Doctor Daddy’s Holiday Little by Scott Wylder













As soon as Auntie Patty came back to the room after getting Peyton into the bath, she went to the line closet in the hallway and brought them to the bedroom.  We immediately set to work changing the sheets, and, within minutes, we were done, and Auntie Patty went to go help Peyton through the rest of her bath.  When they were done, Auntie Patty guided her back into the freshly made bed.  Once Peyton was safe in bed, Auntie Patty smiled at her.

"Are you hungry?" she asked, and Peyton nodded.  "I'll go make you some tomato soup and grilled cheese."  She then looked at me.  "Are you hungry, too?"  I nodded.

"Now that you mention it, I am feeling a bit hungry," I admitted.  "I would love a sandwich as well."  She chuckled.

"You got it," she told us before turning towards the door.  "I'll be back in a bit."  Immediately, she took off, leaving the two of us alone, and I cleared my throat as I looked back at Peyton.

"Feeling any better?" I asked, and she smiled and nodded.

"A lot better, actually," she told me.  She then paused, and I frowned at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat down on the bed.  She took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Auntie Patty told me what happened," she informed me.  "About how you've been the last few days."  She lifted her eyes at me, and I saw how much the guilt was eating away at her.  "Why did you lie to me?"  My heart slowed to a complete stop as I stared at her.

"Because I didn't need you worrying about me," I admitted to her.  "You need to focus on getting better, not me."  She looked confused as she stared at me.

"I feel so bad, though," she told me, her lip quivering.  "You're supposed to be on vacation, and you've just spent the last few days on me, even though you don't owe me anything."  I couldn't believe my ears.  She didn't seem to understand it, did she?  She was still a Little, even if people said she was too old to be one, and I wanted to become her Daddy.  I remembered that she had been feverish the night she asked me and remembered that I couldn't hold it against her, so I gave her a gentle some as I sat down on the bed beside her.

"Why would I care about being on vacation when there's a Little in need of my help?" I asked, and she winced as she stared at me.

"But I can't be a Little anymore," she reminded me.  "I'm too old now…  You heard Cynthia the other night."  After taking a moment to consider this, I shook my head.

"What's the point of a forever Little if love stops after a certain age?" I asked her as I stared at her.  "It doesn't matter how old you get.  Forever Littles are forever."  She looked even more confused by this.

"But who would want a Little who's too old to be a Little?" she asked, and I chuckled.

"I don't know about too d, but I have been considering asking you to be my Little," I informed her.  She stopped and stared at me, her red cheeks glowing as she laid in the giant bed.

"Really?" she asked, and I nodded.

"That's the other reason I was so worried about you," I informed her.  "I have had a bit of a crush on you since we met the other night, but, after I realized you were sick, I was worried that you weren't going to make it."  She frowned at me, considering this.  After a moment, she smiled at me.

"So, does that mean you want to be my Daddy?" she asked as she stared at me.  I immediately thought back to the other night with a gentle smile.

"If you'll let me, I would be honored to be your Daddy," I informed her.  "However, I am going to have you rest up the next few days so you can get better.  After all, Christmas is the day after tomorrow."  She smiled and nodded, but, before she could say anything, Auntie Patty came back into the room and smiled at us.

"Glad to see she's still awake," she stated as she brought over the plate of grilled cheese, still piping hot next to a bowl of steamy tomato soup.  As she helped Peyton sit up and eat, I sat down at the window seat to enjoy my meal as well.

The tomato soup was creamy and tangy, and the grilled cheese crunched when I bit into it, releasing a gush of warm, melted cheese.  Auntie Patty was a miracle worker in the kitchen, and I hoped that, when I found Peyton an Auntie of her own, the Auntie would be as talented as Auntie Patty.  Otherwise, I might have to use her as an excuse to visit Nathan and Cynthia more often.  After finishing her lunch, Peyton smiled at Auntie Patty.

"Thanks for lunch," she said politely as Auntie Patty took away her dishes.  "It was delicious."  Auntie Patty smiled back as she patted Peyton on the shoulder.

"You're very welcome," she said.  "Before I forget, did you write your letter to Santa?"  Much to my surprise, Peyton nodded.

"I didn, but I don't think I need it any more," she informed Auntie Patty as she glanced over at me for the briefest moment.  "I already got what I wanted."  Auntie Patty stopped and looked at the two of us before continuing.

"You sure you don't want a new doll or anything?" she asked with a kind smile.  "After all, you have been a very good girl all year, and there's still time to send the letter."  Peyton paused as she looked at me, and I shrugged.

"I don't mind you sending a new letter to Santa," I told her with a smile.  "You deserve it, especially after everything you've been through this week.  After you're done, I'll let you watch any movie you want."  Her eyes lit up as she stared at me.

"You mean it?" she asked, and I nodded.  At that moment, she lowered her gaze.  "Would you watch the movie with me?"  I chuckled and nodded again.

"Yes, I will," I promised.  "I'll even have Auntie Patty bring you hot chocolate if you want."  She grinned from ear to ear and nodded.

"Thank you, Daddy!" she exclaimed, and I handed her a piece of paper.  Immediately, she set to work on her Christmas list, and I had a feeling that it was going to help brighten her holiday and make her feel so much better.