Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 9



Nothing else is said, and soon the Rover pulls into the driveway in front of the mansion. Andrei jumps out before me and walks away from the Rover.


Dmitri meets my gaze in the rearview mirror. “He has done a lot for you,” he says. “But he is hard to reach. Maybe you’d appreciate what he has sacrificed if you could make him talk to you?”


“It’s not your business,” I snap. “I’ve had enough advice.”


“He’s my pakhan, so it is my business,” he replies stiffly. “Behave for the next few days, Paige Geraldovna, please. For all our sakes.”


Dmitri doesn’t wait for a response, and I don’t have one. He gets out of the car and heads toward the house. Every day, he must wish he had pulled over when Andrei first snatched me and dumped me out on the sidewalk instead of taking me here.


I sit in the Rover, and my emotions overpower me. I didn’t ask for this. If he had just left me alone, neither of us would be in this mess. I don’t even know how to make Andrei confide in me.


I breathe in deeply and finally step out. The gates behind me open, but I’m too tired to run. I’m tired of running for my life, and I miss home. My real home. A nurse comes out of the mansion, and I watch her get into her car and drive through the open gates. What’s she doing here?


The front door opens for me, and Eva pulls me into her arms. The warmth of her hug transforms me. Sonya stands close behind with a luminous smile beaming on her face. She takes her turn and also hugs me tight.


“Paige, I’m so happy you are safe,” she says. “I was worried when I heard the news.”


“Of course she’s safe,” crows Eva. “Your brother would stop at nothing to get his wife back.”


I’m thrown off balance by the warmth of their greeting. Knowing someone missed me and wasn’t worried that I wouldn’t be around to serve their greater goal.


“I’m happy to see you both.” The tears I held back come out in a sloppy, ugly cry. I don’t give a shit. Let them see me cry. I’m not weak. I’ve been strong, and I still am. I’ve seen hell, and I can handle it. I always do.


Eva holds me until I pull away and rub my face dry, taking in a slow breath. Only then do I become aware of another nurse walking into the mansion and heading upstairs. That makes no sense. The other men arrived after us, and no one was carried in. Andrei said they lost no men, so why do they need a nurse?


I snap out of it. I’m clear-headed, as if I’ve gotten eight hours of sleep. “What is going on? Why is there a nurse here?”


Eva looks over at Andrei, who stands in his office doorway. His cold gaze makes me brace myself for the worse. “Your sister is here, along with your father. He is receiving treatment.”


I’m caught off balance, not expecting to hear this. At first, I’m delighted, but then the truth hits me like my world is caving in. My family didn’t come here by choice.


Andrei has my family. Clearly, there’s something else in his plans. He still needs me. But why?


“I want to see them.”


“Perhaps you should rest first, my dear.”


I shake Eva’s hand off my shoulder. “It’s my family!”


I head toward the stairs, surprising myself with my swift movements after my ordeal. I head toward the room where I was held when I was first brought here. A tall beanpole of a boy is standing outside the door. Charcoal black hair hangs in his eyes as he watches me. Ignoring him, I head to the door.


Nyet,” he says, blocking my way.


It happens so fast that I don’t realize I’ve done it. Without a thought, I lift my hand and slap the young guard across his face. He’s stunned but not hurt as he blinks his eyes in surprise. I take a timid step back and then remember my place.


I am still his pakhan’s wife.


“Step aside,” I command him. “Now.”


His gaze goes past me, and I don’t need to turn around to know Andrei is standing there. The boy unlocks the door and steps out of my way.


I pause, looking at him with the harshest look I can muster. “Keep the door unlocked.”


I’m shaking from fear and power after I pull that scene off. Emma is lying facedown on the bed. She looks up with red, swollen eyes and is in my arms in one giant leap. I hold her tight, and this really feels like coming home.


“Are you okay?” I ask.


She gives me an astonished look. “Me? What about you?”


Laughing, we collapse on the bed.


“Dad is receiving treatments,” she says.


“I saw the nurse,” I reply.


“I spoke to her once. Dad is comfortable, but that’s all we can expect.”


“Wait, you haven’t talked to him?”


Emma makes a face. “Your husband won’t let us.”


Anger bubbles in me. “He has no right to do that.”


“Maybe you’ll have a better chance to convince him than me,” Emma says. “I’m sure he’ll listen to you.”


“I don’t know about that,” I sigh. “I’m still angry at Andrei for bringing you here.”


“Didn’t he rescue you?” she asks. “I get that he’s a domineering jerk-head, but if Dad wasn’t here getting treatments, Dad would be dead. I’m not happy about being forced to come here, but it’s not as awful as it could be for us.”


My anger slips though I want to hang on to it. It gives me the strength I need to confront Andrei. To ask him about the things Talia said. I glance at the door and Andrei is standing there, watching us from the open doorway. My anger is given a second life.


I get up and march over to him. “We need to talk.”


He leads me to the end of the hallway to a door with no guard. But before he can open it, I catch his hand.


“Why did you bring my family here?” I ask.


“To protect them,” he replies.


“Because of Talia?”


He doesn’t respond as he opens the door. The room is dark and empty except for an old bedroom set that needs dusting. I follow him in, and he shuts the door.


“Did something else happen?” I ask. “How much danger are they in?”


“None from me, Paige,” he replies, opening a closet door. “Your family are guests.”