Pain and Pleasure by Callie Vincent



Isabella stopsa few feet away from our table.

I'm standing tall and rigid as Dante shifts uncomfortably beside me. I don't back down as I stare at Isabella square in the face, her eyes narrowing even more as I eye her with arrogance. I'm not one for a pissing contest, but I'm also done with letting people make me feel inferior. Especially people that steal thousands of dollars from the man that she's fucking.

"What are you doing here?" he asks her, his tone annoyed as his hand continues to circle my thigh.

"Just taking advantage of the amenities." She all but purrs at him. I cross my leg over my knee and look up sweetly at Dante, batting my eyelashes for the effect.

"Can I get that drink you promised me, sir?" I whisper huskily to him.

His eyes darken as he licks his lips. I'm too busy being caught up in his gaze to see her eyes burning into us, but I can feel them as he leans forward and places a slow kiss on my lips.

"As you wish, princess," he murmurs against me and I smile against his mouth before he pulls away and leaves to grab me a drink from the bar, ignoring Isabella the entire time.

She flicks her hair over one of her slender shoulders as I lean back against my seat, smiling tightly at her.

"So, how's it feel so far to be thoroughly used?" she sneers at me. I keep the smile tight as I reply to her with a sweet tone.

"I'm not sure actually. You tell me." My fake smile doesn't even falter as I see literal steam rise from her chest and expel from her ears.

"You're no better than me, little girl. No matter how much you think you know him, you're nothing but a distraction. Just something to pass the time for now. You'll be nothing more than a quick clean up after a hot fuck when he's bored."

She hisses the words at me, but I don't miss a beat in my response. If she wants to attack me, so be it. But I fight with my brain and not my claws.

“See, that’s where you and I are different, Isabella,” I tell her sweetly, sipping my champagne as her eyes narrow on me.

“You were left to clean his orgasm off your skin, and I get to let it sit inside me while he holds me after.”

My comment clearly strikes a nerve because she’s sneering at me as soon as I say it. I see Dante approaching with my drink as I tear my eyes away from the bitch before me and spot Ricky talking to a man at the bar behind Dante. I smile at both of my men and feel a boost of confidence. This woman is bitter and alone with no support, there's no need to fight with her. She does that to herself every day.

"Thanks for stopping by, Isabella. Enjoy the rest of your night," I say, still not making eye contact with her as Dante slides back in the booth, setting a glass of bourbon in front of me.

I smile up at him and feel the absence of her presence, getting lost in the best of his touch as his hand returns to my thigh. I sip my bourbon quietly as he rubs me and the club thrives around us. He's really built an empire.

"I never thought dirty money could look so expensive," I say into his ear.

I pull back and stare at his small smirk, sipping my bourbon and feeling the warmth from it and my wine from earlier. I feel more and more brazen by the minute.

"It has to go somewhere, mi ciela. Though, I'd rather it be invested into something that can make me even more. I think you know how much I like money…" he says as his lips find my throat.

I moan as I sip more of my whiskey, feeling light and pliable in his touch.

"But I think you know what I crave most," he growls as his hand travels from my thigh to my silk coveted pussy.

I'm already wet from earlier and from his touches tonight, the silk damp against his fingers. He moans at the contact and my eyes close as his fingers slip past the silk of my panties and search for my clit. They land on it immediately and I look around for anybody watching us.

Both Sergio and Ricky are on the opposite side of the room and everyone else is busy watching the dancers on stage. I lock eyes with him as he starts to finger me gently under the table, the music from the speakers thumping in tune with the beat of my heart. I close my eyes and hold my head back, reveling in his touch.

"Look at me, Emmie."

My head snaps up and my eyes open to find him. He's staring at me, his expression intense. I'm a moth to his flame and my words are caught in my throat. He moves his finger from my clit and slips it inside of me, adding another finger with it and he stretches me in the middle of the club.

I shake on his hand and he keeps his eyes locked on me. It's so intense and I can't look anywhere but him.

"Say it," he orders me.

It takes me a minute to realize what he wants me to say, but I quickly pick up on his que as his free hand goes to my breast and then rests where my heart beats. He wants my admission. He wants my declaration of love. He wants what I'm not ready to give him.

"No. Not here," I whisper to him. He plunged his fingers in and out of me a few more times, my head tilting back in rapture. And. Then. He. Just. Stops.

He pulls his hand from my panties, licking his fingers before sipping his own glass of bourbon.

"Don't punish me, Dante. I've done nothing wrong," I say bitterly to him, feeling annoyed from both the loss of his touch and the force of his wish.

He shrugs at me, seeming impassive as he scans the crowd.

"Why am I here anyway?" I ask with impatience. He looks back at me and smirks, obviously amused by my annoyance.

"Because Sergio has a meeting with the staff. And maybe I wanted to...try something with you." He turns his gaze back to me and I can't help but feel just a little bit curious.

"And what was it that you wanted to try?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed.

His eyes flash in the direction of the private rooms and I immediately get the hint, a deep blush rising in my cheeks.

He wants to fuck here?

"I want you to dance for me, Emmie. Only me."


My blush deepens.

"I don't know how to," I say earnestly, feeling shy when just a few minutes ago I was battling a snake for this man.

"You don't need to. You just need to let me see what rightfully belongs to me."

He stands and pulls me with him, walking us towards the room furthest away. Once inside, he locks the door behind us and flips on a switch. The room is filled with a soft glow of blue LED lights. I see a leather lounge chair in the middle of the room. Soft candlelight now glows from the side tables on each corner of the room as Dante lights them. The entire view is erotic.

It's even more erotic when he sits down in the lounge chair, his long legs open as his hands find a resting place on his knees. He beckons me to him with a finger and I walk slowly, my heels clicking on the floor as the low sound of the music outside bounces against the walls.

"Take it off," he orders, referring to my dress.

My fingers grab the hem of my silk dress and I slowly pull it up before peeling it off my body and tossing it to the floor. I stand before him in just my white, silk lingerie and my black, strappy heels. The room is dark, but I can still see his eyes darken as he takes in the view of me.

"Gira para mí," he growls and I spin slowly for him, giving him an eyeful of my ass before facing him again.

I walk closer to him now, his knees touching my thighs as I unclasp my bra. The silk garment drops to the floor, and I stand there with my breasts on full display, my nipples puckering as he eyes them with lust.

"Again," he orders and I spin again for him, this time much slower.

His hands reach out to grab my hips, but I move them out of his reach, clicking my tongue at him.

"It's going to cost you," I say in a husky tone. He quirks an eyebrow at me and I bat my lashes at him.

"Name your price," he says and I smile slowly.

I place my hands on his knees and slide down the length of his legs slowly before rising back up, pushing my bare breasts in his face.

"I want a kiss, here." I circle my nipple with my fingertip, and he growls.

He leans forward and sucks my nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue before pulling back and resting against the lounge chair. I palm his hard cock through his pants and twirl slowly for him. Except this time when I face him again, I slide my panties off. They're bunched in my hand when I lean forward, my breasts dangling as I slip my underwear into his jacket pocket. His tongue flicks out to lick my breast again, but I pull back.

He growls and I laugh lightly, my hands traveling from my thighs to my breasts as I stand naked before him except for my heels. I rub my breasts in my hands and grow wet as I watch Dante's dark eyes track my movements. I shake my hips slowly for him, spinning around slowly to show him my ass.

I grab his hands from his knees and place them on it, his palms stretching over the globes. He trails one hand down and then slaps me lightly, the soft skin of my butt tingling from his slap. I stare at him over my shoulder as he sucks one of his fingers into his mouth before trailing it down the crack of my ass, pushing it in to toy with a place that I never thought anyone would touch. My surprise grabs his attention because he immediately locks eyes with me.

"This is mine too, Esmeralda. I'll be taking this someday soon." I shiver at his promise, and he gives me one more light slap before spinning me around to face him.

He pulls one of my heel-covered feet up onto the chair, spreading my legs out before him, my bare pussy inches away from his mouth. He looks up at me, his amber eyes boring into mine. He's so dangerously handsome that he steals my breath at times. He looks at me like I'm the only woman in the world, like I'm Aphrodite and it gives me so much power that I crack from its intensity.

He leans forward, whispering across my wet flesh as he speaks.

"Everything on this body is mine, Emmie. Every single part of you belongs to me. Even this." His hands grab my hips and he pulls my body to his face, his nose traveling up my bare stomach before resting silently on the space where my heart lies.

One of his hands moves from my hip to my pussy, his fingers softly toying with the wet flesh of my drenched pussy. I'm a puddle when it comes to this man, a melted pool of desire even if he just looks at me. His touch has the power to bring me to my knees, the power to make me do anything.

"Say it," he demands as his fingers move up and down the length of my pussy.

Except that.

"Dante, I can't," I whisper weakly and one finger circles my entrance. My hips move towards him and I moan as my head falls back, desperate to get any part of him inside of me.

"Just say the words, Emmie," he taunts, his fingers leaving my flesh.

I mewl a sound of protest and he smiles against my stomach, raining kisses down from my navel to pubic bone. I circle my hips in his hands and he chuckles, shaking his head at me.

"You know what you need to do," he whispers, a breath away from my pussy. I all but cry in frustration.

His tongue sneaks out to lick the creases of my thighs, making me tremble in anticipation and impatience.

"Please, Dante," I moan, practically forcing myself on him at this point.

"Say the words, Emmie." He stares at me, his eyes endless waves of amber as I stare back, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Say them and I'll give you what you want. I'll give you everything." He looks so genuine when he says this, bare almost.

I get lost in his eyes and sigh after a few long moments, my heart pounding for him. Beating and thumping in longing for this man. I rest my hands on his shoulders, looking down at him as I whisper the words that are going to send the both of us to hell.

"I love you."

His eyes close in serenity, soaking in my words before snapping open and staring at me with a fire I've never seen before.

"Mi ciela," he groans before dipping down, his dark head filling the juncture of my thighs as his lips seek my pussy and began eating me with the urgency of a dying man.