Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 37




I had to leave the bookstore so I could take Viktor to his one o’clock meeting.

Every time I see Everleigh and Vincent, I feel a little calmer.

“What’s on your jacket?” Viktor asks. “It better not be shit.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “It’s chocolate.”

“Thank, fuck,” he mutters. When we get to the office, check on the shipments that are due. I want to know what the rest of the week looks like.”

“Okay.” Hesitating for a moment, I decide to go ahead and ask, “How did you get Rosalie to fall in love with you?”

“I kidnapped her,” he chuckles before he gets serious. “I showed her she’s safe with me. It took three years, Alek. She didn’t take it easy on me.” He glances out of the side window of the car. “Everleigh already loves you. Just remind her who you are.”

I nod as I steer the G-Wagon into the underground parking. “Any news on Brayden Kelly?” I ask as we climb out of the vehicle.

“No, but I’ve increased the hit on his head to two point five million, so he should be dead soon enough.”


That’s good news.

I make enough to give my family a good life, but I want that two point five million. And it will help me blow off some steam if I kill Kelly.

It’s a win-win situation.

I escort Viktor to his office before I head to the shipping department. I get the list of incoming shipments and tell the supervisor to email me an updated list daily.

While I wait for Viktor, I call Peter.


“Do you have eyes on her?”

“Yes, sir. She’s walking through the aisles and seems to be checking the books.”

“And my son?”

“I can’t see him from outside the store. Do you want me to go in?”

“No. Keep your distance and make sure Everleigh doesn’t notice you. I haven’t told her you’re guarding her.”

“Not a problem.”

We end the call, and I dial Misha’s number.

“I’ll be damned. Did hell freeze over?” my friend answers.

I let out a chuckle. “Something like that.”

“You sound different.”

“I have news.” A wide smile spreads over my face. “Everleigh’s alive.”

There’s a moment’s silence, then Misha cautiously asks, “What do you mean she’s alive?”

“She’s living and breathing.” I chuckle again. “She never died.”

“Alek,” Misha’s voice is tense, “do you need me to come to LA? Maybe it’s time to see a doctor again.”

“I haven’t lost my mind. Some old man found Everleigh and took her to the hospital. She never fucking died. That’s why you didn’t find her body.”

“Jesus,” he whispers. “Really? How do you know this?”

“She’s friends with Rosalie. Yesterday I bumped into her at Viktor’s place.”

“Fuck, brother. That must’ve been one hell of a shock.”

“There’s more,” I chuckle.


“I have a son.”

Absolute silence comes over the line.

“Misha? Are you still there?”

“Yeah.” More silence follows before he lets out a heavy breath. “Jesus Christ, Alek. You have a son? Are you sure? Are you going to do a DNA test to make sure he’s yours?”

“Vincent. Everleigh named him Vincent. He looks exactly like me. That’s all the proof I need.”

“Holy fuck. My mind’s blown. I need a minute.” Seconds later, he asks, “Does Mama know? And Tiana?”

“No. I called you first. Keep this between us before you tell anyone. I want to make sure they're safe.”

“You don’t think your father will go after her?”

“No, he won’t. But there are other people who might try to take out my family.”

“True.” Misha lets out a burst of incredulous laughter. “Holy fuck, brother. Are you happy?”

“You have no idea how happy I am. It feels like I’m going to explode.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“I have to go. I just wanted to tell you the good news.”

“Thanks. Keep me up to date.”

Smiling, I say, “Will do.”

When we end the call, I contemplate calling Armani, but Viktor comes out of his office before I can press dial.

“Done?” I ask.

“Yeah. I have to get ready for the meeting with the priesthood.”

“Need me to come along on the trip?”

If it weren’t for Everleigh and Vincent, I would’ve loved to go to Las Vegas with Viktor. The priesthood comprises of the five bosses – Viktor, Luca, Nikolas, Liam, and Gabriel. Together they rule the world. It would be one hell of an experience to meet them all.

Viktor shakes his head. “No, I’ll take my usual group of men. I need you here to make sure there are no problems.”

“Okay.” I’m relieved because there’s still a lot Everleigh and I have to talk about.

Viktor smirks at me. “And I know you’re in a hurry to get back to your family. Take some time for yourself this week.”

“Thank you.” As we leave the building, I say, “I got the shipping list.”

“Forward it to my email. I need to check when Nikolas’ weapons are docking at the harbor.”

I send the email before I climb into the G-Wagon. “Home?” I double-check with him.


After I drop off Viktor, I head straight to the bookstore. I’m just in time to catch Everleigh before she closes for the day.

Glancing in Peter’s direction, I head into the store.

“You’re back,” Everleigh says, and I might be mistaken, but she actually sounds happy.

“Yeah. I want to make sure you get home okay.”

“Will you get Vincent?” she asks.

“Sure.” I head to the back, where I find my son drawing a picture. “What are you drawing, buddy?”

“Us,” he says. Sitting up straight, he holds the paper out to me. When I take the drawing from him, he scrambles to stand up. I crouch down to his level, then he points out, “That’s you. That’s me in the middle. That’s Mommy.”

I’m fucking huge. Is that how he sees me?

My heart swells to twice its size, and I wrap an arm around him. “This is the best drawing I’ve ever seen. Can I keep it?”

Vincent nods. “I made it for you.”

“Thanks, bubby. I’ll frame it.” I look at the drawing again. “I love it.”

“Daddy?” he asks. “You’re not leaving again, are you?”

I shake my head. “No, I’m taking you and Mommy home.”

“Are you going to stay with us?”

“I’ll visit for a while.”

Instantly his bottom lip pushes out, and he frowns. “I want you to stay with us forever. Mommy said the angels can’t do backsies.”

Christ, my heart.

Locking eyes with my son, I say, “I’ll see you every day. Mommy just needs some time to adjust before we can all live together.”

“It’s time to go,” Everleigh suddenly says from behind us.

When I glance at her, she shakes her head, not looking too happy about something.

I rise to my full height, and taking Vincent’s hand, we leave the store. While she locks the door, I ask, “Did something upset you?”

She gestures with her eyes at Vincent, then whispers, “We’ll talk at home.”

Fuck. Is it something I did?

I walk with them to Everleighs blue sedan, and once she has Vincent in his car seat and she shuts the door, I ask, “What did I do?”

Her eyes meet mine. “You can’t make him promises you can’t keep.”

I shake my head. “Where did I make a promise I won’t keep?”

“You told him we’re all going to live together. That’s not something you can promise him. We might decide just to stay friends.”

The fuck we will.

I take a step closer, and not caring that I’m letting my insanity show, I growl, “You and I will never be friends, Everleigh. I’m giving you the time you asked for but make no mistake, you’re mine. From the moment we met to the moment we die, you will always be mine.” Her lips part with a gasp, but it doesn’t stop me from adding, “We’ll date so you can get used to us, but come hell or high water, there’s only one outcome. We will get married, and we will be a family. The sooner you accept it, the easier all of this will be.”

Everleigh’s cheeks flush, and her pupils dilate. She stares at me as if I’ve grown two heads. “Ahh…” Her mouth closes and opens. “I…Okay…Ahh…I need time to process all of that.”

She darts around me and quickly climbs behind the steering wheel. When she shuts the door, I open it again and order, “Lock the doors, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”

Walking to the G-Wagon, a broad smile forms on my face.

Did Everleigh just get turned on by me being all dominant with her?