Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 48



The four of them—Andrei, Dmitri, Natasha, and Vanya—have been making plans for hours, locked in the office while I watch them, feeling useless.


Andrei discusses with Natasha who would be the best suited for each individual job. Who’s the best driver, the best spy, and the best shooter. Dmitri examines the routes to and from, including possible escape routes. Vanya checks in on guards sent out on surveillance. They send him detailed reports on what is happening at Talia’s home and in the Poconos.


The details are intricate, the stakes are high, and the risk is real. I want to be involved but keep myself from interfering. The goal is to get Emma back, not prove that I belong.


Viktor knocks again and pleads his case as soon as the door is opened. “I want to go,” Viktor says, pushing his way into the room. “Emma will see me and know it’s a rescue.”


This time, Andrei relents, knowing that Viktor is right. Andrei has never looked this troubled, and he is willing to consider all suggestions that won’t put Emma’s life further at risk. He points out to the others that Talia has never met Viktor, and he can easily blend in wearing a hotel uniform.


“Remember. Don’t try to be the hero,” Andrei warns Viktor. “You’ll be our eyes.”


Viktor solemnly agrees and takes a seat by Vanya. He glances over at me, and I can’t even imagine how frightened I must look. I’m trying to look brave but failing. Viktor gives me a sympathetic smile, and I notice the sadness in his eyes. A small show of understanding, and I feel a pit lodge in my throat. Viktor feels what I feel more than anyone else in the house. I smile back shyly and leave the room.




“They’re late.” Andrei paces the hotel room, waiting for the signal—headlights flashing three times in the parking lot. “There’s no reason for them to be late. It’s a simple trade.”


I look down at my watch, and the glowing numbers change too slowly. An hour has passed since we arrived here at the Colonial Inn, and still, no sign of them. I step over to the window and peer out into the darkness. Is this part of Talia’s plan? The trade was scheduled for while the sun was up, but it’s long gone now.


Dmitri takes my hand. “Please, Paige, don’t go near the windows.”


“The lights are off,” I explain as he leads me over to the couch.


The hotel room is dark except for the ambient light from the nightlight in the bathroom. The overstuffed furniture has been moved away from the door and moved closer to the walls. Everything has been rearranged, so if someone bursts inside, there’s a clear shot. I sigh as I sit down heavily. I’m starting to understand why they do certain things.


“They may have infrared scopes on their weapons,” he replies. “Better safe than sorry.”


For the first time, I appreciate that Dmitri is a part of the Barinov Bratva. The plan was simple. We would wait for Talia’s men to bring Emma to the parking lot of the Colonial Inn at 8:00 p.m. sharp, and one Reyes would be traded for another. But I wouldn’t be leaving with her men.


Now the plan has changed again. Talia is late.


From a safe distance on the couch, I watch the parking lot below and wait to see the headlights. Each time a car turns into the lot, I’m on my feet and back at the window. But there’s no signal. Something bad must’ve happened, and my anxiety is driving me wild as my nervousness begins to show. I start to consider what I’ve been shutting out of my brain. I’m afraid I won’t see Emma again.


Suddenly, the faint rumble of an SUV is heard in the distance. This time is it them? My heart pounds in anticipation, overshadowing my fear. I grip the seat cushion underneath me, digging my nails into the stiff tweed fabric as I wait to see the signal.


The SUV stops, and there it is. Three quick flashes of light in the dark. It’s time. I rush toward the door leading out into the hallway.


“No, Paige.” Andrei’s hand grips tightly onto mine, preventing me from opening it. “We have to wait. If you open the door, we won’t know who’s on the other side waiting.”


“But she’s out there,” I argue, pointing to the window. “She’s in that car.” As I look out, the headlights flash again—three more times. My struggle increases as I try to wiggle my hand out of his firm grasp.


Andrei pulls me into his arms, tight and hard against his broad chest. His body is solid and steady against me, and it calms me down while I catch my breath.


“Emma means a lot to me,” he whispers. “But I’m not going to risk your life for anyone. Paige, I’ll save her.”


I kiss his chin softly and nod. “I know. I’ve seen you save me.”


There’s a knock on the door before Viktor opens it with a key card. He’s dressed in a navy uniform, which matches the kitchen staff of the hotel. He peers into the room, his eyes adjusting to the low light.


“It’s clear,” he says before he moves away from the door.


We head downstairs in the elevator, and I squeeze my eyes closed, wrangling in my mixed emotions. The elevator beeps at each floor like a mocking countdown until I see my sister. Hope and fear battle each other in my chest and squeeze my heart. I open my eyes, determined to play it cool. My hatred for Talia makes me determined and strong.


Viktor’s phone buzzes, and Andrei turns on him.


“I said no contact!” shouts Andrei.


Viktor speaks in a panic. “The license plate is wrong. Vanya said the plate on the SUV that left the house was DKY-592. The plate in the parking lot is MNK-943. They switched cars while on the road!”


The elevator doors open, but we don’t move. Andrei stops in his tracks, holding his arm out and stopping me from getting out. “Viktor. Take a closer look and then come back.”


Viktor uses the key card to hold the elevator. Bowing his head, he steps out quickly and grabs a suitcase as if he’s on an errand. He returns, and the doors swiftly close.


“What did you see?” asks Andrei.


“They flashed the lights again, but whoever it is, they’re still in the car.” Viktor pauses. “I could only see men in the car.”


“They’re waiting for us to walk into a trap.” Swearing, Andrei looks at me, and I know what he’s going to say. I shake my head, not wanting to hear it. “Viktor. Take Paige back up to the room and wait.”


I lunge at him as if I’m going to attack him. “No, Andrei. She’s out there.”


He grips me hard. “Paige, it’s a trap.”


I don’t care if the others are watching me break down. I’ll run out there and fall at Talia’s feet, begging for my little sister. I reach out and hold onto Andrei’s jacket, ready to plead that he not take this foolish risk. I can’t lose everything.


“We both know Emma is not in that car,” Andrei insists. “Talia’s fooled us, Paige.”


I shake my head harder and grip tighter. “Call her. Demand to know where Emma is, but don’t walk into her trap.”


The elevator doors open on our floor, and Andrei hesitates. It must be obvious by now that we know something is wrong. Andrei steps out of the elevator, and we hurry back to the room. He won’t listen to me. He’ll lock me in the bathroom and then head out to face Talia without me. I stumble down the hallway, his hand firmly on my upper arm. My pleas are ignored until I break away. Dmitri catches hold of me before I can run.


“Paige, we have to do it my way,” says Andrei. “You have to be somewhere safe.”


He opens the doors of the room, and I only have just enough time to stop before I’m knocked to the floor. Andrei lies over me as his gun comes out of the jacket.


The patio doors shatter in a rapid blast of bullets, sending glass in all directions.


Talia’s men came looking for us. But Viktor saw men waiting in the SUV.


Somehow, I make it back out into the hallway. Stumbling down the hall to the elevator, one of my shoes is gone, and Andrei is behind me, shouting orders as Dmitri covers our rear.


A man rounds the corner in front of us, and I let out a scream, foolishly giving us away. But I sag with relief against the wall when I recognize Yari.


“The men in the SUV?” asks Andrei.


“They tried to drive away.” Yari looks at me. “The girl wasn’t there. We checked the trunk to be sure. They’ve surrounded the hotel. We step outside and they take a shot.”


“Where’s Natasha?” Andrei asks.


“She’s in the woods with her men,” he answers. “They’re maneuvering behind them.”


We don’t get back onto the elevator. Instead, we hurry down the fire stairs. My instincts come back to me as I kick off my other shoe so I can run for my life. Viktor uses his passkey to let us into the basement, but something is blocking the exit door to go outside.


The men push against the door until it finally moves, and a dead body rolls out of the way. Dmitri rolls up the sleeves on the man’s forearms and inspects the tattoos.


“No Karamazov tattoos,” he says.


“I know him!” Viktor looks down at the corpse, and his face lights up in recognition. “He was with Gleb Novikov at the party.”




I look out the window of the Rover as Yari drives us back to the mansion. Andrei holds my hand, and his thumb strokes my knuckles. They talk among themselves, reviewing what happened, saying things I’d rather not hear. The air outside is heavy, and fog covers the road. I wonder if it has rained or if it will. I can’t tell. And I don’t really care. I try to focus on something other than my raw disappointment.


Where is Emma? I try not to blame myself again, but it’s useless. I hate myself for fucking up her life. I think about Talia’s basement with its dark, damp cells. I wonder if she’s in one—cold and hungry. I sniff a little too loudly, and Andrei squeezes my hand.


I know he’s trying to comfort me, but it only makes me feel worse. I don’t deserve any kindness when my sister is in trouble. Trouble that I caused. I wanted to trade places with her because my guilt is worse than any pain.


“You’re deep in thought,” Andrei whispers to me while the others continue to talk.


“I’m just feeling sorry for myself,” I reply stiffly. “When I shouldn’t. I’m safe and on my way home. While Emma is being held against her will.”


“She’ll be back with us soon, Paige.” He slips his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in. “Talia wouldn’t risk hurting Emma to get even.”


I sigh in frustration. “I don’t understand how Kenney is involved in all this.”


Dmitri answers me from the front seat. “We’ve been looking at the wrong Bratva. Igor Karamazov has maintained that he has had nothing to do with this. Well, maybe not on his own if Gleb Novikov really is bragging about his newly acquired power as the head of his own Bratva.”


“They were loyal to us,” replies Viktor. “I thought Gleb was just fucking with me that night, but apparently not.”


“I wonder.” Andrei doesn’t answer them, and he waits until they resume their own conversation. “Perhaps Gleb shot up his own wedding. Neither his parents nor his bride survived. He is the last one left in control. All he needs at this point is a financier.”


“Do you really think Kenney could be involved with Gleb?” I ask.


Andrei sighs. “You said he was a bad seed. Maybe he learned something that was too tempting to pass up. Greed comes in all forms. For your father, it came in the form of money. For Kenney, power.”


I’m silent with my thoughts as I run my thumb over my wedding ring heavy with diamonds.


Am I any different?


I rationalized the jewels and money and gifts as compensation for being thrown into the mess I’m in. I let myself believe it was okay to be taken care of for a change. I convinced myself, but am I any better?


Does being in love make it different? Make it less criminal?


“They could be working together.” Dmitri intrudes on our conversation again. “Talia is involved in their plan. That woman won’t give up easily. She’s more dangerous than a man. Even if Igor isn’t directly involved, he’s using her to turn the tables on us.”


Andrei is quiet as heavy drops of rain start to pelt the windshield. Alone with his thoughts while he holds me tightly in his arms. I glance at his face—into the eyes staring straight ahead and his mouth set in a grim line.


I don’t want to know the thoughts in his head right now.


Andrei looks determined to prove he won’t lose at any cost. What will he do to Talia to get Emma back?


No, the better question is what will he let me do once that happens?


I don’t know, and perhaps I don’t want to know. Because every time I think about what I will do to Talia, it leaves me equal parts terrified and excited.


And it’s harder and harder to figure out which part is winning.