Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Fifteen


They both got on their bikes and took off. They separated at one point, Stone going back toward town, but Feral took off toward home. Stone parked his bike several blocks away and headed toward the area Sharp said they were last at.

What he came upon behind two buildings shocked him. Both Sharp and Runner had their hands up in the air because Alicia had his gun trained on them.

He stood back in the shadows and grinned. This would be a story the two men were going to hate to have the club know about. Stone might just get some extra shit if he bribed them.

“Lady,” Runner said. “We’re here to protect you.”

“As you can see, I don’t need protecting.”

Sharp sighed. “Stone sent us to follow you.”

“Well, he should have stayed out of it.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Stone said and stepped into the light. All three people turned to him, and he could have laughed at the different expressions on their faces.

The men were red with embarrassment, pissed, and relieved, and Alicia was angry and had a dark look of apprehension in her eyes, likely about what he would do to her.

“Al, put the gun down.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Will you let me go if I do?”

“Fuck no. Your ass is going to feel hot for a few days when I get done with you.”

“Would you please not piss her off while she’s pointing a gun at us?” Runner asked.

Stone chuckled at the sweat that rolled down the men’s faces. “Babe, for every second that goes by, your punishment is getting worse.”

“You can’t punish me.”

One of his eyebrows rose. “Oh, really. Who’s going to stop me?” He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud when he heard her growl.

“What was that explosion?” she asked.

“The Demons’ club.”

Her eyes widened. “You guys blew it up?”


“Were they there?” she asked with wide, shocked eyes.

“Most, if not all of them were. We’ll eventually find all of the stragglers, but for the most part, the Black Demons are no more.”

“That’s what you were doing tonight?”


“Why in the hell did you lie to me?” she yelled.

Stone sighed. “I had to, babe. Our prez doesn’t like having anyone besides the main members of the club know what’s going down. These guys didn’t even know. They knew where we were but not what was going to happen. Striker doesn’t even tell Kristina until after and sometimes not even then.”

He walked toward her and gently took the gun from her hands.

“You guys can put your hands down now.” Stone turned to Alicia. “I didn’t know you knew anything about guns.”

“I don’t.”

Stone threw his head back and laughed when he saw both men blanch.

“You’re not going to let us forget this, are you?” Sharp said and scowled.

“Fuck no. But if you’re nice to me, I might not tell the guys.”

They both looked a little relieved.

“There are a few things you guys can help me out with at the club.”

Runner wiped a hand down his face in disgust. “He’s going to make us jump through fucking hoops for him.”

“Yes, I am,” Stone said and grinned.

“What about me?” Alicia said.

Stone looked down at her. “What about you?”

“I also know what happened. What do I get to keep my mouth shut?”

Runner and Sharp growled.

“Goddammit,” Runner said. “Can’t you control your woman?”

Stone shrugged and chuckled. “I tried, and look what happened.”

“Besides, I’m not his woman,” she said.

One of Stone’s eyebrows rose, but he kept his mouth shut for now.

“Fuck, can we go now?”

“Yeah, go.”

Stone watched them walk off before he glanced down at her. “I’m pretty pissed at you.”

She snorted. “Well, I’m pissed at you, too.”

“Jesus, woman. Let’s go. We’ll talk at home.”

“Not so fast,” a voice said behind them.

They turned to face a large man, and from the cut he wore, he was one of the Demons. Fuck, Stone thought. They didn’t get them all.

“What the fuck do you want?” Stone said.

“I want the whore.”

Stone stiffened. “She’s my old lady.”

“She’s also the one who’s fucked with us for the last few weeks. Rock wants to have a word with her. And you, I’m just going to kill because of what you did to my club. Do you know how many people you killed tonight?”

Fuck, Rock was still alive. That sucked. Maybe they could get the answers they needed about where the fuck he was from this guy. Stone crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t consider them people because of the things you all do to women. You’re all animals, and the world’s a better place with you all in hell.”

The man’s mouth dropped open. “Jesus, you’ve got some balls.”

“I’m the one who blew you up,” Alicia said.

Stone jerked his head toward her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“It was all me.” Alicia tried to step in front of him.

Stone growled and tried to push her behind him. “I’m so going to whale on you tonight when we get home.”

“Hey, fuckheads, if you didn’t notice, I’ve got a gun trained on you. You both are dying tonight, so I wouldn’t worry about getting home.”

“Well, buddy, you may have one trained on us, but we have several trained on you.”

The guy stiffened and tried to look around without taking his eyes off of them.

Stone shrugged. “Vipers, take him down, but don’t kill him. We have questions for him.”

Stone didn’t even flinch when two shots rang out, catching the guy’s arm that held the gun and one leg to take him down.

“Nice shooting,” Stone said to the prospects who came out of the shadows. The guy was screaming in agony and writhing on the ground.

“I thought you sent them home,” she said.

“Yeah, but we’ve all been taught not to leave a brother behind in dangerous territory.”

He looked at the prospects. “Thanks, guys. For this, I’ll ask Striker to move up the date that you get patched.”

“No shit?” Runner said. “Cool.”

“Yeah, you saved my woman.”

“Does that mean we’re even, and you’ll keep the story to yourselves?” Sharp asked.

“Fuck no,” Stone said and laughed. “Let’s get the guy home. Gag him, and I’ll call for the van. But we also need to move to a different location just in case the cops heard the shots and come to check it out.”

Stone pulled Alicia to the side and kept his hand on her while he called the club, and the boys tied and gagged the Demon.

When he hung up, he put an arm around her and followed the prospects who carried the guy several blocks away.

As they walked, he was trying to keep the image of her dead out of his head because it made him want to howl in rage at the thought of her knowingly walking into her own murder. He would have been impressed if it had been a man because he knew very few men who had the balls she did, but she was his, and it infuriated him that she’d just walk away from him and not trust him to take care of her.

“I want to go look at what you guys did,” she said and looked up at him.

He shook his head. “No, the place is crawling with cops. I’ll take you by there soon.”

She sighed and then rested against him.

He kept it together when all he wanted to do was strip her and fuck the shit out of her at the same time he spanked her ass red, but it was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.