Hard Risk by Sidney Bristol

Aegis Group World Map

the Aegis Group.

  1. Dangerous Attraction
  2. Dangerous in Training
  3. Dangerous Games
  4. Dangerous Assignment
  5. Dangerous Protector
  6. Dangerous Secrets
  7. Dangerous Betrayal
  8. Dangerous Heat
  9. Dangerous Connections
  10. Dangerous Legacy
  11. Dangerous Exposure (TBA)
  • More Coming Soon!

Within Aegis Group, special teams take on special jobs, beginning with the Alpha Team.

  1. Dangerous in Love
  2. Dangerous in Action
  3. Dangerous in Transit
  4. Dangerous in Motion
  5. Dangerous in Charge

Other specialized teams exist under the Aegis Group umbrella, including Lepta Team.

  1. Dangerously Taken
  2. Dangerously Involved
  3. Dangerously Deceived
  4. Dangerously Broken
  5. Dangerously Entwined

Troy Team has signed on to work an ultra-secret case in the Aegis Group Task Force series.

  • (prequel) First Risk: a newsletter exclusive serial
  1. Stolen Risk
  2. Forged Risk
  3. Technical Risk
  4. Necessary Risk
  5. Intercepted Risk
  6. Targeted Risk
  7. Hard Risk
  8. Burned Risk(TBA)
  9. Final Risk(TBA)

You’ve heard about them and got your first glimpse in Necessary Risk, but now the Dangerous Ladies are here to play!

  1. Just Business
  2. Just Friends
  3. Just Casual
  4. Just Enemies(TBA)
  5. Just Dangerous(TBA)

In Dangerous Games it continued with the Gone Geek girls.

  1. Beauty and the Geek
  2. Mr. Purr-fect and the Geek
  3. The Jock and the Geek
  4. The Gamer and the Geek
  5. The Adorkable Girl and the Geek
  6. The Fake Boyfriend and the Geek

When the Seattle office of Aegis Group opened the Twisted Royals took the stage.

  • The Origin Story
  1. Alpha Prince
  2. Her Prince
  3. Bad Boy Prince
  4. Noble Prince

Want some festive danger for your holidays? Check out the Body of Danger holiday novella series.

  1. Heart of Danger
  2. Spirit of Danger
  3. Mind of Danger
  4. Face of Danger

The other Smith brother takes us to the Texas SWAT series, a small town suspense series.

  1. Fighting Redemption
  2. Stolen Redemption
  3. Forbidden Redemption
  4. Reckless Redemption (TBA)

Thanks to the SWAT team, Ransom, Texas enjoys a slower pace of life beginning in The Love Barn.

  1. Give Me Back My Man
  2. Summer of Love
  3. Party out of Bounds