Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Eight


“How much longer?”Trey asked through gritted teeth.

“Relax your face and breathe through it,” Clay said instead of answering the question.

Trey muttered something under his breath and I held back my chuckle. He deserves to suffer after making fun of me. We never settled on a wager and honestly, I don’t want anything. Just being able to bust his ass is enough.

We moved through the rest of the poses, first on the right side then the left, with Trey grunting and groaning next to me. If nothing else, these classes have taught me how to breathe correctly. I’m even noticing a difference when I run.

“With your legs shoulder-width apart, fold forward,” Clay said. “Stay there for three breaths then step back and move into downward dog. Pedal your feet and stretch out your calves and hamstrings and loosen up your ankles.”

I felt him move to Trey’s side and adjust his pose. At this point, I think I have it down, but that’s because Clay fixed my issues at the beginning.

“Walk your hands back out again and lower yourself into a plank. Now rest your knees against the mat then sit back with your legs straight out in front of you.”

After doing some side twists and touching our toes, it was finally time for Savasana. I lowered onto my back and felt every muscle in my body fully relax.

“I think I’m dying,” Trey whispered, once Clay left us alone.

If that’s what I sounded like when I first started taking classes...and I’m guessing I did...I don’t know how Clay put up with me. The only positive is that Crispin didn’t come along. His complaining would be even worse. Louder, for sure and definitely more creative. But the manager of his shop had emergency surgery and he ended up flying home a day earlier than planned.

I didn’t answer, but instead focused on breathing, relaxing, and clearing my mind.

“My fingers and toes hurt.”

Once again I ignored him and took in a deep breath, filling my lungs to capacity before slowly letting it out. I repeated that twice more before settling into a normal breathing rhythm.

“I never want to get back up. I’m just going to sleep here. I hope there’s no class after this.”

And on it went.

If Trey wasn’t talking, he was groaning and it got to the point that I couldn’t tune him out anymore. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

“You know you’re supposed to be relaxing.” I turned my head to look at him. “This is the reward for all that work we just did and you’re ruining it by whining and complaining.”

I sat up then grabbed my water and took a long drink.

“I’m not whining, I’m simply stating that it was a hard workout. I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I told you. I don’t know why you didn’t believe me.”

“Because you’re a wimp.” He smirked and finished his bottle of water in one long chug.

“Yeah, I’m a wimp. Who sits behind that plate most every night while your sorry ass is resting on the bench between starts?”

Clay came out of his office before Trey could answer.

“You have at least ten more minutes. I can’t believe you’re up,” he said, more to me than Trey. “I normally have to drag you out of Savasana.”

“Chatty Cathy here couldn’t keep his mouth shut. I couldn’t get in my zone, so I just gave up.”

Trey groaned as he stood. I purposely got to my feet as gracefully as possible just to show him up.

“You almost killed me,” he said to Clay. “I’m not going to be able to get out of bed tomorrow.”

“Make sure you move at some point. You know doing nothing will just make it worse.”

“I can’t promise anything,” Trey said.

“It’s your body.” Clay shrugged and handed Trey a small tube. “This is arnica cream. Tell Nori and Angie to rub it on the top of their feet and shins. It will help with the bruising and soreness they’ll most likely have from climbing today.”

“I might need to slather it over my entire body.”

“Whatever you need to do.” Clay chuckled. “Even though you’re in great shape, there are still muscles you rarely use. Those are the ones you’re feeling now.”

“Hopefully they’ll quiet down again so I don’t know they’re there.”

“Or you can keep up with the yoga so they’ll get stronger and eventually won’t hurt. And you’ll be better for it. I swear I’d be a mess if I didn’t start doing this. My whole body hurt after my car accident and I knew it was only going to get worse as I aged.”

“That was such a tough break.” I moved over and sat down on the floor, resting my back against the wall.

“It is what it is,” Clay said. “Considering what my car looked like after that guy hit me and they had to use the Jaws of Life to get me out, I’m lucky I wasn’t killed. Compared to that, having to shift careers seems pretty minor.”

He and Trey joined me on the floor.

“That’s a great attitude to have,” Trey said.

“It took me a bit to adopt it, but now I’m good. And I really love what I do here. Once I got over losing my dream of playing professional baseball, I was able to focus on another one. Now I have a plan and things are really falling into place.”

“It seems like things are going great here,” I said.

“They really are. When I bought this building, I didn’t plan on renting to anyone until I got the spaces fully renovated, but Anjannette was interested in the downstairs studio, so together we cleaned things up down there, with the understanding that I’d fix the rest in the next year or so. But then you came along and gave me the extra funds to get her floors refinished earlier than expected. I got a great price on that so I have some money left over to start working on the space across the hall from her.”

“Will that be another exercise-type studio?” I asked.

“I’m hoping to get a coffee shop or something similar in there. It would be great for the current clientele and I’m sure the surrounding businesses will utilize it as well.”

“That’s a great idea,” Trey said.”

“Anjannette knows someone who might be interested in setting up shop there. Right now, she’s working as a baker at a local supermarket, but would like to open up something of her own. So we’ll see what happens with that.”

“Speaking of Anjannette,” Trey said. “How do you think Nori and Angie are doing down there?”

I thought for sure when he said that first sentence, Trey was going to ask me about lunch. Now that he’s in a happy relationship, he thinks everyone else should be in one, too.

Clay glanced at his watch.

“They’re probably having fun now. She usually puts together a fun dance for the last half of class. The first half is all conditioning. I’m guessing that kicked their butts a little even if they’re in good shape. Like you guys with yoga, they’ll be using different muscles. Plus, like I said earlier, they’ll probably be bruised because their skin isn’t used to being pressed against the pole.”

“I hope Nori likes it. I’d love to get a pole at the house.” He bobbed his eyebrows, then added a smirk when he continued, “And I saw the relief on your face when I asked Clay about class. But don’t think I’m not curious about your date today.”

“You’re worse than my mother,” I said.

“Inquiring minds want to know.”

I pulled in a long breath through my nose and let it out slowly through my mouth. There’s no use trying to put him off because otherwise he’ll drive me crazy.


I turned off the music.

“Great job, group one. Wipe down your poles.”

The first six students grabbed rags and spray bottles and cleaned their poles, then moved off to the side of the room.

“Group two, you’re up.”

Nori and Angie took the two poles in the back. I have to say, so far they’ve been holding their own. And the best thing is that when they struggled, they laughed at themselves and kept trying.

“Ready ladies?”

They all placed their right hand on the pole, shifted onto their tiptoes, and nodded. I pressed play and the slow beat of Criminal by Fiona Apple filled the studio. As her silky smooth voice joined in, I watched as my students started to dance.

While I taught the routine, I called out every move, but now I stood off to the side like a crazy dance mom, willing them to get the steps right. And for the most part, they did. It wasn’t perfect and they were a little out of sync, but it was still awesome.

Group one clapped and catcalled as they danced, just like the group dancing had done for them.

They went into their final step around and some fumbled the pirouette, but they all nailed their back leg hook and spun down onto their knees. Reaching their arms forward, they shifted onto their chests, and with their butts still in the air, twerked. That was the last of my choreography, but I had encouraged them to freestyle so I kept the music playing.

Like the first group, some stayed down and did some sexy floor work while others got up and started the routine over again. But they all put their own personality into the moves. It was fun to watch them having fun.

“Yes!” I yelled as the song ended.

That word was barely heard over all the clapping and whistles.

“Clean your poles ladies. Great class tonight.”

“That’s a fun routine,” Keera said as I walked toward the desk.

“I think that’s because it’s made up of relatively simple moves so they all got it.”

“Angie and Nori did well.”

“They did, especially for their first class.”

I dug through my duffle bag and found my clothes. Keera hadn’t said anything else, but I felt her eyes on me as I sat on the stool and slipped into my leggings. I made the mistake of looking at her as I stood and pulled them up into place.


“How was lunch?”

I glanced around the room, thankful Angie and Nori were still on the other side.

“Do you think now is the time to discuss this?”

“No one is here right now,” she said. “And it’s not like you’re going to give me any juicy details anyway.”

After I slipped my sweatshirt over my head, I said, “There aren’t any juicy details to tell. We went to lunch and he dropped me off here.” She raised her brow. “It was fun. I’ll admit that I had a great time. A better time than I thought I’d have for sure.”

She squeezed my arm and let out a little squeak.

“That’s so awesome. Did he ask you out again?”

“Yeah, we’re going to a Brazilian steakhouse Friday night.”

“Ooh, nice.” She gave me a quick hug. “I’m so happy you had a nice time and that you said yes when he asked you out again.”

“I’ll admit that I like him. There’s just something...I don’t know, something about him pulls me in.” I shrugged. “I’m going to take your advice and enjoy myself.”

She squeezed me again and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“He really seems great.”

“I’m not sure anyone can truly be as nice as he seems, but we’ll see.”

Angie and Nori approached as Keera let me go.

“Thanks so much for that,” Angie said. “It was so much fun.”

“It really was,” Nori added. “I’ll admit that Angie basically dragged me here, but I’m so glad I came.”

“You guys were great.”

Angie and Nori were the only totally new people in class so I was able to offer some personalized attention, especially at the beginning.

“That’s not what it felt like,” Angie said. “I thought I was in semi-decent shape but I couldn’t do most of the stuff.”

“Same,” Nori said. “My job is pretty physical, and between lugging supplies and painting, you’d think my arms would be super strong. But I could barely hold myself up.”

“It takes time,” I said. “It’s not only about muscle, you have to build up your grip and learn technique. You guys both managed to climb a little bit and your pole ups were decent for a first attempt. That’s more than some people do in their first class.”

“I did have fun with that little routine at the end,” Angie said. “I even managed to do all the spins and steps.”

“You guys seriously were both great,” Keera said. “I hope you come back again.”

“I’ll definitely sign up for a class next time I’m visiting Leo. In the meantime, I’m going to look for a pole studio at home.”

“Awesome,” Keera said. “But on that note, I’m going to excuse myself and get ready for my class.”

After she left, Angie said, “I do have one question.”

I braced myself for it to be something about my date with her brother.

“Do you sell those tank tops?”

“Oh yeah,” I said, hoping my relief wasn’t too evident in my voice.

“I definitely want one.”

“I want one, too,” Nori said.

“That’s seriously the best tagline ever.”

I looked down at my branded top with the words No ifs, just good butts… and a peach at the end.

“Thanks. A few of my friends and I brainstormed one night and came up with some good slogans, but this was by far the best.”

“I’ll take a medium.”

“And I’ll take a small,” Nori said.

People were starting to arrive for the next class so I told them to follow me to my office. All the studio merch is organized on shelves so it was easy to find their sizes. I took their payment and thanked them again then walked them to the door of the office. Angie hesitated before leaving and turned to face me.

“I probably should stay out of it, but I heard part of your conversation with Keera.”

My stomach tightened and my lunch threatened to reappear. I looked at her with wide eyes.

“I didn’t mean anything —”

She reached for my hand and squeezed then quickly let go.

“I’m sorry, the freaked out look on your face made me realize how threatening that must have sounded. I didn’t mean it like that. You told Keera that you’re not sure anyone can be truly as nice as Leo seems, but I can assure you that he is. And I’m not just saying that because he’s my brother. He’s seriously the best guy I know.”

What am I supposed to say to that? Before I had to think of something, she pulled Nori into the conversation.

“Tell her, Nori.”

“He really is a great guy,” Nori said. “You’re lucky Crispin isn’t here to sing his praises. We’d be here all night.”

I still have no idea what to say so I just thanked them. Which, when I thought about it, seemed like a strange response. So I added to it.

“At least I know I made the right decision when I agreed to go out with him again.”

Angie’s mouth curled into a big smile and I wanted to kick myself for even mentioning our next date. What if she tells Leo? He’ll think I’m talking about him. Which I am, I guess, but I’m not the one who started it. But what if he thinks I was pumping his sister for information about him? And why do I care so much?

I closed my eyes and took in a breath to center myself before I totally spiral.