Doctor Daddy’s Holiday Little by Scott Wylder













“Daddy!” Peyton exclaimed as she jumped onto the bed beside me.  “Daddy, wake up!  Santa was here!”  I groaned loudly as I looked up at her and saw that, despite what I originally though, it was nearly ten in the morning.  Feeling bad for having overslept, I sat up and gave her a sleepy smile.

“Sorry about that, Little One,” I said as I rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes.  “How long have you been up?”  Peyton shrugged as she thought about it.

“Long enough to creep downstairs and see the presents so that I can tell you whether or not Santa came.” she admitted.  “So, five minutes?”  I didn’t feel as bad as I got to my feet, finally ready to face the challenge that was Christmas Day with a Little.

“Is anyone else up?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Both Nathan and Auntie Patty are in the kitchen, making candy cane pancakes,” she informed me.  “They said to tell you that breakfast is ready.”  I chuckled as the smells from the kitchen wafted towards me, and I took a deep inhale.  Among the smells of mint, pancakes, and bacon, I smelled the life giving substance that was coffee.

“Alright then,” I said as I pulled on my pajama bottoms and T-shirt.  “Let’s go eat breakfast.”  Peyton nodded excitedly and followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen, moving carefully so that the fabric of the footed pajamas she wore didn’t make her slip and fall.  She moved with such grace and expertise that it was impossible to think that she was going to fall.  As soon as we entered the kitchen, Auntie Patty smiled at us.

“Good morning,” she said cheerfully.  “Sleep well?”  Not sure if she was being genuine or remarking about how loud Peyton had been while I claimed her as mine the day before, I gave her an innocent smile and nodded.

“I did,” I informed her. and she placed a plate of candy cane pancakes, scramble eggs, and bacon on the island.

“That’s good,” she agreed, and I realized she was being genuine.  “Anyways, I have breakfast right here for you.”  She turned to look at Peyton.  “Your plate is on the table.”  Peyton nodded and sat down to eat her creatively festive breakfast.  Meanwhile, I looked at Nathan.

“Have you checked on Cynthia yet?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Her fever broke, but she’s still asleep,” he informed me.  “I decided to let her sleep for now, and I’ll check on her after we’re done with breakfast.  That way we can see if she’s up for presents or not.”  I nodded and accepted the cup of coffee Auntie Patty gave me.  It smelled like peppermint, and it tasted great.

“At least she’s getting better,” I told him.  “I know that, once you mention presents, she’ll perk up.”  Peyton looked up from her breakfast and nodded.

“I don’t want to open presents without Cynthia,” she told us all, and everyone stopped to look at her.  After a moment, I nodded.

“We’ll wait until Cynthia wakes up then,” I agreed.  “In the meantime, eat up.  Your food will get cold.”  She nodded as she dug into her breakfast, and Nathan turned to look at me.

“I almost forgot to tell you,” he began as he put down his coffee cup.  “Daniel, the head doctor at the hospital, called looking for you.  He said that, due to the holidays being extremely busy, he wanted you to call him so that he could see about starting you on Monday.”  My eyes widened as I stared at him.

“He did?” I asked, and he nodded.  Not sure how I felt about working on the holidays, especially with a new Little, I looked over at Peyton, and she smiled at me.

“You should go call him,” she agreed, seeing my uncertain expression right away.  “It would be good to have you start right away.”  When I looked back at Natan, he nodded in agreement.

“Don’t worry about Peyton,” he reassured me.  “Auntie Patty already volunteered to watch over her while you work.  Plus, it gives you time to get to know everyone before Daniel’s New Year’s party.”  Seeing the way everyone watched me expectantly, I nodded in agreement.

“Okay, I’ll give him a call after breakfast while you go check on Cynthia,” I told them.  “Don’t start the presents without me, though.”  Nathan nodded n agreement, and I went back to eating my breakfast, excited for the fun filled holiday I was about to spend with my sexy new Little.

I hope you enjoyed this fourth book in the Doctor Daddy's Perfect Little series, and thank you for reading. Didn’t you think Peyton and Gregory were fated for each other? Their love is stronger than any force in the world!

With the New Year approaching quickly, Daniel had decided that his New Year's resolution is to find a Little.  After Mikayla left him heart broken and alone, he thought he was going to be alone forever, but that doesn't stop him from trying.  To join Daniel on his quest of love, order the fourth book in the series “Doctor Daddy's New Little" by clicking HERE.