Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 11



Later that night, I do what Andrei expects of a wife and return to his private apartment. My heart is battling with my head as I sleep in the same bed as my pakhan. On the one hand, I want to hate Andrei for what he has done, for controlling my life, and now, my family, and making a mess of it.


But on the other hand, Dad is back in treatment, and Emma—despite being a captive—is spoiled by Eva and Sonya. Her room is bursting with clothes and gadgets as she lies on her bed with her new laptop. Despite my hurt, I can’t help but feel grateful for all that Andrei has done for my family as I lean into his body.


Eventually, I close my eyes, craving his warmth next to me. His arms wrap around me, his breath on my neck, and his strength radiates against my body. A shiver deep inside shakes me, and he holds me tighter. I place my hand on my belly, cradling it softly in the palm of my hand.


My mind imagines what could be between us if our life were normal. I wish the calm would last in the morning.


The next day, Andrei is gone before breakfast, so I have lunch with Emma on the terrace. Maybe it’s Emma’s presence, but I’m shown a respect by the staff that had been begrudgingly given before her arrival. They were always polite because they had to be, but now my status seems secure. I try not to worry and enjoy a cool breeze on a hot August day.


“Did you finish the semester?” I ask her curtly.


“You mean before I was snatched off the street?” she asks. “Paige, I’ve been locked in a bedroom, but I got my final grades.”


I frown at her sarcasm, but it was a stupid question. “How were you brought here?”


“I didn’t feel like walking home from school,” she explains. “So, I called an Uber. And Viktor picked me up and brought me here.”


“That’s a reliable trick.”


“That it is.” Emma stares past me, watching something behind my back. I almost dread looking, and by the time I turn around, whatever it was is gone.


“What were you looking at?” I ask her.


Emma’s gaze is miles away. “Eva just slipped into the maze,” she whispers.


“Oh,” I laugh. “She likes to walk the grounds. It’s how she stays so slim.”


“No, Paige, that’s not why she goes in there.” Emma glances toward the garage, and I do too, but Natasha and her cigarettes are nowhere to be seen.


We appear to be all alone, but someone is always watching.


Emma leans across the table and lowers her voice. “One day, I tried to run away, and I made it all the way to the maze. I figured there were woods behind it. Well, Eva was in there with some old man. A man with tattoos.”


“Was it someone from the household?” I ask.


Emma shakes her head. “No, I’ve never seen him before or since. But that’s not the worst part; they were talking about someone who sounded like Dad. I could only hear stray words. They said cancer, under care, money, and guns.”


She looks over her shoulder before continuing.


“And then the man kissed her. And I don’t mean on the cheek. He really kissed her. Like she was everything to him—the sun, moon, stars, and every planet in the sky. Do you know anything about that?”


“I don’t know who it could be,” I whisper. “I only know that Sonya, the sister, doesn’t share the same father as Andrei. But that’s all.”


“Is that why they’re hiding?” she asks.


“Andrei’s father is dead. Why should they hide?”


“Shhh.” Emma lowers her head and pokes at her garden salad. My body stiffens and I don’t turn to look. From the corner of my eye, I see Eva creep toward the garage and around the house until she’s out of sight.


Emma and I sit in silence and wait until it’s safe.


“Don’t tell anyone else about what you saw,” I say sternly. “Especially not Andrei.”


“You think I’m crazy?” Emma looks offended that I would even say what I did. “Your husband is good-looking, but he has this evil look in his eyes. I’m not telling him shit.”


“Emma, I don’t know how, but I’ll get you out of here. I will.”


She stares at me as if caring about her safety is an insult. “I’m not going anywhere, Paige. I’m staying here with Dad. I need to be here to look after him.”


“It’s not up to you to protect Dad.”


“You have no business telling me what to do,” she continues hotly. “Besides, where am I going to go that’s safe? Am I supposed to go live with cousin Kenney? I’d rather stick my head up my ass than spend time with him. Do you know they cleaned a corpse off our kitchen floor? You have nerve telling me what I can and cannot do after you got us into this mess.”


“I’m not the reason why we’re in this mess,” I reply. “I’m the reason why we’re still alive. Something has been going on for years, and I’ll find out what it is. But in the meantime, I can protect Dad better than you because I am Andrei’s wife.”


“Didn’t he kidnap you?” She scoffs at my wide eyes. “The guards sometimes talk in English. Oh, wait, you were kidnapped twice. Is that the kind of protection that comes as Andrei’s wife?”


“Watch your mouth, Emma, and adjust your tone. I won’t tolerate your snarky bullshit while we’re here. You might think it’s cute to be blunt, but your sass will get us hurt. Learn fast before I have to teach you.”


Her eyes stare at me in shock with a touch of fear. My hands are clenched in fists, and I have to breathe deeply to keep my body from shaking. I wasn’t myself. Instantly, I want to apologize and pull her into my arms, but this is not a game. This is our new reality—a dangerous reality. I’m not the only one who has to change.


“You’ve never spoken to me like that before.” Slowly, she closes her gaping mouth and looks away. “Ever.”


Emma appears quite small as her shoulders slump, not knowing where to look. She places her fork down softly and stands up from the table.


I break first. I reach for her, but she dodges my hand. “Emma, I’m sorry, but we have to be careful.”


She won’t look at me. Emma holds up her hand to halt my words and hurries up the terrace steps toward the house. Viktor appears at the French door and Emma seems startled by him. She takes a quick step back and hesitates when he opens the door. She looks up into his eyes, and patiently, he bows and opens the door wider. Emma grins slightly and they disappear into the house.


I sit down at the table, but my appetite is completely gone. Should I blame it on my hormones? Or my recent trauma? Or Dad being sick?


No, my husband is turning me into a bitch. I am losing my temper because I’m being kept in the dark by the man that controls my life. Not only that, but he holds my life in his hands and there is nothing I can do about it.


I’m not surprised Emma is cautious around Andrei. She always had better taste in men than me. She’s not the type to be swept off her feet by looks and flash. She demands substance and to be treasured.


And she is in a better position to see Dad. No one would suspect her.


I head back into the house and motion to the maid to clear the table. No mincing Paige, no shy smiles loaded down with “please.” I point, and she fetches.


If I can’t have love, then I’ll take respect.


I head upstairs to the second floor. I don’t see Viktor, but sometimes he sits in Emma’s room. I wonder if that’s wise, but she’s had enough of my challenges for today. There are no other guards on the doors, but my father must be on this floor. I check each door and find empty bedrooms until I reach the door at the end of the hall.


Inside is my father. And Andrei. He sits beside my father’s reclining bed, reading his phone. He looks up as I slowly approach my father’s bedside. It’s been a week, but Dad has changed. I thought with the treatment, he would look stronger, but he’s so frail underneath the covers. Drool comes down the corner of his mouth, and I take a tissue and wipe it away.


Andrei stands beside me, and my breathing picks up.


He kidnapped me, but I would be devastated if Andrei made me leave. My father’s eyes slowly open, but when he sees me standing beside my husband, he snaps them shut again and turns his head away.


Quickly, I walk out of the room, not sure where to go. Andrei’s heavy footsteps follow me as I head downstairs. I step into his office, leaving the door open. He walks up to me and places his hand on my cheek, but I move away.


I stand tall. “You have to do something for me to get back into my good graces.”


He smirks. “Of course.”


I know what he thinks—that I want a dress or a piece of jewelry.


My mind is on the terrible things I saw in that basement. And if what Dad told me in the hospital—about the money and about Mom—is true, then there’s something else that Andrei can give me.


Justice, vengeance, and blood.


“The killer wasn’t the only one who hurt my mother.” I recall the last conversation I had in the hospital. “Others in the past have also hurt her. Raped her. I’m certain of it. I want you to find them.”


His look turns stony as he stares into my eyes. “I can.”


“Good.” I close my eyes. “I believe they will lead the way to my mother’s murderer. But I want them killed, one by one, until you find the final culprit. One of them is bound to snitch to save his own neck.”