Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



Rage fills me. I push Scarlet back, ready to end Tommy's life now, right here in front of everyone.

Devin and Tynan step in front of me. Devin orders, "Time to leave, Tommy."

"That'll be the last threat ya ever make to my woman," I threaten.

"Caleb!" Tynan calls out, and the wall of men moves forward, pushing Tommy farther away. Another slew of cops appears from around the corner of the building, stepping behind our men.

When they're out of earshot, I snarl at my brothers, "I didn't ask ya to insert yourselves."

Devin points out, "Scarlet's green. What were ya thinking by bringing her out here? Alaina and Brody will kill ya."

I glance at her and tug her closer. I shouldn't have let her come. As much as she begged me, I knew it was a bad idea, and Devin's right. Her expression tells me that I made the wrong decision. I demand, "Time to go to the car, petal."

"I need to breathe fresh air," she claims.

I move her toward the car and open the door. "Get in. We can roll the windows down."

She obeys, still shaking, and I slide in beside her, holding her close. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let ya out there."

The car takes off, and she inhales deeply. She turns toward me, stating, "I told ya I needed to do that."

"It wasn't safe. I made a bad decision. I won't make any judgment errors again. And that's the last time you'll ever see that bastard."

"I don't need to see him anymore. I..." She closes her eyes and then sticks her head out the window. She adds, "I just need fresh air."

I rub her back. I had forgotten what the tobacco smell does to her. She stays near the window for a while until we're almost home. She finally rolls it up and rests against my chest.

"Are ya okay?" I question.

She nods. "Yea, but Tommy...he's...he's out for blood."

"Aye. We always knew that, and nothing's changed," I reassure her.

"But how did he get here? How did he get on your turf?"

"Because we let him. Remember, we wanted to pull him out of hiding."

She closes her eyes.

"Are ya sure you're all right?" I question.

She locks eyes with me. "Yea. I don't know why, but I needed to do that."

I kiss her forehead. "Ya were amazing, petal."

"I-I was?"

I hold her chin. "You are the most incredibly brave woman I've ever met. Ya had more courage than most men, to be honest."


"Aye, lass. Ya did." I tug her onto my lap, and she curls into my chest. I stroke her hair and kiss her head a few times until my phone rings.

I answer, "What's the situation?"

Caleb replies, "We're moving him toward the border, but there's nothing we're going to be able to do once we get there. Their men are lined up. Unless ya want us to attack."

I want to tell him to go ahead with it. I'm ready for this to be done, even though Tommy's on my list. But Brody will kill me, and I know it's not the right thing for the well-being of our clan. We can't risk more of our men losing their lives because of my dumb decision. So I order, "No, make sure there's no bloodbath." I hang up.

The car pulls through the gates and down the long driveway. It parks in front of the steps.

I get out of the car and help Scarlet out, then guide her inside the house. I go directly to the den, where Alaina seems to spend most of her time now.

She looks up. "What's wrong?"

Scarlet jumps in before I can. "Nothing's wrong. Have ya made any more decisions with the baby?"

Alaina asks, "Why are ya home so soon?"

I'm not ready to get into it with Alaina. Right now, I need to figure out my next steps with Tommy. He's too close not to go after him. So I interject, "Because it was over. Where's Brody?"

Alaina pins her glare on me. "He's in his office. Is there something ya need to tell me, Aidan?"

"No," I lie, then kiss Scarlet on the head and leave the room.

I'm sure I'll receive another punishment from her, but at this moment, I need to deal with Brody, not her.

I enter my brother's office. He has his phone to his ear, and he scowls at me. He orders, "Don't ya dare make a move without my permission." He hangs up, crosses his arms, then accuses, "What the hell were ya doing putting Scarlet in that situation?"

"She said she needed to confront him."

"Are ya thick? Alaina is going to have a fit."

"Aye, I know, but let's not talk about that right now. We need to focus on Tommy. He's out of hiding. He's going to cross the line again."

He seethes, "Ya could have created a bloodbath in Belfast with Scarlet as the first victim!"

My insides flip, but I don't flinch, retorting, "It was a controlled situation, and she needed to face him."

"That was careless of ya. I thought ya loved her."

I lunge at him, gripping his shirt and taking him by surprise. I push him against the wall and warn, "Don't ya ever question my love for her."

"What the fuck, Aidan!" Devin shouts, grabbing my shoulder.

Tynan pushes himself between Brody and me, shouting, "Jesus Christ, Aidan!"

Brody turns his scowl on my brothers. "And ya two didn't think to stop him?"

Tynan crosses his arms. "Why are we getting blamed for his decision? We were outside dealing with Tommy. He's the one who stepped outside with Scarlet."

"Oh, I see I have another rat brother," I mutter.

"Shut up," Tynan says.

Alaina orders, "All of ya shut up." She flies into the room and lunges at me. She slaps me so hard my face jerks toward the wall.

The sting floods my cheek. I sniff hard and make a fist at my side, forcing myself to not retaliate.

She snarls, "Ya put my sister in front of that monster?"

I slowly look at her. "It was her decision."

Scarlet cries out, "Ya never listen, Alaina. I needed to do it."

Alaina jabs my chest. "Ya could have gotten her killed or kidnapped."

"That wasn't going to happen. We had them outnumbered," Devin says in my defense.

Scarlet steps next to me and declares, "I didn't tell her, Aidan. She got a phone call."

"It's fine, petal," I assure her, pulling her toward me.

Alaina shakes her head. "How dare ya take that risk."

"I told him I needed to confront him. Why can't ya ever listen and realize what I need instead of what ya think I need."

Alaina gapes at her.

"Ya don't have any idea what he put me through!" Scarlet adds.

Alaina asserts, "There's no reason ya needed to confront him. He's a monster, and he's dangerous. Ya know this."

"Yea, well, you're not me, are ya? Ya weren't the one forced to marry him and have him on top of your body every—" Scarlet cuts herself off and turns her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

I hold her tighter to me. I pin my gaze on Alaina. "This conversation's over. It was her decision, and she was safe," I insist, even though I know it was a stupid move on my part.

Alaina shakes her head at me, and she blinks her eyes. They start to glisten, and her voice trembles as she says, "Ya are not to play with fire when my sister is involved."

"I'm not playing with fire."

"I explained the situation. Why can't ya listen for once?" Scarlet accuses.

Brody interjects, "Alaina, I need ya and Scarlet to leave the room."

Alaina snaps her head toward him. "What are ya talking about?"

"Let me handle this," Brody orders, giving her a look he rarely does.

She opens her mouth, then snaps it closed.

He steps forward and puts his hands on her cheeks. "We need to think about the baby. Take your sister and go to a different room, please."

She finally caves and pulls Scarlet out of the room with her.

When the door shuts, I announce, "I'm going after Tommy. This needs to be over, and ya know it."

Brody stays silent.

"This is what we wanted. To get him out of hiding," I add.

Brody walks over to the window, puts his hand through his hair, and stares across the lawn.

Tynan interjects, "I agree with Aidan. It's what we wanted to happen."

"Agreed. Time to follow through," Devin adds.

Brody spins toward us. "I'll tell Alaina we're leaving."

"No, ya aren't going anywhere," I declare.

Brody jerks his head back. "Who do ya think ya are to give me orders?"

"Someone has to stay here with Alaina and Scarlet. Ya know that."

"We have men."

"No, we need one of us here. The three of us will take care of it," I claim, motioning to our brothers.

"But ya make bad decisions when I'm not with ya," Brody accuses.

"This isn't the time to throw shit in my face. The longer Tommy's out there, the more risk there is, not just to Scarlet but to Alaina and your baby. And ya know that. But we can't leave them without one of us here. And you're the best option to stay here," I hurl out.

"No. I'll stay. The four of ya go. And ya made a horrible call today, Aidan," Dad's voice booms.

I spin.

He points at us. "Get your arses out of here, and don't fuck it up. There's too much on the line, and you're wasting time."

We stare at him.

Dad orders, "Don't fuck it up. Now, get moving. You're leaving within the next hour."

I exit the room.

Brody follows me toward the den, muttering, "Ya really are a plonker."

"Don't start again," I warn.

"Alaina doesn't need the stress."

I freeze and bark, "Goddammit! This isn't about Alaina! Stop making this about her! Did ya ever think this was about Scarlet and what she needs?"

He turns to me.

I add, "Ya have no idea what he put her through. It was her call. I realize there were risks, but they were minimized. Now get over it." I shove past him and enter the room.

Scarlet rises and meets me halfway.

I ignore Alaina's glare and announce, "I need to talk to ya, lass."

She doesn't say anything, and I guide her out of the room to another one, then shut the door. I sit on the sofa and pull her onto my lap, announcing, "I need ya to plan the wedding. When I get back, this'll all be over."

She pins her eyebrows together, fretting, "When ya get back? Aidan, where are ya going?"

"To take Tommy out."

"I don't feel good about this."

I put my fingers over her lips. "Petal, we need this to be over. When it is, his head will be sent to the registrar, and we'll be free to marry."

She shakes her head.

I question, "Ya don't want to marry me now?"

She cries out, "Of course I do! It's all I want!"

"Good. Then ya do your job and plan everything ya want for our wedding. I'm going to go do mine."