Doctor Daddy’s Holiday Little by Scott Wylder














My memory of the next few days was a bit fuzzy, but, the day before Christmas Eve, I woke up in the guest bedroom right across the hall from my own bedroom.  There was a roaring fire in the fireplace, and I was wrapped up in many blankets with a movie playing on the TV.  It was some action movie that seemed extremely violent, and I knew that a proper Little would never watch something like that.  Realizing that I should get up and take care of myself, I started to sit up, feeling incredibly dizzy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said a vaguely familiar voice from nearby, and I stopped to look over my shoulder.  At the window seat, with a book in one hand and a mug of something hot in the other, was Gregory.  He smiled as he stood up, set down his book and mug on the nightstand, and made his way to my bedside, and I flushed either from sickness or embarrassment.  "How are you feeling?"  I looked down at myself and saw the sweat stains on the bed.

"I feel better," I admitted.  "Just a bit dizzy and exhausted."  It was at that moment that I started to wonder exactly how long I was asleep.  "How long have I been here?"  He checked the watch that he wore on his wrist and shrugged.

"Two days, maybe?" he guessed, and I quickly sat up.

"What?" I asked, immediately regretting my decision as I laid back against the mound of pillows.  "What happened?  Why am I here?"  I paused as I stared at him.  "What am I doing here in your room?"  He chuckled and sat down next to me.

"I went to check on you after dinner to make sure you were okay, and you were running a high fever," he reminded me, and I nodded, remembering that part.  "While I went to gather extra blankets for you, you fell asleep in your tiny bed, and I realized that it would be a bad idea to leave you alone in case something happened.  So, I brought you here to keep an eye on you."  I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and immediately felt guilty as I watched him.

"Have you been awake since that night?" I asked, and he shook his head, making me feel a little better.

"No," he reassured me.  "After you slept through the first night and continued to burn your fever, I got Nathan and Auntie Patty, and the three of us took turns watching over you.  Thankfully, Nathan was able to pick up some tests from the hospital, and we determined that you only have a cold, but it was hard to get you to break your fever.  You only broke it within the last few hours."  I frowned as I considered this.

"If it was only a cold, why was my fever so bad?" I asked, feeling confused.  "I thought colds weren't dangerous."  He shook his head.

"The cold itself is not exactly the dangerous part," he explained.  "You had a high fever that was caused by the cold, and that's the part that nearly killed you.  I'll warn you now to take it easy and not push yourself, though.  Your body is still recovering and may need some time before you're back at full health."  I nodded understandingly, feeling amazed that he had gone through so much to help me.  "I'm sorry for having taken up so much of your time.  I feel bad for ruining your Christmas."  He frowned as he stared at me.

"You didn't ruin my Christmas," he informed me.  "Christmas Eve is tomorrow."  Hope lit up inside me, and I felt even better than before as he pressed a hand to my forehead.  "Meanwhile, I think we should get you cleaned up.  You're still a little warm, but it's nothing some Tylenol and a nice bath won't fix.  I'll go get Auntie Patty."  As he disappeared through the door, I felt conflicted by my emotions.

While I was relieved I didn't ruin his Christmas, I wondered what he had been doing while he kept me in his room.  Had he really given up his huge, warm bed so that I could get better?  As much as I wanted to believe that he had rested over the last two days, the huge, dark circles told me that he might not have slept at all, which concerned me.  Had he lied just to keep me from feeling bad?  I felt guilty yet grateful for all he had done as he and Auntie Patty entered the room, and Auntie Patty smiled at me when she saw me.

"Good morning, Little One," she said as she held up a fresh change of clothing.  "Ready for a nice, warm bath?"  I nodded, and she helped me to my feet and out of bed before turning to Gregory.  "I'll change the bedsheets for you as soon as I get her situated in the other room."  Much to my surprise, he shook his head at her.

"Actually, if it's all the same to you, I wouldn't mind helping change the sheet," he told her, and we both looked at him in confusion.  "After all, it would probably be better to keep her in my room for now so that she can get better."  Auntie Patty glanced at me before nodding in agreement.

"Very well," she said before guiding me to the bathroom in Gregory's room.  "Let me get her into the bath, and I'll help you change the sheets."  With that, we entered the bathroom, and she drew my bath.

"So, I guess everything's a bit of a mess, isn't it?" I asked, and she frowned as she looked at me.

"Of course not," she reassured me.  "We're all just glad you're okay.  You really had us worried."  I lowered my gaze, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," I told her as she turned off the water.  "I feel terrible."  Auntie Patty stopped and looked at me.

"It's not your fault," she informed me.  "You had no way of knowing.  Besides, if anyone should feel sorry, it should be me.  I'm the one who was taking care of you, and I failed to realize how sick you were before it got to this point."  She hugged me close.  "Can you ever forgive me?"  I smiled weakly and nodded.

"Of course I forgive you, Auntie Patty," I told her.  When she pulled away, she smiled at me.

"Thank you," she said before turning back to the bathtub.  "Now, let's get you into the bath so that I can go change those sheets for you."  As I climbed into the tub, she smiled at me.  "By the way, I think Gregory really likes you.  He refused to leave your side the entire time, and I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep at all."  I paused and stared at her in confusion.

"Really?" I asked, feeling confused.  "I can't believe it."  She chuckled as she helped me into the bath.

"Yep," she said as I sat down in the tub.  "Anyways, you stay here while I go change the sheets.  If you need anything, let me know."  With that, she was gone.