Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Fourteen


Alicia watched the large group start their bikes and ride off. She touched her fingertips to the window in a silent goodbye before she turned and got into the clothes she had when she first came to the club. Someone, she guessed Kristina, had washed and put them away in the closet.

God, it felt like years ago instead of days. She knew it would hurt to leave him, but she’d set out to do a job she needed to finish before she could start to heal, and it didn’t seem like the club really cared. The fact that she now knew Stone thought she’d be leaving anyway, it was better to get it over with before she got in any deeper.

She braided her hair and stuffed it under the black sweatshirt she’d put on. She pulled up the hood and looked around one more time.

She turned and opened drawers to find paper and a pen because she couldn't just leave him hanging.



I’m sorry I had to leave like this, but I have to finish what I started, and I can’t expect anyone else to do it for me.

Thank you for your help. I appreciate the things you did for me, and I’ll never forget them.

Take care and be safe,



She set it on the nightstand and then pulled the desk chair over to the closet. After she climbed on it, she reached for her knives. She was startled when her hand touched metal, and she pulled it toward her.

A gun. She would take it with her, but she didn’t really know anything about them. She’d seen Stone with them and tried to remember how he checked for bullets and if there was a safety. It was heavy, but any weapon she could get her hands on would help.

She stuffed it in the back of her sweatpants and then reached for her knives. She shoved them in her other pockets but made sure she had one in her hand at all times.

She took one more look around and then snuck out of the room. Fortunately, no one was in the hallway, and she heard only a few people downstairs. She hoped they were too stoned or drunk to see her or care if she walked out.

No one looked her way as she walked down the stairs. She turned away from them and headed toward the kitchen and the back door. Guys were sitting by the fire drinking beers, and a few of the whores were draped over them. Still, no one looked her way.

She turned away from them and walked to the other side of the building. Besides the air conditioners, there was nothing but dirt. At the corner, she peeked around and didn’t see anything, so she headed toward the open gate for her to step through.

She didn’t take a deep breath until she was a few blocks away from the club.

Every step away from them made her sadder and sadder. Maybe she should trust Stone, but then she shook her head and reminded herself nothing was keeping her on earth. It was the thought of being with her parents and sister again in heaven that spurred her on.


Stone glanced at his phone when it vibrated. They were all hunkered down and surrounding the Demons’ clubhouse, waiting for a signal.

She’s on the move, and we’re on her tail. What do you want us to do?


“Is there a problem?” Feral asked him as he lay beside him and up the hill from the clubhouse with binoculars. They were far enough away so they wouldn’t get hurt when it blew, but they were still able to see it.

“Alicia took off.”

Feral’s eyes widened. “What the fuck?”

“She doesn’t think we’re doing anything to get rid of the Demons.”

“Dammit. Do you need to go?”

“No, not yet. I want to see this done. How much longer?”

“Snake and Tony are setting the charges. We’re just waiting for the ones who went out to party to get home.”

He texted back.Keep following her and keep me updated.

You got it.

“I’m going to spank her ass red for this.”

Feral laughed. “I’d do the same thing. Women make us crazy.”

Stone looked at Feral with a raised eyebrow. “Really? What do you know about them besides fucking the whores?”

Stone watched in fascination as his vice prez face reddened. What the fuck?

Stone’s eyebrows rose. “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”

“Fuck off,” Feral said.

Stone chuckled but vowed to keep an eye on him until he found out.

She’s headed your way, Sharp texted.

Stone gritted his teeth. She was in so much trouble. He tried to keep the thought out of his head that she planned to die tonight because she wouldn’t survive taking them on, but it was tearing him apart.

What’s her ETA?

She’s walking and trying to stay in the shadows, so I’d guess at least forty minutes or more.

Okay. If she gets within two blocks, grab her and take her home. She’ll fight you, so you might have to knock her out.

Fuck, I hope not,Sharp texted.

It could save her life. Threaten her with it. Tell her I said to do it.

Got it.

“It shouldn’t be long now,” Feral said. “They think everyone that’s coming home is there.”

“What about Rock?” Stone asked. “Is he there?”

“As far as we know. We’re not going to wait until we find out for sure. Even if he lives, his whole club, or most of it, will be obliterated, and we’ll just find him later.”

“I hope he’s in there, and he burns in hell.”

Feral nodded and looked down at his phone. “It’s time.”

Within a second, there was a huge boom and a big flash of light. Both men ducked their heads against flying debris that rained down on them.

It took several minutes to let the dust settle before Stone lifted his head and looked down. The place was demolished. There was no way anyone could have survived that.

Where there used to be a building was now a shallow crater in the ground, and he could detect a refrigerator and part of a sofa, but he was especially pleased to see all the body parts strewn around the area.

“Damn, those boys know how to make a statement,” Feral said and laughed.

Stone grinned. “We need to get out of here. I hear sirens.”

“Yup. Are you headed back to the club?”

Stone shook his head. “Not yet. I’ve got a runaway lady I have to catch.”

Feral snorted. “Good luck.”