Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Nine


“My friendsand I just started going out to different restaurants once a month. We’ll have to add this place to the list.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

She looked at me like I sprouted a second head.

“Have you noticed the guys walking around carrying huge skewers of meat? I’m seriously in heaven.”

We’ve been here for nearly an hour and we’re both just starting to slow down. Initially we sampled everything, but now we’re just taking more of our favorites.

Like filet mignon. When the server carrying a skewer of it approached, we both asked for more. Just as he left, the guy with the bacon-wrapped chicken came by and added to our plates.

“I’m going to go grab some more potatoes from the buffet,” Anjannette said.

Since my mouth was full, I just nodded and enjoyed the sight of her walking away. I’ve seen her in jeans and leggings and even those tiny outfits she wears when she’s pole dancing. But when I picked her up earlier and saw her wearing a sexy little black dress, I almost swallowed my tongue.

For the most part, the dress is plain, but the material hugs her every curve perfectly, while the corset top and mesh bell sleeves add the quirkiness I’d expect from her. With the hem ending a few inches above her knees and sky-high stilettos, her legs look impossibly long.

I enjoyed the view again as she walked back.

“These are so good. You may have to roll me out of here.”

Honestly, I think she’s eaten just as much as me and for the life of me, I have no idea where she’s putting it. But I appreciate the fact that she has a healthy appetite. I grew up in a big Greek family and eating is one of our favorite pastimes. It’s how we celebrate, socialize, and mourn.

The last real girlfriend I had a few years ago was always on some kind of special eating plan. When she came to visit me during the off season and we went to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner, she barely ate. And let me tell you, there’s no better way to insult my mother than not eating the food she prepared.

“I think I’d just carry you instead,” I said. “I’m just glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I went to a Brazilian steakhouse years ago down in Virginia, but I don’t remember the food being this good.”

“Clay actually recommended this place. When I lived here before, I didn’t have money to go out to eat a lot, especially to nice places so I’m not really sure what’s around.”

“You were in college, right?”

“Yeah, I lived here for two years while I was in college then for a few months when I played for the RailRiders.”

“I didn’t realize you played for the RailRiders.”

I nodded.

“I was here from March to July then got traded to the Waves and moved down to Fayetteville, North Carolina.”

“Were you happy about that?”

“Honestly, I didn’t care where I went as long as I could keep playing ball. But I was concerned I wouldn’t get a shot to move up. Xander McCay was the starting catcher and both he and his backup, Jimmy Dominguez, weren’t that old.”

“So what happened?”

“Xander got hurt so I got called up to fill in.”

“And you impressed them so much they kept you there.”

“That’s partly true,” I said, then took a quick drink of water. “I did well so they were definitely happy with me. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop them from sending me back to Fayetteville when he got off the injured list.”

“Well that sucks.”

I smiled both at her words and the fact that she’s relaxed enough to say them. Our first date was great, but she was obviously nervous and picking her words carefully.

“It’s all part of the game, but yeah, it does suck. But, I kept proving myself in Fayetteville and when X-y’s contract was up for renewal, he and the Waves failed to come to terms so he moved on and I got another shot.”

“Now let’s back things up to college. How did you end up going to Lackawanna?”

“The catching coach was scouting at a tournament I was playing in and I guess he liked what he saw, because he approached me after the game and made his pitch. And I liked what I heard.” I chuckled. “Then I had to convince my parents I was better off going to a small junior college in Scranton instead of one of the Division 1 schools that had offered me a full scholarship.”

“How did you manage to convince them?”

“My ultimate goal was to play professional baseball. After speaking to Coach Benji, the JUCO route seemed the best way to make that happen. I figured worst-case scenario, if I didn't get drafted, I could just continue on to a four-year school and play. Education is super important to my parents, so once I assured them I intended to graduate with at least a two-year degree, they were okay with it.”

“And it obviously worked out.”

“Yeah, thankfully.”

“I honestly didn’t realize people outside of Scranton know Lackawanna College exists.”

“The school has an amazing baseball program. Most people looking to play beyond high school know it exists. I went to school with guys from all over...Texas, Kentucky, a few from Puerto Rico, and one from Toronto.”

Before she could ask me another question, I switched the topic of conversation to her.

“I know you design websites and own a pole dance fitness studio. Other than that, you’re a mystery. Tell me about yourself.”

“Well, we’ve already discussed my family so you know about that. I went to the University of Scranton and graduated with a theatre major and computer science minor. After college, a few friends and I moved to Manhattan to make our mark on Broadway.” She looked me in the eye, her right brow raised. “Obviously that didn’t happen, so after three and a half years of rejection, I moved back here and got a job designing websites.”

“Wow! Theatre and web design are worlds apart.”

“I know, but they’re both very much a part of who I am. I’ve always loved computers. Figuring out how to get them to do what I wanted was a fun Friday night for me. On the other hand, my friends and I used to write little plays and act them out when we had sleepovers. And I loved that just as much. As I got older, I joined the theatre club at school and usually ended up getting decent parts in the plays. When it came time for college and deciding what I wanted to major in, theater kept shouting at me. So I went for it.” She shrugged and let out a sad chuckle. “Obviously it didn’t work out, so at least I had the good sense to minor in something that could actually support me financially.” She looked at me, eyes wide. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do a full infodump there.”

“No, don’t apologize. It’s fascinating.”

Her cheeks turned pink and she rolled her eyes.

“Hardly fascinating.”

“It is to me. I’d like to learn all about you.”


I’m tryingto keep things casual here, so the fact that he wants to learn all about me should make me nervous.

But it doesn't.

And the fact that it doesn't actually does make me nervous.

I've jumped into every single one of my relationships immediately with both feet and look how well those all turned out. My biggest fear is that I’ll backslide after all the progress I’ve made on myself the past three years.

Thankfully our waiter approached before I had to comment.

As Leo signed the check, I took in his head of thick, nearly-black hair and strong jawline. His plump lips naturally curl up at the edges, making him look like he’s always happy.

It’s all very attractive.

He’svery attractive.

Those things combined with the heat I feel radiating from him, even from across the table, make me want to crawl onto his lap and snuggle against him to soak in his warmth and positive energy.


I blinked up at him and nodded, forcing my brain to expel those last thoughts.

Just like he did at Cooper’s, he waited for me to stand then followed me through the restaurant. As he reached around and held the door open for me, I realized that no one had even given Leo a second glance the entire time we were in there.


“What?” I asked as we approached his truck.

“You made a hmmm sound.”

“As we were leaving it occurred to me that no one noticed you in there.”

He opened the passenger-side door and held out his hand to help me inside. I settled into the seat and looked over at him.

“Like I said, I’m not a celebrity.” He smiled then lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. “People don’t always know who I am.”

He slowly released my hand, resting it against my thigh with care before stepping back and closing the door.

With my hand flat against my leg, I traced where his soft lips had touched. The tingles the brush of his mouth caused radiated up my arm in a trail of goosebumps. My hard nipples pressed against the material of my dress, jealous as all hell that they weren’t getting any attention. I felt like some simpering heroine of a historical romance novel getting so turned on by something so innocent.

The ride back to my apartment was mostly silent, but not uncomfortable. Aside from trying to get my body under control, I sat back and enjoyed the music playing softly in the background. If the songs I’ve heard are any indication, I’d say Leo and I have the same taste in music. We just turned into my driveway when the beginning harmony of Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen filled the truck.

Leo shifted into park and turned to face me, his elbow resting on the console.

“You know,” he said with a sexy smirk. “You were dancing to this song the first time I saw you. So I guess that makes it our song.”

He’s obviously teasing, but we can’t even joke about having a song. So I decided to ignore that last sentence and focus on the one before it.

“I’m sorry I was so rude to you that day.”

“I shouldn’t have scared you like that.”

“Let’s just say it was fifty-fifty and forget about it.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

He flashed a dimple-popping smile. Dammit that thing should come with a warning.

“I had a great time tonight,” he said.

I nibbled at my bottom lip and nodded.

“So did I.”

Again with the smile. The man is killing me.

“Maybe we can go out again next Friday?”

Friday. That’s a week from now. So if I accept, it’s not moving too fast, right?

“I’d like that.”

“What time do you have to be at the studio?”

“Five thirty.”

“That won’t work then.”


“I thought we could go on a fall foliage train ride, but it runs until four thirty. We wouldn’t make it back in time.”

“A train ride sounds like fun,” I said. “Let me make sure Keera will be at the studio that night. If she is, I can go. Friday nights are just for open pole, so as long as she’s there to open and lock up, I’m good.”

“I’m heading to Bergen County tomorrow morning and won’t be back here until Monday, but you can text and just let me know. Or call,” he added with another smile.

“Okay, I will.”

His eyes locked on mine and I held my breath, certain he was going to kiss me. But he didn’t. Instead, he looked down and moved back to unhook his seatbelt.

I took a steadying breath as he got out of the truck and watched as he rounded the front. My door opened and I took his hand and stepped out. He interlaced our fingers as we walked the short distance to my front door.

“Thank you again for tonight,” he said and turned to face me, taking hold of my other hand.

“Thank you. I had a great time.”

Leaning forward, he touched his lips gently to mine. It was a brief kiss, not much more

than a mingling of breath, but its effect zinged through my entire body. I felt myself drifting toward him as he pulled back. His eyes shifted down to my lips before meeting my gaze again, as if seeking permission. There’s no doubt in my mind that my eyes screamed “yes, yes, yes.

His kissable mouth curled into a small smile as he placed his hands on either side of my

face and took a step closer. With our bodies flush against one another, I had no doubt he could feel my heart trying to pound its way out of my chest.

He moved closer still and, tilting my head to the side, kissed the right corner of my mouth, then the left before nibbling at the middle of my bottom lip. I dug my fingers into his biceps and squeezed as he opened his mouth over mine and applied a wonderful suction that nearly brought me to my knees.

Oh my-lanta.

The man can kiss.

Leo moved his hands down to my waist and pulled me even closer, then backed me up until I found myself stuck between a door and a hard body. And I do mean hard. Not that I’m complaining. It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered a real live penis and his feels more impressive than most. Most I’ve come in contact with anyway.

I slid my hands up his broad shoulders and twisted my fingers into his hair as his mouth moved over mine. The kiss was hungry, urgent, and hot as hell. He kissed me like he’s been waiting his whole life for the privilege, like he couldn’t get enough.

Wrapping his arms around my back, he pulled me tighter against him, smooshing my boobs against his hard chest. I shifted slightly from side to side, trying to ease the ache in my tight nipples. He pulled back at my low moan and I dug my fingers into his scalp to urge his mouth back onto mine.

Tilting his head to come at the kiss from a different angle, he urged my mouth open with the press of his lips. I invited him inside and eagerly met every thrust and caress of his tongue. Releasing my grip on his hair, I slid my arms down to loop around his neck and shifted onto my tiptoes to get even closer.

Every fiber of my being focused on Leo Marakis as the kiss went on and on, deep and wet, his tongue stroking mine in a perfect rhythm, our bodies locked in a tight embrace. I’ve never been kissed so surely or held so possessively before. It all felt new yet somehow familiar and safe.

Leo changed the tempo of the kiss, slowing it down until he kissed my lips softly one more time before pulling back enough to meet my gaze. I loosened my hold on his neck and my heels clicked back against the sidewalk. He took a half a step back and rested his hands on my waist.

“Thank you again for coming out with me tonight.”

His gravelly voice sounded even sexier than usual.

“I really had a great time. Thank you,” I said, barely recognizing my own husky voice.

My whole body throbbed in time with my rapid heartbeat, both urging me to invite him inside so we could continue what we’d started. But even though it would most definitely be a good time, that wouldn't be a good idea.

Leo leaned forward and kissed my temple before releasing me and putting some much-needed space between us.

“Let me know about Friday,” he said with a strained smile.

“I will.” Reaching into my purse, I pulled out my keys and turned to unlock the door. “Have a safe trip to New Jersey.”

He nodded and put his hands in his pockets, drawing my gaze to the impressive erection tenting his pants. The entire lower half of my body clenched at the sight.

Stand down, vagina.

I reached for the doorknob with a shaking hand and opened the door. Backing over the threshold, I waved, not trusting myself to speak.

“Good night,” he said.

I stared at his perfect ass as he walked back to the truck and got inside before closing the door and leaning back against it. Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Leo is not going to make keeping my distance very easy.

I reached down and took off my shoes, then walked toward my bedroom, praying that at least one of my toys is fully charged.