Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 35




I don’t dare move a muscle while Everleigh sleeps. I hold the love of my life, feeling the happiest I’ve ever been.

This is all I wanted.

With Everleigh in my arms, I process the shock of finding her and Vincent, and I form a plan to win Everleigh’s heart again.

My woman wants dates. She wants to be swept off her feet.

She better fucking brace herself because I’m bringing out the big guns.

I manage to dose off occasionally, and when the sun starts to rise, I carefully climb to my feet with Everleigh in my arms. Carrying her to the bedroom, I glance around her personal space before I place her down on the bed.

After I cover her with a blanket, I pick up the framed photo of her and Vincent.

They’re on the beach, and both have happy smiles. Everleigh is wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and Vincent has a little Speedo on. My boy is covered in sand.

I almost let out a chuckle.

Taking the photo, I glance at Everleigh’s sleeping face before I walk out of the bedroom.  I check in on Vincent and adjust the covers he’s kicked off during the night.

With my woman and son fast asleep, I walk through the house. I check for weak spots and mentally make a list of the supplies I’ll need to upgrade the security inside and outside the property.

I’d rather move them into the cottage with me but knowing that’s not a possibility, for the time being, I’m going to make sure this place is Fort Knox.

Finding an extra set of house keys, I let myself out and lock the door behind me. Heading to the G-Wagon that’s parked in front of the house, I climb behind the steering wheel and drive back to the estate.

I have enough time to shower and change into a clean suit before I start to walk around the boundary wall. Not even ten minutes later, Alexei comes toward me.

“Morning,” he mutters.


“How did things go after I left?”

“Good,” I answer. “We talked a lot.”

“And you did nothing I should worry about?” he asks.

“I was well-behaved,” I mumble.

“Good. I really don’t feel like beating your ass first thing in the morning.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “That makes two of us.”

“What are you going to do?” he asks.

Our pace is slow, and I’m not even checking the wall for weak spots.

“Everleigh’s agreed to give me a chance. She wants time to get to know me, so I’m going to date her.”

Alexei lets out a chuckle. “What is your definition of dating?”

“If it were up to me, I’d have them moved into the cottage already,” I mutter. “Everleigh wants actual dates, so I’m going to take her out for dinner.”

“Everleigh and Vincent are a packaged deal. Don’t forget that.”

“I know. I want to spend time with both of them.”

His sharp gaze flicks to me. “How do you feel about being a father? Are you ready for that kind of commitment?”

Locking eyes with Alexei, I admit, “Weirdly, it feels like I’ve always been a father. It was instant.” I shrug as I try to think of a way to put my thoughts into words. “It also feels surreal. Like I said, it’s weird, but I’m excited to be a father.”

“Good.” He clears his throat. “Because your father is a bastard, I feel I have to have this conversation with you.”

Christ. Please don’t give me a talking-to about sex.

My eyebrow rises, and apprehensively I ask, “What conversation?”

“A woman isn’t a punching bag.”

Jesus Christ, that’s the last thing I expected him to say.

“You protect your family. If you have a rough day, fuck your wife, but you never take it out on her.”

I understand why Alexei is telling me this. My father never missed an opportunity to beat my mother. He used it to teach us how to switch off emotionally.

“I’ll never raise a hand to Everleigh.”

Alexei takes hold of my shoulder and pulls me to a stop. “We’re bad people, Alek, but when it comes to our families, we’re fucking angels. Give your woman the world, and she’ll worship you.”

I nod to show I understand. “That’s what I plan on doing.”

“And if you need to let off some steam, come to me. We’ll shoot a couple of targets in the armory.”

Locking eyes with the man that’s quickly becoming like a father to me, I say, “Thank you, Alexei. I don’t think you know how much this means to me.”

“I know,” he murmurs. “My father was a bastard too. The first chance I got, I killed him.”

I never knew that.

The new information makes the bond between Alexei and me grow.

We start to walk again before he asks, “Where are you taking them to dinner?”

“I don’t know. I’ll look around.” Glancing at the man beside me, I ask, “Do you have any suggestions?”

“Galileo. You have to make reservations. I’ll text you their number.”


When we near Viktor’s house, he steps out onto the veranda. I smile at Alexei. “I better get to work.”

He nods, and with a wave at Viktor, he heads to his house.

When I near my boss, he gives me a questioning look. “Is there anything I should be worried about?”

I shake my head.

“Is that Alek?” Rosalie calls from inside the house.

“Yes,” Viktor answers.

She comes out and asks, “Is Everleigh okay?”

“She’s fine. When I left the house, she and Vincent were fast asleep.” I turn my attention to Viktor. “You have an appointment at one. Is it okay if I disappear until then?”

“Disappear?” He frowns at me. “Elaborate.”

“I want to install a security system at Everleigh’s place.”

Relief washes over his features. “Sure. Take a couple of men with to help you.”


Before I can walk away, Viktor mentions, “You might want to leave one of the guards with Everleigh. If word gets out you have a woman and child, they’ll be easy targets.”

Fuck. Everleigh is going to lose her shit.

“Wait for me, Alek,” Rosalie says. “I’m coming with you.”

She rushes back into the house, and I lock eyes with Viktor. “Which guard do you recommend?”

“Peter. He’s one of the best we have.”

I nod, but before I can make a second attempt at leaving, Viktor adds, “Invite Everleigh over for a BBQ on Saturday. If she sees us in a normal setting, it will help your case.”

“Thanks, Viktor.” I pause before I continue, “I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”

He gives me a grin. “You saved my ass the other day. It’s the least I can do.”

I finally walk toward the guard house, and finding Peter, I say, “Get two men and meet me by the car.”

“Yes, sir.”

I only wait a minute for Peter and the men, but Rosalie takes her sweet fucking time. My patience is non-existent when she finally joins us, but I force myself to remain calm.

There’s no way I’m losing my shit with Viktor’s wife.

I have a reason to love life again.