Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Twenty-Five


I’m not a materialistic person,but sometimes it’s nice to have the resources to give people things and experiences that require money. Like prime Hamilton tickets, a limo into Manhattan, and dinner at a five-star restaurant.

We left my house early and once we got to the city, enjoyed some touristy things like going to see the tree in Rockefeller Center and a carriage ride through Central Park.

Anjannette lived in Manhattan for a few years so we had the driver cruise past her old haunts—the building that housed the two-bedroom apartment she shared with five other women, the corner diner where she used to wait tables, and some of the places she and her friends hung out. After checking out a few boutiques and consignment shops, we tossed our purchases into the trunk and headed to dinner, then the show.

The luxury of having a driver navigate the congested streets makes getting around much more pleasurable. All we had to do was sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Watching Anjannette enjoy the experience made me appreciate it that much more.

She’d vibrated with anticipation all day and that excitement lasted all the way through the play. But when the curtain dropped, it seemed inevitable that high energy would too. Now that we’re headed home, she’s curled up against my chest, exhausted.

While I hired the limo to give her a full first-class experience, being able to hold her like this all the way home is more of a gift for me.

“I can’t thank you enough for today, Leo. It was so perfect.”

“You don’t have to thank me anymore. It was my pleasure. I’m just glad you enjoyed the day.”

Anjannette sat back to look me in the eye.

“Enjoyed? Enjoyed? Seriously Leo, that’s too tame a word. This limo ride, the day in the city, that dinner and the show. I swear at one point, I was having an out-of-body experience.”

She was in full theatrical mode and went on to describe the show in detail, as if I hadn’t been sitting right next to her watching the entire thing. But I love seeing her so animated. Hell, I love her and as she took a breath, I decided I couldn’t wait another second to tell her.

“I love you, Anjannette.”

Cue the dramatic pause.


I smiled at her expression. It’s a combination of shock, wonder, and is-he-seriously-saying-this-now-when-I’m-talking-about-Hamilton?

“I love you,” I repeated more slowly, enunciating each word.

“You love me?”

“I do.”

She blinked, then nibbled on her lower lip, seeming to process my words before a smile slowly spread across her face.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one,” she said before launching herself at me and pressing her mouth to mine. Before I could deepen the kiss, she pulled back. “I love you too.”

“Thank God.”

I pulled her onto my lap and those were the last words either of us uttered the rest of the way home.

“Areyou ever going to wipe that stupid smile off your face?” Trey asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“You look all sappy,” he said.

We entered the supermarket and I grabbed a basket before leading the way to the seafood department. None of us want to go out for dinner tomorrow night, so we decided to celebrate New Year’s Eve at the house. Trey and I are grabbing steak, lobster tail, and whatever else catches our eye before heading to the airport to pick up Crispin and Ben.

“You’re busting my ass about looking sappy? With the way you and Nori are always making googly-eyes at each other,” I said, using one of my father’s favorite expressions.

I found the freezer with the lobster tail and, one at a time, tossed six into the basket. Then just for the hell of it, added a bag of shrimp.

“I’m not busting your ass exactly, just letting you know what you look like,” he said, ignoring my last sentence.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

We made our way to the butcher counter and asked him to cut six thick filet mignons.

“I’m just glad things are going well for the two of you.”

“Yeah, they are.” I chuckled. “I’m starting to think there may be something to the theory that there’s something in the water at First Allegiant Bank Park.”

My relationship with Anjannette has had a few major turning points. Our third-date conversation on the train and the first time we had sex being two of them. Not to mention the first time we had sex without a condom. I know she took that as seriously as I did and it brought things to a whole new level.

But exchanging those three little words in the limo last night changed things even more. I’ve only told one other woman that I loved her and that was my high school girlfriend. But that was a young love. This thing with Anjannette is more serious and much deeper, and hopefully it will only grow stronger from here.


This week has flownby but I’ve really had a great time. Spending the holidays with Leo’s family, working with him at the store, and of course, our trip into Manhattan were so much fun. Last night, we enjoyed a quiet New Year’s Eve at the house with Trey, Nori, Crispin, and Ben. Everyone pitched in to cook the amazing surf-and-turf dinner then we just hung out and talked. It was fun getting to know them all a little better.

We’re heading back to Scranton tomorrow afternoon, and as good as I know it will be to get home, I’m going to miss this. But, I still have today’s movie marathon to enjoy.

Leo and I are curled up together on the oversized chair in his parents’ family room surrounded by his siblings, Trey, Nori, Crispin, and Ben. This room is perfect for this kind of thing, not only because it’s huge and has super comfy furniture, but also because instead of a TV, it has a home theater system, so we’re watching the 90’s-themed movies projected against the far wall. It’s like we’re sitting in a cozy cinema.

We started our marathon with My Cousin Vinny then took a short break before switching to Clueless, which is one of my favorites. I shifted closer to Leo and rested my head against his chest.

Leo had told me to bring something comfortable to wear for today and I’d listened. My once-black leggings are gray from years of washings that have left them so thin and soft, it feels like I’m not wearing pants. I’d brought a sweatshirt, but snagged a Waves hoodie from Leo’s closet. It hangs down to my knees and is keeping my legs warm in the aforementioned thin leggings, but best of all, it smells like him. And of course, my feet are snug in my fuzzy unicorn slippers.

His version of comfortable is gray sweatpants and a well-worn Carolina waves T-shirt. And while my old clothes and messy bun make me look destitute, he looks good enough to eat. Because you know, hot man in gray sweatpants.

“Seriously, this movie came out in 1995,” Crispin said when the camera panned in for a close up of the actor’s face. “How does Paul Rudd look exactly the same?”

“I think he’s a vampire,” Marina said.

“Ooh, next time you’re all here, we’ll have to plan a Twilight marathon.”

Other than Crispin and Ben, the guys told Angie to count them out. Those aren’t my favorite movies, but I'm game. Leo’s sisters, in fact his whole family, are so welcoming, I’d love to spend more time with them.

As much as I hate it, my mind drifted back to my relationship with Travis. We were together for five years, and I never felt this comfortable with his friends or family. His mother hated me, his brother hit on me, and his sister acted like she was better than everyone, especially me. So needless to say, spending time with them wasn't on the top of my list. And his friends were misogynistic jerks who constantly made snide comments and cracked inside jokes trying to make me feel like an outsider.

Of course, Travis totally gaslighted me into thinking all that was in my head. He liked to compartmentalize his life anyway. He had friends, family, and a girlfriend and never the twain shall meet. So often I would stay home while he spent time with his friends and family without me because by that time, he’d isolated me from all my friends. Or should I say, I isolated myself without even realizing it. It's funny how I didn't think that was strange back then. Looking back now, it seems bizarre, not to mention pathetic, that I allowed all that to happen.

“You okay?” Leo whispered. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

He kissed the top of my head, pulled me closer against his chest, and rubbed my back in long, soothing strokes. The man really is too good to be true. But as he’s proven to me time and time again, he is as real as real could be. And by some miracle, he loves me.

Pushing thoughts of Travis from my mind, I focused on the movie again. And thankfully I did, my favorite line is coming up.

I waited, and when Brittany Murphy’s character Tai says, “You’re a virgin who can’t drive” to Alicia Silverstone’s character Cher, I recited each word right along with her. Leo’s laughter rumbled beneath my ear and I pushed back to look around the room, with a shocked smile on my face. His sisters and Crispin had done the same thing.

How much more obvious could it be that these are my people?

I settled back against Leo and watched the rest of the movie.

His parents came home just as the credits rolled and his mom insisted on making us sandwiches so we took a break to eat.

“What are we watching next?” I asked.

10 Things I Hate About You.

“Ohhhh, that’s one of my favorites.” Crispin pressed a hand against his chest. “Heath Ledger was a full snack. It’s a shame he died so young.”

“You’re not going to cry during the movie, are you?” Nori asked.

“No, but I might start belting out Can’t Take My Eyes Off You. Sometimes I can’t help myself when that marching band starts to play.”

“Please try to refrain yourself,” Nori said with a big smile.

He looked at Ben and blinked dramatically.

“I think she just insulted me.”

“She just doesn’t want you to put poor Heath to shame with your perfect voice.”

“That man must love you a lot,” Trey said. “Because I’ve heard you sing.”

“The happy truth of that first sentence is all I heard,” Crispin said.

“Before you two start throwing down, let’s just go watch the movie,” Marina said.

We shuffled back into the family room and I relaxed against Leo again, full and content and watched as Heath Ledger made Julia Stiles fall in love with him. Unfortunately there’s always a black moment before the happy ending in Hollywood so he also broke her heart before winning it in the end.

With Leo, I feel like I’m living out my own Hollywood romance. Hopefully we’ll skip over the broken heart, and move right to the happily ever after.