?” Now Jinx’s gaze jerked back to him. “The Feds have nothing on you. Even without me, they don’t have evidence. You were too good at keeping your secrets.”

No, he’d just been good at not leaving evidence behind because even as a kid, he hadn’t wanted to wind up in jail, like their dad.

But Jinx was staring at Ramsey like he’d just discovered some big secret. “You thought she’d be better off without you. I heard that story before from you—it’s the same story you tried to sell to me when you ran away from the group foster home we were in.”

Ramsey’s back teeth clenched. He gritted, “You were better off without me—”

“No.” Flat. Hard. Snarled. “I was never better. I wanted my brother with me every damn day, and know this…this baby? This baby will want his real dad. Just as I know you want him. I can see it in your eyes and on your face. The longing isn’t going away. You want a family. You have one. You just have to step out of the shadows and take them.”

He did. He wanted the baby. Of course, he wanted the baby. Just as he wanted Whitney. “You don’t know what it was like when I thought she was dead.”

“She’s not dead. You still have a chance. The question is, are you gonna be man enough to take it?”

Jinx was taunting him? “Why do you want an ass kicking so badly?”

Jinx shrugged. “I’m older. I can kick your ass.”

No. Not even with his special ops skills. Jinx might have been the military guy, but Ramsey was the man who’d learned to fight hard and dirty in back alleys. He’d been in cage fights before he was even eighteen because he’d needed to earn money. He hadn’t cared about the danger. He’d had so much fury in him, it had just needed to come out. “I hurt her.”

Jinx’s eyes widened. “How?”

“I told her…” A lot of stupid things. “I pushed her out of my life.”

“Then go out and charm her right back!”

It wasn’t going to be that easy. Charm had never been his area of expertise.

“I can help,” Jinx rushed to say. “I can help you woo her.”

Woo? “I don’t need your freaking help.”

“Uh, I think you do.”

“And I think our heart-to-heart is over. Time for you to go.” Because Ramsey had a million plans to make. And a whole lot of dirty jobs to close. He was also barely holding onto his control, and he needed Jinx to get the hell out of there.

“Fine. But you need me—and you are definitely going to need me, by the way, especially when you realize you require serious help in the charm department—then call me. Day or night. I’ll be there for you.” Jinx closed his hand around Ramsey’s shoulder. “This is a good thing.”

For Ramsey, yes, it was. It was his dream. To have Whitney. To have a link with her, an unbreakable bond. A family.

But he didn’t think it was going to be such a happy ending for her. “She deserves better.”

“What the hell are you talking about? My brother is the best.”

The best criminal. The best at killing. At making problems go away.

I can do more. I can be more. For her, he would have to be.

Jinx left. Ramsey stayed put and sucked in deep breaths.


“So, I think we just solved a case in record time.” Jinx had his phone shoved to his ear as he stalked through the bar’s parking lot. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“He confirmed the baby is his?”

“Oh, I’d say his reaction was definitely a confirmation.” Jinx cut his gaze to the left. He’d felt eyes on him. He squinted and saw one of Ramsey’s shadows, Jag, glaring back at him. “I’ll call you back soon. Something just came up.” He shoved the phone into his pocket. “You might want to run back inside,” he advised Jag. “Something tells me your boss might need you tonight.”

“What the hell did you do?”

He got that Jag didn’t like him. He’d gotten that from the beginning. “Oh, not much. Just showed him that there was more to the world than…” He waved with one hand toward the ramshackle building. “This.”

“He’s told you to stay away.”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t mean it.”

There was a crash from inside the bar. Jinx winced. “You really might want to check on that.”

Swearing, Jag whirled away.

Jinx pulled out his phone. Dialed Odin again. When his buddy answered… “Where were we?”

“You were telling me about Ramsey’s reaction.”

There were screams. Shouts. People flooded out of the bar.

“Uh, yeah. His reaction? It was very positive. In fact, I do believe his joy is contagious…”


“Get the fuck out of my bar!” Ramsey roared.

Most people were already running to obey. When he’d come out of the back, he’d seen some dick try to pull a knife on a woman.

Seriously? What in the hell? Ramsey had rules in his place. Everyone knew his rules. You either followed the rules or he fucked you over.

He’d already broken the jerk’s wrist. Smashed it hard against the bar and bloodied the guy’s nose. Now he wanted this prick—and everyone else—gone. “You won’t come back to my bar,” he snarled to the fool. “You will never enter again. If you try, you’ll get more than just your hand broken.”

“Uh, boss?” Jag cleared his throat. “There a problem here?”

“Yeah, there’s a problem. This dick broke one of my rules.” He shoved the guy toward Jag. “He’s done.” He motioned toward the doors. “Fucking closing time. Everyone out!”

But the dumb dick just had to stagger back toward him. “I’m not scared of you!”

You should be. Obviously, you suffer from low intelligence.

“You’re old news. Don’t even pull jobs anymore.” The dick smirked even though blood dripped over his lips. “I ain’t scared of you, and I’ll pull a knife anytime I want to—”

Ramsey grabbed a pool cue from the nearby table. He slammed it up against the man’s head, then drove it right at his crotch. The guy’s pain-filled howls filled the air.

“Are you scared yet?” Ramsey wanted to know. “Because I am about to give whole new meaning to the term ‘racking balls’ for you.”

A whimper. The man scrambled back.

“Throw his ass out,” Ramsey barked at Jag. “Everyone out!” They needed to leave, and then he needed to get to the one person who mattered most…


What would he have to do in order to get her back?