Antidote by LC Lehesaho


Cobra's hands cling to my arm as I hold her against the wall in her apartment's hallway. Her breath catches from my hold, just the way I want it to.

"I asked you a question, baby girl," I murmur as I let my eyes wander over her perfect skin. So fucking smooth. The bruises are gone, and her cheek is almost healed too. I'd like to mark her, especially now.

And because she keeps her mouth shut, I give a little bit more pressure to her throat, knowing that it leaves a mark. Good. I lean closer, inhaling her sweet scent, and feel my body responding to her. My dick twitches alive, ready to mark her from the inside too.

How on earth did I think I would be able to stay away from her? I only lasted like… a couple of days. My spine is made from iron, sure.

"Answer me," I whisper in her ear and press my lips to the velvety skin right behind her ear.

"Luke." She gasps, trying to catch a breath.

The rage explodes inside me like a grenade. I lean back to meet her eye to eye. "Are you fucking kidding me? Why the fuck are you going out with him?"

Her eyes are wide as she stares back at me, and her hands tap my arm like…

"Tiger…" Her suffocated voice snaps me from my bubble, and I realize that I've tightened my grip. The second I loosen it enough for her to breathe, she gasps air as she'd been without for a good while.

I didn't mean to be that hard, but…

"Answer the fucking question, Cobra. Why are you going out with him?" My anger doesn't back down. It never does.

"Puma said…" She's still gasping but keeps her eyes on me. "I need to draw attention away from you."

I frown at her. "What?"

Her cheeks are slightly red from the lack of air, and that sight makes me lose a bit of my rage. Fuck, it's hard to concentrate when she’s around.

"He said that I need to give them something else to think about other than… us."

That shit sounds exactly like something Puma would come up with. The guy watches way too much TV.

Cobra's tongue comes out as she wets her lips, probably because of the gasping, but I don't care why. I just know what it does to me. I close the distance between us and sweep my tongue inside her mouth, kissing her hard. She opens up to me without hesitation, and her hands grasp my hoodie's collar, pulling me closer.

My fucking God, I love her taste.

I keep my one hand on her throat but grab her ass with the other and give it a hard squeeze. Like she’s reading my mind, she jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. I pin her against the wall with my body, and my dick is right in place against her core. It makes her moan into my mouth and grind her hips against me. I will fucking come in my pants if she keeps grinding me like that.

"Do you want to fuck me, baby girl?"

"No." Cobra quivers against me, her hands sliding down my hoodie and she jerks it up enough for her to get to my skin. Her hands feel so good, I want them all over me.

"You're a pretty little liar." I bite her lower lip, not so gently. "Try again."

"You're a goddamn idiot," she retorts, swaying in my arms. "But yes, I want you."

"Did you enjoy fucking him?" I push her as her hands grope my pecs. But she doesn't say a fucking thing, just continues kissing me. I tighten my hold on her neck to keep her in place and separate our lips. "I asked you, did you enjoy fucking him?"

"Yeah, I did," she answers, meeting me eye to eye.

"Tell me, baby girl, did you think of him or me when his dick was inside of you?"

She bites her lower lip. "You. I wanted it to be you."

I have an inbuilt lie detector for her, and the way she looks at me tells me that she is telling the truth. I fucking knew it.

"I promise you." I lean into her and suck her lip into my mouth, giving it a bite. "I'm nothing like you've ever experienced."

She grinds me again. "Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Show me what you got."

A challenge. I fucking love her.

“Wake up” by Black Veil Brides starts to boom in the hallway—in her pocket.

Oh, hell no.

"Shit," Cobra curses, wiggling in my arms. I don't let go. "Tiger, seriously, I need to take it."

"No, I don't think so."

"You're an ass." She manages to get her phone in her hand and answers it, me still pinning her against the wall. Her legs around me, and my hand on her throat.

"Yeah?" Her brows furrow. "Shit, really? Now? What time—" She glances at the clock on her phone and curses some more before placing it back to her ear. "I'll be there in a sec." Then she ends the call and gives me a look—the look which tells that she's not happy, at all.

"Let me down. I need to leave."

Anger flares inside me like it never left. "Is he here?"

She nods. "Yeah. Dad's there, too."

Ah, I would like to see that. I wish he would break his nose and maybe put a bullet through his brain. Would make my day.

I squint at her. "You better not finish with him what we started. If you even think about f—"

"Jeez, Tiger! I'm not gonna fuck him again." She even has the audacity to roll her eyes at me. What a bitch she can be.

"I’ll kill him if you let him touch you again." I swipe her lips with mine. "I'll let that one time go, but dare to do it again…"

Cobra huffs out a heavy sigh. "We're still not a thing, Tiger. I don't want you to get hurt."

"You and I are always a thing, whether you like it or not, and I'm telling you, baby girl." I lick my way to her neck right under my hand, just above her collarbone. "You're mine." Then I suck her skin, leaving a massive hickey on display.

"What the actual fuck, Tiger?" she barks out, but too late. I did it already, and when I drop her to the ground, I see it clearly on her skin. Just like the reddish marks from my hand on her throat. Her flushed cheeks. Swollen lips. Pupils that look like she's on drugs.

I did that to her. Me.

"Go on now, baby girl. Don't be home late from your date." I smack her ass, and she scowls at me like she wants to kill me. I can't help but smile. "I love you too."

"My God." She shakes her head and walks to her bedroom, coming back in a moment, wearing a different shirt. She zips up the hoodie, all the way up to her chin. "Leave from the balcony, I don't want anyone to see that you were here. Not now."

"You know, that won't cover it. You still look like you've been making out," I tell her and adjust my boner better in my sweats. Her eyes drop to my crotch, and she swallows, her throat bobbing sensually. I would love to give her something to swallow.

"Duh, bye, Tiger." Cobra turns around to the door.

"Remember to keep your pants on and use your mouth only for talking, or I'll kill him, and then I’ll make you beg."

"Yeah, I know, and if I fuck up, you have every right to do just that."

At that, she leaves. Even though Cobra is going out with another guy, this might be the first time I can actually breathe since the opening night.

Because I know what happened now… it’s a game-changer.