Pain and Pleasure by Callie Vincent



It’sSaturday evening and I step out of the shower, my headache slowly dissipating from the warm water.

This week of school has been both stressful and exciting. I am trying not to cram in everything, but the combination of planning my business and writing papers has my head in a vice lock grip. Some nights, Dante would come to my room and ease my tension with his body. And while the relief worked for the time being, as soon as he would leave the headache would come right back.

He told me last night that Ricky and I would be going to one of his clubs tonight, so we had to be ready by nine. However, after eating me to completion this morning, he asked more of me.

“I need you ready by seven tonight,” he said as he wiped my wetness from his lips, staring at me as I slid my underwear and pants back on.

“I thought you said Ricky and I had to be ready at nine?” I pulled my laptop out and powered it up for my morning composition class.

“I did and you do. However, you and I will be going to one of my restaurants before. Wear something nice,” he said, as if everything in my closet didn’t have a designer tag on it.

He bent down, his dark and tousled hair tickling my chin as he kissed the base of my throat, murmuring into my skin.

“Maybe something silk, too.” I laughed as he bit me gently before leaving me to my schoolwork.

I blow dry my hair and smile at the new color decorating my strands. I grew tired of the red and had Ricky grab some hair color and supplies from the store on his way back from Marianne’s shop last night. He helped me color it back to its dark hue, however, he picked black instead of a brown so the red could be taken out completely. The new shade makes my golden skin look a little brighter, my green eyes standing out more than ever. I feel much more comfortable like this, more natural.

I’ve also been getting better at giving my hair the perfect blowout. I’ve never really had access to the right supplies to do so, but now that I do, I can make my hair come alive. It’s volume and soft curls shining around my face. I apply a light makeup look that Dante appreciates as much as I do. I find that I like looking nice for him, so I’m thankful that he prefers me to have a natural face instead of caking it with colors and products that have never suited me.

Once I’m in my closet, I dig through my underwear drawer, trying to find something that he’ll want to peel off me later. I know I shouldn’t be thinking of him with every choice I make or thing I do, but I can’t help it. The man has slid inside my mind and claimed residence there since I’ve known him. Except now, he’s staked claim over my heart. Falling in love with him has been a war that I’ve lost, the brick wall in guarding my heart crumbling more and more with each brush of his lips or admission that falls from them.

I decide on a white, silk and lace thong set. The silk of the bra and panties covers my intimate parts, the lace a band beneath my breasts and on my hips. I slide on the dark blue, silk bodycon dress and admire how well it shapes my body. It stops mid-thigh and the sweetheart cut gives a nice and subtle view of my cleavage.

I’m putting on my heels when a knock sounds on my door and I see Dante walk in. He’s wearing a dark grey, form-fitting suit. His black shoes are shiny, and his black hair is slicked back, a small lock curling over his forehead and stopping at his eye. I start to grow wet as he walks towards me, dominating even the air in the room. I look down at his hands and notice that he’s carrying a black box.

“Jodida fenomenal.” Fucking phenomenal, he mutters as his rough hand that’s not holding the box goes to my neck.

“You dyed your hair back,” he murmurs as his hand goes to my head, petting my hair and lifting a lock to his nose. He inhales and growls, dropping my hair and moving his hand to my neck.

“So exquisite,” he rumbles as his hand grips my neck tightly.

It wraps around my throat, and his thumb pressing against my pulse. He tugs me forward and I stumble, my heels catching on the carpet. He sets the box down and steadies me, his free hand now gripping my ass and sliding my dress up to reveal my panties. His eyes darken when he spots them and I bury my face in his neck, all but moaning at his luxurious scent.

“I was supposed to surprise you with this new set…” I groan as his hand goes from my hip to the front of my panties, palming my entire pussy and making me tremble from the contact. His finger traces the lace outline and slips past, finding my clit immediately and making me shake.

“As much as I love surprises, baby, when it comes to you, I’m a very impatient man.”

I smile against his throat, but then am left gasping as he lifts me with one hand on my ass and sets me down on my vanity. My makeup and perfume fall off and I moan as he pulls my panties to the side and frees his cock, sliding into my wet sex in an instant.

There’s no preamble, Dante starts to fuck me like a mad man. He pounds into me so hard that more items fall off my vanity and clatter to the floor. I tilt my head back and smile and the hand that’s been covering my throat lifts and goes to my mouth. He slips a finger inside and I bite down on it, pulling a moan from him as he rails me into another world.

“I love that you take whatever I give you,” he grunts out. “You take whatever I give you because you love coming around my fucking cock, don’t you Emmie?”

I nod as his hands squeeze my thighs, pulling me closer as his thrusts somehow grow faster. I’m crying out as the first contraction of my orgasm comes, my muscles squeezing his thick cock as it continues to pound into me. He growls as I come, his dick hitting my spot with every thrust.

“That’s right, baby girl. Take it. Take it all and fucking milk me,” he demands as my first orgasm bleeds into another one. I love that he talks like a filthy man when he fucks me. I know it’s because I drive him to this and it fills me with pride, but also gives me an idea.

I wrap my legs tighter around him and move one of my hands that’s gripping the vanity to his throat. His eyes go wide as my fingers wrap around and press into his pulse, but I leave them there because he starts to fuck me even harder.

“Do you talk to all of your whores like this?” I grunt out as he circles his hips, the tip of his cock rubbing at my cervix. It feels otherworldly. I’m so distracted by it, that it takes me a moment to realize my question has him grinning.

Fuck, I love it when he smiles like that. Especially at me.

“None of my whores ever came close to doing what you do to me, Esmeralda. You drive me fucking insane,” he grunts.

See what I mean about my heart?

His cock starts to swell inside me, growing larger somehow and wringing another climax from me. He shouts out as he comes, the sticky wetness now leaking out of my pussy and onto my thigh. I go to grab a tissue as he pulls back, but he swats my hand away as I try to clean myself. He grips my wrist with one hand as the other tucks his cock back into his pants, zipping up before he puts my panties back in place.

“Don’t. I like knowing that you’ll be dripping from me under the dinner table while I feed you.” He fixes my hair and touches my cheek, staring at me as I try to calm my breathing. I can tell he wants to fuck me more, by the way his eyes travel from my face to my breasts, the amber orbs darkening to black almost. He’s insatiable, this man. Not that I have an issue with that.

“You’re going to be the death of me, woman.” He grunts as he helps me off the vanity and sets me on my feet. I bite back a smile as I fix my dress, eyeing the black box he set down on one of my dressers.

“What’s in the box?” I ask and he walks to pick it up, holding it in his palms as my fingers run across the top of it.

“Something that reminded me of you.” He practically whispers, his voice sounding strange. I look up and he looks away, like a shy little boy. I love when he gives me glimpses of himself like this, glimpses that I know deep down no one has had the pleasure of seeing. Glimpses that he finally gives me.

“Show me,” I demand, looking him in the eye as he returns his gaze to me. He lets out a dark chuckle, raising a perfect eyebrow at me.

“As you wish, princess.” I love when he calls me that, his accent is thicker when he says the word princess and it makes me fucking swoon. My heart is damned because of this man.

He opens the box to reveal a large emerald necklace, the stone so pure that the color resembles the deep sea almost. It is a teardrop cut and is circled with diamonds, the whole pendant large enough to cover the center of my palm. The chain is also encrusted with diamonds. I gasp as he pulls it from the box and moves behind me, lifting my hair and clasping the heavy piece around my neck. The pendant rests at the base of my throat. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look like an actual princess. He kisses the side of my neck and I tremble, overwhelmed by his sweetness.

“This is double my college tuition, Dante. Please tell me this is like the movie Pretty Woman and that you’ll be returning it to the jeweler later.” He chuckles at me as he moves around to face me, his fingers touching the heavy and expensive jewel around my neck.

“I hate that I know what you’re referencing, but unfortunately I’ve seen that movie one too many times because my sister always watched it.” His expression shifts slightly from the mention of his sister, but it goes right back to the calm resolve he always wears.

“Something you should know about me, Esmeralda, is that I don’t borrow.” He leans forward and kisses the heavy emerald at my throat. “And I definitely don’t share.” He all but growls in my ear. I shiver as he pulls away.

“I’ll leave to finish getting ready. And remember, if you clean up that little pussy of yours, I’ll just make it messy all over again on our way to dinner.”

He winks at me and closes the door behind him, leaving me blushed and breathless.

* * *

We’re on our way to dinner and the car is silent, but it’s a comfortable silence. Dante’s hand is resting on my thigh, the platinum watch on his wrist gleaming in the moonlight.

Ricky is supposed to meet us at the club with Sergio after dinner, so I get alone time with this dark god for a little while. I feel giddy and I want to tell myself to slow down with the emotions, but I know it’d be useless. He has me wrapped around him like a shiny and tight bow.

He turns his face from the window to look at me, his hand moving from my thigh to under my dress, fingering around my panties and smiling when he finds that they’re still wet. I shouldn't smile, but I can’t help it. I can’t help it, but I like pleasing him.

“Good girl,” he growls and I vow to myself that I will do everything in my power to listen to him more often now.

He moves his hand back to my thigh and I clear my throat.

“So, where exactly are we going?” I ask as he looks at his phone. He’s frowning, but it disappears when he looks back at me. I want to ask him what’s troubling him, but we’re not at that level of transparency yet and I don’t want to ruin the calmness between us.

“One of my restaurants. Javier creates the menus for both of my restaurants, so critique lightly. We don't want to bruise his ego.” He winks at me and I smile.

Javier never mentioned that he is a part of Dante’s restaurants. This whole time I’ve been thinking that he’s been holed up in the kitchen of his mansion. I’m glad he's still able to showcase his delicious art to the world. I hope he doesn’t mind giving me a few pointers when I start to create my menu for my business project.

We come to a stop and Sergio lets us out before he peels away back to the mansion. Dante’s arm is wrapped tightly around my waist, and I stare at the beautiful brick building with intricate glass windows before us. I feel like I’ve stepped into a different culture, the stone building resembling old architecture from South America. There’s a lush garden lining the perimeter and so much light pouring out from the windows. White fencing and railings lined the second story and the entrance. Inside, I see waiters bustling around and serving the large amounts of customers seated at various tables. It’s colorful and not at all like Dante.

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

He laughs low and ushers me forward and up the small set of stairs outside. We’re still in the countryside, but I can tell we’re near LA. I can see the hills in the distance and the lights glittering like stars in the night sky.

“I’m glad you think so, princess, but we’re not even inside yet.”

He winks at me and leads me to the door, where a waiter is ready to open it for us to walk inside, and my eyes become as wide as saucers as I take in one of Dante’s most beautiful creations.