Antidote by LC Lehesaho


Holy mother of all fucking gods.

There is deeply, undeniably, something wrong with me.

I'm nothing like you've ever experienced.

Like I even have doubts? I want Tiger so bad I can't even see straight and the most fucked-up thing is that I messed up, again. We should stay apart, not make out. It's impossible when he touches me like that. In a second, I turn into a pool of lust, and every reasonable thought leaves me. I'm like a fucking nymphomaniac when he acts like that. There is only Tiger in my world at that moment. I forget everything else, why we shouldn't, why it's wrong, and most of all, I forget who we are.

He says jump; I ask how high.

It shouldn't be like that, but it fucking is, and there is nothing I can do about it. With him, I can breathe even though he wouldn't let me. I breathe him, I don't need air.

You're mine.

I know it. I'm always his. Always have been. No matter who I fuck or whose dick I suck. And it shouldn't be like that.

It's not safe for him, but he just doesn't get it.

When I walk out the mansion's front door, there's everybody. Dad, Falcon, Bear, Wolf, Puma… and Luke. The latter looks discombobulated as fuck. They are standing around Luke's car, and I know he must be questioning all of his life choices right now.

"Hi." I greet him with a wave. His eyes shoot up to me, and I can see him letting out a breath. Poor boy. "I see you met my family."

"You didn't tell me you were going on a date," Dad states, giving me a judgmental look.

"I didn't know earlier." I hush my family. "Leave him alone. We're leaving." I give a smirk to Luke, a completely fake one, but he doesn't know it. "I can't wait!"

He walks to the passenger side of his steel gray Audi TT Coupe and opens the door for me with an unreadable expression. "Let's go then."

I know that only Dad's presence keeps Bear's mouth shut from making any snarky comments, but he wiggles his eyebrows and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue like a stupid teen. I squint my eyes at him and swear to myself that someday I will kick his annoying ass. No one else says anything either, but Falcon looks a bit dubious about what's going on, and Puma gives me an approving nod.

And Wolf? He measures Luke like he’s thinking of the size of his coffin and scowls at him, oozing sinister vibes.

Luke doesn't say anything when he gets in the car, and I don't know what I should say. I haven't been on a date, ever, so I don't have the slightest clue what topics are appropriate. When he rolls his Audi out of our gates, he gives me a look and cocks an eyebrow.

"Should I know who you are?"

I watch his clean and sunny features. "Maybe, but I don't think it matters anymore. You survived that, so I think we can just be Cobra and Luke, right?"

I don't like to explain my family, so I hope that after this, he asks someone else. Practically everyone else knows, and I know he can get an answer.

"Okeydokey then," he replies, and I stare at him, stunned. He gives me an amused smile. "And hey, don't think that I bought that can't wait act you put on."

He's sharp, I’ll give him that. "Yeah, well, I'm here now, so you got what you wanted."

"For a girl with pink hair, you're not a very cheerful person."

"I think you knew that already when you asked me out," I state and observe his appearance a little bit better. I have to admit that on the opening night, I didn't look at him very closely.

His blond hair is still whispering surfer vibes, and his long lashes are curvy, rounding his bright baby blue eyes, so they look even more sparkly. His entire being oozes happiness.

"A penny for your thoughts." Luke's voice snaps me back to the moment, and I stare at him, but still I feel Tiger's hands on me. His lips on mine.

I need to get myself together.

"Phew, I'm not that cheap." I look around and take note that we're almost at the amusement park already. "What are we going to do here?"

"What people do at an amusement park." Luke parks the car and smirks at me. "We're going to have fun, of course."

"Oh, well, good luck with that." I huff at his optimistic attitude. There are a lot of cars, so I bet the park is crowded. I've never been to this particular park, but I don't have my hopes up. If I just survive this for a couple of hours with him, I can go home, do the job, and sleep. Falling into a coma could also work nicely.

Luke walks to me when we get out of his car, and without hesitation, he takes my hand in his. I glance up at him in surprise, and he smiles, shining like the sun. I can't help but notice that he's as beautiful as an angel. It makes me feel even more like shit for using him like this. I shouldn't have come here with him. I shouldn't have done anything with him in the first place.

"Hey, whatever you're thinking, let it go and enjoy the moment with me, darling," Luke whispers when he leans closer and then squeezes my fingers. "Just for a few hours, focus on me, okay?"

I stop and look up at him, my stomach convulsing from the shitty feeling. "Luke, you're a nice guy, but this is not right. I'm not the girl you think I am, and truth be told, I'm fucked-up to the bone. I'm sorry I used you last Friday, but that just shows how sick I am. Can you take me back home?"

"No." He shakes his head and steps closer, wiping a strand of hair from my face to the back of my ear. "I'm aware that you have problems, that’s obvious, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you. I don't think you used me 'cause I was willing to give you what you needed, and I'm willing to do it again if you want me to. I'm not taking you back until you give me these few hours, and let me brighten up your day. Please?"

He stands there, asking me to let him brighten up my day. I think this guy either has a savior-complex or he is an angel who fell down from heaven.

"You can't brighten up my day, Luke," I tell him.

"Do you like gambling?"

I shrug. "Yeah, why?"

"I knew it." He laughs, all bright and bouncy. "Let's make a bet. If you can put your hand on your heart, and say that you didn't have any fun with me after a few hours, I won't ask you out again. But if you do, then you admit you were wrong."

I cock an eyebrow. "So, I just admit if I had fun or not? No promises that I have to go on a second date with you?"

"Of course not, I'm not going to force you on a date with me again. This one you owe me, but from now on, it's up to you." Luke shrugs one shoulder. "Deal?"

I nod, surprised by his fairness. Though it shouldn't surprise me. "Deal."

"Hold my cotton candy, I'm gonna win you a teddy bear." I hand Luke the pink fluff from my hand and nod to the guy behind the table. "What do I have to do to win that big one?" I point at the gigantic brown teddy on the shelf.

The guy smirks. "Five shots, five bullseyes, and the teddy is yours." He hands me the plastic shotgun and ammo.

I load the first one and glance at Luke, who looks at me with a beaming smile on his face.

"Will that fit in your car?" I ask him.

"If you win it, I promise I will carry it home if it doesn't fit otherwise," he vows.

"I'll name it Lucky," I say and aim the toy gun to the center of the target. I pull the trigger and bang—first bullseye.

"Shit, darling, you actually hit it," Luke blurts out, stunned. I smirk at myself. Of course, I fucking hit it.

I load the next, bang, bullseye. Luke leans forward and stares at the target and then me.

Third. Fourth.

"Bloody hell, darling." He whistles. "Lucky is coming home, isn't he?"

"Fuck yes." I wiggle my brows at him while loading the last one.

"Is that Cobra Hayes?" Someone whispers in the background, but I don't bother to look. People are so fucking nosy.

But Luke cocks an eyebrow and looks at the crowd and then me. I ignore them and aim. Bullseye. The stunned guy behind the table hands me the teddy, but now when he hears my name, he looks slightly anxious and doesn't say shit. I take it and flash a beaming smile to Luke.

"Isn't it awesome?"

He nods and feeds me cotton candy from his fingers while we continue walking. "I really feel like an idiot because I have no fricking clue why people are whispering your name."

"How long have you been living here?"

"I just moved a couple of weeks ago from Australia."

I can't help but smile. "I knew you were an Aussie."

He wiped his other hand through his hair. "That clear?"

"Yeah, I knew the second I bumped into you. No one says oi." I laugh, and he shrugs it off with a wink. "But yeah… my Dad is kind of a big deal in this city. I don't feel like talking about it, but you can ask anyone, and they will tell you wild stories about my family."

"Stories?" He tilts his head and feeds me more cotton candy.

"Some are true, and some aren't."

Luke stops when we get to his car and turns to me. "You know what, Cobra? I'm glad I don't know anything 'cause like this I can get to know you. And so far, I really like you."

I hug Lucky and meet Luke's bright eyes. "I admit it. I had fun."

It's not a lie. Luke made so many jokes and I've been laughing so hard that tears fell from my eyes, and I almost peed myself. He's upbeat and fun and took me on the craziest rides, I'm not sure my stomach will ever recover.

Luke hands me the last piece of candy and wipes his hands on his jeans. "So, I won."

"I think you did." My eyes wander over his face, and I notice that he has freckles. I didn’t see them earlier, but they make him look even more angelic. Innocent. He steps closer and leans in to me, brushing my cheek with his fingers. I know I shouldn’t, but right now, I kind of want him to kiss me. He smells so good, just like the candy he fed me, and he’s been incredibly nice. Easygoing. This has all been so normal, and I actually got to experience what it can be like. Going on a date and all that. Holding hands.

And then he does it. Luke leans even closer, and his lips brush against mine, like a warm summer wind. No hurry, no demands, just a kiss.

Then he pulls back, eyes shining. "Let's stuff Lucky in the car."

I expected him to want more. At least use his tongue or something. Not that I want that, but he’s a guy. Don't they usually try to get more than that on dates? He reads it on my face and smirks at me.

"Second date?"

"I… Luke, I don't date," I tell him with a sigh. Even though he made my first date a night to remember because of how funny he was, but still.

"And I don't have sex before first dates, but apparently we both broke our rules for each other. I fucked you outside of the club before I even knew your last name, and here you are, holding a ridiculously big teddy bear at an amusement park." Luke tilts his head. "So, darling, what's it gonna be?"

He has a point. I'm still not sure if I have it in me, but… "Maybe. I can’t promise anything."

I know I'm not going to see him again—no matter what bullshit I let out of my mouth.

"You don't have to promise me anything." He opens the door for me and nods toward the tiniest back seat ever. "I think it's easier if you just hold Lucky in your lap, right?"

I laugh out loud. "Yeah, it seems like it. You're not going to see shit, but at least we have a fucking huge teddy."

"Did I tell you that those were bloody good shots?"

"No, but don't expect anything less from me. I don't miss," I say and stuff myself into the car with teddy.

"I don't know if I should be scared or what." Luke raises an eyebrow and studies me.

"Definitely scared, but don't worry, I'll protect you. Anyone who feeds me cotton candy gets my loyalty."

He shakes his head. "You're a mystery, Cobra Hayes."

"I'm not actually. You'll learn."

After the ride back home, the guards open the gates for us and Luke stops the Audi in front of the mansion.

Then I see him.

Tiger is sitting on the front stairs, smoking, and even in the dark, I see him looking at us. Every fun moment, every laugh during the past few hours, he makes me regret every second of it, and I'm ashamed that I had fun.

I shouldn't be having fun, no. Not when he is not having fun too.

"I'll see you at the university," Luke says, swiping his hands over mine. "Do you wanna keep Lucky?"

I shake my head, keeping the tears away, which burns my eyes. I shouldn't have fun. "I won it for you, so you keep it." I get out, not looking at him. "See you."

I close the door and feel tears rolling down my cheeks when I turn to walk inside.