Doctor Daddy’s Holiday Little by Scott Wylder













The following night, I was feeling so much better, and my energy level was much higher than it had been since the day I got sick.  In fact, I had a lot more energy than Cynthia, who also had turned up with a cold, and she wasn't very jolly.  Despite being sick, she had to stay in her room, and Nathan was a bit more strict with her thanks to the way she had been acting the night I got sick.  I thought it was a little funny, especially after she found out that Gregory, or Greg, as he insisted everyone call him, and I were dating now.  While she had to go to bed early and only got chicken noodle soup for dinner, Greg decided that, since I had been fever free for over twenty-four hours, it was okay for me to join the rest of them for Christmas dinner.

Auntie Patty had made baked ham, mashed potatoes with sweet gravy made from the glaze of the ham, corn on the cob, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, Hawaiian rolls, and plum pudding, a traditional Christmas treat.  After dinner, she surprised us with homemade caramel popcorn and a Christmas movie of my choice.  Deciding to stick to a classic, I chose the cartoon How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and we all dipped peppermint hot chocolate.  I took it easy on all the food, including the popcorn, per Greg's request, but I was just happy to get to spend time with him on Christmas Eve.  It felt good to know that this counted as our first date.  After the cartoon was over, Greg told me that it was time for bed, and we went up to his room.  As soon as we were alone, he smiled at me.  Before I could say another word, his warm, wet lips collided with mine, and I moaned as I gave into his kiss.

He tasted like hot chocolate and caramel corn, and I loved every second of it.  His tongue poked and prodded between my lips, looking for entry to my mouth, and I smiled as I held back, waiting to see what he would do if he didn't gain entry right away.  A massive hand grazed my body, making its way up to my breast, and, as soon as it found my luscious breast, he gave it a rough squeeze.  A moan escaped me, and his tongue darted into my mouth, tasting every corner of me while his hand played with my breast.  Wetness spread through my legs, and I pressed my body to his his, craving more.  He pulled away, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.

"I know Christmas isn't until tomorrow, but do you want one of your presents now?" he asked, and I felt his stiff cock poke into my belly in an attempt to get free.  Despite the corny Christmas pun, he took away my breath with his attempt to be romantic, and I couldn't help but nod.

"Yes, please, Daddy," I told him, my voice low and innocent.  "I've been such a good girl all year."  He chuckled as he took the zipper of my footed pajamas in his fingers and gave it a gently tug, exposing the soft skin concealed by the fabric.

"Yes, you have," he agreed as he peeled my pajamas off me, his eyes gleaming in lust as he exposed more and more of my body.  Pretty soon, I was standing before him in nothing but my lacy red bra and my diaper.  He groaned as he stared down at me, and I felt even more confident then I had in years.  “You look so beautiful.”  I smiled up at him, twirling the end of my hair with my finger.

“Do I get my present now, Daddy?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Hell yes you do,” he agreed as he wrapped his arms around me, guiding me towards the bed.  “I’ll take it easy on you, though.  I don’t want to stress out your body too much.  I don’t need you getting sick again.”  As soon as the back of my knees touched the bed, I sat back, and he took a step back, yanking his shirt over his head as soon as he had enough room.

I wanted to drool when I saw his body, and I knew I was the luckiest Little in the world.  He was the hottest man I had ever seen, and I had seen more than my share of Daddies thanks to the playgroup parties I used to go to with Cynthia.  His abs were flawless, and I counted twelve of them, not six like with most Daddies that didn’t have a Dad body.  It was clear to me that he took great pride in his body, and I would bet money that he either went to the gym everyday, had a home gym that he would workout in, or he found other means.  For all I knew, he was bigger than Hercules, and I grew even more wet as I stared at him while he finished undressing before me.

As soon as I saw his cock, which was stiff and erect, standing out and away from his body, I gulped.  It was bigger than anything I had ever seen, and I grew fearful of it the longer I stared at it.  Not seeming to notice, Greg made his way over to me, and I laid back on the bed, my entire buzzing with anticipation as he pulled down my diaper, exposing my soaked underparts.  He whistled as he smiled at me.

“Damn, Little One,” he said as he examined me.  “You’re soaked.  Just the way I like it.”  I blushed as he grabbed one leg and lifted it over to the air, maneuvering it around so that he could climb between my legs.  As soon as he was above me, he grabbed me by the hip and pulled me closer to him.  Once I was beneath him, he lowered himself and rubbed the throbbing head against the opening of my sex.  “Let me know if I go too rough on you, and I’ll slow down.”  With that, he thrusted into me, and I gasped as my body sheathed his cock.

Despite how big he was, my body had stretched and covered him like a glove, and I felt the head reach deep within me, making me wonder if it was possible for the head to make it to the stomach.  Realizing he was deep with the womb, I moaned and felt him withdraw in order to complete the motion.  Stopping right outside the sex, he thrusted again, and I felt him gain speed and momentum in me as he claimed me as his, his cock teasing my womb and making the tension in my stomach build faster with far more intensity than I had ever experienced.  My juices had coated him so much that it wasn’t as painful as I expected, and I was enjoying every second of it while he took one of my nipples into his mouth, teasing it with his warm wet tongue.  I cried out in protest until his hand went to my other breast and massaged it.

“I think I’m going to cum,” I moaned, and he smirked as he released my breasts to look up at me.

“Good,” he said as he went for my neck.  “That means I’m doing my job.”  Before I could say anything, he nipped my neck, and I cried out once again as my entire body arched upwards to meet his touch, wanting more and more.  The orgasm came, and I felt the juices pool between my legs, soaking his cock as my body sucked at him, wanting more.  As soon as I relaxed, letting the wave of exhaustion and pleasure overtake me, he chuckled.  “I guess it’s my turn to cum.”  Immediately, he went back to work, and I had to cover my mouth in order to keep from waking up the rest of the house.