Pain and Pleasure by Callie Vincent



I'm quiveringon his face, and my third orgasm has my body feeling like it's just made of vibrations and pleasure.

All because of Dante.

He eats me with abandon, until I'm nothing but begging and shaking flesh.

He pulls his face slowly from my sex, licking me casually before he stops and sits back, eyeing me with both lust and adoration. His full lips are wet as he licks them and stares at me with darkening amber eyes, a lock of dark hair falling over one eyebrow. He's magnificent, captivating and I'm hopelessly in love with him.

As much as I try to resist, to hang on to whatever small bit of logic that I have left in me, my pull to him is too overpowering. I thought it was just the lure of him, the sexual appeal that I'm sure many women have fallen victim to, but it's more than that. He wrapped his hand around my heart and made it shape into his fist perfectly. The more he lets me in, the deeper my silly, naive heart plummets.

"Esmeralda," he calls to me.

I realize that I've been standing there, catching my breath and staring at his lips for a while now. He raises an eyebrow in concern, but I smile slowly at him, seductively and his eyes darken once more. His hands reach out to my hips before pulling me down onto his lap, my wet sex probably leaving a spot on his expensive suit pants. He doesn't seem to mind, in fact, he pulls me down harder and moves my hips back and forth, making my pussy grind on his hard cock.

My head tilts back in rapture, the sensitivity from the numerous orgasms his mouth gave me makes me tremble still. His lips go to kiss my neck, but I pull back, shaking my head coyly at him. I spread my legs further so that my hands can travel to his belt. Undoing it and his zipper, I free his magnificent cock. The heat of it warms my palm instantly. He groans in response, and I smile at him as he stares at me in wonder.

"Do you sound like this with all of your women?" I ask as I kiss the exposed skin of his chest, looking up at him. His lips twitch as he responds.

"Just the one that toys with me," he rasps out, his voice pure gravel.

He moves my hands away to grab my hips, pulling my pussy towards him, but I pull back and shake my head once more.

"I want you to make love to me, Dante," I whisper, and his eyes go wide.

A million emotions pass through them, but the one I cling onto is the fleeting look of wonder, even though his annoyance replaced it quicker than it came. His hands grip my hips tightly, surely bruising them.

"I told you, Emmie. I don't make love. I fuck." He bites at my ear. "Hard." He bites again and I laugh at him, even though a small bit of sadness enters my heart.

He's said this before and each time he says this, I hear a darkness in his voice. A darkness that tells me his reason is not due to just his preference, but because something has happened to make him only be intimate in this way. Something’s happened to him with a woman in the past. Something that has made him want to disconnect all emotion in regards to a woman or the relations he has with one.

I know it's not because he's a heartless monster, because he isn't that. He's fucked up and controlling, but he has a heart and he's given me a few glimpses of it. From what I can see, it's shattered. But I'll keep pushing my way in slowly, the only way I know how. I lean forward, pressing my breasts to his mouth as my lips find his forehead.

"Just try," I whisper against him. "For me. We'll do it together."

I kiss down his face and feel his growl more than I can hear it. I look into his eyes and see his silent battle within them, confusion filtering over their amber hue. I lift my hips up and tease his cock with my wet entrance, his growl sounds deeper now, his hands gripping my hips like I'm going to disappear.

"It'll be our little secret," I say before slowly, very slowly, sliding his cock into my wet heat.

His head tips back and he locks eyes with me, his hands still gripping me tight as I start to move and slide over him at a leisurely pace. It feels so fucking good like this and I know he feels it too, I can see it in his eyes as they stay locked with mine as I make love to him slowly.

"You feel so good like this. So, so good, Dante," I moan, my hands going to my breasts as I rotate my hips on him.

His eyes widen and nostrils flare, but I feel his cock swell inside of me. He likes it, but he's trying to fight it. My hands slide from my breasts to his on my hips, I cover them and urge him to move them. We stare at one another as he slowly moves his hands, manipulating my pussy over his cock in a way that leaves us both groaning into each other's mouths. I grind on him harder, my orgasm climbing its peak to heaven.

"Right there, just like that," I moan, encouraging him.

He keeps the pace slow, but brings my hips down hard, his cock practically making a home inside of me. I let out a long, languid groan as the first wave of my orgasm hits, but I know there's more to come.

His eyes are wild as I tremble on him, his restraint breaking under his hard surface. I see a broken man begging to be free, but he holds him back with a strength I've never seen before. His cock swells more and I know he's about to go over the edge with me.

"Come with me, please. Together." I urge him, my eyes staying locked with his.

His nostrils flare again, and he tries to look away, but my hand snaps out and pulls his face towards me. His amber eyes are now black and wild. I like that I make him this way. That I make him feel and do things he tries to bury, tries to run and hide from even though he claims to be strong. He's just as weak as I am, but at least I face my weakness. He just puts a shell over his.

"I let go. You let go now too," I growl at him, my orgasm cresting as I slam down on his cock one last time. Our eyes locked as he comes long and hard inside of me, a long moan spilling from my mouth as our climaxes bleed together.

I stare at him as our breathing slows, returning to normal. My thighs still spread over his thighs as his cock rests inside of me. It feels so good and right, but he ruins it by pulling me off him and standing to tuck his cock back into his pants. His back turned to me as I sit on the couch still completely naked and cold.

"You can't just expect me to bare myself to you and you give me nothing in return. It's not how the world works, Dante. You of all people should know everything comes with a price," I say venomously, grabbing my bra and hooking it on before sliding my dress over my body. He can keep my panties. Maybe they'll be a nice reminder of his repressed emotions.

He turns his head over his shoulder, eyes narrowed on me as I fix my messy hair.

"You're right. Everything does come with a price. Which means now you owe me quite a lot actually," he says casually as he walks to the door and opens it.

"I'll collect your penance as soon as we get home tonight," he says before closing the door behind him, leaving me in confusion and frustration once again.

* * *

I leave the private room a few minutes after Dante, immediately searching for Ricky and spotting him at the bar. He gives me a speculating look as I take a seat next to him, eyeing me up and down.

"What's wrong now?" he asks and it peaks my annoyance.

"Why does there always have to be something wrong? Can't I just sit down and order a drink?" I bite at him.

He laughs and holds his hands up before waving the bartender over to us.

"Easy tiger, just trying to see what's got your panties in a twist." He sticks out his tongue at me and orders us drinks.

Funny you say that.

I look at the group of girls next to us who are laughing and encouraging each other to down their shots the other bartender gives them. I look over to Ricky after I watch them all take them with ease.

"I want to do shots," I say, feeling brazen and a whole lot of annoyed.

He smirks broadly at me, his eyes both wicked and pleased.

"That's my girl!" he shouts before ordering us two rounds of blue Kamikaze shots.

We cheer together and down them with ease. It tastes so sweet and sour that it's easy to ignore the bite of the vodka. I tell him I want more, and we end up doing two more rounds. For someone that doesn't really drink, I'm instantly affected. I feel hot and giggly and we're both laughing as we make our way to the dance floor together.

I feel both the shots and my drinks creep up on me more as we start to dance, swaying bodies move against us, but I don't mind. I get lost in the lights, music and my buzz. Ricky leans down to tell me he's getting another drink at the bar, and I nod. After a few minutes, I feel a hand on my lower back and turn and expect to see Ricky, but instead, I am greeted with an unfamiliar face.

It's a man I don't know and he's smiling at me. His face is warm, dark brown eyes looking me up and down as he moves closer to my swaying body. I feel instantly uncomfortable and try to move away, but his arm snakes around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I start to push at his chest, searching for Ricky but coming up short.

"Let go of me. I need to find my friend." I shout, knowing he can hear me over the music.

He smiles slowly at me and ignores my attempts at fleeing, pulling me closer.

"You were having such a great time, though. Stay awhile," he says, confidence in his voice as I continue to tell him no.

I push against him one more time when I hear Dante's voice behind me.

"She said to let her go," he growls.

The man narrows his eyes at him, still gripping me as Dante walks closer. I feel his sinister energy pour off him in waves. He snatches the man's hands that are gripping me and pulls them from my body. I leave his grasp as he stands nose to nose with Dante, not backing down and completely unaware that he's about to piss off the most deadly man in the world.

"I'd step away before you regret it," he growls at the man, but he just laughs in his face as Dante steps back.

"Yeah? What're you going to do about it?" he slurs out at Dante.

Before he can even respond, I step forward, tired of feeling like a helpless damsel in distress when it comes to him.

"Nothing," I say before I lift my hand, rearing back to land a punch on the drunken idiot's face.

I land the blow right on his nose and catch a glimpse of blood as he yells out and covers it with his hands.

"You bitch!" he spits out as I shake my red and sore knuckles.

Ricky and Sergio are both at our sides now, Ricky laughing at the guy as Sergio pulls him away and tosses him to a guard.

"Get him out of here," Dante spits, staring at me with lethal eyes. I don't back down as I stare back at him.

"I don't need a hero," I say as he and Sergio usher Ricky and I from the dance floor and into the elevator.

"We're going home. Now," he all but growls.

I roll my eyes and Ricky and I can't help but giggle like drunken schoolgirls as we ride the elevator down and walk to the car. The ride home is long and silent, except for the small snickers Ricky and I let out as we look at each other. I can feel Dante's anger radiating in the small space, but I pay no mind to it.

We come to a stop and Dante grabs my hand, pulling me out of the car and towards the front door of his mansion.

"Uh oh, looks like Mr. Yummy has his panties all bunched up," Ricky says teasingly as he and Sergio trail behind us.

"No, just mine," I slur out, laughing as Dante fumes and pulls me towards his quarters.

God only knows what my penance looks like now.