Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 47



“I don’t understand.” Paige sits on the bed, pulling on her black leather pumps adorned with thin bows. The smooth curve of her leg tempts me to push her down on her back. I want to press my face against her plush breasts and forget what I have to deal with tonight.


I want Paige to soothe me and give me the strength to keep on going.


Later, when it’s all over, I’ll take her away from here.


“We have to make an appearance.” I walk back into the en suite, away from temptation. “Hiding in the house won’t help us get Emma back. To know what is going on, we have to be out there.”


Whoever has Emma hasn’t said anything to anybody. We pretend nothing is wrong and she’s spending time with family. It’s not unusual for a teenager to go off on her own to visit relatives. If we continue to act suspiciously, then people will know Emma is our weakness. I remind myself not to go into this situation with guns blazing.


For a good reason, I decide to return to Flour & Sauce. The popular restaurant attracts wealth, and where there is wealth, there is often trouble.


I walk back into the bedroom and slip the necklace Paige is struggling with out of her hands. The warmth of her fingers calms me. Everything about her makes me think about my life differently. But in the past, I never delved too deep into imagining other choices I could have. But there is one choice I won’t make.


Paige is carrying my child, and I won’t repeat my past.


I fasten the necklace around her neck while concealing my emotions. “Besides, shit happens when we’re at Flour & Sauce.”


Paige frowns, placing her hand on the deep sapphire pendant. “You mean shit happens to me when we’re there.”




Our private room looks out onto the main floor of the restaurant, and I booked one with clear glass, not tinted. Some people only go out to be on display, and tonight, I want to be seen. No sooner than we’re served, there’s a commotion at the front as someone enters, making a scene. The waitstaff scatters in all directions like someone has kicked over a beehive. I watch the podium and frown when Talia comes into view.


My men enter the room, but I wave them out. I place my hand over Paige’s. She hesitates to turn around and look at who has everyone’s attention.


“She’s here, isn’t she?” Paige asks, letting out a breath, and I nod. “Good. I want her to see how that makes me feel.”


Paige stands, leans in close, and kisses me passionately, so the whole place can see it. She’s never been this direct before, always waiting for me to make a move. She’s never been this aggressive before, and it’s a turn-on. I know I’m being used, but I don’t mind a bit. I pull her in closer, forgetting what prompted the kiss, and enjoy each slow stroke of her tongue against mine.


I pull back and glance over at our audience. Talia glares from across the restaurant before striding over to her table. Her favorite guard, Valeri Kozlov, follows her like a trained dog.


I could’ve sworn I killed him years ago.


Valeri smirks as he pulls out Talia’s chair so she can sit down like the lady she isn’t.


I anticipate that my phone will buzz in sixty seconds. It takes thirty.


“Is it her?” asks Paige.


I nod. “She wants to talk. Perhaps you should step out?”


Paige scoffs and shakes her head. “I’m not scared.”


I grip her hand across the table and smirk. “I’m protecting Talia from you. You look ready to pull her to pieces. If Talia has information, we have to hear it first.”


“I’ll just sit on my hands while you talk to her, but I’m not leaving the room.”


I motion to the guard, and Talia and her sycophant are escorted to our private room. Valeri is patted down while Talia is allowed to enter. Her dress is too tight and too short, and it barely conceals her body. To the other patrons, we look like two couples enjoying a meal together.


“I had hoped to speak to you alone.” Talia waits for my guard to help her with her chair. Yari is new and obliges. His eyes scan her body quickly, but he knows better—her type is lethal.


Valeri extends his hand before taking a seat, but I don’t shake it. He lifts it up and motions to the waiter, who hurries over. “You can serve our drinks here.” Valeri smiles, looking like a cardboard copy of me made with second-rate materials.


“I hope you’re feeling better,” Talia speaks to Paige in a high-pitched, sweet voice. “Andrei has put you through a lot.”


“My morning sickness has subsided.” Paige smiles back sweetly. “Thank you for your concern. Our baby is healthy, and that’s what matters.”


Talia’s eyes narrow on me. “I’m only here as a go-between.”


“In what capacity?” I ask.


Talia drapes a cloth napkin over her lap while responding flippantly. “Your sister-in-law, Emma, is my guest.”


Paige jumps to her feet, losing all calm and control, as expected. “Where is my sister? If you put her into one of those cells, I’ll bury you under one of them.”


“Paige, dear. Please sit down.” I nod to Yari, but Paige tugs herself away and sits back down.


“Careful, my dear.” Talia smiles. “You don’t want to upset the baby.”


I slam my hand down on the table and make the glasses jump. “You’re here to talk about my sister-in-law, not my baby, Talia.”


Valeri laughs. “Yes, Talia. Ladies, let’s retract the claws and discuss business like the reasonable people we are.”


Talia simmers down quickly, shifting in her seat and tugging at the hem of her dress. “Like I said, I’m only the go between.” 


“Who’s in charge?” I demand. The conversation stops as the waiter enters with the wine. He pours three glasses and refills Paige’s with water. The moment of silence cuts the tension before it can escalate further.


“I won’t tell you because I can’t,” replies Talia when the waiter leaves. She sits back and lifts her chin like a brat.


“She was with her cousin,” I reply. “What happened to him? Did you hurt him?”


Talia grins. “No, I’m not stupid enough to hurt a cop.”


“Then how did you get her if you had nothing to do with it?” Paige asks.


Too late, Talia realizes her mistake—she told the truth. She is in charge. Talia looks at Valeri.


He smiles and starts spewing bullshit. “We saw them together, and when Kenney was jumped, we swooped in.”


Talia doesn’t do favors. She doesn’t know how.


“So, you took advantage of a situation?” I ask.


She nods, then looks over at Paige. “Just like you, Andrei.” Talia picks up her wineglass but doesn’t drink. “Don’t worry. I’m treating the girl well. She’s sleeping with the staff with the door locked. It’s the only part of the house she has seen.” Talia smirks at Paige.


“What do you want, Talia?” I ask her sternly. “There is no go-between. So far, speaking to you has been a waste of time.”


“I wouldn’t lie to you, Andrei,” Talia replies. “I wouldn’t promise you something and then take it away.”


I can hardly say the words without growling. “When are you going to lose gracefully?”


“Lose?” Talia tosses her hair and eyes me. “I think I’ve won. I have Emma.”


“That doesn’t give you what you want. Which is me,” I reply coldly. “All the things you do won’t convince me to change my mind.”


“But it can change.” Talia eyes Paige, her eyes lingering on her necklace. “Do you love her, Andrei?”


I reach for Paige’s hand and hold it tight. “What do you want from us?”


Talia twists her lips, her gaze on our intertwined hands. “Do you love her, Andrei?”


I hesitate. If I say how I really feel, she’ll kill Emma. “My wife and I have a bond.”


It sounds so lame that they both laugh at us. Paige pulls her hand out of mine, and I let it go. She has to understand by now how I really feel. I’m trying hard to get Emma back in one piece. I’ve seen what Talia has done to her enemies. We both have.


“I’ll do an exchange.” Talia smiles in giddy triumph. “A Reyes for a Reyes.”


“No, you won’t pull that stunt again,” I tell her. “What was the purpose of kidnapping my wife anyway?”


“What was the purpose of your marriage?” Talia counters. “You haven’t found whatever it is that your wife is holding. I would have helped you find it if you’d had the sense to partner with me. Not an asset anymore, is she, Andrei? But she still could be. So my offer stands: a Reyes for a Reyes.”


“I won’t allow it,” I growl.


“I’ll go.” Paige’s voice is so soft I almost don’t hear her. But Talia does. 


I face Paige, staring hard into her eyes. “Paige, you can’t. I won’t allow it.”


“Emma shouldn’t be involved in any of this.” Paige turns to Talia. “Stop talking bullshit. He knows you told me about the money. This isn’t about pride or marriage. It’s about money. It always has been.”


Talia looks at Paige in shock that she’s more astute than she realized. But Paige is wrong. Talia doesn’t want money. She wants power. These things she does are only to prove she can handle it too. Suddenly, I’m out of the conversation.


“And you didn’t leave him over that?” Talia asks after a pause so slight that it might have not happened at all. “Maybe you will when I send you your sister’s ear.”


Paige stands. “Don’t you dare hurt her. You’ll get what you want. I’ll go.”


I stand, yanking Paige into my arms. I hold her tight, refusing to let her go. Valeri smiles at the two of us, but when he sees Talia’s face, his expression changes to concern.


“No, you will return the girl,” I growl. “Without any more drama. It’s over, Talia. Every trick you play makes me despise you more. I saw your true nature long ago, and I still don’t want it.”


Talia shakes her head in disbelief. “What about your wife? She’s changed, Andrei. Not so weak as when she began. She’s learned a lot from spending time with you. I hardly recognized her when I walked in.” A cruel smile plays at her lips. “Why, it’s almost as if I’m looking at myself.”


“Get out,” I snarl.


Paige yanks herself out of my grip and points her finger at Talia. “If you hurt my sister, then no one will be able to protect you.”


“How original.” Talia laughs and Valeri joins in. “Like I haven’t heard that before.”


“Saying and doing aren’t the same thing,” Paige says coldly. “Don’t test me, you bitch.”




This time we don’t drive in silence. We argue the whole way home.


“You can’t take her place.” My voice is rough and loud. “Not in your condition. Not in any condition.”


“I’m pregnant, not ill.”


“I’m not risking my baby for anyone.”


Our baby, Andrei. I’m not a walking womb.” She sighs loudly. “I don’t plan on risking our baby’s life either, but my sister is in danger.”


“I know where she is now. I’ll get her back. I got you back.”


Paige is quiet, and I can’t guess what she is thinking, so much is happening to us from all sides. I take my hand off the wheel and hold hers. “Paige, it’s hard, but it won’t always be like this.”


“Do you plan to give it up and become an insurance salesman? Out of the house at eight and back home by six. Leave your work at the office.”


I sigh as if the world has dumped its weight on my back. “I can’t even tell you that you knew what you were marrying.”


Paige sighs. “I did know. Natasha told me a smart woman would’ve run away from you. I can’t remember if that was before or after she told me I was lucky.”


“You had no choice, Paige.”


“I’ve had opportunities, but I stayed on the path of least resistance. I can’t keep making the easy choice, Andrei. The choice that won’t upset other people or make them not like me. I can’t be the good girl anymore. I have to save Emma. I’m her big sister. It’s my responsibility. And I will regret not owning up to it. I got her into this mess. Besides, I love her.”


The headlights of the Lamborghini are visible against the front gates in the distance, but I pull the car off the road and motion the Rovers to pass us. Yari slows down, but I motion for him to go. I watch the backlights until they disappear. The dark lane is a sphere of solitude where we can truly be alone and speak openly. I feel safe with Paige here.


“Do you believe Kenney?” I ask.


Paige snorts as if I’m purposefully being funny. “He’s been a bad seed since we were kids. I was stupid to think it had changed when he joined the force. I’m naïve, and I got what I deserved.”


I pull her close. “Being a good person shouldn’t be a punishment.”


She sighs, sinking against my chest in the dark. “Andrei, I want Emma to be safe. I want her to go to college, find a guy, and be happy. “


“What about a career?” I ask.


She laughs. “The way she handles that gun, I’m afraid of what she might choose.”


“She could be a cop—a good one. One who protects good people like you.”


Paige wiggles closer. “We said we would see it through,” she says. “And when it’s over—”


I pull her close. “It’s far from over.”


“We need a plan, and you know what I want to do.”


I nod. “I don’t like you being bait.”


“Neither do I, but I’ll do it for someone I love.”


“Paige, at the restaurant when Talia asked …”


“You don’t have to say anything, Andrei. I understand.” Paige looks down at her feet to avoid my eyes, and the hurt in her voice is unmistakable.


I kiss her hair softly, enjoying the moment, hoping she will be happy with the thing I’m about to give her. “So, you know that I love you?”


“I had my hopes.” Paige looks up into my eyes. “But it’s always good to hear you say those words out loud.”


I smile. “I love you, and I want you to be my wife.”


Paige places her hands on my cheeks and stares into my eyes. Slowly, I move closer, taking her lips with mine. This kiss lacks the savage passion displayed at the restaurant, but there’s something in it that is stronger. I feel something I have not felt before when she touches me. I feel Paige letting go and giving herself to me. She’s no longer cautious or second-guessing herself. The doubts are gone as the kiss goes deeper and sends chills through my body.


I pull her close while we sit in the dark. “We’ll spring our own trap,” I tell her. “And make an exchange in the Poconos.”


Paige smirks. “We’ll have to find a different location. The inn won’t have us back.”




When I pull into the driveway, I notice Eva’s rooms are dark. I try not to go off because everyone is stretched thin looking for Emma. Sonya is waiting for us at the entrance. She has been staying with Eva as an act of solidarity. She will leave Mom’s rooms when I decide to be reasonable and not act like a bully. Sonya states her conditions as the masseuses they hired rub their feet. I can’t stay angry at them for long.


“Where’s Mother?” I ask Sonya.


“She’s in the garden.”


“At this time of night?” I make a face like they’re all crazy. “Get her back in the house. Talia is up to her old tricks. We’re on lockdown. No one enters or leaves without my permission.”


I stare out the office window at Natasha. The beam of her flashlight bounces in the darkness as she walks down the incline to the maze. I should’ve burned that damn thing the moment Vasily dropped dead.


The memories it holds are as still as visceral as when I was a boy experiencing them for the first time.


But Eva likes it, so I let it be.