Hard Risk by Sidney Bristol


Facility, Unknown.

Samuel steadied himself with one hand on the gurney. The nausea was thanks to the pain pills the nurse kept shoving on him. How many times could a man say no? At this rate, he was beginning to understand how women at the bar felt when a man pressured them for just one more drink. If he kept saying no, the nurses would just slip it into his IV.

What a pain.

He took a few careful steps toward the end of his bed.

It wasn’t fair.

This was the case of a lifetime and here he was sidelined while the rest of the team was making leaps and bounds forward. He wasn’t even allowed access to the materials he’d created because it was determined he needed to rest.

He needed to rest like he needed another pain pill.

What Samuel wanted was to get back down to work.

A nurse appeared in the doorway. “Mr. Jenkins, what are you doing out of bed?”

He scowled at the floor and ignored her.

“Your roommate just arrived,” she announced.

“My what?” he snapped.

Another bed was wheeled through the wide doors, and lying there wearing a crystal tiara drinking out of a cup that said Getting Shit Done was none other than Jessica Chapin.

“Miss Jessica? Maybe you can keep Samuel here in line,” the nurse said as she came to stand in front of Samuel.

“Samuel?” Jessica peered across the room at him as her bed was positioned against the opposite wall. “Like the Samuel who helped Harper spy on my best friend, Samuel?”

“Mr. Jenkins, are you going to get back in that bed?” the nurse asked sweetly.

He glared from the nurse to Jessica and back.

This wasn’t fucking fair.

Without a better option, Samuel turned and got back into his bed with minimal assistance. The nurse fussed at him while the others got Jessica situated.

They couldn’t seriously mean for the two of them to share a room.

Then again, this was a small, covert facility where undercover operatives were stationed when they needed to recuperate and receive medical attention. So why was it a lawyer from Illinois was here? How long would he have to endure this treatment?

Thank you so much for taking this wild ride with Harper and Robin. I always knew his lady was going to be special and I think Robin was more than up to the task.

Want to know more about the Task Force? If this is your first book, make sure to grab Stolen Risk and find out exactly how the guys wound up tangled in this international mess. The final two books are coming soon!

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In the mood for a holiday read? Pick up a Body of Danger novella for some spice and action to brighten up the season.

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