Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Twenty-Six


I wokeand smiled before even opening my eyes and that had everything to do with the warm woman still asleep in my arms. Kissing the back of Anjannette’s head, I pulled her tighter against my chest and buried my nose in her hair, inhaling her unique scent, which I now know is a custom blend of cinnamon, tea tree, and vanilla she gets made at a local perfume shop. She told me she switches to a citrus scent for the spring and summer and I’m looking forward to experiencing that.

We drove back to Scranton yesterday afternoon and during dinner, I convinced her to spend the night at my house. After waking up with her next to me all week, I dreaded the thought of the other side of my bed being cold this morning. She must have felt the same way, because after stopping at her apartment to pick up clothes and her Jeep, she followed me here and we climbed right into bed.

“Did you bring one of your bats to bed?”

Her sleep-sexy voice made the morning wood she was rubbing her ass against even harder.

“You’re good for my ego, you know that?”

“I’m just calling it like I see it.” Another wiggle. “Or rather, feel it.”

I skimmed my hand up her belly to cup her breast. She pressed back against me as I squeezed and molded her plump flesh and let out a long, low moan when I plucked her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

“I like waking up next to you,” I whispered before latching on to her earlobe then tugging it between my teeth.

She wiggled against me.

“It does have its advantages.”

“Yes it does.”

Especially when I wake up spooning her naked body from behind. It gives me all kinds of sexy ideas. Deciding to act on one of them, I gave her nipple one last tug then moved my hand back down over her stomach and slid my middle finger between her slick folds.


The way she says my name when she’s turned on is all husky and moany and sexy as hell. She moved her foot back to rest on my knee, opening herself to me, and I took full advantage.

I stroked, flicked, and pinched that tiny nub until her breath sawed in and out in throaty gasps. Knowing she’s close, I pulled her tighter against me and slipped two fingers inside to stroke while my thumb alternately pressed against and circled her clit. I want her to come at least once before I slide into her, because once I feel her tight pussy squeezing me, it’s not going to last long.

Her hips moved with my rhythm and I felt the telltale flutters against my fingers a second before her body stiffened. Anjannette chanted my name over and over and I stayed with her until the spasms subsided.

I removed my fingers and kissed her shoulder, holding her until her breathing returned to normal. She shifted her leg over my thigh and rubbed her ass against my throbbing erection.

“Are you gonna keep that all to yourself?”

“Why?” I nibbled at her shoulder. “Do you want it?”

She glanced over her shoulder at me, those big blue eyes peeking through her lashes.

“More than anything.”

“Anything to make the lady happy,” I said.

Placing my hand on her hip, I shifted her ass back and filled her with one hard thrust.

“Oh hell, this isn’t gonna take long.”

She tightened her leg around mine, holding me close as I thrust into her over and over again. I wasn’t kidding when I said it wasn’t going to take long, but I don’t want to come alone. I slid my hand down and circled her clit with my index finger as I kept up a steady in and out rhythm.

Her breathing became more erratic and soon I felt her tightening around me. I fought against my own release, wanting to wring every last second of pleasure before letting go. When her inner walls clamped down on me then spasmed, I couldn’t hold on any longer. I thrust once, twice, three times then growled her name before collapsing against her back.

After showering together,we lingered over a late breakfast and all too soon, it was time for Anjannette to leave for the studio. Our Christmas vacation is officially over.

She kissed me goodbye and walked out the door as I cleared the table.

When I was done, I headed toward the stairs but stopped when I saw Anjannette through the window. The hood of her Jeep was up and she was looking at the engine. I slipped on my shoes and went out to see what’s wrong.

“It won’t start,” she said as I approached.

I looked at the engine then checked wires and connections, but everything seemed tight.

“Is it trying to start or not doing anything?”

“It’s making a grinding noise but nothing else happens.”

“Let me listen.”

She slid behind the wheel and turned the key, eliciting a horrible noise.

“Okay,” I said before she tried again.

She got out of the Jeep and slammed the door.

“Any ideas?”

“I think it’s the starter. Let’s go inside and call a tow truck.”

After the tow arrived, we hopped into my truck and followed it to the garage. She filled the mechanic in on the issue and he agreed that it’s probably the starter. But he said he’d let her know for sure when he gets a chance to check it out.

We got back in the truck and headed for the studio.

“You’re done at seven-fifteen?”

“That’s when my class ends but I’ll stick around for Keera’s and catch a ride home with


“I have yoga then Clay and I are heading to Lackawanna College and he’s going to throw to me. I’ll catch a ride with him and leave my truck at the studio. Come pick me up when you’re done.”

“I can’t take your truck.”

“Why not?”


I glanced over at her, my brow raised.

“That’s not a reason. Besides, it’s not like I’m trying to give you the pink slip. You’re driving it less than a mile.”

“The thought of driving your shiny new truck makes my stomach twist,” she said,

placing her hand on her abdomen. Then sighing, she added, “But you’re right. I’m not going that far. Thank you.”


We enteredthe building and Leo kissed me goodbye then handed me his fob. I appreciated the site of his ass as he walked up the stairs before unlocking the door and stepping into my studio. Since it’s been closed up for a week, it’s a little musty, so I turned on the air purifier in the corner.

My broken Jeep put me a little behind schedule but I still have time to work on the choreography that’s been running through my head for a few days. After warming up, I stripped down to my pole shorts and top and put Love on the Brain by Rhianna on repeat and the pole on spin.

At first I just freestyled, but then I found myself repeating moves that worked best with the sultry beat. I got lost in the music and the movement and jumped when the song ended and I heard clapping before it started again.

I looked over and spotted Keera sitting in the corner.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but that was fucking amazing.”


“I’m guessing you hitched a ride with your sexy ball player?”

“I did, but only because my Jeep wouldn’t start. It’s at the garage right now waiting to be diagnosed.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah. Hopefully it’s not anything super expensive.”

She held up both hands with her index and middle fingers crossed.

After switching to a playlist and lowering the volume, I grabbed a rag and sprayed it then tucked it into my bra and climbed to the top of the pole. Keera stayed quiet but I felt her watching me as I slowly made my way down to the floor, cleaning the pole on my descent.

Love on the Brain, huh? Did you pick that song for any particular reason?”

“I like it?”

“Sure, it’s a great song, but I’m thinking something big happened last week.” She tapped her index finger against her chin. “Is it possible that words were exchanged?”

My face heated at her question and Keera knew the answer before I even nodded. She pulled me into a bear hug and squeezed.

“Oh my God. This is so awesome.”

“I have so much to tell you,” I said as she released me.

“Sounds like it.”

“Tomorrow at taco Tuesday,” I said.

“It’s a date.”

After not exercising for a week,I struggled through flexibility class, but it felt

good to move. Plus everyone seemed happy to be back and the class had a great energy. Still, when my muscles protested as I changed back into street clothes, I know I’ll be sore as hell tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have Leo rub me with Arnica cream later. That’ll be fun.

Speaking of Leo, I better get out of here and go pick him up. After saying goodbye to Keera and her intermediate class, I headed out to his truck, tossed my bag in the back seat, and climbed behind the wheel. This is so much bigger than my Jeep and I’m thankful I don’t have far to drive.

After finding the button on the side of the seat to move it forward, I pressed it until my foot reached the pedals. Shifting into drive, I stepped lightly on the gas and pulled forward, looking left and right three times before turning out of the parking lot. I slowly headed toward the gym at Lackawanna College holding the wheel with a white-knuckled grip.

It was only a short distance but through the winding city streets, the ride seemed to take forever. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding when I turned into the parking lot and spotted Clay’s car. I parked and walked into the building, following the sounds down the hall.

“Can I help you?”

I backtracked when I heard a man’s voice emerge from the office I’d just passed.

“Yeah, hi,” I said, standing in the doorway. “I’m here to pick up Leo.”

The man’s face transformed with his smile.

“You must be the famous Anjannette.” I raised my brow. “I’m Benji Alvarez. I was Leo and Clay’s coach when they went to school here. He’s told me a lot about you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Benji. I’ve heard a lot about you, too. Leo says you’re one of the best coaches he ever had.”

He blushed at my praise then cleared his throat and hitched his thumb toward the end of the hall.

“As you can hear, Leo and Clay are in the gym. They’ve been throwing for a while now so I’m guessing they’re almost done.”

His words were proven true when we stepped through the double doors just as the ball landed in Leo’s mitt with a resounding smack. He stood and removed his helmet.

“Thanks Clay.”

“Thank you. I miss this.”

Leo dropped his glove to the ground and pulled his chest protector over his head, giving it the same fate. Bending down, he released the straps of his shin guards and kicked them aside. Slicking his sweaty hair off his forehead, he stood and twisted from side to side.

“You still got it. My hand is stinging.”

“Yeah, I’m an All-Star until my arm unexpectedly dies.”

“Let me know if this gets to be too much for you,” Leo said as he straightened.

“As long as I don’t push it too much, I should be fine.”

My eyes widened as I took in Leo all hot and sweaty in his baseball pants with a Waves T-shirt tucked into the waistband. Keera showed me pictures of him in his uniform and sure, he looks super-hot, but that was a two-dimensional image on the computer screen. Live and in person, he’s a freaking god.

He spotted me and smiled and I’m sure he walked toward me at a normal pace, but my lust-induced brain had him moving in sexy slo-mo. My mouth went dry and other parts of me went well, not so dry.

It’s ironic that the first time I saw Leo, his resemblance to John Stamos made me think about all my Uncle Jesse fantasies. Because right now, the only thing running through my head is have mercy.